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Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Thankfully she had the presence of mind to bring her weapon along with her, having a gaze around the room she noticed there was only two entrances for her to progress forward, as before a staircase leading up and a hole in the ground with a ladder leading down, however there was a strange aura about this room and it was almost certain something would happen if she stuck around for long, however there were no signs that she would know exactly what would happen so once more it was up to her whether to stick around or not.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Glad to had bring her weapon, Carol went down the hole to find herself in what looks to be another room with another staircase and a lander going down, the place also feels weirds for even her, she shivers and decide to get out of the room quickly, taking the lander down hole once again, mybe she will be safe the time enough to get a dress before get out of this hole, as she suppose than all the humanoids are upstair.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Going down the hole, Carol descended down the ladder until she found herself in what looked like another camp area like the one where Rachel dropped her off, this must be one of the safe zones she mentioned as the campfire was currently lit and there was a bed for her to rest on alongside a small box to store anything she found while exploring these spires. She could stop for a quick rest break, examine the camp in greater detail or continue on as she is.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

With great happiness of being in a safe place like Rachel has inform her, Carol decide to store her weapon for a moment and then search more around the camp for anything useful than she could find, then to calm and recover of all the incidents at the other spire, the young woman will rest for a moment on the soft bed, maybe feeling herself weird of do it nude-
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Carol managed to find herself a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt with some replacement white panties and a a white bra, Carol for now decided to rest as she laid herself on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, contemplating in her thoughts what had happened to her since she arrived here at these strange spires...
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

After search for a while, Carol manage to find some clothes than she wear in not time. She make a sigh of relief as her body is covered once again, she even find some underewar yet unfortunately her legs were still a little sored after the run so she went to the best and rest a little. She wanted to stop thinking in what had passed to her but she cant manage to clean her mind.

After a time she decide to get up and prepare to leave this safe zone. Ready to continue her journey, as she is supposed to find some persons than will help her, as Rachel has said.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Climbing up the ladder from the camp, Carol was once again presented with the exits from earlier that would either lead onward, hide secrets or just waste some of her time, the foreboding aura was gradually growing stronger in this room now.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once up again, Carol found herself with a strange feeling again, it was not pleasant at all and she was not ready to find out what could be so she decide to continue checking the place, taking the path than she havent taken the last time
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The only remaining route was a staircase leading upwards, as she got up to the stairs she was immediately presented with about three doors, all clearly marked, the leftmost door had a steel theme to it and was marked with a wooden sign that read [Punishment Room], the center door was created from the same rock that seemed to make up most if not all of the spires, it had another wooden sign like all the other doors, this one was marked [Monster Control]. The right most one was marked with a steel door with many chains and locks adorning it, and a metal sign that said [WARNING: KEEP OUT, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS MONSTERS WITHIN!]
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once upstair, Carol started to sweat by the many dangerous doors than were in front of her. All this looks to be really worng, she started to think than maybe she should leave, but as she is alone, maybe she could find out what she could get from these. She take the "Monster control" door, expecting to find a way to control the monsters at this place.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Opening the door that was marked monster control with the intent to learn how to control some of these monsters, she walked in and found herself in a strangely out of place room, it visually resembled a labratory of sorts as she had a gaze around, there was a corridor leading forwards to a door at the end, but to both of her sides she beheld tanks of water, holding many strange monsters within like jellyfish, weird variations of fish and squid and strangest of all what looked like mermaids, swimming about in the large tank of water, almost all of them seemed to have noticed Carol in the hallway, the jellyfish pressing its tentacles up against the glass and futilely trying to get at her and the strange fish doing the same, bumping up against the glass. The mermaid seemed to ignore Carol however, looking around Carol could see the floor was polished to perfection, her reflection visible in the ground. There was also a ladder leading upward on the right side tank, leaving her able to climb in one of the tanks if she so desired...that probably wasnt a good idea though, judging from the reception shes getting from the aquatic monsters.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once inside the door, Carol found what looks to be some kind of lab. However she soon frown by how the strange creatures tried to hunt her. Seriously? i cant believe than they are acting like that just for me. her attention turn then to what looks to be mermaids and she amazed look to them, until she wonder why these creatures dont try anything to them, maybe she should not get close them as they cold be dangerous. She also notice than she could have access to the tanks, but that is not even an option, these creatures looks to be really dangrerous for even try it. She soon decide to check the door at the end of the passage, before something bad could happen.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Checking the door, it seemed to be quite a normal wooden one, opening it a creak to peer inside, Carol caught a glimpse of what looked like....a zoo of sorts, housing many monsters inside, however she couldnt get a glimpse of much else because of her looking through the crack in the door, and entering the room might expose her position to any assailants waiting inside...there was a light thumping noise as the monsters in the tanks were still trying futilely to get out of their tanks and at Carol.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once she look slighty what holds the other room, she notice than nothing good will come from be here, more likely the other room looks to be infested with many creatures and she could get in danger if the owner of this place find her, so she decide to leave and quickl roon awy of the acuarium too until she reach where the three doors are, she then just by curiosity opened the one labed "punishment room" to see what she will find there
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Not wanting to take any chances the human girl left and took a peek into the punishment room, this room wasnt that much better than the monster control room as she saw what looked like...a sort of large open room inside, there were multiple sexual objects such as wooden horses, chains and sex machines. Alongisde this were multiple shelves and racks holding sexual implements such as dildos and anal beads. It looked like there was no one inside as this room was lit much more than the other room, many torches lining the walls giving it a very dungeon-esque feel...
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once inside, Carol get completely stuned by the sudden vision of a BSM room. All was clear now, this spire belongs to someone powerfull than looks to love to use monsters and objects against her/his victims.

With the three doors looking to be really dangerous, Carol not just get out the room but get out the whole spire, chosing other spire to check up or if there is not any other spire she will take the upstairs from the start of the building
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Running away from the spire, she found herself making a mad sprint to the safe room where Rachel would most likely be waiting, when she got there Rachel was indeed waiting there, who looked at Carol in a puzzled manner and said "Back already?" before getting off the perch she was on and walking over to Carol.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Looking her possibilities at the place, Carol decide to return to the start and there she found the Harpy Rachel who soon ask why she had returned.

After recover her breath, Carol answer feeling herself bad for had taken a small time there before return Ehm, i get lost and found many creepy things, like a blonde woman with horns and wings than was nearly naked and wanted to rape me. Then i found a place like a zoo filled with monsters, so i fail to find your friends. Said Carol sad at the end. I dunno what to do, maybe i should ask you some questions. Like what is that door bellow the town or which path should i take to find your friends.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The harpy blinked as Carol almost immediately unloaded on her about what had happened while she was exploring the spires, the harpy answered "I see you met the wild life.", when Carol asked how to get to her friends Rachel shrugged and said "When i meant friends i meant more monster girls like me, mostly kidding." she smirked, "Anything else you gonna ask?" she asked again, yawning and perching on a log in the room.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Ah, sorry. I was just stressed by how all suddenly happened. Carol answer looking to be sad about had made Rachel get bombarded with questions nd complains.

Maybe i should return down and look for some food or more things. But first that woman with horns made me think than i should at least... take the chance to decide with wich one should i try my first time... This is so weird and i feel ashamed to ask, but Rachel can i pass a private time with you? You has been so kind with me, just please something not so rough, im not so experienced as you know. Carol said getting close the harp girl and trying to hug her if she allow her.