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Is hentai dying/dead?

Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

you mean a forth... there are 3 games out at the moment, Taimanin Asagi, Taimanin Asagi: the Demon Tournament (or something like that) and Taimanin Asagi 2. and if you want to get technical, then Taimanin Murasaki, which is based in the same universe, and has Sakura in it.

Is not the Third, but taimaning asagi 3 (chaos arena is a side story.)

Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

Na, hentai has just hit the point of diminishing (business) returns. You have to remember three things.

1. The cost (and quality) of producing hentai has gone WAYYYYYYY up. Go watch a hentai made in the late-80s/early-90s and the video quality alone can be pretty laughable.

2. The hentai industry hasn't been able to (yet?) make the leap to 3D and thats really hurting them. (Wanna know why Nintendo makes all the new Mario games in 3D even though they're still 2D platformers? Cause its CHEAPER THAT WAY!)

3. Lack of/unwillingness to accept new ideas. When all is said and done, Japan is a VERY traditional country and that makes it VERY hard to make changes, even for business purposes. Even though monsters/monster girls are rising in popularity (the Monster Musume manga is CRAZY successful...) you don't see the manga/anime/hentai industry really capitalizing on that. (Oh sure, you see things like orcs, pigmen and tons of "giant inhuman monsters with human dicks" but they basically have vanilla human sex which defeats the whole purposes.)

1) true dat.

2) no... even the biggest Anime companies like Madhouse, Sunrise and Ghibli still use 2D animation, because that's how it goes, Hentai Anime are made in Anime format, if it was 3D, then it wouldn't be Hentai anime, it would be something completely different.

3) i suppose that's one way of looking at it. but i would tend to disagree.some companies like to stick to their staples, like Nintendo, they keep holding onto music from 30 years ago, and that isn't bad, lots of western directors like to hold onto certain Actors, like Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, Don Bluth and Dom DeLouise and George Lucas and Harrison Ford, it's not because they don't want to upgrade, they just have a comfort zone.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

It does seem to be slow lately...probably a mixture of all the laws regarding pornography in Japan having been passed and in the process of being passed along with all the clamp downs on file sharing. It's sad...I've seen quite a few videos lately that look like promising series but only turn out to be one or two episodes with nothing else in the immediate future.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

Doesn't seem to be any different than in the past, at least when it comes to japanese releases. Definitely seems like there's english made hentai though.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

I don't think hentai is dying but I definitively think the quality has gone down a notch. Now, every hentai anime is only sex for 20 minutes. Perhaps that is what buyers are looking for but damn me... I miss the time when story was as important as the sex.

I want the high animation quality of today with the hentais of the past like blue girl, inma seiden and kite. Bible Black was the only modern hentai with a decent stroyline IMHO.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

Story? What is this crap Oo ?
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

Story? What is this crap Oo ?

Stuff that can make hentai better if done right. Context can help improve a sex scene, even the smallest amount.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

Stuff that can make hentai better if done right. Context can help improve a sex scene, even the smallest amount.

Hey ^^ ! I was jokin'... I totally agree.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

What I think died is the purchasing of hentai by american publishers.
Havent seen any of the decent hentais uncensored in a looooong time.

I think starting with Triangle Blue.
Everything has been censored ever since.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

What I think died is the purchasing of hentai by american publishers.
Havent seen any of the decent hentais uncensored in a looooong time.

I think starting with Triangle Blue.
Everything has been censored ever since.

Before internet began sharing files like crazy, hentai was really popular and hentai sales were high in America. But now, with torrents and all the other ways to share hentai anime, sales have dwindled to almost nothing and there is no incentive for companies to licence hentai anymore.

It is a shame but it is what it is.
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Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

tell me about it.
back in the day, i had 5 pay hentai sites. I was able to pay rent with the sites and keep 100% of my paychecks from my normal job. It was awesome. Back on the original anipike.com, I paid a measly $50 for a text advertisement on top of the hentai search and was getting easily over 50k unique hits a day.

I had a bet with the owner of animerica.com (when it was hentai) and I told her hentai was going to become insanely popular. She thought the opposite and started other things (sailormoon and the 7 ballz, etc) and then dropped out of the business.

I was right.... unfortunately. Everyone and their mother had hentai sites soon after 2002, then along came adult bouncer and hentaikey.

Pretty much the nail in the coffin.

Now its not even worth it! Torrents all over the place, free hentai sites, this forum...

"WE" killed it for ourselves.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

Don't know if vanilla hentai movies are dying/dead, but at least the stuff I like gets released on a slow but regular basis. Then again I'm a heavy reader of Doujinshi/Manga and thus (over)satisfied with hentai anyway.

What I think died is the purchasing of hentai by american publishers.
Havent seen any of the decent hentais uncensored in a looooong time.

Might not be "decent" in your opinion, but Hime Dorei and In`youchuu Shoku got uncensored not sooo long ago (in internet terms it might be long, but not for me), both were purchased by a german publisher, but still, uncensored is uncensored. :)
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

What I find to be the most disappointing is how some of the higher quality stuff goes right over the radar. But to answer your question from my own POV, I'd say I don't think so. To me however, the quality seems to be taking a hit more than the quantity.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

tell me about it.
back in the day, i had 5 pay hentai sites. I was able to pay rent with the sites and keep 100% of my paychecks from my normal job. It was awesome. Back on the original anipike.com, I paid a measly $50 for a text advertisement on top of the hentai search and was getting easily over 50k unique hits a day.

I had a bet with the owner of animerica.com (when it was hentai) and I told her hentai was going to become insanely popular. She thought the opposite and started other things (sailormoon and the 7 ballz, etc) and then dropped out of the business.

I was right.... unfortunately. Everyone and their mother had hentai sites soon after 2002, then along came adult bouncer and hentaikey.

Pretty much the nail in the coffin.

Now its not even worth it! Torrents all over the place, free hentai sites, this forum...

"WE" killed it for ourselves.

you are correct in the batter. The movie industry, let alone the pron industry hasn't adapted well into this new technological age. If there was an independent animation studio releasing content via a hulu.com type site with security and ads, you'd see people making a killing again. hardly anyone wants to invest in it that train of thought though.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

you are correct in the batter. The movie industry, let alone the pron industry hasn't adapted well into this new technological age. If there was an independent animation studio releasing content via a hulu.com type site with security and ads, you'd see people making a killing again. hardly anyone wants to invest in it that train of thought though.

... You do realize that, last year, America spent more money on Porn than it did on International aid...

The Porn industry is anything but dead. And Japan spends more money a year on Hentai than their government did on their Military... Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but you need to remember that in Japan, it's different from the west.

1) In Japan, most Manga shops will also sell Hentai in the back. Most Anime shops have a section for H-Anime. You can buy that shit in japan easy and cheap over there, so people do buy them.

2) Hentai has NEVER been profitable in the west. Most shops aren't allowed to sell it, and there have only been a handful of people that have paid the phenomenal fee to import their porn from japan.

Just because we are now all getting it free, doesn't mean the hentai industry is losing out... Quite the contrary. Because, face facts, would you pay money to import the DVDs? No, you wouldn't, probably because you wouldn't know what they were like, now, people are seeing these things and going "Wow, that's hot... I should buy one of the DVD's, to throw a bit of cash their way.

Would they make more money if everyone bought hentai from them? of course, but if it wasn't for the torrents, we'd all probably just not bother... So they would still not get the money, but they also wouldn't get the people admiring their work, and wanting to buy their merchandise. I heard that the Taimanin Asagi figurine sold quite well in America.
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Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

I admit this freely right now, I hardly ever pay for the stuff. I don't normally have the cash to spend on cheap subscriptions to western paysites, let alone import stuff.

Maybe I'm a bit of a drain that way. Normally I wait for hentai animations to get subbed and I usually know where to look to find and acquire them. Same for doujins, my favorite selection of artists usually have dedicated scanlator fanbases. For games I admit I don't have a variety, I mostly look out for new TDCG mods(they still get made), Illusion games, and the occasional things like koooonsoft, jsk, and newly released/translated visual novels.

To be honest, I'm not really a fan of most western sites. Yes I 'pirate' porn, but even then it's...to best describe it, while I don't know a LOT about artists, the only sites I usually ever actively look for leaks on are Jiggly Girls and TNA. I love their art style. Yiu ever tried to find rips of HK's pixxx sites? Normally I don't even have the gumptiob to spend time looking for free sources of their stuff because their works just look so awful in my opinion.

Now I'm not sure about TNA's release schedule, but I've long since decided to never sub for JG because of that. Reiq has a schedule of outputting one image set a week, with the images being variations. Usually, the same girl drawn the same exact way but with some cum on her and the guy ejaculating. Small differences. And I decided that paying the full monthly aubscription wasn't worth getting one small image set a week, even if I did love that guy's artwork.

For other sites that do comics like TNA, I've thought about doing it if I ever had the money. But I still felt that in the long run it might not be qorth it, because I imagined paying thirty bucks or whatever a month while the lead artist of a given site outputs a single page every other day or week. For ones like TNA I thought and sometimes still think that it might be worth it, but for many whose adtstyle I'm not very fond of, not so much.

One thing that's akways annoyed me with western artists though is the general attitude. Regardless what fair use laws say, a person that puts up a porn image of Bayonetta on their paysite is not nearly as much a copyright holder as the original primary holder. Many threaten with DMCAs, and many public aites bow down to those, but I sometimes that the western drawn porn industry in some areas is moving towards being like the movie industry: complaining about EVERY potential loss in money when they're well off enough already. I don't say that for everyone, but I at least believe that sites like HentaiKey and JG and TNA are doing rather well for themselves. Could be wrong.
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Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

femdom hentai is dying, now they like to make ntr or rape hentai.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

porn adapted by doing pay-per-minute/HD streaming/unlimited content

And they can continue to release content b/c face it, it takes less work to produce new content with live actors than animation studios.

And the internet/torrenting/newsgroups killed any profitability.
Re: Is hentai dying/dead?

personally, i don't think that (no offense...really...) a society with such a strangely warped entertainment culture would really let hentai die. hell, porn's been around since we were barely different from the monkeys, and i can only see it improving as the times go by.

also....anti-yummy coalition needs to be formed...or at least have all the threads merged into one collective thread.
I think that hentai will not die so long as the porn industry stays strong, because it really is just porn without physical limitations, and I don't see the level of perversion going down in the world, especially Japan. If anything, the "decrease" in hentai we may say is due to an increase in popularity, which is enfranchising it, limiting the scope that hentai used to hold.

I could be entirely wrong though.

Also, rule #34 is damn near impossible to uphold without hentai.
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