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Irina (freeko)

Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 8 vs 9(-1) (hit)
???: 4(-1) vs 8 (miss)

Irina: 2 vs 8(-1) (counter)
???: 6(-1) vs 9 (miss)

Getting up: 8 vs 7 (success)
Irina: 9 vs 8(-1) (hit)
???: 7(-1) vs 5 (hit)

Irina: 3 vs 9(-1) (counter)
???: 12(-1) vs 4 (critical)

"FUCKING BULLSHIT!" The response apparently did not please the girl. She charged at Irina, rushing her and earning herself a knuckle to the face for her troubles. That did not stop her, however, and she managed to bring the demon woman down with a failing tackle. Thankfully, she was able to get back up just in time, tearing the panties off of the smaller fighter in the process. This seemed to be the last straw, as it earned Irina an elbow to the head, followed by a sweeping kick that took out her footing.

Next thing she knew she was on the ground, the thus far unnamed girl on top of her, tearing off her skirt and grinning savagely. "I'm going to rape you, you bitch!" She cackled madly, the tentacles around them getting a bit more animated now. Irina would have no easy method of escaping or reversing the grapple available, though she could still do so if she got lucky. More importantly, however, she could probably find a way to sexually assault the demon girl. Though she'd have to be quick, as she was within the range of the tentacles now and while she could probably get away from them easily enough, she'd have to deal with her opponent holding her down first.

Irina: 4/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/3 CP, grabbed
???: 2/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/3 CP
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would have her luck run out for a little while. The unnamed girl started to rally herself after hearing that Irina was a lesser demon. From how she started acting, the woman would try to get Irina to the ground where the tentacled mat could be used to the mysterious demon's advantage.

After a few tries, Irina was finally taken down with the other woman on top of her. The woman would say something to the effect that she was going to rape Irina, but Irina would simply smile. Irina was better on the ground, and if she could take control she would put the mystery woman into her practiced submission hold.

Irina really wanted to see what the tentacles would do if both of them were on the ground. If they were smart enough to recognize who was who then she would break the hold if she could and try to get back to her feet.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 10 vs 4(-1) (critical)
???: 4(-1) vs 9 (counter)
Tentacles: 6 vs 9 (miss)

Irina: 7 vs 5(-1) (skill)
???: 8(-1) vs 2 (critical)
Tentacles: 7(-1) vs 9 (miss)

Irina: 6 vs 8(-1) (miss)
???: 9(-1) vs 7 (hit)
Tentacles: 11(-1) vs 6 (critical)

Irina: 8 vs 6 (hit)
???: 9(-1) vs 8 (miss)
Tentacles: 10 vs 5 (critical)

The demon girl's hold was an amateur's work. Irina would reverse it in a heartbeat, quickly flipping her over and getting on top. All she really needed to do to weaken the girl was stimulate her pussy a bit, causing her to jerk in shock, the smaller demon already aroused despite herself. Throwing her to the ground and drawing out another yelp as she drove her finger deeper between the folds, Irina would notice that the tentacles would surge towards whichever female was being held down, locking onto the easier prey. Though the impish girl was able to somehow avoid their ministrations even when held down.

With her opponent on the ground and at a disadvantage, Irina attempted to perform the move she was taught by Alice. However, she wastly underestimated the difficulty of holding down someone so lithe as well as just how flexible the demon girl was. She slipped out between Irina's limbs, growling angrily as she latched onto the woman's chest, twisting her nipples and pushing her down. Though she was able to avoid being molested by the waiting tentacles, Irina was once more at a disadvantage, even if the other girl was panting heavily from arousal.

Both Irina and her opponent would go for each other's vulnerable spots now, each girl managing to draw some moans from each other. The smaller demon shivered as her pussy was assaulted by Irina's finger once more, but retaliated by groping the woman's chest, proving she was actually quite decent at this. The biggest danger turned out to be the tentacles, however. With Irina unable to escape their reach at the moment, they latched onto her, teasing and fondling. Several of the thin appendages slipped past her panties and assaulted her cunt, forcing their way in and pumping in and out as they began to quickly fuck her.

The battle was turning tense. While the demon girl was growing weaker, Irina was weakening even faster, putting them on roughly even ground. She'd likely end up orgasming quicker than her opponent if she got careless, though, and unlike the blue-haired girl she had to also worry about the tentacles molesting her. Unlike the girls, those creatures would not get any weaker anytime soon. She'd have to either reverse the situation or quickly finish off the smaller demon, whichever came first.

Irina: 4/6 FP, 6/10 AP, 1/3 CP, grabbed
???: 2/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 0/3 CP
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina thought she was in a position to try out her new move. The tentacles did not seem to be bothering her and the positioning was right. Boy was she wrong.
Irina would almost instantly get reversed by the other girl who was much faster and proving to be far more flexible than Irina had thought.

Almost instantly reversing the situation and gaining control, the mysterious girl would give Irina a ride, and her homefield advantage would start to show itself as well. The girl would work over Irina's breasts while the tentacles found their way in through her panties and would voraciously thrust themselves with reckless abandon.

Irina needed to get herself free, maybe even get back to her feet if she could. If the fight continued like this, she would certainly lose. Having two weaker things attack one stronger opponent worked out in her favor last time as Gabriela and her were able to defeat the stronger Aura. History would repeat itself here if Irina could not find a way to get free.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 3 vs 9 (counter)
???: 8 vs 11 (miss)
Tentacles: 9(+1) vs 4 (critical)

Irina: 4(-1) vs 6 (miss)
???: 9(+1) vs 6 (hit)

Irina's prediction turned out to be quite accurate. Her attempts at breaking free had proven fruitless, the demon girl was able to twist and tease her nipples just at the right moment to send jolts of pleasure through Irina's body right as she was getting ready to throw her off, stopping the woman in her tracks. Meanwhile, the tentacles continued to pound her fast, multiple appendages pushing into her pussy relentlessly, fucking her almost to her limits. In the end, however, it was the girl on top who administered the finishing blow. With a sadistic smirk, she reached down and wrapped her fingers around Irina's clit, fondling it in just the right way to cause a sudden surge of extasy. This was more than the demon woman could take, and she came hard, her body going limp from exhaustion.

Irina would not be allowed to rest, however. Cackling maliciously, the demon girl continued her assault, pausing only to tear off her opponent's panties before returning to molesting her. The tentacles on the other hand never stopped screwing her, if anything they only got more vigorous. Soon enough Irina would feel even more appendages surround her, seeking entry into her mouth while a few others poked around her ass, slowly pushing into her other hole while the demon laughed. "Not so tough now, are you? I'll make you their breeding bitch, you slut!" She gloated as Irina was raped. "You'll be popping out more pets for me from between those legs of yours real soon!"
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina made a mistake, in an overzealous attempt to try out her newly learned move in a real battle she ended up costing herself the match. As Irina would drift into ecstasy, her mind would focus on that one mistake. If she never put herself in the position for the tentacles to have grabbed her, this would have never happened.

History however would repeat itself with two weaker opponents banding together to destroy the stronger adversary. The unidentified woman was simply able to keep Irina down while the tentacles did the work for her, plunging themselves inside of her at will. Irina just like two matches ago was completely powerless against the tentacles, had she a weakness that was getting exposed?

In the here and now, Irina was for the first time in a while the loser. Being overcome by a weaker opponent, Irina was now helpless to resist the further intrusions of the tentacles. If anything her body was acting as if the tentacles belonged there. The unidentified woman would tweak her breasts a little every now and then, but it was the tentacles that were doing all the work now.

Were Irina to have kept away from them, she would have likely knocked the weaker girl silly, and their roles reversed right now. Now however, Irina was completely at the mercy of this unidenfied woman and her tentacles. From the sounds of it, Irina was going to become pregnant with these tentacles and then it would be off to whatever Medea had in store for Irina next.

So far this penalty game as it were would knock Irina down a peg so far. If she was meant to tackle each task repeatedly, then she would be in trouble for whatever the next challenge was as she already has been reduced to a moaning whore laying helpless on the mat, just waiting for the tentacles to fill her holes. That her body involuntarily wants it, far more than Irina would at first realize was a secondary issue to becoming the latest breeder of tentacle monsters.
Re: Irina (freeko)

With Irina no longer resisting, the tentacles ended up invading all three holes they sought. Her wet pussy was already being pounded relentlessly and now her asshole was being fucked too. Multiple tentacles were forcing their way into her mouth and down her throat, making her gag as her air supply was nearly cut off completely. Seeing that she was unable to fight anymore, her opponent stood up, watching with a smirk as she was being violated. "Heh, so now you get your place, slut?" She taunted. "You're only good for making babies. Hell, maybe you should just stay here and be a pretty little whore."

Meanwhile the tentacles kept violating Irina, going fast and hard as they used her body however they wished. Her pussy in particular was being pounded with great zeal, the wriggling mass hitting all her weak spots and bringing her to multiple orgasms. Eventually, the appendages inside of her began to twitch, signalling an incoming climax. What followed was a torrent of cum filling her throat, pussy and ass to the point of overflowing, a few of the tentacles around her joining in to dump a few spurts of cum over her body. "Nice, with that much you're definitely going to be preggers." The girl quipped. "But let's make sure it takes, ok?"

The process repeated itself a few more times. Irina would be driven to countless orgasms, going through several for each climax the tentacles had. Every time they came both inside and outside of her, her body was stained with a growing amount of white seed. The demon girl left after a while, apparently satisfied and secure in the knowledge that the woman wouldn't fight back anymore. The cage was lifted after the battle ended so nothing stopped her. The tentacles would keep fucking Irina without a single pause, dumping several more loads before finally withdrawing and disappearing back in the floor, leaving her exhausted and completely covered in their cum.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina being the loser had no real choice in the matter, this was her fate as the loser. Not that she wanted this at all, since she did. Waves of pleasure would crash over her continually as the tentacles violated her in ways that brought back memories of a few days ago when she was against the tentacle monster. She was fucked senseless in that match, and it was only going to get better for her this time around.

Gabriela was not around this time time to prevent the tentacles from continually filling her holes over and over again. Finally Irina would get the tentacle fucking she so craved since being somewhat deprived of it previously. Completely lost in the pleasure, she though she heard the other girl say something but it was lost in her own pleasured moaning. Being filled about 4 times over, Irina was certainly pregnant with the new tentacled monsters on the way. How long the process would take was of little concern to Irina. She could not have felt better having the tentacles explore her every hole.

It was a feeling that Irina would not want to have stop, though eventually she would just be overloaded by the constant pleasure and pass out because of it. All in all no one really knows how many times she reached a climax, maybe 20 or so would be a fair estimation. After awakening Irina was still in the room though the ring was lifted and there seemed to be no one else around.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Looking around and taking stock, Irina would realize a few things. One, the girl she lost to was no longer here. Two, the tentacles have retreated and the gaps in the floor were sealed. Three, there was a second door in the room, opposite the one she walked through. Four, she was still naked and her clothes were all in tatters, destroyed over the course of the fight - except for her panties. Those were ripped up after the fight by the demon, out of spite. Five, she was covered head to toe in drying cum, her lower holes dripping with the stuff. She could still taste some in her mouth, too. All in all, nothing seemed to be happening here anymore, so there likely wasn't much point in lingering.
Re: Irina (freeko)

With little reason to stay in the room aside from using what was left of her clothing as makeshift cloth scraps to wipe herself down somewhat with, Irina would move out of the room and go through the newly revealed door. Ready to face whatever challenge was on the other side.
Re: Irina (freeko)

While Irina was able to wipe off the worst stains off of her body and clean off the remains of the rape in general, she was still a bit dirty and in need of a bath. At least she didn't look like a glazed donut anymore. Going past the door, she'd find herself in a room with floor divided into tiles, set up in a 7x7 grid. The one she was standing on lit up, a large number 3 appearing on the surface. She could see the floor right on the opposite side of the room, but it was likely this place was some sort of unusual challenge. There were likely traps set up around the place, so she'd have to walk carefully if she didn't want to fall into them.



X is Irina's current position. O is an open tile. She can move up, down, left and right, as well as diagonally. The exit is in the top row, middle column.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would choose to move diagonally up and to the right. She had an idea what this game was, but just to be sure she had to know first. Without a proper explanation, she could only hazard a guess as to what direction was safe.
Re: Irina (freeko)

As Irina stepped onto the tile, it lit up with a red light. There was a flash and a crack as magic went off, the girl feeling a surge of pleasure shooting through her body and leaving her feeling a little aroused. She also wasn't completely naked anymore - she now wore a garter belt, as well as a pair of stockings on her legs. They were nice, black, and see through. Of course, the whole ensemble did little to actually cover her modesty. She was more or less just as exposed as before, except now clad in a bit of sexy clothing. Which she could not remove or tear, for some reason. Cursed clothing? Looking down, she'd notice the tile under her feet was no longer red, and was displaying a perhaps worryingly large number. 6.

Irina: 2/10 AP

O O O 3 O O O

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Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would move, and without really knowing anything she knew the odds were against her. The number likely meaning how many of the spaces around her that were unsafe. With the new number she could divine that the space directly below her was safe. Though that owuld not hepl her get to the end of the maze.

Knowing full well she was going to get "blown up" again. Irina would hop directly up one square.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Stepping forward, Irina would be greeted by another red tile and another flash of magic. As it abated, she'd find that she was now forced to wear high-heeled dress shoes on her feet, complimenting the stockings. She was also noticeably hornier than before, to the point where it'd begin to interfere with her ability to fight were this a battle. The number on the floor appeared as well, a large 4 right under Irina's feet.

Irina: 4/10 AP

O O O O 6 O O
O O O 3 O O O

Re: Irina (freeko)

(Rest of this puzzle was done on skype.)

Irina's next two steps carried her over to safe tiles, allowing her to progress without suffering more penalties. She was close to the exit now, and decided to just risk a run in a straight line towards it, with only two tiles left to cross. The first one of them, however, turned out to be yet another trap. Once more she was engulfed by red magical light, turning her on even more. Her pussy was starting to get a bit damp at this point and she was growing weaker, more aroused. A new article of "clothing" appeared on her body, too - a leather fetish harness that went around her torso, chest and down to her crotch, accentuating her body in a lewd fashion. However, she managed to beat the puzzle, and was now standing before the door. Though she was feeling rather horny...

(Basically, 6/10 AP.)
Re: Irina (freeko)

(gonna skip the moves)

Irina knew she won this challenge when the 4 was revealed. Moving up then up to the right she would avoid damage. Knowing she would win, Irina took the straightest path to the exit and blowing herself up one last time.

With little reason to stick around aside from hitting more trap spaces. Irina would decide if she could she would bring herself to an orgasm. Better to scratch the itch than almost guarantee failure.

Simply sitting herself down Irina would unceremoniously finger herself to an orgasm before going through the next door.
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Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would be able to get herself off without any interruptions. Her outfit, if what she wore could be called that, seemed to have no other effects aside of being impossible to remove and fitting her body really well. Moving into the next room, Irina would find herself in what looked like a replica of a monster pit, signalling that she probably ought to expect a battle here. And lo and behold, her enemy was already there. A minotaur, creature she had seen before once. A difficult foe to face for a newbie fighter, but she was no longer a newbie. Perhaps she'd be able to beat it easily enough and add a second completed challenge to her record. She'd have to prepare quickly, though, because the beast noticed her and was gearing up for a bout, definitely liking the way she was "dressed" for this fight.
Re: Irina (freeko)

The next challenge looked similar to a monster pit. Lo and behold, Irina would spot a minotaur awaiting hwr arrival. Irina would not have much time to prepare herself though there was not much that needed to be done aside from let out a snicker.

Realizing the parts she was given to wear would arouse the beast to fight in this challenge. With this there was little more to do than take this thing out.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 8 vs 4(-1) (hit)
Minotaur: 9(-1) vs 4 (critical)

Irina: 6 vs 5 (-1) (hit)
Minotaur: 10(-1) vs 10 (miss)

Irina: 9 vs 6(-1) (hit)
Minotaur: 3(-1) vs 4 (miss)

Irina: 4 vs 7(-1) (miss)
Minotaur: 9(-1) vs 3 (critical)

Irina would be able to get a hit in easily enough, scuffing the minotaur a bit. His response, however, was devastating. A powerful blow sent her reeling back, proving that the beastman had a great amount of physical strenght to compensate for lack of skill. Still, his next two swings missed their mark, as Irina weaved around his blows while hitting him two more times, doing decent damage. Unfortunately, her luck ran out when she mis-timed a blow, not only failing to connect but eating another ridiculously overpowered counterblow. She'd hate to take care and avoid getting hit so much, or she'd go down before she managed to inflict serious damage upon the beast.

Irina: 2/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 0xKO
Minotaur: 13/16 FP