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Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Basic Premise: The protagonist is on his first day on the job on a cargo ship en-route to the Caribbean. However, inclement weather forces the ship to make a detour through the Bermuda Triangle. What could possibly go wrong? Well, the ship sails straight into a sudden maelstrom, sucking it down beneath the raging sea. Later, by some miracle, the protagonist wakes up on a mysterious island, their clothes torn to ribbons. This is where the adventure will begin.

However, before we get started, please vote on which character should be the protagonist:

A. Tough, tomboyish, brunette female with average, slightly muscular build.

B. Timid, girly, brunette male with average, weak build.

C. Preppy, energetic, blonde female with tall, healthy build.

D. Serious, tough, blond male with short, muscular build.

E. Quiet, shy, raven-haired female with tall, slim build.

F. Quiet, intelligent, black-haired male with average overall build.

Feel free to ask questions if any. After 10+ votes, I'll start make the next post.
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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

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Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

E because Pichu always has the best ideas.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

I was informed that C was the bustiest, so I will choose C.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

E damn you.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

A, because tomboys are awesome.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Winona was a quiet girl. She was slim and tall with long, straight raven hair grown past her shoulders. She was working as a janitor on a cargo ship en route through the Caribbean. However, due to a powerful hurricane, the ship is forced to take detour through the Bermuda Triangle to try and avoid it. In the mean time, Winona was sighing as she mops the corridor leading to the barracks below deck. The jumpsuit she was wearing was very stuffy and she blushes as she day dreamed about stripping out of her clothes and wandering about the ship naked. The only thing stopping her from living out her exhibitionist fantasy were the camera's positioned all throughout the ship.

As she stood there day dreaming, some of the asshole engine maintenance workers walk by and deliberately knock Winona onto the floor, the bucket of grimy, filthy water spilling out all onto of her. Gary, the self-appointed "leader" of the grease-covered engine workers leads a chorus of raucous laughter, "Looks like you missed a spot swabbie, Gar har har har!"

They leave Winona to pick herself up, her work effectively undone by those assholes. She then spends a few more hours mopping the floor until the entire corridor was clean. At this point, it was time for her to turn in, Winona sighing as she was now far behind in her work. She returns to her cramped living quarters in the janitor's closet, stripping out of her jumpsuit and all her clothes before changing into a new bra and panties. She sighs as she starts drifting off to sleep, completely unaware of the events that were about to unfold.

A massive storm suddenly forms around the ship, stirring up waves, causing the ship to violently rock back and forth. The sudden rocking of the ship gives the underwear clad Winona a rude awakening as she is tossed from her bunk, and onto the floor. As she manages to get her footing after several unsteady attempts, the electricity goes out, causing the eerie red glow of the emergency lighting to illuminate the lower decks, the alarm sounding.


Winona blushes as she grabs and puts on her life jacket before embarrassingly running out and making her way to the main deck in only her bra and skivvies, not having time to get dressed. As she makes it to the top deck, she tries to make it though the hordes of other crew members trying to swarm towards the life boats. The boat jerks suddenly as it crashes into an oncoming wave as a large, swirling vortex of water forms at the bow of the ship starting to get sucked down into the depths. Winona loses her footing by slipping on a puddle formed from the heavy rain causing the girl to crash head first into a storage crate. Everything went black after that.


Winona wakes up later, with a big headache. She was laying on her back in the middle of the jungle, her bra and panties covered in rips and tears with seaweed sticking to her body in certain places. She sits up wondering where she was. She then wonders what her first priority should be?:

A. Finding the ship's wreckage.

B. Finding other crew members.

C. Find a source of food/water.

D. Find out where she is.

E. Other.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

C, the wreckage isn't going anywhere. Probably.
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)

C! Because Survival!
Re: Isle of the Mists (Survival CYOA)
