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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

HA! I don't have holes!
Re: Introduce yourself

Drat! and I'll stop right now, to blab my masterplan.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well! This is certainly an awkward time for me to speak up, but allo!
Unfortunately I believe I be one o' those bad lurker people trying to save face for a specific forum related reason... But! Suppose I had to get this out of the way regardless! It be nice to meet ye, or rather, nice to speak up and be public about it. Been here since that nasty litle cross-forum arguement that is now dead, and hope I can be of use from here on! At least, of use somewhere... Though that be much harder then it seems. Anyhoo, you'll no doubt be seeing me mostly in that ye olde corner with all tha' fancy games and whatnot, so I bid ye adieu.

Welcome. I am the Tentacle God of all Corners. Prepare to be raped.

Also welcome Mieze. As soon as I saw your user name I knew you were German.
Re: Introduce yourself

Wow, so many newbies! Welcome to the forums and... enjoy yourselves. >:3
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Mieze, Resaiyu12, and Jafar. I do hope you enjoy yer times here! Cause it can be quite fun indeed.

3 Things You Dislike:
3) Girls who says no...

I'll be nice and decide not to comment further on the above more than I just did.
Re: Introduce yourself

Same here.. even if I did let out a chuckle when I first read it
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm going to be the first one to ask: Why did you use your email as your username? Just a mistake in registration or for shits and giggles?
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome. I am the Tentacle God of all Corners. Prepare to be raped.

Also welcome Mieze. As soon as I saw your user name I knew you were German.

Crap. Rule's become the Hound of Tindilos...Somebody put him down before the madness spreads.

Also, welcome to the newbies. Don't mind me. Just passing through.
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm going to be the first one to ask: Why did you use your email as your username? Just a mistake in registration or for shits and giggles?

thats not his email...
at least not the one he signed up with.
Re: Introduce yourself

Strangely enough, Newbie isn't a newbie anymore. He has in effect become a paradox, an anomaly of the forum universe that refuses to make any sense and lives in a world where to go east you must walk south or run north, and to go west you must jump up. Water floats in the sky and boats move across the clouds that squirm through the grass.
Re: Introduce yourself

Wee! I'd like to write something really cool, so everybody would think "Man, that guy is awesome", but my inspiration is lacking. Well, I'm awesome anyway!

The Basics

Name: I somehow like the sound of "Kane" in the morning.
Age: 19
Gender: Male.
Birth Place: A hospital?
Current Country of Residence: Canada for the win!
Occupation: Professional test subject for matresses. Hmmm, sleep... And the other things I probably shouldn't be talking about...


Hair Color: Brown! I think the exact color is Charlie Brown. Yes, I'm pretty good for lame puns.
Eye Color: Brown, a bit like brownies (no pun intended, really). So, you know, when people stare in my eyes, they actually get hungry... But not the good kind of hungry.


Zodiac: Ram.
My Fears: Spiders, creepy old men...
Common Utterances: "Kane LIVES!" and "Rawr"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Maybe the glass is too big?
Bad Habits: Poking people until they feint.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Evil spikey tentacles. I like them warm and squishy...
2) Spiders. Spiders are eeeevil!
3) Cats. They're so cute, I want to make them suffer @_@


TV Show: Erm... I don't really watch TV, but I used to like Stargate. (Jack O'Neill for the win!!)
Drink: Orange juice.
Shoe: Erm... Running shoes?
Hat: Gas masks. People look so eeeeevil when they put those on...
Color: Purple. Yes, I AM a man -.- And you know, those warm and squishy tentacles? Usually, they're purple.
Music Genre: Metal. (You can't kill the metal. Metal is too strong.)
Internet Meme:

Do I...

Smoke: Nope.
Swear: Sometimes.
Flip out and kill people: Only orphans. Nobody will miss them, right?
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yeah, I always do so after a killing spree.
Knit scarves for orphans: Obviously. Scarves are a powerful weapon, when used correctly.


Can you see into it? I can see that you will die!
Should Marty have gone back to it? Time travel is bad. That's what Jack O'Neill would think. And you know, O'Neill is always right, even when he's the only one left.
Where you'll be in 5 years? In a bed. Remember? I'm a professional test subject for matresses!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: It was a momentary madness.
Other random trivia: I think I have a Kane fetish. And my english might be somewhat poor, but I'm working on that.
Re: Introduce yourself

Wee! I'd like to write something really cool, so everybody would think "Man, that guy is awesome", but my inspiration is lacking. Well, I'm awesome anyway!

The Basics

Name: I somehow like the sound of "Kane" in the morning.
Age: 19
Gender: Male.
Birth Place: A hospital?
Current Country of Residence: Canada for the win!
Occupation: Professional test subject for matresses. Hmmm, sleep... And the other things I probably shouldn't be talking about...


Hair Color: Brown! I think the exact color is Charlie Brown. Yes, I'm pretty good for lame puns.
Eye Color: Brown, a bit like brownies (no pun intended, really). So, you know, when people stare in my eyes, they actually get hungry... But not the good kind of hungry.


Zodiac: Ram.
My Fears: Spiders, creepy old men...
Common Utterances: "Kane LIVES!" and "Rawr"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Maybe the glass is too big?
Bad Habits: Poking people until they feint.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Evil spikey tentacles. I like them warm and squishy...
2) Spiders. Spiders are eeeevil!
3) Cats. They're so cute, I want to make them suffer @_@


TV Show: Erm... I don't really watch TV, but I used to like Stargate. (Jack O'Neill for the win!!)
Drink: Orange juice.
Shoe: Erm... Running shoes?
Hat: Gas masks. People look so eeeeevil when they put those on...
Color: Purple. Yes, I AM a man -.- And you know, those warm and squishy tentacles? Usually, they're purple.
Music Genre: Metal. (You can't kill the metal. Metal is too strong.)
Internet Meme:

Do I...

Smoke: Nope.
Swear: Sometimes.
Flip out and kill people: Only orphans. Nobody will miss them, right?
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yeah, I always do so after a killing spree.
Knit scarves for orphans: Obviously. Scarves are a powerful weapon, when used correctly.


Can you see into it? I can see that you will die!
Should Marty have gone back to it? Time travel is bad. That's what Jack O'Neill would think. And you know, O'Neill is always right, even when he's the only one left.
Where you'll be in 5 years? In a bed. Remember? I'm a professional test subject for matresses!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: It was a momentary madness.
Other random trivia: I think I have a Kane fetish. And my english might be somewhat poor, but I'm working on that.

Oh. Mah. Gawd. The Prophet has shown himself! *bows down*
Re: Introduce yourself

Wee! I'd like to write something really cool, so everybody would think "Man, that guy is awesome", but my inspiration is lacking. Well, I'm awesome anyway!

The Basics

Name: I somehow like the sound of "Kane" in the morning.
Age: 19
Gender: Male.
Birth Place: A hospital?
Current Country of Residence: Canada for the win!
Occupation: Professional test subject for matresses. Hmmm, sleep... And the other things I probably shouldn't be talking about...


Hair Color: Brown! I think the exact color is Charlie Brown. Yes, I'm pretty good for lame puns.
Eye Color: Brown, a bit like brownies (no pun intended, really). So, you know, when people stare in my eyes, they actually get hungry... But not the good kind of hungry.


Zodiac: Ram.
My Fears: Spiders, creepy old men...
Common Utterances: "Kane LIVES!" and "Rawr"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Maybe the glass is too big?
Bad Habits: Poking people until they feint.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Evil spikey tentacles. I like them warm and squishy...
2) Spiders. Spiders are eeeevil!
3) Cats. They're so cute, I want to make them suffer @_@


TV Show: Erm... I don't really watch TV, but I used to like Stargate. (Jack O'Neill for the win!!)
Drink: Orange juice.
Shoe: Erm... Running shoes?
Hat: Gas masks. People look so eeeeevil when they put those on...
Color: Purple. Yes, I AM a man -.- And you know, those warm and squishy tentacles? Usually, they're purple.
Music Genre: Metal. (You can't kill the metal. Metal is too strong.)
Internet Meme:

Do I...

Smoke: Nope.
Swear: Sometimes.
Flip out and kill people: Only orphans. Nobody will miss them, right?
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yeah, I always do so after a killing spree.
Knit scarves for orphans: Obviously. Scarves are a powerful weapon, when used correctly.


Can you see into it? I can see that you will die!
Should Marty have gone back to it? Time travel is bad. That's what Jack O'Neill would think. And you know, O'Neill is always right, even when he's the only one left.
Where you'll be in 5 years? In a bed. Remember? I'm a professional test subject for matresses!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: It was a momentary madness.
Other random trivia: I think I have a Kane fetish. And my english might be somewhat poor, but I'm working on that.

Two can play at this game *Bows down even more then burrito.*
Re: Introduce yourself

*Is shown up by Dia*

'S all good. Long as Kane lives.
Re: Introduce yourself

I have to admit, I'm quite flattered by the link in your signature, Burrito... Now, if you truly believe in the cause, go purge mieze with flame! Or lasers, as you see fit.

But you know, kitty on fire? Devious.

Anyways, thanks for the welcome... And, most importantly, for bowing down before my awesomeness!
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Darent
Age: 21
Gender: Male... (usually)
Birth Place: Earth
Current Country of Residence: Mexico
Occupation: Student


Hair Color: Very dark red
Eye Color: Dark brown


Zodiac: Cancer
My Fears: High cellings
Common Utterances: LOL
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full
Bad Habits: Become a futanary, lol

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Homework
2) Eggs
3) Milk


TV Show: Burn Notice
Drink: "sangria"
Shoe: Tennis
Hat: none
Color: Red
Music Genre: Classic
Internet Meme: Chuck Norris

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Sometimes
Flip out and kill people: Sometimes
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Guitar Hero
Knit scarves for orphans: Never


Can you see into it?
Should Marty have gone back to it?
Where you'll be in 5 years?
In the future!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Found a link of a game that I was looking for in this forum, and, well, I liked it more than any other forums... Just love tentacles...
Other random trivia: My biggest dream is to be raped by a tentacle monster...
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