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Irina (freeko)

Re: Irina (freeko)

"Pretty much." Gabriela nodded, grabbing a water bottle offered to her by Samson and downing the whole thing in one go. "I don't get how she can even function like that. I mean, sure, people like us can give into extreme emotions and some can even come out of that state at will, and we do it for a reason." The fallen angel thought out loud. "She, on the other hand? No idea why she does it. I'm not sure if she even can feel anything else, to be honest. Seems like she gets stuck in that state whenever she experiences any form of emotion. Or rather, it's the only emotional reaction she has."

Shaking her head, the woman sighed. "Well, not like we're gonna figure it out. She never says anything about where she's from or what she was doing before that. Most people have some kind of backstory to share or places of origin. She's got nothing. Some say Medea herself just brought her in one day." She shrugged. "Well, at least she's tolerable off the ring. Kinda nice, if you can get used to her. Just don't challenge her if you don't want to have your face smashed in. Haven't seen her in a while, though."
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Last I remember seeing her, she was beaten by a Minotaur and then willingly accepted a collar to become the cocksleeve of the thing. Was a while ago now, maybe a week or so ago. Can't say I really remember it completely but I do recall being in a monster pit challenge with her and someone else."

Irina would try to remember back to the second time she had encountered Nyx. The first was one of her earlier matches where Nyx fairly easily decimated Irina in the ring.

"Maybe someone needs to put one of those collars on you to keep you under control?" Irina would blurt out rather jokingly to Gabriela.

With all that being said. Irina would try to see if she could learn anything from Gabriela before moving on.

"To really get to the point, I guess I would want to know if you could teach me how to go into that berzerker state of mind. Maybe not now, since I am just a lesser demon. I would certainly appreciate the help in trying to become stronger in almost any way at this point. I can't say I really want that to happen again with what the monster did to me in that last matcch.

Oh, did you happen to get anything out of winning? Just curious as to if we won as a team or if you won because you obviously did the most damage between the lot of us."
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Eh, so she got plowed by a minotaur? Must have been pretty awesome if she's stayed for more." Gabriela chuckled, looking like she was recovering a little. "And thank you, but I can rein myself in well enough by myself, thank you very much." She responded dryly to Irina's verbal blunder, chuckling as well. "Eh, to be honest, it wouldn't help. Those collars are just that: collars. Simple objects to put around the neck. If you have the strenght and will to take them off, no one can really stop you. If Nyx is wearing a collar, it's because she does so willingly. Though I can't figure out why. Her thought process sometimes just gives people headaches."

Listening to Irina's request and explanation, Gabriela hummed thoughtfully as she slowly stood up and got out of the ring. "Well, to be honest. This isn't something like a skill to learn." She replied, sighing. "Like you've said, it's a state of mind. It depends heavily on the emotional state of the person and how they handle their feelings in general. And in the end, I'm probably the wrong person to teach." She sighed. "Even those minotaurs, as dumb as most of them are, gain a substantial increase in strenght when they rage. I wasted too much energy to get even that benefit, and I was imprecise and lacked finesse. It didn't matter against the beast, but in a normal fight? I'd get wasted."

"To gain actual benefits from berserking and retain any degree of fine control over your actions, you need discipline." The fallen angel lectured Irina. "A kind of physical and mental regimen created for the purpose of focusing your mind entirely on battle. I can go nuts because I'm flexible and can easily invoke an extremely strong emotion within me, but that's not enough to actually benefit from it. Just look at Nyx: she's dangerous, sure, but she's actually not that high on the ladder. She doesn't really channel that rage of hers too well. You want to fight like that and fight well, you'll have to dedicate yourself to it. Find someone who can teach you to channel that rage into purpose. And teach you restraint, too."

"As for the prize..." Gabriela sighed. "There was none, really. We were promised nothing, I think they just threw that thing at me and Lethice because we've been complaining a lot lately. Guess they wanted us to shut up." She chuckled, shrugging. "Still, all official fights are recorded and observed. So if management decides the like my performance, I might end up getting a chance to be promoted. That's why I'm training - I want that advancement." The fallen angel declared. "I'm not letting you leave me behind in dust, and I'm sure some of the others will feel the same way."
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Hmm, Well.. If I had anything to say about it, I would think you deserved a promotion too. Then again I did win a tournament, so who knows. I certainly don't..

Though I do want to ask you if you would like to team up with me again, maybe in a more conventional match? Maybe it would help prove your case for a promotion to take on a stronger fighter and beat them? You did beat me before afterall. Worse case scenario, I would not mind a rematch between us."

Irina would leave the door open for Gabriela in a few different ways. Maybe they would team up again and see what happens, or they would go at it again in a one on one match. With Irina being a rank higher, it would only help Gabriela's cause if she were to win again. Though it likely would not hurt either since Irina would be expected to win.

No matter the choice Gabriela would make, Irina had said her piece to her and would go about her way. Her next order of business would be to seek out Alice and see if more work could be done on her new move before whatever match Gabriela decided to have.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"A rematch, huh? Maybe another day." Gabriela shrugged. "No offense, you're cute and a decent fighter in your own way, but I'd be interested in fighting something else..." She trailed off, thinking. Waving at Irina as the latter went off on her own, the fallen angel disappeared to tend to her own matters. Alice, as it turned out, was in her usual place and up for some more practice, helping the girl get her move worked out properly. Though after the practice was over, the living doll ended up having to go fight in her own match.

Whether Irina would have liked to spectate or no, she found herself unable to do so for one simple reason. Aura, the elf she met on the day of her victory in the tournament, showed up out of nowhere to grab her. The reason quickly became evident as Irina noticed Gabriela, carried by the lithe but suprisingly strong elf on her shoulder. The fallen angel looked sheepish. "I wasn't trying to set this up, I swear, but when she heard about you possibly forming a tag team with me she got all interested in fighting you and I couldn't dissuade her!"
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina was not entirely upset that Gabriela refused, maybe it was too obvious that she was trying to set Gabriela up to get herself promoted into the next rank as well. Meeting up with Alice, they had time enough to work out Irina's newly learned submission move. With Alice leaving to partake in her own match.

Wanting to likely fight in some manner of team fight again, Irina would try to find either Yako or Alex to see if they were interested. Her search was cut short as Aura would enter the training area with Gabriela on her shoulders. Gabriela it seems had talked to Aura and that set her in motion. Looking over to Gabriela, Irina simply nodded.

"I understand, Gabriela, this was going to happen eventually. I do not blame you at all for this. I do not blame anyone for this. It is the league and how it works, at least that is how I understand it.

I take it this is a challenge then, Aura? Gabriela and I against you? Or just you and I in the ring and no one else?"

Irrelevant of her terms, Irina was willing to accept the challenge were one to be made officially by Aura. If it were the two of them against Aura or Irina and Aura in single combat against each other, so be it. Irina would not back down from this challenge.
Re: Irina (freeko)

"Awesome! Let's get this show on the road, then!" The dark elf declared, pulling Irina behind her. "I already went and got all the boring stuff out of the way so we can skip straight to fighting!" She explained, looking quite eager to start fighting. Reaching the arena, Gabriela and Irina would learn that this was going to be a tag team match against Aura. They'd have to choose which one of them would go in first, and could tag out up to 4 times. With two of them fighting against one, they could take time to recover while the other one was fighting, but the confident grin on Aura's face suggested she had some cards to play up her sleeve.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Having no real chance to do anything aside from accept, Irina would be dragged off by Aura. The match itself would be a two on one match. Though with Aura being clearly stronger than either Gabriela or herself, it would be up to those two to see who was going to start. Irina volunteered herself, and it was up to Gabriela if she would agree.

Thinking about the match for a second, when the girls tagged out. Maybe there would be an opportunity to quickly do a double team move on Aura before the referee, if there even was one present, would step in.

All told, it was just a matter of getting the match started up before Irina and Gabriela were up against Aura in this match.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Gabriela did not oppose Irina's vote to go first. In fact, she believed the demon, being stronger, would be a better choice for a starting opponent. Aura quickly hopped into the ring. She waited impatiently for the other girl to get in, then for the referee to begin the match. It was obvious that she was raring to go and as soon as the signal was given, she'd go all out from the beginning.

Irina: 6/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/3 CP, 0xKO
Aura: 6/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/3 CP, 0xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Gabriela would defer to Irina, and the match would start. From the looks of things, this was going to be a matter of taking a pounding and hoping that she could do enough damage in return to whittle Aura down. Between the two tagging in and out, maybe it would be possible to win this. The most distressing thing for Irina was that she were not properly dressed for the occasion. Being dragged off by Aura while she was still wearing her workout clothes.

Once the bell would ring, Aura was likely to charge in and give it her all. Just one look across the ring at her made Irina feel like she was about to get run over by a truck. Irina would hopefully be able to weather the storm and capitalize on a few openings in the process.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 9(-1) vs 4 (critical)
Aura: 7 vs 6(-1) (hit)

Irina: 7(-1) vs 10 (miss)
Aura: 7 vs 6(-1) (hit)

Irina: 7(-1) vs 7 (miss)
Aura: 4 vs 9(-1) (counter)

The clash between the two women was fierce. Irina managed to land the first blow, tearing Aura's shirt off and scoring a nice hit. The elf retaliated with two successive strikes of her own, making the girl step back a little. She tried to follow up with a third one, but overextended, allowing the demon to get around the blow and send her to the mat with a decent counterattack. Now Irina had several options, would she try to keep hitting Aura while she was down, or try to grapple with the elf?

Irina: 4/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 3/3 CP, 0xKO
Aura: 4/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO, knocked down
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina seemed to catch Aura by surprise as she decided to take the fight to her instead of let Aura come to her. Ripping away Aura's top was her reward for the gambit. However Aura would respond by nailing Irina a few times in response. Almost by instinct and credit to the Samson twin that had helped her not too long ago, Irina was able to counter Aura's next attack and send her to the ground.

With how well things were going on her feet, she hesitated a little before deciding to try to grapple with Aura. It was certainly far too early in the match to attempt her newly learned move, but that did not mean she could not attempt to gain control of Aura otherwise.

If things were to go badly, Irina would start to consider tagging in Gabriela were she to ever get herself knocked out.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 5(-1) vs 9 (miss)
Getting up: 9 vs 6 (success)
Aura: 9 vs 10(-1) (miss)

Irina: 8(-1) vs 7 (hit)
Aura: 8 vs 8(-1) (hit, skill activate)

Irina: bound
Aura: 7 vs 6(-1) (hit)

Irina: 6(-1) vs 11 (counter)
Aura: 6 vs 7(-1) (miss)

Irina: 4 vs 4(-1) (fail)
Aura: 8 vs 3(-1) (critical)

Altough Irina quickly moved to get on top of Aura, her initial hesitation cost her the advantage. The dark elf was just as fast as her, if not faster, and pausing allowed her to get up before the demon closed in. Though Irina was still able to give chase and strike her, the grin which her opponent gave her spoke of how screwed up her situation was about to become. In a flash, Aura bowled her over, landing on top of her and tearing at her top, twisting in. In a move that Irina couldn't quite follow, she managed to bind the girl's arms behind her back with the cloth. While it wouldn't last long, it'd still give her some opportunities to attack.

And attack she did. While Irina kept struggling to break out of her bonds, Aura quickly began to work on her breasts, teasing them, groping, playing with her nipples. She was extremely skilled at it too, quickly making the girl quite hot and bothered as she stoked her lust. By the time the top could no longer take the abuse and broke, allowing the demon to shake her assailant off, she was already beginning to feel her will to fight weaken, sapped by pleasure and need. Aura simply pulled back, laughing slightly to herself, looking very pleased by what she had done.

Irina: 4/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO
Aura: 3/6 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would find that Aura would use her top as something of a makeshift set of handcuffs. Having her chest worked over while being helpless to do anything about it was one part erotic and one part absolutely distressing. By the time she was able to break free, Aura had already started to ignite Irina's fire, simply by masterfully stroking her chest no less.

With Aura backing off once Irina was free, it would seem that this was the opportune time to tag Gabriela into the match. Hopefully, Irina would be able to settle herself down a little and recover while Gabriela was in the ring.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would be able to quickly tag out with Gabriela, the fallen angel stepping into the ring to take her partner's place. Aura lunged at her, but the black-haired woman saw the attack coming and managed to clothesline her, sending the elf to the ground. She quickly got on top of her too, tearing off her skirt and starting to tease her pussy through the panties, pleased to get a reaction out of the dark elf. Then she saw the look in Aura's eyes. And in a moment, Gabriela quickly realized that she fucked up.

The reversal was incredibly fast, almost too fast to notice. In a stunning display of speed and agility, Aura quickly flipped her opponent over and got on top of her, pinning her down. And despite the fact that Gabriela still had all of her clothes on, her subsequent assault had the fallen angel moaning in pleasure as she was groped, teased and all but violated by the elf's fingers. She was growing weak now, and unless Irina tried to intervene and tag her out she'd likely fall to their opponent soon.

Irina: 5/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO
Aura: 3/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/3 CP, 0xKO

Gabriela: 6/6 FP, 5/10 AP, 3/3 CP, 0xKO, grappled
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would see Gabriela in trouble.. deep trouble as Aura would reverse a move that Gabriela had attempted to pull off. Just kind of saying screw it to the rules in her head, Irina would enter the ring and attempt to just launch herself into Aura to break up the hold.

Hopefully in the chaos that would ensue, Gabriela would be able to get herself in a state well enough to tag Irina legitimately back into the match. Of course if Aura were to retaliate on Irina, the chaos that followed could only help Gabriela and Irina as they would both have a chance to attack Aura.

As things stood right now, desperate times called for desperate measures.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 5(-2) vs 8 (miss)
Gabriela: 7(-3) vs 6 (miss)
Aura: 11 vs 7(-2) (skill)

Irina: 5(-2) vs 7 (miss)
Gabriela: 4(-3) vs 7 (miss)
Aura: 11 vs 8(-3) (hit)

Irina: 6(-2) vs 10 (miss)
Gabriela: 5(-3) vs 6 (miss)
Aura: 9 vs 6(-3) (hit)

Irina: charmed
Gabriela: 10(-3) vs 8 (miss)
Aura: 3 vs 7(-2) (miss)

Aura was caught completely off guard by Irina's sudden intrusion and charge, her eyes opening almost comically wide as she jumped off of Gabriela in order to defend herself. The crowd let out a mixed cry of outrage, suprise and excitement at what was going on. However, it would appear that this breach of rules wouldn't be without consequences. In a flash, a magical bolt of lightning struck down from the ceiling, hitting Irina. It didn't seem to do anything to her, for some reason, but by the time the blindness in her eyes receded she found herself wearing a slave collar she could not remove. "Man, I can't believe you did that!" Aura laughed out loud while Gabriela stared at her partner, looking like she wanted to facepalm. "You're gonna be in for some real fun once this is over, that's for sure!"

Irina would quickly find out that now that she was in the ring, she could no longer leave it. Gabriela seemed to have the ability to do so, but refused. Apparently the fallen angel was a little touched by the gesture, despite the rather obvious annoyance she felt, though the demon could hear the fallen angel mutter something about a "fucking idiot" under her breath. Or maybe she wanted to at least try to win this and realized she had no chance on her own. Aura, despite the damage she took earlier, looked confident. Both of her enemies were worn down considerably and much weaker than her and even if she was standing only in her panties right now, she could still take them on. The dark elf quickly settled into a stance, then lunged forward, resuming the battle.

Irina would quickly find that her and Gabriela's situation was grim indeed. None of the attacks they've made came anywhere close to hitting the dark elf. Indeed, Aura seemed to be dancing between their blows, letting out a visible long breath... By the time Irina realized what was wrong with that, it was too late to avoid the danger. The strange vapor seized her senses, seeking to suppress her will. She struggled, feeling that this pressure wouldn't last, but in the end wasn't able to resist all the way to the end. Right before Aura's breath ability finished running it's course, the elf's charm managed to briefly take control of Irina's actions, forcing her to discard the bottom of her outfit and throw it away into the crowd, losing it. Aura seemed eager to grab the demon at that point, but Gabriela intervened, at a cost. She managed to stop the stronger fighter from grappling with her ally by putting her face in the path of her fists, for the most part.

Irina: 4/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 1/3 CP, 0xKO
Gabriela: 4/6 FP, 5/10 AP, 3/3 CP, 0xKO

Aura: 3/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/3 CP, 0xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Aura would again pull another trick while Irina was somewhat taken aback by a collar being magically placed around her neck. Judging by the reaction of others, it seemed like she should have just let Gabriela get destroyed by Aura. Irina of course would not allow that, and if this was the consequence so be it.

Shooting some manner of mist toward Irina it took effect after a few turns as Irina would be compelled to disrobe herself and fling her skirt off into the crowd. Someone was going home happy that they got a souvenir today. After she seemed to snap out of whatever the mist had caused to her, Irina would find the collar's purpose was to stop her from leaving the ring for some reason.

Having no real other option since she could not leave the ring now, Irina would try to do what she could to knock Aura down a peg. Between the two of them, if they could get Aura down, maybe there was a way that Irina or Gabriela could restrain her while the other drove her wild.
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina: 12(-2) vs 5 (critical)
Gabriela: 4(-3) vs 9 (counter)
Aura: 11 vs 5(-2) (critical)

Irina: 10(-2) vs 7 (hit)
Getting up: 4 vs 9 (failure)
Gabriela: 9(-3) vs 5 (hit)
Aura: KO

The three girls clashed once more, the battle turned into a fierce clusterfuck as they've vied for domination. Gabriela went down onto the ground, sprawled out but not yet beaten after failing to flank Aura. This gave Irina the opening to land her own attack, destroying the elf's panties in the process, though she suffered the exact same fate in turn. However, the momentum had swung in her favor, however briefly, and the demon was able to stagger her opponent with a determined attack long enough for Gabriela to kick her legs out from under her, causing Aura to crash to the ground in a heap, dazing her as her head hit the mat. Now the two women had a moment of reprieve they could use to act. The fallen angel was taking this opportunity to get up, but Irina could use this chance to pin the elf down or grapple with her.

Irina: 3/6 FP, 4/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 0xKO
Gabriela: 4/6 FP, 5/10 AP, 2/3 CP, 0xKO, knocked down

Aura: 0/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 0/3 CP, 1xKO
Re: Irina (freeko)

Irina would not even hesitate. If there were ever a time to try her newly learned move in a match, this was it. Hoping that Gabriela would join in, if for no other reason than to try to keep Aura trapped. Irina would wrap herself around Aura in a manner that the only thing not pinned down would be an arm that she would not be able to use in a manner that would allow her to escape.

Of course even the best laid plans can go to crap in an instant. Were Gabriela not able to "pile on" soon enough, Aura could conceivably get herself free without taking any damage at all. At this point, all that Irina was hoping for was the chance to even the playing field out a little by starting to get Aura a little off her game.

Either way it went, Irina felt there was only one single way to hopefully salvage this match.