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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Janna and Shrike. Hope you both enjoy the forums!

And I'm pretty sure there is contact in hockey... unless I've been playing the true unpussified Canuck version...
Re: Introduce yourself

I went to a boxing match and a hockey game broke out!
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Janna and Shrike. Hope you both enjoy the forums!

And I'm pretty sure there is contact in hockey... unless I've been playing the true unpussified Canuck version...

field hockey isn't contact but i wouldn't call it a sport for wimps. until you're out there its hard to realise just how fast people are swinging large wooden (well there all fancy fiber glass and polymers now days) sticks at a ball a quarter of a foot away from your shin. then said ball travels very fast at someone else's shins.
Re: Introduce yourself

I said hockey, not field hockey... hockey is the term reserved for ice hockey. Field hockey is seperate.
Re: Introduce yourself

but no one ever talked about ice hockey...
Re: Introduce yourself

I said hockey, not field hockey... hockey is the term reserved for ice hockey. Field hockey is seperate.

I had asked a while back the difference between field hockey and lacrosse a page or so back ;)
Re: Introduce yourself

ah yes, but it had already been established that we were in fact talking about field hockey.
Re: Introduce yourself

Sorry, just that where I come from, hockey is always ice hockey. Field Hockey must always have the prefix of "field" attached to it, lest confusion arise. like it just has.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey, it's me (hopefully I have been remembered). I've finally made my transition to these forums and I am once again ready to immerse myself in the world of hentai. It seems much catching up must be done on my part *sigh*. I feel like such an outsider, not that I shouldn't for I've been lurking.
Re: Introduce yourself

*huggles* i remember you!

your not an outsider, you just... been on holiday... yeah thats it... holiday...
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey, welcome back. I remember you , too. Have fun catching up.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back, and its a pleasure to meet you Tomoe.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back Tomoe!
Re: Introduce yourself

Hi, I'd like to introduce myself by saying... I've found LimeMarvin,

he's located in this building.
Re: Introduce yourself

So that's why nobody can get him to work. Nobody's dared to step in that building.
Re: Introduce yourself

Darkfire you can do it! I am Diagasvesle! I like demons.
Re: Introduce yourself

I'd dare. I has my replica katana
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