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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Eh, I kinda miss some of the things I could do when I was small, as I was always a very small child.

But not enough that I'd want to be smaller. Lets face it, it sucks to be short. Tall people are more likely to get jobs, promotions, pay rises, because people just instinctively respect them more.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I'm actually a couple inches taller, but I highly dislike my height. I have no use for it and it tends to make me stand out.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hello Ukarias!

The red Mountain Dew was I think Code Red? I don't actually drink soda very often, but that sounds right to me. >.>
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Nono, not code red as I distinctly remember that one. It was a flavor that came out with two other ones for a month or two. (It ended up losing and the white one won.) I honestly do not remember the names of them, but that soda was unique and it was what I was looking for in terms of flavor. Well, I don't think it was the best of flavor tbh, though it was quite addicting. xD
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Current Country of Residence: Atm... U.S.A, next week...? Could be anywhere. I move a lot and this is a little exaggerated xP (I move yearly for the most part.)

~ Favorites ~

Webcomic: I don't really read many, but I can't really name any that stood out to me... Partially due to memory failure on my part.
Drink: Drink... Drink... I forgot the name of it, but it was that red Mountain Dew that came out last year or something for a short time.... Only had like one pack of it, but it was soooo good.

Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I somehow fall into this category, but unwillingly, I just can't seem to escape my bedroom very often due to not being able to obtain a job. So not really "Otaku" persay, but I do have an abnormal anime addiction to a degree... >.> Cough
Have furry leanings?: I'm confused as to what this is?

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?:If you count laying out a specific plan and seeing it work perfectly as you imagined then yes. Other than that I lack the ability of "Clairvoyance."
Should Marty have gone back to it?: I don't really know what this is... But back to the future? I think...? Umm, I'll just go with no? (Unsure.)

You have a family member in the military or some other profession that requires moving yearly? Or do they just enjoy moving =.= ?

Webcomics: We have an entire thread if you want to check it out.
My Personal List
Drink: EDIT: Well fack. Gimme a second. EDIT2: FACK. Just check .

Otaku Hikikomori: Go for walks. No, seriously, that's what I did/do. Take an hour a day just to simply go for a walk. Doesn't necessarily have to have a specific route. It's much better than simply staying in your bedroom most/all day.
Furry Leanings:

Can you see into it: That's fine. Clairvoyance is nice to have, but there are better choices. I usually go with Ghost and Exhaust most of the time.
Should Marty have gone back: YES, yes it is a "Back to The Future" thing.

@the height thing: I think 5'10" is ideal. Plenty tall to get recognized, yet not so tall that you ALWAYS bang your head into stuff. Still happens, just less.
Still, being 6-foot-something has it's uses I'd bet. Being able to see over the heads of most other people, for example. Or being able to reach higher places than most other people.
Sure, there are downsides, but you've got to look at the positives.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

If Wikipedia is to be trusted, there are two possible drinks that fit your description: Mountain Dew Typhoon from a contest this year or Mountain Dew Supernova from a contest in 2008.

(I'm not sure exactly when figuring this out became a challenge for me.)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Why not, I lurk here all the time, starting a couple forums back, and I have a bad habit of being extremely lurky even after I decide to break that habit.

Name: Owen
Screenname / Nicknames: Doomhammer, Deathstalker, Valukar, Singsong
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: Scotland

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown, fades to blond in places
Hair length: Long enough to be extremely scruffy most of the time, few inches.
Breasts: Larger than they should be for a guy, but getting smaller, hah.
Glasses: Stylish half-rimmed ones, because I'm very short sighted. Occasionally wear contacts instead, for boxing and stuff.
Features: Pretty sharp, but I've got a kinda boyish face. And can't grow facial hair for shit. Bah.
Height: 6'6"

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown without the blond bits :p
Hair length: Same as now, really.
Ears: 15. Not really, I'm cool with having my current pair.
Breasts: Gone, replaced with manly pecs!
Tail: Hm, perhaps as a secret weapon with a scorpion-like barb, but nothing kinky or attractive.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Noooo thank you. I'm good.
Glasses: I don't mind glasses themselves but I would kill someone to get perfect vision.
Features: I'd like to lose said 'boyish' look and gain the ability to grow a sodding beard!
Height: I'm good at 6'6", top shelves are never an issue to me.
Cyclops: If I had a beard I would imagine looking pretty kick ass with an eyepatch, but I wouldn't like to lose my depth perception.
Skin: Wish it was healthier, my sun-starved, pasty white Scottish skin suffers. :p

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Virgo or Libra, I forget which.
My Fears: Spiders, being hurt by those closest to me, and maggots.
Common Utterances: 'Fair enough', 'Where did my spoon go?', 'God, [X] has a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle...'
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Where's my glass? THIS is my glass? No, I don't think so. Someone's drank some of this. My glass was FULL. AND it was a BIGGER glass!
Bad Habits: Procrastinating, fidgeting (normally by throwing up/catching and spinning aforementioned often-lost spoon).

3 Things I Dislike:
1) The rapid decline of humanity. I'm looking at you, Stephanie Meyer. Justin Beiber.
2) Cheap hentai movies, the ones that look like they were all done by the same guy. Bleh!
3) Not having chocolate!

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Morikawa Jyoji, Tite Kubo and Nagatomo Kenji.
Other manga of interest: Hajime no Ippo, Bleach, and Bartender from those three, I also follow Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail, History's Strongest Disciple, and Golden Boy.
Video game series: Sonic, Spyro, Crash, Mario, all my classics. Also like Splatterhouse, InFamous, LittleBigPlanet, Assassin's Creed, Starcraft, Warcraft... I've got a big selection here.
TV Show: How It's Made, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Mythbusters, uh... Not sure what else, don't watch much TV.
Anime: The ones from the manga I watch.
Webcomic: Genius Girl, LFG, Least I Could Do, Awkward Zombie, The Zombie Hunters.
Drink: Robinson's apple and blackcurrent, Pepsi Max, Schweppes lemonade, and Monster Energy.
Shoe: Trainers of some kind, size 12-13 UK (Big.)
Hat: My swanky top hat, of course!
Color: Green or red, both with black preferably.
Music Genre: Don't like music based on genre.
Internet Meme: Advice Dog and family.

Do I...

Smoke: No, I think it's disgusting, just breathing near a smoker makes me cough and gag. Bleh.
Swear: I've been known to, but I try not to make it every other word. I'm too classy for that~
Flip out and kill people: Long, slow fuse. Big bloody explosion on the end.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Nope~
Knit scarves for orphans: Yes, but then I tie them into nooses. Because karma should be balanced. <3
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: I've got some Warhammer 40k stuff from a phase I went through.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: What's that when it's at home?
Have furry leanings?: Some Sonic stuff is hot, but generally I wouldn't say so.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I wish.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Yes, to take me back to the Old West. :D

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I like LineMarvel's stuff, I've been lurking since before the big vanish. I joined a long time ago, just lurked until now... Until I go back to lurking.
Other random trivia: The Singsong has been documented to produce stomach acids strong enough to digest it's own stomach, and enjoys gorging on delicious holiday foods because this gives it nigh-immunity to indigestion.

Notes: I lurk. A lot. Often. I probably won't keep this active lark up for as long as I'd like to. Kinda sucks, but meh, hi everyone!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Ahh ok, thanks for filling me in. Also I used to go on walks, but... Not anymore for specific reasons. I do manage to stay slender though, so I'm not complaining... Too much. >.>

Well, I move a lot because... Idk? I honestly don't xD We just end up moving for one reason or another.

Back to the Future... I only VAGUELY I mean barely remember it. I don't even know if I've actually seen all the movies. >.>

I don't really have an interest in "Furry" type stuff.

Still don't like my height though. I think 5"7 would work well for me though. Maybe 5"8-9, but no higher than that.

Edit: I believe it to be one of those sodas you've listed.... xD I'm thinking Typhoon, but unsure...
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome Ukarias, thank you for using ze proper thread.

And welcome Singsong.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Can you see into it: That's fine. Clairvoyance is nice to have, but there are better choices. I usually go with Ghost and Exhaust most of the time.

Er, but I DON'T get it.... :(
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Lurker, your profile picture makes me rage. Dammit Blizzard, why did you not only deprive me of my Lurkers but make it look like THAT! It was supposed to look like a nightmarish Super-Hydralisk, arrrgh...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name:Shiro Hime
Screenname / Nicknames:Hey you!
Current Country of Residence: US

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: light brown in front dark in back
Hair length: extremley short with a longer bang
Breasts:yes i have them...full 36c-d
Glasses: ocassionally wear them

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color:silver
Hair color:white
Hair length:ankle length
Ears:slightly pointed
Breasts:good size already
Tail:i'm torn...
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part:hell to the no
Skin:i like my caramel skin :)

~ Personality ~

My Fears:hate spiders...do not fear..hate
Common Utterances:pssh yeah right, thou shalt fear me!!, aomp!
Is the glass half full, or half empty:that depends if there's any alcohol in it...if yes then completly empty...
Bad Habits:biting my lip, laying in bed al day on my day off...

3 Things I Dislike:
2)having nothing to do
3)stupid people with big mouths

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: yun kouga,yayoi ogawa
Other manga of interest:eh??
Video game series:ff,zelda,kh
TV Show: dont watch tv
Anime: well...
Webcomic: uhh...sucks to be weegie??
Drink: red hedded slut
Shoe: the right one...
Hat: anything with cute ears
Color: orange
Music Genre: j-pop
Internet Meme: meh...

Do I...

Smoke: hell no
Swear: hell yeah
Flip out and kill people: who's askin?
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: i do own a sweet ass air guitar..
Knit scarves for orphans: gloves man...gloves
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines:used to
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?:meh
Have furry leanings?: meh??

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: i spy with my beady little eye...
Should Marty have gone back to it?: no...no he shouldn't have...

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: felt like joinin a forum..
Other random trivia: where's waldo?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome Conkerblah, and do enjoy yer time here in these parts.