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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

So what's the difference between lacrosse and field hockey anyway? I've always wondered but been too lazy to look it up hah.
Re: Introduce yourself

field hocky you hit the ball around on the ground... and it goes really really fast and is really really hard. that game scares me. lacross you have a stick with a net on the end and you throw the ball around.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Janna.

Gatorbait: There are lot's of differences between the two, it's like comparing American rules football and football.
Re: Introduce yourself

So what's the difference between lacrosse and field hockey anyway? I've always wondered but been too lazy to look it up hah.
Hmmm, well there are lots of differences. Let's start with the easy ones.

You play Lacrosse with one of these:

You play Field Hockey with one of these:

The field for lacrosse looks like this:

The field for hockey looks like this:

Lacrosse is generally faster paced and more fun, but I might be biased.
Re: Introduce yourself

WOW, I knew they were different, but I didn't know they were that different. Thankies!
Re: Introduce yourself

So it turns out I've played/coached almost any sport that doesn't include water or horses or any combination of the two.
Re: Introduce yourself

So water polo is definately out then, even though it has nothing to do with horses for some reason.
Re: Introduce yourself

No, I don't participate in water sports
Re: Introduce yourself

Lacrosse is a contact sport, is it not? Hockey is non-contact.

I played water polo for a bit but you have to work really really hard, basically non-stop, and after one training session I very nearly threw up and didn't go again.
Re: Introduce yourself

Lacrosse is a contact sport, is it not? Hockey is non-contact.
It is. I've never actually played field hockey so I didn't realize that it wasn't.
Re: Introduce yourself

Now we know!

And knowing is half the battle!


(Welcome to the forum.)
Re: Introduce yourself

Hi all, been lurking the last two on various public computers, finally shelled out for internet myself, so i'm officially signing up :)
The Basics

Name: Shrike
Age: 20
Gender: maybe? :)
Birth Place:a hospital
Current Country of Residence: Canada
Occupation: "campus management" of a college (sounds important, but i'm a janitor, i 'manage' floors)


Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: changes with the lighting conditions
(Unless you post pictures, we don't care if you decide to bullshit.)


Zodiac: Year of the Dragon? oh wait, Aquarius
My Fears: heights
Common Utterances: "meh", usually accompanied by a shrug
Is the glass half full, or half empty: give me three seconds and it will be entirely empty
Bad Habits: caffiene junkie

3 Things You Dislike:
1) gay men (Needs a clarification, since it has recently come to my attention that people actually read and remember these, whoops... I picked the first three that came to mind, and I don't really have any particular gripes with any group of people, gays included. IRL, I know three or four that I'd prefer not to spend time with, but that has more to do with their personality than anything else. So again, sorry for any confusion, please continue)
2) bad movies based off comics
3) utility bills


TV Show: heroes
Drink: cap. morgan's and pepsi
Shoe: Dr. Scholls
Hat: cheap baseball cap
Color: pine green
Music Genre: anything but rap or country *shudders*
Internet Meme: huh? gotta put the one lingo i know nothing about in here didnt ya?

Do I...

Smoke: nope
Swear: rarely
Flip out and kill people: want to, jail is a waste of time though
Play Guitar/Air Guitar:Rock Band count?
Knit scarves for orphans: my grandmother taught me to knit as a child, can't remember any of it :)


Can you see into it? i wish, winning the lottery would be nice
Should Marty have gone back to it? whose Marty?
Where you'll be in 5 years? fatter, older, and still broke

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: this forum is relevant to my interests
Other random trivia:umm, the discovery channel said dirt has an average lifespan of 32 years, before naturally recycling itself

so yeah, here i am. really interested in joining the Dividing Line RP, Rule 34's gonna get a PM with my character about 30 seconds after i post this

great to meet all of ya, looking forward to loads of fun!
Last edited:
Re: Introduce yourself

3 Things You Dislike:
1) gay men
2) bad movies based off comics
3) utility bills

Yeah... gonna tell you up ahead that we have a few bisexual guys in our community.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums, I see you fit really well here.
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah... gonna tell you up ahead that we have a few bisexual guys in our community.

doesn't bother me that much, but i have yet to meet one i want to share a room with for more than half an hour. no offense to anyone, they're all just... so happy...
Re: Introduce yourself

Happyness is good though. Yet thats mostly a mask people wear in public so they can hide there real issues from those that are close to them
Re: Introduce yourself

I personally am not a fan of masks.**

There was a time that I didn't happen to like any homosexuals too. It wasn't because they were homosexual, it was just a statistic thing. You know, how like I don't think people steal cuz they're black but rates are higher. Just like how the major mass-murderers, the really messed up psychos are predominantly white. I just happened to have never met a homosexual I liked or really could stand for extended periods of time

I went to college and met 3 homosexual students at the same time all in my class. 1 was extremely funny and happy and just impossible to hate, but very stereotypical in such "gay" activities as singing and dancing and being touchy-feely, but overall a good person. 1 other was philosophical and smart and we would end up debating a lot outside of the main apartments just cuz that's where everyone else hung out when they smoked and he was cool in that way. The third was a complete faggot and I hate him and always will, a snarky comment-making bastard who starts shit with people he doesn't know. I also don't care about using a generalized term against a specific person and yelled at him, calling him a "faggot" across the entire campus quad.

Point is, as long as you recognize that you don't like the person for the person and not cuz they're homosexual, that's fine. Sure, some behaviors are typical of the general community and those behaviors may clash with your own but realize that it's not cuz they're gay cuz every person has the ability to change themselves in any way. Or maybe just cuz you're hateful. But that's all right, who doesn't love being hateful :p

**point I will probably make later in the hate thread
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the new people I missed!

And remember: You joined because you share a common interest with all of us, whether it be tentacles or just plain hentai. Either way, don't judge lest yea be judged yourself. And believe me, we have some harsh judges.
*glances at Nunu and AI*
(And sometimes aika, if he feels arsed enough)
(( <3 aika :p ))
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