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Irina (freeko)

Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would find herself in an office where she was able to request a fight. There was a fairly simple process involved where they asked for a match and then it would either be approved or not. Simply wanting to kick Imp's ass, Irina would fill out a paper with the two of them in a match and leave the other area's blank.

This was a straight up lesson that Irina wanted to teach Imp. She did not care about ranks or where either of them stood within the league as a whole. This was going to be a public service as far as Irina cared to put Imp in her place.

Full well assuming that there would be something added by either Imp herself or the office arranging the matches, Irina would await the response. Not exactly knowing how the process went, Irina did not want to ask for anything until she got a better grasp of what exactly was involved in the process.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Looking around, Irina would note that after dropping off applications, people tended to leave. In fact, as she filled the paper out she'd see a note at the bottom of it that stated a response would be delivered to her later, so she likely didn't have to wait around the place and take up space. She was free to go and do whatever she pleased, but fairly soon after leaving the room she'd recieve a notification delivered by what looked like a floating skull with tentacles. Looking it over, the girl would learn that her request had been approved, but Imp would be allowed to bring in something extra to even the odds given the skill gap.

The match would take place soon, so Irina had to go to the arena. Entering the place, she'd note that her match wasn't the only one taking place today, as there was another in progress on a second ring. Ebihara the lamia was one of the participants, the other one being a minotaur. Interestingly enough, that one fought like a skilled, intelligent and well-trained fighter rather than a dumb beast. Hell, his expression and stance alone set him apart from the minotaurs Irina had seen so far. Whoever he was, he clearly wasn't someone to be trifled with or taken lightly. And judging by his fair fighting style, he was more noble than his bestial cousins too, perhaps.

Irina wouldn't have time to watch the bout, however. As she reached the ring where she'd fight, the girl would see that Imp was already waiting for her there. And seemed to have some kind of tentacle creature coiled around her right arm like a whip. "Finally here, slut?" She asked, taunting the woman. "You must really like being a breeding bitch for my pets! Can't believe a whore like you had the guts to challenge me, though." The smaller demon sneered. "But hey, if you get on your knees and beg for forgiveness, I might let you off with just a light fucking from this one here." She indicated her makeshift living weapon.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would look around for a while after making her application, she noticed at the bottom that a response would be delivered to her. Within a few moments of leaving, she had already received a response. She received word that the request was approved, though Imp was being granted an extra benefit to balance the scales.

The match was going to be taking place soon after the reply was granted, so Irina would get herself prepared and head to the ring. As she started to head off to her ring, she would notice that there was a match still in progress in one of the other rings. She recognized Ebihara immediately, but her opponent was someone she was unfamiliar with. A minotaur for certain, but his attitude was not typical of a minotaur. She could tell that this minotaur fought with a level of intelligence as he was able to match Ebihara and her attempts to charm him at every turn. This was someone Irina would try to take notice of if she had the chance to going forward. A rarity of sorts, the minotaur who was not a simple rampaging beast.

Irina would notice that Imp was already there as she approached the ring she was set to compete in. Imp seemed to have a tentacle coiled around her arm and she started to taunt Irina. Imp would give Irina the chance to beg, which simply was not going to happen. Irina wanted to kick Imp's ass and this tentacle weapon Imp had was not going to stop Irina from doing exactly that.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Noting that Irina didn't look like she was going to respond to her taunts, Imp just sneered at her while preparing to fight. Once the other woman was in the ring and the judge got confirmation that both of them were ready, the battle would begin. Irina had to fight carefully, it was hard to tell what sort of attacks the smaller demon might perform aside of simply bludgeoning her opponent with the tentacle. Considering her twisted personality, it was likely she had something up her sleeve.

Irina: 6/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/3 CP, 0xKO
Imp: 6/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/3 CP, 0xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina simply wanted to kick Imp's ass. This weapon of hers was likely something that could just as easily be used against Imp as it could Irina. Irina was quite pissed about Imp's simple existence and wanted to make the recipe for this match simply pain. Irina would look to simply beat Imp senseless and forego opportunities to try and force an orgasm from Imp until after she was beaten senseless.

This was just a matter of revenge for Irina, Imp was really just the wrong person at the wrong place saying the wrong thing.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 10 vs 4 (critical)
Imp: 4 vs 4 (miss)

Irina: 9 vs 12 (miss)
Imp: 10 vs 2 (critical)

Irina: 5 vs 9 (miss)
Imp: 6 vs 5 (hit)

Irina: 9 vs 2 (critical)
Imp: 6 vs 10 (miss)

Furious over her earlier loss and the demon's words, Irina tore into Imp with vicious savagery, aiming to simply beat the girl black and blue before finishing her off. Her initial assault tore the girl's top open and bruised her, but was quickly met with an equally devastating counterattack as the flailing tentacle whip was put to good use. Imp managed to get a second blow in as well before Irina retaliated, once more striking like an enraged minotaur, leaving the smaller demon standing in nothing but underwear and sporting some nasty lumps. That being said, her opponent was giving as good as she got, and the battle was relatively even, if brutal so far.

Irina: 4/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO
Imp: 4/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/3 CP, 0xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

This "weapon" of Imp's was an annoyance. It gave her some range where she otherwise would not be able to really attack Irina at all without getting some fists to her own face in response. So far Irina felt she was getting the better of it, but she was certainly taking too much in return. That mattered little to Irina as she would continue the assault on Imp. So long as Imp was the first to get knocked down, that was all that really mattered in the end to Irina.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 9 vs 4 (critical)
Imp: 7 vs 3 (hit)

Irina: 6 vs 12 (counter)
Imp: 5 vs 5 (miss)

Getting up: 5 vs 4 (success)
Irina: 9 vs 6 (hit)
Imp: 8 vs 11 (miss)

Irina: 12 vs 10 (hit)
Imp: 5 vs 8 (miss)

Irina: 5 vs 10 (counter)
Imp: 9 vs 5 (pin)

The battle continued to grow even fiercer. Irina's devastating onslaught stripped Imp bare, battering the smaller demon, though she managed to get a decent counterattack in. The next big swing from the larger wrestler missed, her tentacle-swinging opponent easily knocking her down, if only momentarily, using her living weapon to snatch up Irina's bottoms. The girl got up quickly, though, and landed a nasty combo on Imp, staggering her as she pummeled the annoying brat. Before she could finish her off, however, she tripped as her opponent once more used her tentacle whip to ruin her footing with a low swing, following it up by quickly coiling the appendage around the prone fighter's body. "Let's see you get out of this, bitch!"

(Imp's skill: she can use the tentacle to pin fallen opponents down, essentially letting her use that move without having to KO anyone first.)

Irina: 2/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/3 CP, 0xKO, pinned
Imp: 1/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 0xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina got of a few good shots again on Imp. It was only a matter of time before she would knock the ingrate out and start to teach her a lesson in pain. The only problem was that she started to think about what she was going to do after she knocked Imp silly and got careless. Imp would take advantage by swinging her makeshift whip at her legs and knocked her to the ground. The whip would then start to entangle Irina making it difficult to get herself up.

Irina was not going to just sit there and take it, and Imp further taunting her started to really piss her off. Irina almost started to think that she might even be able to steal the weapon away from her if she could get free. Would be almost funny to use the thing against Imp. What was not funny however was that little bitch taunting her as she tried to get back up.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 5 vs 7 (fail)
Imp: 6 vs 3 (hit)

Irina: 7 vs 6 (escape)
Imp: 9 vs 2 (critical)

Irina: 6 vs 10 (miss)
Imp: 5 vs 9 (miss)

Irina: 2 vs 2 (hit)
Imp: KO

As Irina struggled to get free, she could suddenly feel the tip of the tentacle prodding against her pussy, spreading her folds a bit as it applied pressure and sending a shiver through her body. "How's that you slut? I bet you like this." Imp taunted as she stood above her opponent. The insult likely gave the woman the impetus she needed to break free rather than weaken her, though the demon girl was still able to hit Irina quite hard as she got up, tearing off her panties in the process. Both fighters were barely standing now and it'd all come down to who managed to hit first. Thankfully for Irina, after a fruitless exchange of easily parried blows from both sides she was able to spy a small opening and capitalize on it, briefly stunning Imp.

Irina: 1/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 0xKO
Imp: 0/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 1xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would back off once Imp hit the ground urging the referee to start the count for Imp to try to get back up in time. She would likely be able to get up with little issue this time. Irina would simply look at Imp and wait for her to get up so she could put her back down again.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 8 vs 7 (hit)
Imp: 3 vs 5 (miss)

Irina: 11 vs 6 (critical)
Imp: 6 vs 7 (miss)

Irina: 11 vs 9 (hit)
Imp: KO

Imp groggily got up to her feet, blinking as she realized that for some reason, Irina did not attempt to pin her down despite the shape she was in. "You... You didn't even try to..." She asked incredulously, pausing as she processed what happened. "Are you really that fucking stupid? You're barely standing, and yet you think you can afford to just piss your only chance to win away?" The smaller demon glared at her opponent, swinging the tentacle whip. "Are you trying to mock me, you bitch?" Enraged, the girl threw herself forward, striking wildly as she screamed. "I'M GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU FOR THIS, YOU BITCH!"

Unfortunately for Imp, her rage left her wide open as she charged. And Irina took full advantage of that. Even if she wasn't in her best condition, she was still in good enough shape to unleash a truly brutal barrage of blows, hitting the other fighter repeatedly and without pause. It lasted only a short while, but the woman's assault was utterly relentless. The lesser demon was struck repeatedly with great force, unable to defend herself or even dodge out of the way. By the time the final blow of the combo came, she was already falling down again, stunned.

Irina: 1/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 0xKO
Imp: 0/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 2xKO