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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Shoot as long as one person gets it, that's all that matters right?
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah but I got rep that I feel I didn't properly earn :(
Re: Introduce yourself

Just say the most stupid and wrong thing you can think of and get some neg rep if you feel it's unearned.
Re: Introduce yourself

The equation to dmronny being a jerk, according to toxiclogic. dm is gay, gay is stupid, jerks are stupid, therefore ronny's a jerk.

...I'd make such a poor troll :(
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah you would be. Besides I am a jerk and pretty stupid so it didn't really work. I guess you'll just have to live with you're +rep.
Re: Introduce yourself

Or just +rep everyone else on the forum to make us all even.
Re: Introduce yourself


*edit* so everyone on this page got rep with the exception of gatorbait since I must have repped her recently.
*double edit* WAIT! I just repped a shitload of people, of course I can rep gatorbait again.

*triple edit* haha, now nunu is higher than me again :p
Last edited:
Re: Introduce yourself

Ye mighten be late to the party.
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm almost always late for the party. Unless I'm not.
Re: Introduce yourself

12 hours late, like always.
Re: Introduce yourself

I feel bad for showing up late for the party... But at least i showed up :D

The Basics

Name: DJ/Millah/DJ Millah/Random
Age: 21
Birth Place:Maine (NO its not in Canada)
Current Country of Residence:US
Occupation:I sell knives and make a shit ton of money!!


Hair Color:Brown/blond/red (I am Irish)
Eye Color:Hazel


Zodiac: Taurus
You will never find true happiness - what you gonna do, cry about it?
The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go
back to sleep

My Fears:dying alone... In a dark room... Going through lots of pain... And having to listen to Rick Astley
Common Utterances:What the Frack, BITCH SAY ROAR, I eated teh cookie, (Any of the quotes from Invader Zim... Especially if it is GIR)
Is the glass half full, or half empty:Are you pouring it or drinking it?
Bad Habits:heh heh...

3 Things You Dislike:
2)Wanna be anythings
3)Stupid People


TV Show:Invader Zim, House, NCIS, CSI, CSI: NY, Dollhouse, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly... The list could go on.
Drink:Oh yea... IRISH
Color:Black, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Teal.... I think there are more but i dont know
Music Genre:All kinds
Internet Meme:. . .

Do I...

Smoke:Cigarettes no, Cigar's... Once in a while
Flip out and kill people:HEY! I have a license for that!
Play Guitar/Air Guitar:Yes/Yes
Knit scarves for orphans:Well... I do have this funny story about how this guy went missing and the next week all the orphans at this one place had new cloths... But i wont get into that now.


Can you see into it?Wouldn't you like to know
Should Marty have gone back to it?if you have the power to... WHY NOT?
Where you'll be in 5 years?probably in grad school

Other Stuff

Reason for joining:A friend showed me. I have heard of LineMarvel's work... sooooooo... i figured... WHY NOT?
Other random trivia:I Accidentally it... THE WHOLE THING!!
Re: Introduce yourself

WHEEE, fresh meat, I call dibs!



Welcome to the forum. Let's see here...
good, good, knives are fun...
Wierd Al is win...
preps are a sub-culture of stupid people...

Don't be a douche and I'm sure you'll fit in. Just don't feed the trolls, and know that Nunu is THE member to not piss off... oh, yeah, and don't anger Aika as well, seeing as he's the admin and paying for the forum and all :p
Re: Introduce yourself

I think the term fresh meet is degrading and is an immoral way of describing someone new to something.... HAHAHAHA WHAT AM I KIDDING, i use it all the time. Just don't eat me :p

And dont worry... Doucheyness is not something that i approve of.

And i would never anger the admin's... thats like going into a cave that is full of bears and trying to give them all purple nurples... NO!!!
Re: Introduce yourself

Don't worry, I won't eat you. I don't eat dudes.

And angering the mods/admin here is like... hmm... screw it. I'll let Dark/Obe/ someone else think of one. It's definitely worse than giving bears purple nurples... hell, I'd rather do that than anger Nunu :p
Re: Introduce yourself

Angering the mods/admins results in something like getting off the boat, running to Vivec, and trying to kill Vivec. With that stupid dagger.
Re: Introduce yourself

Morrowind reference is awesome.

Anyways, welcome Mr. Random, and do enjoy thy time here in our hallowed halls.
Re: Introduce yourself

And i would never anger the admin's... thats like going into a cave that is full of bears and trying to give them all purple nurples... NO!!!

I did that once...

.... once
Re: Introduce yourself

Did what, anger the admins or give bears a purple nurple?
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