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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums. And yeah, extremists and politics be my downfall as well. Grrr...

When you say yer occupation is a grunt, can I assume you are in the military? Marines, U.S. Army?
Re: Introduce yourself

Man... A double post to start it all off too. Good start, man.
Re: Introduce yourself

Son of a... As for me being a grunt it just means Im the physical labor in the work place.
Re: Introduce yourself

don't kick yourself sin, I assumed the same
Re: Introduce yourself

neither do I, except in the non-descriptive guttural utterance
Re: Introduce yourself

isn't halo still referring to military of sorts?
Re: Introduce yourself

Yes it is. The USNC(?) is the earth militery in space, and I have no idea what the alien military is called. The alien military seems to be organized by species then rank, and grunt is the name (as far as I know, there's probably a real name out there) of a species.

I have heard grunt in relation to any number of low-ranking low-paying jobs, and grunt-work as a catch all for menial or manual labor. But that's far less common than it's military use, I assure you.
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah, the races of the covenant have real names, the names you hear in game are just the ones humans assign to them.
Re: Introduce yourself

Because us humans be lazy. Hell, sometimes they called the Elites "squid-faces" just because they could.
Re: Introduce yourself

I used to refer to myself as a grunt back when I was pushing shopping trolleys around a parking lot. Physical work, no thoughts required and paid less than a quarter of what I'm getting now.

But hey, on my pay slip, my official job title was pusher, which was loltastic enough it almost made it worth it.
Re: Introduce yourself

I tend to refer to myself as either "drone" (since I do work for a corporation wee) or a "grunt." Usually it's to default out of something that a customer's not happy with or as an answer to a question I have no answer to. "Hey man, I'm only grunt level. They don't tell me anything."
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Vacuusimago
Age: 25
Gender: Nyah!
Birth Place: Antioch, CA
Current Country of Residence: United States (Fuck y'all haters. =.=)
Occupation: Communications Assistant


Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown


Zodiac: Scorpio, Rat!
My Fears: Abandonment. -.-
Common Utterances: Huh?
Is the glass half full, or half empty: It's fully philosophical
Bad Habits: Clutterbug.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Bad drivers
2) Bad politicians
3) Perpetually bad attitudes


TV Show: Comedy and CSI!
Drink: Soooooooooda.
Shoe: Shoooooooe.
Hat: Haaaaaaaaaaaat.
Color: Blaaaaaaaaack.. and blue. And red. And violet. You know, it's really hard to choose!
Music Genre: A looooooot.
Internet Meme: Meeeeeeeemeeeeeee.

Do I...

Smoke: Fuck no.
Swear: Hell yes.
Flip out and kill people: I completely support the videogame industry.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No, but I do play the air violin and the real piano.
Knit scarves for orphans:


Can you see into it? I can!
Should Marty have gone back to it? Way overrated.
Where you'll be in 5 years? Filling out a dumbass introduction form on yet another roleplay forum started by some guy who made porn.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Porn,
Other random trivia: Porny porn.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Birth Place: Antioch, CA
Current Country of Residence: United States (Fuck y'all haters. =.=)

You sure you aren't from the Southeast US? That's about the only place I ever hear "Y'all" in.
Re: Introduce yourself

You sure you aren't from the Southeast US? That's about the only place I ever hear "Y'all" in.

i say y'all every now and then., although i guess i'm south east of you.
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