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Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

"Um... how about the Sisters of the Feathery Veil."

"Well, they're a large group of harpies who inhabit the mountainsides on this island. They are actually quite beautiful, but can be quite deadly. They frequently prey upon the lowland inhabitants, carrying them off to be never seen again."

"Well, I guess I should steer clear of them. How about the Rogues of the Misty Coast?"

"They are a group of thieves and assassins who's true location is unknown. Honestly, I don't know much about them myself. So, if you want to know more I suggest you ask around the tavern in the coastal town of Brineton. Be careful though, the locals don't take kindly to humans."

"Good to know. How about the Alluring Maelstrom?"

"To be honest, nobody knows much about them at all. The only way you'd be able to find out anything is to inspect the misty shores near the Brineton Cliffs to the far north of Brineton."

"Hrm, and how about the Kurol Resistance?"

"To put things simply, they're a group of people who are against the enslavement of anyone. However, they are very military-minded and very strict."

"Seems worth a look.":

A. Attempt to join one of the factions (specify).

B. Ask about any other options.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Rogues sound like fun.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

"I guess the rogues sound fun, I guess. I'll head out and try to join them."

However, once Winona got almost the door, Cherry cries out, "Wait!"

Winona stops and turns, concerned, "What is it?"

"It would probably be best for you to change your appearance before going to Brineton."

"... So, should I get a haircut or something?"

Cherry laughs, "No, that would be enough."

"Then, what should I do?"

"There's a shaman in the swamp to the south who'll be able to change your appearance."


"Yes, just keep heading that way and keep wandering through the swamp 'til you find it," She says as she points the way, "You'll know the house when you see it.":

A. Go to get transformed.

B. Take your chances in Brineton
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

A. Swamps sound like fun.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

"Thanks for the info. That should be a lot of help," Winona leans in and impulsively kisses Cherry, blushing in embarrassment afterwards.

Cherry giggles and waves Winona goodbye, "Feel free to stop by anytime~."

Winona blushes as she starts walking south. She didn't encounter any problems, that was until she got to the swamp. Nearby, she heard the cries of a couple of her fellow male crew members. What should she do?:

A. Investigate the source.

B. Keep going to swamp.

C. Run away.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

A. Whether it's crew members that need saving or a sexy ambush, let's do it!
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona crawls though the bushes and peeks through the other side. Winona gasps at the scene. The male crew members that bullied her on the ship were stripped and shackled in a line. They were surrounded by three mischievous succubi. They talked of selling them to slavers in Brineton.

What should Winona do?:

A. Save them.

B. Forget them and continue on her quest.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

B You are a really little weak human
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona backs away slowly and whispers to herself, "Screw them, they were jerks anyway..."

Winona spends the next hour hiking south until she arrives at a hut on the edge of the swamp.

What should she do?:

A. Knock on the door.

B. Pass the house by.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

make a peek first then if she dont see anything rare or dangerous do A
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona looks over the shack and shrugs, "Well, I suppose this is as good a place as any to begin looking for that shaman."

She then approaches it and knocks on the door. As the door opened, Winona was greeted by a pale green colored snail girl with magenta patterns on her back and sides inhabiting a large, pale blue snail shell slightly taller than Winona herself. "May I help you?"

Winona pulls back a bit, ready to flee at any second, wary of Berry's warning, "Um... W-Would y-you happen to be a shaman who is capable of changing my appearance?"

The snail smiles, "Why, yes I am. My name is Rhi, come on in~."

What should Winona do?:

A. Enter.

B. Run away.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

A. Enter, but very warily.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona hesitates at first before entering cautiously. Inside the hut were several shelves lined with bottles of various different colored liquids and jars filled with all sorts of strange things. There were also several stacks of books and scrolls scattered about, a pile of large rocks arranged into a firepit, and there were faint traces of slime trails on the floor. Rhi enters behind her and closes the door behind them.

"So, why do you want to change your appearance?"

"Well, I... um...."

"Go on, spit it out, I won't bite~."

"I want to fit in when I go to Brineton."

"Why do you want to go there?"

"Well, I... erm..."

Rhi laughs, "It's okay, you don't need to tell me. Now, I'm going to need to make you a potion and it'll take a few minutes. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all."

Rhi smiles and exits her shell and slowly flips it so the hole was facing upwards and places it in the center of the fire pit and braces it so it would stay up right. She then sets a fire in the firepit before filling the shell with water. Winona watches intently as Rhi adds a wide variety of liquids and ingredients from the jars on the shelves into the shell and mixes it with a long stick from atop a large step stool. About half an hour later, the shell was filled with a lightly bubbling pink liquid which smelled very sweet.

"Alright, it's all ready for you~."

Winona looks at it in shock, "I have to drink ALL of this?!"

Rhi stares for a moment before laughing, "No silly, you need to submerge yourself in the potion and think of an animal."

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Of course, trust me~."

Should Winona trust her?:

A. Yes.

B. No.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona sighs and wonders what's the worst that could happen. Winona climbs the step ladder and looks down into the giant snail shell filled with the softly bubbling pink liquid.

"Now remember, you need to remain fully immersed in potion for the entire transformation. Also, you need to clearly picture an animal in your head for as long as you remain submersed. You can hold your breath a long time right?"

"Wait, what?!"

"So you can't hold your breath that long?"

"No, I can hold my breath for a pretty long time..."

"Then what is there to worry about?"

Winona stays silent as she looks down into the concoction before sighing and works up the courage to enter it. She nervously and dips in her big toe to test the temperature.

"Well, go on. Do you need a push?"

"No! I'm going, I'm going!"

Winona slowly slides into the shell, her eyes going wide as she fails to get any footing on the slippery, curving inner walls of the giant snail shell. She easily slides all the way in with her arms above her head until she was completely immersed in the pink liquid. As she panicked, she felt her body starting to become hot and tingly from the liquid, she was reminded of Rhi's instructions. She had to think of an animal.

But which animal should she think of?:

A. Mouse.

B. Wolf.

C. Cat.

D. Fox.

E. Rabbit
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

E. Rabbits are quick and have good eyesight and hearing.