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Irina (freeko)

Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina was already starting to fade. The waves of pleasure crashing over her were made even more debilitating to her mind as Org would ram himself inside of her as she started to mount a weak attempt to fight back. Her strength all but already gone, Irina was acting more out of adrenaline and desperation than any real level of technique or skill.

From this point Org was clearly the more dominant of the two. Not having been ravaged twice already he was probably going to win were Irina in good shape at the start. His ability was just too much for Irina to handle it would seem. She had one last chance to get him free of her, if she could get control even just for a short while. Irina might crack the tough shell of Org and start to break him down as he had already done to Irina. Were she unable to get herself free then there was no way that she saw that she could possibly win and would just resign herself to her fate as being a fucktoy yet again.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 7(-2) vs 4 (hit)
Org: 5 vs 2(-2) (hit)

Irina: 9(-2) vs 5 (hit)
Org: 7 vs 4(-2) (hit)

Irina: 9(-3) vs 9 (miss)
Org: 7 vs 6(-3) (hit)

Irina: 6(-3) vs 7 (miss)
Org: 10 vs 6(-3) (hit)

Irina: 4/6 FP, 10/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 0xKO, grabbed
Org: 5/6 FP, 3/10 AP, 1/1 CP, 0xKO

In the ends, Irina's efforts were almost completely futile. Though Org was not immune to them, he was holding on far better than she could, managing to keep himself going strong despite the pleasure. In comparison, Irina was unable to mount any sort of effective resistance as he pounded her, her strenght failing her completely as her body once more gave up on fighting. She was again reduced to helplessness, spreading legs for the man being about the only thing she could do now.

Soon enough, Irina felt her self-control fall apart completely as she was hit by a sudden orgasm, a shock of pleasure tearing through her body meeting no resistance. Org would not stop at that, however, he'd keep fucking her for a good while longer as he was far slower to reach his peak than the demon. Irina would come two more times before he finally hit his peak, climaxing inside of her. He'd repeat this performance a few more times, filling her up with his seed and likely leaving her completely exhausted.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would not be able to mount any manner of offense against Org. Just too weak from being obliterated by the minotaur previously she was simply no match for his skill both physically and sexually. Unlike Alex who came three times to every one time she did, Org would rip 3 orgasms from Irina's defeated body for every time he came inside of her.

Irina would have no real choice but to endure it all, as she was almost at her limits both physically and sexually. Having been dominated three times now she was just wearing out. Irina would not move for a fairly long while, almost taking the time to simply rest herself once Org was done with her. She needed to take a break otherwise she would just be throwing herself into harm's way over and over again and not having the strength or resolve to do anything about it.
Re: Irina (freeko)

After coming a few times inside of her (and making her climax many times in the process) Org finally let Irina go. Pulling out of her, he left her to rest, a bit of his cum oozing from between her legs as he simply left the room, walking out. The girl would be left to rest for as long as she wanted, though eventually she'd have to get up and move on. Going past the door leading forward, the girl found herself in an odd situation. She was in a room with four pedestals, each with a different item. A bull's horn, a black rubber ball, a small rag and a paper charm lay before her. There was also a sign with a single sentence on it. "Pick one and proceed forward."
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would be finished off by Org and left. Just unable to get up at this point she would just about sleep for an hour to let her body recover from the brutality of the minotaur and the precision of Org. She just could not take any more and her body simply shut down for a while.

As Irina awoke she saw another door. Simply figuring that the next thing to decimate her was on the other side, it would seem she was only partially correct. There were 4 pedestals and sitting on each was an item. A sign made it clear to her that she was to pick one of them and proceed forward. Not wanting anything to do with bulls or minotaurs she would dismiss the bull horn almost immediately.

Thinking among the other three, Irina would select the paper charm and proceed through the next door.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Walking out the door, Irina would find herself in one of the corridors of the league facility. A corridor she recognized. Somehow, she ended up not far away from her own room. The door closed immediately behind her as she left, and after opening it the girl would find a completely normal broom closet behind. The paper charm in her hand would somehow catch on fire and burn up without harming her, though she'd feel a brief sensation of warmth creep over her body before everything went back to normal. From what she could tell, it appeared that her punishment game had ended and it was rather late. With how much happened to her today, it was no wonder it took her an entire day to get through it.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would pick the paper charm, and walk through the door. Surprisingly there was nothing on the other side but another corridor. One she happened to actually be able to identify. No sooner than she realized where she was the paper charm combusted in her hand, burning to ash. When she turned around the door she walked through was still there but on the other side was a mundane broom closet.

Irina knew she was not far from her room, and being content to be out of that penalty world as it were she would call it a night. Just wanting to go to her room, take a shower, and go to sleep. The time she spent passed out inside the penalty world was nothing compared to a good night's sleep.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would wake up refreshed next morning, ready to start another day. Of course, her photo album was updated with pictures of what happened to her last day. Checking her schedule, she'd find she was free for the day. Washing up, making breakfast, she'd have no trouble with that. Trouble, however, reared it's head when she tried to put on clothes. Everything she tried to wear seemed to just explode off of her body, leaving only scraps behind. It was quite likely the charm from yesterday was responsible for it. To make matters worse, there was a sudden knocking on the door. "Oy, Irina. You awake?" Someone called out from outside. Yako, judging by the sound of the voice.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would be in for a bit of surprise. Her day would start out mundane enough. Washing up, making breakfast, and all the normal things she would do made her think things were back to normal. Irina would go to put on some workout clothes, and they would quite literally explode off her body. Trying on a few more sets of clothing, the same result would come of it. Every piece of clothing she would try on simply exploded off her body.

To make matters worse, there seemed to be a knock on the door. A somewhat frantic voice possibly made so in Irina's head as she were mildly panicking herself, would recognize the voice and go open the door. Peeking her head around the side of the door, Irina would look to see what Yako wanted. Knowing how headstrong she was it would take but a few seconds before she would say what she needed to say. Irina would just listen to what she had to say before trying to piece things together further with her clothing.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Ohey, there you are." The kitsune greeted Irina a bit flippantly. "Heard you had some fun yesterday. Heh, reminds me of the times I broke some rules, that was embarrassing." She noted, glancing at the girl and frowning. "So, you alright? Got any plans for today? I was kinda thinking of trying to see if I could make a party happen out of nowhere if I tried, but so far got no luck with that. Why are you hiding like that, anyway?" The redhead asked, noting the way Irina was hiding behind the door. "Something happened? Need a hand?" She seemed rather curious and unlikely to simply leave the matter be without some kind of explanation.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Knowing full well that Yako was not exactly going to just go away, Irina would just go out with it.

"Yeah I got to spend yesterday in the penalty box as it were. Now I can't seem to actually wear any clothing. Not exactly the biggest of issues I guess. But it sure is annoying.

Maybe you could help me figure this shenanigans out?"

Yako was clearly not exactly busy. Irina pretty much wanted to get to the bottom of this. Maybe Yako knew something, since Irina clearly did not.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"What, so you're going full nudist?" Yako raised an eyebrow, accepting the explanation immediately. "Never had that one. Got to spend some time with a magic vibrator for a day or unable to refuse requests for a day, but forced nudism is a first." She stated. "Still, it shouldn't be a problem. I mean, it won't last any longer than a day. Probably. Mine always ended after a day." The kitsune tried to glance inside the room through the opening in the door. "Well, I suppose you could just stay here all day if you want. You don't have to go anywhere, right? Didn't get knocked up or anything of that sort?"
Re: Irina (freeko)

Seeing Yako want to peer inside, Irina would open the door and welcome her in. Thinking to herself that this was only going to last a day, and she could just shutter herself inside her room. Blargh to that she thought, it would not have been the first time she walked around naked and hell there were enough of the other random people around that did the same as well.

"If that penalty place is actually real, then I want to find out who I fought in one of those matches. That bitch needs to get smacked about in a real match." Irina would go on to explain to Yako the girl she fought first in the tentacle floor match. Pretty well intent on wanting to kick her ass sooner rather than later.

Aside from that, there was little that Irina cared to do for the day aside from possibly put in some time training. Then again if Yako had a better idea, Irina was all for it.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Yako frowned as Irina described the lithe demon girl to her. "Huuuh... Never met her." The kitsune shrugged. She had taken a spot on a nearby chair after coming in, giving her host only a single glance. She was used to naked people, after all. "We can probably go asking around if you want to. Penalty games take place not too far from monster pits, even if magic's used to screw around with the place sometimes, so people who hang around there might know her. Granted, if she's like that, she probably doesn't have many friends." The redhead mused. "You gonna go look for her? I can tag along if you want."
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Sounds like you know where this place is? If you want to go too, I certainly will not stop ya. Though I think that whole impromptu party thing might work too.."

If Irina could not figure out who that vile bitch was so she could put her in her place, She might just see where Yako was gonna take this impromptu party business.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Eh, let's go searching. Really haven't had any luck with partymaking today." Yako shrugged, getting up. Together with Irina, she'd walk to where the monster pits were located. The naked girl would draw quite a few stares on the way, though few extended beyond simple curiosity. Naked women were a common sight around here, after all. They reached the place in fairly short order, approaching from the entrance that led to where the monsters lived, rather than where the fighting pits were.

"Alright. There's usually a fair number of people down here who come to either visit, tend to some creatures or get fucked." The kitsune announced. "They usually congregate around enclaves that contain specific monster types, like tentacles, minotaurs, slimes, spiders, all kinds of stuff. The punishment game participants are often among them, since they can sometimes guide the beasts. Want to start somewhere specific, or just check everywhere as we go?"
Re: Irina (freeko)

Yako would lead Irina around, as it would seem that she was a naughty girl her fair share of times and had some level of knowledge of the place.

Hmm, well she said something about me being bred by tentacle monsters. There was a floor of tentacle creatures in our match. I have been having a rough time of it lately with tentacles so.. I guess we should start there if anywhere, right?"

Irina would inadvertently let Yako know what happened in the first match that she had in the penalty game. Irrelevant of that though, it may have also have been a clue to figure out who the girl was that she had the tentacled floor in her particular match.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Wait, tentacles in the floor? You didn't get knocked up by them, did you?" Yako turned her head towards Irina, asking suddenly. "You might wanna get that checked out if they fucked you, you know. Never know what might happen." The kitsune set off, guiding her friend. And on their way through the corridors of the monster pits, the girl would begin to feel a kind of weight growing slowly but surely in her womb, something squirming delicately inside of her body. By the time the two of them finally stopped before a large door, both the weight and the squirming was getting noticeable.

"Alright, here we are." The kitsune declared, opening the door and moving inside. Beyond it was a large room filled with massive terraria, each housing some kind of tentacled monstrosity. There were all kinds of them - burrowers, single tentacles, flying tentacles, small creatures with just a few appendages and large, massive beasts. There were also doors leading to further corridors, most likely areas with more tentacles living in them. There were a few unfamiliar faces walking around the place, minding their own business. There was also another demonic attendant, like the one who talked with Irina after the tournament. "Hello, how can I help you?" She asked the two girls, approaching them.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would respond to Yako and not faovorably. Thinking that she may have been spared, due to being repeatedly violated in the penalty games. Irina was rather wrong. As she got close to the door she started to feel a noticable change in her body.

"Ugh, I think I did get knocked up. I can start to feel the things starting to move around in my womb. All the more reason I wanna kick that girl's ass."

Instantly after the initial feeling inside of her, she knew she was pregnant. The tentacles had knocked her up, probably the minotaur and Org as well. Irina would mention to Yako that if she did not want to be here, she certainly did not need to stick around. Almost apologizing to her in the process.

"Seems I have a delivery for you." Irina would dryly say to the attendant. Knowing full well she was pregnant and it was almost certainly the tentacles that had done it to her. At least she went to the right place to probably have them delivered and taken care of.
Re: Irina (freeko)

The attendant blinked, but quickly rallied herself. "Well then. I think it'd be best not to waste time. Please follow me." She led Irina through one of the doors, moving into a small corridor. After a few moments, during which Irina could swear she could feel the tentacles grow bigger and heavier inside of her, the three girls entered what appeared to be a medical room with a bed in the middle. "Please lay down here, miss." The demon woman pointed at the bed, helping Irina in if she wanted her to. "Would you prefer to watch the process, or perhaps you'd like to remain unconscious during the procedure?"