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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Re: Introduce yourself

I have never done a harder image verification than for signing up for this forum...

Anyways, hey everyone, remember me? Haha, finally got my own room and stuff so now I can browse away at all the LM goodness I want. It's been forever, I didn't even know you guys got this site up since November. Hope all is well, and Aika seems like you're doing a great job.
Re: Introduce yourself

Horray for poopoo!
Re: Introduce yourself

Lol hi there.

I had to turn the difficulty for the image verification up because a couple of adbots were getting through.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back pOOpOO.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back.

And just think of the verification as a test: if you can't pass, obviously we don't want you here!

Wait a minute.....

Re: Introduce yourself

Haha, good to be back. =)

On a different note I JUST found out I've been perma banned from 4chan...odd

"posting personal info" I think it was one of the guys that lives in my house.
Re: Introduce yourself

Never been to 4 chan myself, but it must suck being perma banned. That's a shitty deal... excuse the pun.
Re: Introduce yourself

Ban evasion isn't exactly the most difficult thing in the world.
Re: Introduce yourself

no it isn't, but that there was an excuse to use the phrase shitty deal.
Re: Introduce yourself

Excuse my ignorance on the topic, but by ban evasion do you mean not getting banned, or getting around the ban?
Re: Introduce yourself

Getting around the ban.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey! Im late joining the forums, and just remembered them, I've been on every forum before this, and I doubt I aam remembered that much, I was a regualr lurker, and I am still a /b/tard, 18 yr's old in my last year of collage. (note, I used to be underaged >.< sorry)

The Basics

Name: Jamie
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birth Place: England
Current Country of Residence: England
Occupation: Student


Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue


Zodiac: I think its Capricorm (Purpose misspelling for all you predantic people)
My Fears: Losing friends
Common Utterances: Objection!
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Both
Bad Habits: Watching Hentai

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Gays
2) Not4channers
3) 7channers


TV Show: None
Drink: Cider
Shoe: one thats throwable
Hat: none
Color: Red
Music Genre: Metal
Internet Meme: Objection! (If that dont count is has to be THE GAME)

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Fuck no!
Flip out and kill people: Fuck Yes
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Both
Knit scarves for orphans: Only in america


Can you see into it? Ja's In 1 minute I shall post this on a thread
Should Marty have gone back to it? Yes
Where you'll be in 5 years? Inside your mum

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I liked the admins. so I followed the forums
Other random trivia: I enjoy meeting new people.
Re: Introduce yourself

18 and last year of college? Don't you mean High school?
Re: Introduce yourself

All heil britainnia! /joking
Anyway hi, XP. Also welcome! (I can't say welcome back since this is the first time I've been on a forum like this.)
Re: Introduce yourself

All heil britainnia! /joking
Anyway hi, XP. Also welcome! (I can't say welcome back since this is the first time I've been on a forum like this.)

Thanks, Anyways, I wanted to ask. If any one can fill me in on what has happened since linemarvels Dissapearance? Coz thats when I forgot :p lol
thanks in advance guys
Re: Introduce yourself

Thanks, Anyways, I wanted to ask. If any one can fill me in on what has happened since linemarvels Dissapearance? Coz thats when I forgot :p lol
thanks in advance guys

He resurfaced briefly, and then vanished again, apologizing for not having visited and telling us that there was no longer a working deadline on MG. So you didn't miss much.
Re: Introduce yourself

Greetings. I think I remember your name, if faintly.
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