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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome rain.

And time travel is not a flawed concept! I do it all the time.

At a rate of 60 seconds per minute
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome rain.

And time travel is not a flawed concept! I do it all the time.

At a rate of 60 seconds per minute

Well, what if you went to the future and killed yourself. What if then you waited for you to show up and kill you, but you knew you would show up so you waited behind a chair with a machete for you to show up. What would happen then?
Re: Introduce yourself

Time is not repeating. If you went into the future to kill yourself, you'd already know it, you wouldn't have to kill yourself once for it to happen and paradox.
Re: Introduce yourself

Thanks for your kindness Goldstein, and as for time travel, the Vulcan Science Directorate has concluded that time travel is IMPOSSIBLE! We can therefore assume that somehow, we as humans can find a way!
Re: Introduce yourself

Well I tried doing this in my own thread only to find this so ya... time to fix my mistake and well.. um.. become... er.. known?
I dont fucking know.

The Basics

Name: SHMO
Age: seasoned
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Cave
Current Country of Residence: CA
Occupation: I'm supposed to have a job?!


Hair Color: dirty blonde (shutup sickos)
Eye Color: Green, Hazel, and blue (yes i have three eyes, the 3rd one sees all!!!)


My Fears: (sigh) the dark..,. Heights
Common Utterances: LOL (out loud) buuuuut anyway...
glass half full or half empty: completely empty: i drank the contents. shutup i know it was acid.
Bad Habits: living off canned food, being a loner... excesive gaming, y'know; the works

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Being ignored
2) idiots who think they are allowed to speak
3) people who drag me away from my computer


TV Show: JFL, Corner Gas
Drink: Pepsi
Shoe: (imaginary) Heavy steel greaves
Hat: Basbal cap (idk who the logos for)
Color: crimson
Music Genre: pretty much everything except country
Internet Meme: wats a meme?

Do I...

Smoke: nevar!!!!
Swear: take a ******* guess *****.
go blind with rage: sometimes monthly.
obsess about the randomest things: every damn day
believe in god and ghosts and all that shit; dont really care so guess im neutral.


where do I see myself in 5 years... same place, same time, better computer, more files.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: got tired of lurking all the time.
Other random trivia: Im very punny.

I should probably add anyway to common phrases but... nah I'm too lazy.
Last edited:
Re: Introduce yourself

Well welcome even with your slight mistake. Hopefully you're older than me, then I can stop being Grandpa around here. I mean physically not maturity wise because I'm only about 2 there.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well welcome even with your slight mistake. Hopefully you're older than me, then I can stop being Grandpa around here. I mean physically not maturity wise because I'm only about 2 there.

funny; for me its the opposite. my maturity is almost 5 years older than my body.... at times. :)
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to our humble abode Games Dude. Mind the mess, the maid quit after the "pets" kept harassing her.
Re: Introduce yourself

Greetings.wav. I am Lila M-3210. Humans do not have model numbers, so just call me Lila, intro.wav. I am a former maintenance FRIEND Intelligence drone, turned into a human experiment as punishment from my master. I have since got rescued, info.wav. I now live among humans and am learning the customs of humans.

It is difficult but I am managing, encouragement.wav.

(OOC: Hi! I'm new!)
Re: Introduce yourself

as the nun said to the bishop, come inside.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Rain, Games_Dude, and Lila...

Don't worry I don't bite too hard... often anyway...
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Vlanitak Loken
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Norway
Current Country of Residence: Norway
Occupation: Employee at Expert


Hair Color: yellow
Eye Color: blue
(Unless you post pictures, we don't care if you decide to bullshit.)


My Fears: getting raped yaoi style and gangbanged by the navy
Common Utterances:
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full
Bad Habits: staying up late careless of what happens the next day. Not paying to much attention at school.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) People who take gaming to seriously.
2) People who in-game missle spam the freckles of your skin ( freelancer)
3) Yaoi


TV Show: Dexter's lab and Darkly Dreaming Dexter (commonly known as dexter )
Drink: Pepsi Max
Shoe: Vance of the wall or Moods of Norway
Hat: ninja style
Color: a mix between light green and light blue
Music Genre: Everything from the song Cloud age symphony to bands like Dimmu Borgir.
Internet Meme:

Do I...

Smoke: no
Swear: some
Flip out and kill people: to be or not to be honest
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: some air bass and electric bass, no guitar.
Knit scarves for orphans: Grandma will knit a scarf to keep you warm through the winter. To bad I am not grandma.


Can you see into it? Maybe
Should Marty have gone back to it? Absolutely
Where you'll be in 5 years? um... don't know about in 5, but I am world emperor in about 20.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Wonderboy, and you guys seemed cool.
Other random trivia: I play Freelancer, on r as co-leader of the black legion, and Runes of Magic, on Smacht as co-leader of the
I also write sci fi, and play Warcraft3/starcraft/cod 4 and fapp.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey vlanitak, good to have you here.

you say world emperor in twenty years though, is this real world emperor or puppet emperor?
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome Vlanitak. Good to see another sci-fi writer amongst us. Do enjoy yer stay.
Re: Introduce yourself

1. thank you for saying hello
2. No puppet empror in this house. I am planning on becoming, more specific, world president/king/emperor/overl lord etc. etc.

also might post some sci fi that I have written latter.
Re: Introduce yourself

Plenty of room in the Blank Page. Go for it!
Re: Introduce yourself

Uh, hey, Eisenzahn here, long time lurker, first time poster. Just figured I'd introduce myself instead of make myself look like a prick with being visible and lurking.
Re: Introduce yourself

good to see you coming out of the woodwork, hopefully you'll find posting to your liking.
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