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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well, I'm not really tampering on "OOHH!! LOOK AT ME I KNOW SOMETHING!!!!! WATCH IN AWE YOU LITTLE SHITS!!!!"

Not everyone have access to british TV-shows, and it's good to let people OTHER people who have no idea to know about it.

If you know about it. Good for you.

For you who DON'T know about it. Just so you know.

Just don't go stomping on my face just because I give out something you already know. Because not everybody knows.

Besides it's a good show. Might as well spread it a bit.
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well i suppose i was raised on blackadder since i was a wee one... but eh, carry one.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well i suppose i was raised on blackadder since i was a wee one... but eh, carry one.

Yer also from a Commonwealth nation though.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well why not give this a try
Name: I have many different ones really, most just call me knuckles ^w^ or Nex
Screenname / Nicknames: Nexus, Nexy, only girls call me Nexy though
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: United States, unfortunately -__-

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Bright blue most of the time
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Eye brow length wet, mid-forehead dry, hoping to grow out
Breasts: None last time I checked
Glasses: Reading glasses sometimes
Features: From what others tell me, pretty eyes, more on the skinny side with a strong bone structure (which gives me a hourglass figure I really don’t want -__-), light on my feet though I don’t look it, I’m a little stronger than I look
Height: 5'11 or so, and i wear gloves alot o.0 mostly fingerless fighting, or fingerless biker

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Red sclera, silver irises
Hair color: Red/blue, black
Hair style: Either shoulder length and straight, or more towards spikey, laid back
Hair length: Shoulder length, maybe a little longer
Ears: Dog, like Inuyasha :3
Breasts: Uh… think I’ll pass
Tail: Yes, definately
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Nope
Glasses: Maybe
Features: Metal mask to keep my face covered, athletic build, lightning fast, incredibly strong… and I wanna be handsome… like “holy hell look at that guy” handsome
Height: Around 5’7
Cyclops: Nu-uh, I rely on both eyes
Skin: Same

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Rooster (Yin Water), Gemini (Mercury)
My Fears: I can’t really think of any at the moment
Common Utterances: Forgive me, I’m sorry, I apologize, You’re funny… but stupid, Are you scared?, Put on more padding so it hurts less when I knock you out
Is the glass half full, or half empty: To me it’s always empty, but sometimes it’s full
Bad Habits: Sometimes too apologetic, I keep things bottled up, when I fight I don’t stop until someone pulls me away, I train until I’m too exhausted to do anything else

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Cowards
2) People who downsize others
3) Judgemental people

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: uh…
Video game series: Kh, Shin Megami Tensei, Resident Evil, anything zombie or anime related as long as it’s interested and has good graphics
TV Show: Family Guy, American Dad, Naruto, Eureka 7, Tenchi Muyo, Married With Children
Anime: Highschool of the Dead, I can’t play H, Hellsing, Initial D, Inuyasha, Hitman Reborn, Money of soul and possibility control, Higurashi no naku koro ni
Webcomic: Hmm…
Drink: Water, Monster java, Starbucks, Mountain Dew Game Fuel (when it’s on the market), Coke Vanilla
Shoe: Either dress shoes, Catapult, or World Industries
Hat: On rare occasion a fedora
Color: Back, grey pinstripe
Music Genre: Trance, Nightcore, Classic Rock, Pop, anything except Rap, Country, Or music related to the two for the most part
Internet Meme: Liam Neeson, Phillip J. Fry “Either… or” memes

Do I...

Smoke: Yes, like a freight train and it’s put a heavy strain on my training
Drink Alcohol: No, never again…
Swear: It depends which personality is on my sleeves
Flip out and kill people: *devious chuckle* well…
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yes, actual guitar
Knit scarves for orphans: No, but If I ever get rich I wanna donate to orphanages and charities
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Nu uh, my dad has a beanie baby collection though ._,
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I’m sorry a who?... or what?
Have furry leanings?: Furry leanings?

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I read cards, different kinds… but the future is impossible to predict due to the fact that it can always change paths drastically so, eh
Should Marty have gone back to it?: No, no… he’s… he’s fine

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Well I need a new community to take part in, Monster Girls Unlimited brought me here and some of the members seemed friendly, plus I love Hentai so, this seemed the ideal place.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Also, welcome Whisky, mind the gap and stuff!

Thankyou kindly Ranger Princess

Since my real ones long and would mean nothing to y'all anyways I did indeed use a joke name just to see who'd get the reference.
Sorry bout the drama. :eek:
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Ah, Welcome Nexus to ULMF!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well then.. I shall do the newbie induction as well!

Name: People mostly call me Z
Screenname / Nicknames: See above :D
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: United Stats

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair length: 5'5" (No lie... if you want proof, just ask)
Breasts: Flat? o_O
Glasses: Terrible vision over here
Features: I'm Asian with long hair? Not sure what else to explain here...
Height: 5'5.5"

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Same
Hair color: Same
Hair style: I wish my hair was a bit lighter so it could flow with the wind
Hair length: Even longer
Ears: Not sure...
Breasts: Unnn sure?
Tail: A little nub like what Bears have would be fun
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Wait... What!?
Glasses: Already have. I want them off
Features: I'd like to be a bit muscular than this skinny twig of a person?
Height: Same
Cyclops: Na
Skin: Same

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Dragon Cancer
My Fears: Leaving my family
Common Utterances: My apologies
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Always half full
Bad Habits: Never forgive myself

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Untruthful
2) Judgmental
3) People who always take the easy route

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: No idea
Video game series: Seiken Densetsu
TV Show: Family Guy, American Dad, etc.
Anime: Now and Then, Here and There
Webcomic: CAD
Drink: Water
Shoe: There are brands?
Hat: None
Color: Green
Music Genre: Trance, Country
Internet Meme: Bro do u even lift

Do I...

Smoke: no
Drink Alcohol: Sometimes
Swear: Try not to
Flip out and kill people: In my mind
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No
Knit scarves for orphans: No, I help out in other ways though
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Teddy Bears
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Negative
Have furry leanings?: I'm lost

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Negative
Should Marty have gone back to it?: I don't think it was necessary the first time

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Honestly, I need a game ID'd. But I'm willing to give the community a chance. Seems like a fun place to be :)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Lucas Leonardo
Screenname / Nicknames: Atmo
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: Brazil

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Hair length: Short
Features: 90kg
Height: 175

~ Ideal appearance ~

Being a tentacle monster / having tentacles.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Gemini
My Fears: Aliens, high places
Common Utterances: <i didn't understand this question>
Is the glass half full, or half empty: i drink the content.
Bad Habits: various, the first is not finishing animes and light novels.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Futa
2) Bad RPG systems
3) Internet Trolls

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: it's a long list, but i don't remember too much people.
Video game series: Touhou
Anime: various, fantasy and magic based FTW
Drink: no alcohoolic
Color: green and blue
Music Genre: japanese and game

Do I...

Smoke: no
Swear: yes
Flip out and kill people: no
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: no
Knit scarves for orphans: no
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: i want, but no
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: ...yes
Have furry leanings?: NO

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: sadly, yes, and it is not so bright

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Looking to a place to play hentai RPG, even with this third-handed english.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

After my shameful fail at the other thread, I'll give it a try to this one.

Name: You'll never know! Mwuahahahaha
Screenname / Nicknames: fullmetal
Age: more than you think, but less than you can expect
Gender: male
Current Country of Residence: Europe (Done on porpuse)

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Depends.
Hair Color: Blond.
Hair length: Short
Breasts: non.
Glasses: Yes.
Features: What?
Height: Quite tall.

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Purple
Hair color: Whatever.
Hair length: Whatever.
Ears: To have ears I guess?
Breasts: non.
Tail: Why?
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: ...This is getting weird
Glasses: meh.
Features: pff-
Height: tall
Cyclops: *spits out drink* Why the hell would I want to have a single eye?
Skin: Tanned.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Leo.
My Fears: None that I know about.
Common Utterances:
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full, always!
Bad Habits: Lazy

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Pedophiles
2) Silent Hill: Downpour
3) Mediafire

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Can't remember his name.
Other manga of interest: Fullmetal Alchemist
Video game series: The Elder Scrolls
TV Show: Barney.
Anime: Many.
Webcomic: Scott Pilgrim
Drink: Fanta (orange)
Shoe: Comfortable
Hat: Never wear a hat
Color: Depends on the day.
Music Genre: Viking Metal and Epic Metal
Internet Meme: Yaoming

Do I...

Smoke: No.
Swear: Who doesn't?
Flip out and kill people: ...
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Hell yes!
Knit scarves for orphans: ...No?
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: ...No?
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: No
Have furry leanings?: What to say? Hummm...

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Who doesn't? ;)
Should Marty have gone back to it?: The one from the Old West thing?

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I enjoy this place's amount of intel.
Other random trivia: HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE


Well, I already 'introduced' myself in a glorious way, but in the wrong thread; so I guess you could say that I didn't really start off with good foot, but I was told quite nicely that I should have introduced myself here by Ranger Princess and Incubus (in a way), but ToxicShock just put a gif representing how much of a fail mine was; quite awesome if I may add. If any of you want to read what I wrote just go to the "Member Announcements" thread and search for it in the last page. Glad to be a member of this forum!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Holy guacomole 4 weeks without a welcome! Sorry Atmo!

TV Show: Barney.
This guy?


Anyways, welcome again fullmetal. I don't think you will be, but don't be shy about posting, whether it be here, blank page, RP forum, or hentai stuff. It's always nice to have new faces around here. Also, mind the gap as Gator would say. It's good to get this thread going again...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

The one true Barney.

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I dunno. I might have to throw this contender into the ring...

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Nothing...
Screenname / Nicknames: Last...
Age: idk...
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: US

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Dark i guess...
Hair Color: Dark.
Hair length: Short, want it short...
Breasts: ...
Glasses: hate them...
Features: uhh..?
Height: Med size

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: N/A
Hair color:N/A
Hair length: Short
Ears: Small sharp?
Breasts: ...
Tail: maybe...
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: .....
Glasses: still hate them....
Features: A small fang tooth out of my mouth...
Height: small... very...
Cyclops: ... i dont like having 1 eye...
Skin: N/A

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Leo.
My Fears: Idk....
Common Utterances: Bored...
Empty... let it be all empty... (Cracks a smirk)


Bad Habits: Stupidity, (not joking...)

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Stupidity (Yes, ik what im saying...)
2) Luck
3) Hope... (Various reasons)

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: I should start remembering names...
Other manga of interest: Iron wok jan?
Video game series: Agarest War
TV Show: Lost interest
Anime: ... lots... starting with Spice and Wolf
Webcomic: I don't think i read them..
Drink: Grape soda?
Shoe: a bit larger then they should be (Brand-Don't care for fashion)
Hat: Don't wear them... but a bandanna seems nice, i think
Color: light green, light blue, or something gloomy
Music Genre: Hate music... (at the very least perfers not to listen)
Internet Meme: Hmm don't have any.

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Trys not to
Flip out and kill people: ... Mentally...
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Music?...
Knit scarves for orphans: .....
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: not really?...
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: No
Have furry leanings?: ...maybe...

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Tends to not look ahead
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Back to the future? haven't throughly seen it.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Intel - Resembles other... "Places"
Other random trivia: Why do people like Luck?

-Could help if i know what i was doin...
-Wishes for a satisfying stay
-Please be direct to be (Not Extremely tho), because i mistake many stuff
-Known to be clusy
-No, i am not always moody, just feel like being it today...
-Hmm, is this good enough or did i do something incorrectly?
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Fitzroy
Screenname / Nicknames: Cyka (russian for bitch)
Age: 24-28 :p
Gender: female
Current Country of Residence: US

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:brown
Hair length: short
Breasts: ....
Glasses: nope
Features: nothing in paritcular

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: blue
Hair color: cyan
Hair length: long
Ears: none
Breasts: DD
Tail: nope!
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: ... maaaaybe
Glasses: nope
Features: same
Height: same
Cyclops: nope
Skin: scaley...?

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Ox
My Fears: rats
Common Utterances: C'est la vie
Is the glass half full, or half empty: FULL!
Bad Habits: biting nails

3 Things I Dislike:
1) people who are full of themselves
2) mondays
3) ... ... not getting my way? :D

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist:-
Other manga of interest:-
Video game series: Final Fantasy
TV Show: Doctor Who
Anime: Higurashi
Webcomic: Curvy
Drink: raspberry Ice Tea
Shoe: BOOT
Hat: Pirate's
Color: cyan
Music Genre: Celtic
Internet Meme: New to internet kid

Do I...

Smoke: no
Swear: f*** yeah
Flip out and kill people: nope!
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: when excited
Knit scarves for orphans: haha.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: fake swords/model guns
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: google..... aaaand: No.
Have furry leanings?: Nopenopenope

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?:

Reason for joining:love the cyoa section. I mostly just read it but I may vote ocassionally
Other random trivia: I'm a fencer! Foilin' everyone everyday.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi Cyka, more celtic music fans are always welcome in my book. Feel free to post something in the music thread. :) Also, your age range means you're either older than me or younger than me... Hmmm... mysterious!

Anyways, have fun and mind the gap.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Another Celtic music fan, excellent. Do share some of your faves.
