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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

welcome incubus !!!

im just lazy
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey all, hows it going. I lurked on the past linemarvel forums, but I decided to unburrow myself for a while.
Re: Introduce yourself

Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome incubus and GENOME the future of mankind rests upon your GENOME shoulders. Also welcome ninjakiwi (did i mispell anyone's name?)
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome, ninjakiwi.
Re: Introduce yourself

HIYO! A lurker of the previous forum, (never did officaily join that one though) thought I'd finally join this one!
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome to the forums dude hope you post more or something
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome hanz!!!
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome, Salutations, Konnichiwa, Durka Durka, etc..., to all the new peoples!
Re: Introduce yourself

Kusnagi, I think they just make an account to do stuff? Eh. Wonder when their going to stop lurking and post.
Re: Introduce yourself

Usually, if they post here, they become active. Maybe not like you, or Lucas, or I, but they usually post somewhat.
Re: Introduce yourself

HEY AIKA. I'm copying your format 'cos I can't be bothered to sleep yet.

I'm Sammy!

I'm also a 19 year old male student studying computer science at Cambridge University. I'm a bit of an infrequent B3tard and also really quite lazy, a fairly common Kongregator, and also I've got me some ADHD.

The Basics

Name: Sam
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birth Place: London
Current Country of Residence: England
Occupation: Student


Hair Color: Lightish-brownish
Eye Color: So blue you could fly a kite in them (but I'd probably complain)


Zodiac: Sagittarius, Gemini rising. I'M A CENTAUR!
My Fears: I don't spend enough time thinking about things that aren't happening to be able to tell you on the spot.
Common Utterances: "To be fair", "let's dance"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: It's empty now ;D
Bad Habits: Nibbling people

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Excessive boredom
2) Having to think about what I dislike on the spot
3) Feeling like I need to add more but not knowing what


TV Show: None right now
Drink: Peach nectar
Shoe: Big shoes
Hat: Fuzzy black, super-warm hat
Colour: Glowing lavender, black and gold, lots of things
Music Genre: Lots of rockish things and loads of various other things
Internet Meme: Whichever one I find funny

Do I...

Smoke: No, because it's ultra-stinky
Swear: A bit, but I prefer non-standard swearing
Flip out and kill people: Generally only if I have means of resurrection nearby. Usually just growl them out
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: I air guitar to any song on Guitar Hero and plenty of others
Knit scarves for orphans: For a moment I decided I thought I saw 'knife scarves', and now just 'knife scars'. I have a knife scar on my thumb, where I closed a pen knife on it


Can you see into it? A little bit, but I'm not good at trying to look ahead so I don't tend to plan ahead
Should Marty have gone back to it? Be excellent to each other
Where you'll be in 5 years? Wherever there is adventure!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: because I know El Presidente and felt like joining
Other random trivia: giant mouse traps with giant cheese work on ninjas just like small ones do on mice. Thanks for the heads up!
Re: Introduce yourself

so i guess that means you know all the embarrassing stories about our illustrious leader then?
Re: Introduce yourself

I've only dealt with him directly and not so many of his friends. Do tell :D
Re: Introduce yourself

... what?

i meant you know the embarrassing stories of his real life.

the only mildly embarrassing thing that happened here was when he had to change his name from xatm. that and the time i photo shopped his face onto a penis.
Re: Introduce yourself

That is a pretty awesome story. I'll be sure to ask him about it tomorrow :D
Re: Introduce yourself


i mean do you have any embarrassing stories about him. not asking if you know the ones we know.
Re: Introduce yourself

No, I'm afraid I haven't gathered anything substantial yet.
Re: Introduce yourself

I thought you said you were going to sleep lol :p

Fortunately sammy hasn't known me for long enough to gain any dirt on me.
Re: Introduce yourself

I was going to sleep, but then my computer mysteriously turned itself back on.
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