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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread


((And if anyone gets *that* reference, they get cookies.))

Is it Macross, or Space Battleship Yamato?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Not quite, but cookies anyway.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: 010010110101011 (My name is in binary, hope you don't mind)

Screenname / Nicknames: Hmm, I wonder? Well people tend to call me the following:
Asshole, Asshat, Fag, Faggot, Faghole, Faghat, Assfag, Faggy-Ass, Faggy-Asshole, Bitch, Bastard, Pervert, Hypocrite, Wannabe-Lesbian, and a large manner of things relative.

Age: 19

Gender: I have boy-parts.

Current Country of Residence: South Africa, also known as "Racial-Prejudice-Land"

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Dark Green-Blue

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Hair length: Medium-Long, Wild

Breasts: I love breasts! Wait what?

Glasses: I only wear shades on special occasions.

Features: If you order now, I come with a free penis-size-adjuster (Batteries sold separately)

Height: Average-Slightly Tall

~ Ideal appearance ~


~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Libra

My Fears: Social Reclusion IRL, Emotional manipulation, Becoming fat later in life.

Common Utterances: Fuck you my opinion is better.

Is the glass half full, or half empty: Who the fuck drank from my glass?

Bad Habits: If you don't know already, you will soon enough I do believe.

3 Things I Dislike:

1) America

2) People who ask why I'm introducing myself a second time

3) Insane Clown Posse (Or whatever they're called)

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: I can't remember or pronounce his name.

Other manga of interest: Golden Boy

Video game series: Phoenix Wright

TV Show: Grylls

Anime: So far and probably for awhile, Golden Boy

Webcomic: I forgot, so I'll just say VG cats.

Drink: Miscellaneous Energy Drinks.

Shoe: Classic leather

Hat: Tophat

Color: Black (Good thing I'm in South Africa)

Music Genre: Classic

Internet Meme: Depends on my mood, as I'm typing this out it's EFG

Do I...

Smoke: Nope. Well, at least not in the sense that you're asking.

Swear: To my disdain sometimes, yes

Flip out and kill people: I flip out, but I don't kill people as of yet

Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Nope

Knit scarves for orphans: Nope, I don't know how to knit

Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: I've never been enough of a fanboy or a rich man to buy fan merchandise, the only piece of fan merchandise I really have is the Phoenix Wright art book.

Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Not an otaku hikikomori, but I do resemble a bland regular hikikomori in some ways, back when I lived in England I showed many similarities as opposed to today.

Have furry leanings?: Not one way or the other

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: I can predict some things.

Should Marty have gone back to it?: I' unno, didn't he do that already?

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: No reason.

Other random trivia: I like trains.
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Cappy said:
3 Things I Dislike:

1) America

2) People who ask why I'm introducing myself a second time

3) Insane Clown Posse (Or whatever they're called)

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Way to short for a name in binary, seeing as 8 1s and 0s make up a lettter. Still, I know you're real name lol.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Way to short for a name in binary, seeing as 8 1s and 0s make up a lettter. Still, I know you're real name lol.

It was a bluff, and -
I do not wish for it to be known as of yet.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Fucking AIs...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Also Cappy, if you're the one who finds the need to secret comment on how well my brain functions within 10 minutes of waking up, I'm going to be very upset with you ;)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

But without ICP, how would we wonder how fucking magnets work? Definitely my fav meme for the year. But it's almost time for a new year of memes.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

But without ICP, how would we wonder how fucking magnets work? Definitely my fav meme for the year. But it's almost time for a new year of memes.

You state a valid point Incubus, but I still hate them because they're... I don't know. American incarnate.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

But without ICP, how would we wonder how fucking magnets work? Definitely my fav meme for the year. But it's almost time for a new year of memes.

The meme was only funny the first few times.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Inky likes magnets, chill guys x.x
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

All memes are only funny the first few times.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Then they're used to annoy people, which makes them funny again.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Then they're used to annoy people, which makes them funny again.

I think it's scheduled for happy nigger to make a come back soon, he was fairly funny at first as well I believe, I wouldn't know.

Then again, it's a chaotic process is it not? True prediction for such a thing is difficult rather than my wanton guess.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Screenname / Nicknames:Ky, Ukarias, a few others that can be learned through talking with me
Current Country of Residence: Atm... U.S.A, next week...? Could be anywhere. I move a lot and this is a little exaggerated xP (I move yearly for the most part.)

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color:Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Hair length: Half-way down my back
Glasses: Rarely worn
Features: Nothing abnormal or too great to point out
Height: 6 Feet (182Cm)

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Blue or Green
Hair color: Brown or black
Hair length: All the way down my back
Features: I enjoy not having anything stand out too much I guess.
Height: 5 Feet 7 inches (173 CM)

~ Personality ~

My Fears: I have a lot -.-, but my greatest one is death, yet I felt peace when I was close to it before and that sense of peace scares me even more.
Common Utterances: I guess I apologize or say thanks in advance a lot... Lol
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Depends on what is inside xP (Multiple reference.)
Bad Habits: I bite my nails and it annoys me, sometimes the skin around my fingers. I have others, but I just put down the first that came to mind. Lol

3 Things I Dislike:
1)Those who pick on others without a good reason.
2)The hot...
3)People who lie... A LOT

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: I have a wide assortment of whom I like and dislike.(The latter being far fewer.) In all honesty though, I have difficulty choosing favorites.
Other manga of interest: Currently reading Ao No Exoricist and Enigme/Enigma
Video game series: Hmm, I have no outstanding video games I play... Though if I were to choose... It would be Homm and Disciples. Though some of their more recent workings are a slight disappointment. I also used to be an avid Starcraft player.
TV Show: I dislike TV and tend not to watch a lot of it. (By this I mean reality TV type of stuff and I'm content watching anime.
Anime: Same as manga artist, but I watch EVERY type of anime out there. So my list of animes seen is rather large.
Webcomic: I don't really read many, but I can't really name any that stood out to me... Partially due to memory failure on my part.
Drink: Drink... Drink... I forgot the name of it, but it was that red Mountain Dew that came out last year or something for a short time.... Only had like one pack of it, but it was soooo good.
Shoe: Anything that looks good on me
Hat: I don't wear hats >.>... Ever
Color: It varies... Some days I like black more than another color or some days I would like green better than black.
Music Genre: I don't have any outstanding music groups I listen to...(I tend to skip around a lot...)

Do I...

Swear:I avoid it
Flip out and kill people: I stay calm majority of the time and try to keep it that way. I hate losing control of my thought process and avoid things that will affect it. (I have a lot of stuff I don't need to slip out. I don't touch alcohol or drugs for short.)
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: I don't play either, but I do play the keyboard/piano... Preferably the piano.
Knit scarves for orphans: Lol? Umm... No
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: No
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I somehow fall into this category, but unwillingly, I just can't seem to escape my bedroom very often due to not being able to obtain a job. So not really "Otaku" persay, but I do have an abnormal anime addiction to a degree... >.> Cough
Have furry leanings?: I'm confused as to what this is?

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?:If you count laying out a specific plan and seeing it work perfectly as you imagined then yes. Other than that I lack the ability of "Clairvoyance."
Should Marty have gone back to it?: I don't really know what this is... But back to the future? I think...? Umm, I'll just go with no? (Unsure.)

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Trying something new...
Other random trivia: Nothing too much to say.

Notes: Ermm, I'm a nervous type of person, but I'll adapt to the flow of thing soon... Hopefully... Other than that just talk to me through a variety of ways and I'll most likely respond, unless of course something critical has taken place. Also, I'm unsure if I have done this correctly, if it isn't done correctly I apologize. Just give me a few pointers to what needs to be fixed and I'll edit it accordingly.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Heh, someone who actually wants to be shorter :D