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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

I'm US-NE, and I use ya'll quite a bit myself
Re: Introduce yourself

*Chuckles* Y'all is a pretty catchy term, and fun to say! "Yauhhhhh" :p
Re: Introduce yourself

What the hell is wrong with Y'all???? lol

Welcome all the new people I missed!
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums Vacu. Don't worry, I gots nothing against the Americans. Though I find it funny that they'll trade a box of Acgog scopes worth probably upwards of a couple thousand dollars in total, for a box of magazine chargers which are about 2$ of plastic each.
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Olivia
Age: 19. 20 in February 2010
Gender: Female
Birth Place: Москва Russia
Current Country of Residence: United States of America.
Occupation: College.


Hair Color: Dark blonde
Eye Color: Brown


Zodiac: Aquarius
My Fears: Honestly, none... Other then extreme torture.
Common Utterances: Сын суки.
Is the glass half full, or half empty: The glass is half full.
Bad Habits: I procrastinate.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Beer
2) Essays
3) Chuck Norris jokes used to much.


TV Show: Discovery, History, Food network, и military channels.
Drink: Banana smoothies.
Shoe: Good Snow boots
Hat: Ушанки (ushankas)
Color: Sharp Green and red.
Music Genre: Folk, Techno
Internet Meme: ???
Season: I Love winter.

Do I...

Smoke: Definitely no
Swear: not much.
Flip out and kill people: Not yet.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: no, I play clarinet and air clarinet.
Knit scarves for orphans: I make warm fur ushankas for the orphans.


Can you see into it? Yes, but in dreams. :p
Should Marty have gone back to it? ???
Where you'll be in 5 years? Hopefully still in the America.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I like site. Also looking for some somewhat rare forms of hentai. Mainly Metroid/Samus among others. ^^
Other random trivia: I love linguistics and am currently learning German, Esperanto quite well, and English. I speak Russian well but have gotten worse since arriving in the America.
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Re: Introduce yourself

I've got a Ушанки, it was made out of a rabbit and spends most of its life being mistaken for a cat.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums Olivia Ru.
Re: Introduce yourself

Reason for joining: I like site. Also looking for some somewhat rare forms of hentai. Mainly Metroid/Samus among others. ^^

Also, welcome to the forums
Re: Introduce yourself

Herzlich willkommen in die Foren, neue Leute.

Hopefully you enjoy your stay here.
Re: Introduce yourself

i actually have stuff to do so i dont think i'll go through that tl;dr sheet that is suggested to use to introduce facts about yourself but if i have stuff to do youd think i wouldn't be on this website or any website for that matter but hey /b/ros i hurd the guy who made this website is a /b/row isnt our clubhouse like a total secret clubhouse where girls aren't allowed over there we call girls cumdumpsters i dont really know what that means since i'm 12 years old but it sounds funny so i call girls cumdumpsters too cause i think its funny the /b/ros think its funny too hahahaahahah

so ya gais. i never relally knew who line marvel was until this website, then i googled him and he seems like some dood who draws hentai. but his blog was last updated like, two years ago.

where'd this guy go? o-o

hero in the dark crash bandicoot is the most rage worthy game I have ever played. oh wait rayman is worse.

im talking about the fukkin first crash bandicoot that shit was brutal. he had that funny dance but still fukkina' man. i raged so hard over that game. rayman was pretty hard too. : |
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Re: Introduce yourself

i actually have stuff to do so i dont think i'll go through that tl;dr sheet that is suggested to use to introduce facts about yourself but if i have stuff to do youd think i wouldn't be on this website or any website for that matter but hey /b/ros i hurd the guy who made this website is a /b/row isnt our clubhouse like a total secret clubhouse where girls aren't allowed over there we call girls cumdumpsters i dont really know what that means since i'm 12 years old but it sounds funny so i call girls cumdumpsters too cause i think its funny the /b/ros think its funny too hahahaahahah

so ya gais. i never relally knew who line marvel was until this website, then i googled him and he seems like some dood who draws hentai. but his blog was last updated like, two years ago.

where'd this guy go? o-o

hero in the dark crash bandicoot is the most rage worthy game I have ever played. oh wait rayman is worse.

im talking about the fukkin first crash bandicoot that shit was brutal. he had that funny dance but still fukkina' man. i raged so hard over that game. rayman was pretty hard too. : |

Wow...Just....I mean...

Wow, man. Can I borrow some of what you're smoking?
Re: Introduce yourself

HE ADMITTED HE'S 12! I demand Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Re: Introduce yourself

I saw that from the ami thread.
Re: Introduce yourself


you may understand this...
Re: Introduce yourself

Ahem... if we are posting picture of our opinions of the troll in here...:

Re: Introduce yourself

Any second now... or minute... hour... day... whenever a mod/admin signs on...

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