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Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

As the group eventually makes their way to the Court of the Dead, they might notice several things. Namely, they stick out like sore thumbs, their attire and bearing putting them above the local citizens and traders. As they walk past merchants and artisans hawking their wares, trying to sell the good Captain many a piece of fine jewelry or elegant bauble, they come to a clearing of sorts amidst the stalls for large gatherings, where a humble, and very old-looking, scrap-picker stands, a cane clutched in his right hand to help him stand, his left hand waving the group over to him. It would appear that this man might be the one they have come to see.
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Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Seeing that the scrap-picker was the only person that seemed genuinely interested in her group without hawking any wares at them, Faydra began to walk in the man's direction. As she did so, she spoke to Ishta out of the corner of her mouth.

"Being a psyker, I don't suppose that you have a way of seeing into this individual's mind or sensing a trap of some sort, would you?"
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Ishta nodded, following the captain along into the station. She was off to one side of the group, but her noticable status kept most people at bay and her relatively safe. The common folk feared psykers, and for good reason. a Wild psyker could cause uncounted trauma with little no no provocation, so people gave even the soul-bound a wide berth whenever possible.

For her own part, the woman was somewhat entranced by the crowd as they walked, the various minds arrayed in her vision driving her to distraction, though she dared not reach out to touch any. When it was safer to do so, she liked to reach out and live vicariously through other's memories, but now was hardly the time for such.

Her pocket rustled as they approached the scrap trader, Ishta reaching down to press on the head of the creature inside, using both that and a mental pressure through the bond she shared with it to keep it from darting out. Tygressian Vipers were small but quick creatures, brightly coloured and with an array of small fins on it's body to help distribute heat. Hers had a passing obsession with small round objects, trying to steal them and start a small nest, thinking they were eggs. She hadn't seen what her pet was after this time, but there was surely something about.

"Is this who we're to see, Captain?" She asked in her usual quiet tone, taking the moment to 'look' the man over with her unique senses.

Psyniscience Test:
9 vs 59, I think is how it works. most i need is 3 DoS, so I have plenty even if there are some modifiers I don't know about. If there are any daemons, phenomena, or psykers around, I should know about them.
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Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"I'm not sure. The message was vague, but in a cipher that only my House and trusted contacts are allowed to know. That is why I wish to know of any hidden dangers. What do your senses tell you?"
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

As Ishta casts her mind outwards, she finds nothing warp-related about the man in question. She does, however, sense a Psyker presence lurking in the dense crowds, though the exact location is lost in the myriad of minds surrounding it.

As the Captain approaches, however, she notices something on the scrap-picker's collar. An emblem, the very same her Dynasty and its most trusted carry, though it is well hidden amongst the other bits and bobs on his clothing.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"About him, nothing. Though I sense another psyker nearby, may or may not be watching us in turn. I'll try and keep him in mind." She answered in a hushed tone. And she did just that, keeping mental track of the other psyker and trying to narrow down his position, waiting for the captain's orders.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"Keep on it, locate the other psyker if you can. I don't want them snooping in on my conversation. If you can make it so they can't read our minds, that would be appreciated."

After saying this, Faydra stepped towards the man with the Undynne Emblem pinned to his collar. That was enough that she knew he was meant to speak to her, though she still was not ruling out the possibility of a trap.

"We should move," she told the stranger once she was in earshot, in lieu of a formal greeting. "I don't like being out in the open here."
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

She payed no mind to the merchants hawking their wares. Her attention more on finding a book stall for later then what the small men might be selling. Her attention falling lax in looking out for trouble. Though she knew Siggy would pick up the slack in that department.

Anya remained silent as they approached the scrap picker. Her eyes scanning the crowd warily for signs of eavesdroppers or other problems.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Shao're sighed and nodded. <You're right, of course. I just can't help but feel like I should be doing something to contribute right now.> She set her pistol down next to her rifle and stood up. <It's a shame these humans are so distrustful of those different from themselves. At least the commander of this ship and her officers seem more open. The fact that they let us keep our weapons and gave us a room instead of a cell speaks to that.> She walked over to one of the beds in the room and sat down on the edge. Her words were a small comfort to the nervous energy she had at the moment.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Siggy's smile brightened a little as he saw the man. He might not recognize the particulars, and it might just be a disguise, but he knew a fellow reclaimer of the items lost (or, as some would call it, sold) to those not deserving of the gifts of the Machine God. Some sold them to other individuals, some back to the adeptus mechanicus, in either scenario, they were the sort of kindred spirit that didn't particularly having to carry around an eye scoop for a particularly well-crafted bionic eye. Having thought of this, and hearing the notation on a psyker being in the area, he considered the possibility that this was a particularly insidious ambush, and started trying to pick out good points of cover throughout the area, areas such individuals would find lovingly suited to concaving himself or the ladyships skull while finding it remarkably easy to avoid having the favor returned.

Then he considered the possibility, with far, far less care, that the psyker was just a coincidence, and deciding that he didn't particularly care, either way, it would be best to be prepared.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

The old scrap-picker nods his head twice as Faydra addresses him. "This way, if you please." he says, motioning to a storefront that looked like little more than a hole in the wall with a counter planted in the opening, creating a rather open shop, though the counter could serve as respectable cover if need be. Once everyone was inside, he claimed a seat to himself with a groan. The shop itself was littered with various bits of scrap and tech. Nothing major, a rusty bionic leg here, a broken servo-skull there. Enough to tell the crew that the old man had been collecting scrap for decades.

"I suppose you'll be wanting to see this." he says, reaching into his jacket's chest pocket and pulling out an actual Dynasty Seal, showing it to the crew, and reciting an oath of service that binds him to the Undynne dynasty. "I have been waiting quite a long time for one of you to return to Port Wander. It is good to see you, my lady. I am Orbest Dray. I once served as a deck officer under Vos Korlorn, one of your great-grandfather's fleet captains." he says in regards to Faydra, bowing his head and stowing the Dynasty Seal back within his jacket pocket.

Meanwhile, Ishta would finally pinpoint the location of the Psyker, several dozen meters away and working their way through the crowd, as if pacing in contemplation.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

That was her chance, for sure. "That's a bit past me. I should be able to keep them busy, though. Give me someone for backup, just in case..." Ishta answered, her little speech trailing off at the end, seeming to lose focus as she scanned the crowd. "...There you are..." She said quietly after a few seconds, starting to walk into the crowd, not quite making a beeline for the other psyker.

Once she got close enough, her mental scanning went from passive, to very, very active. Having located the target and gotten close enough, she began digging into his head forcefully, with the intent of tearing open his mind to see what she could discover, or experience. Her tongue slipped out across her lips unconsciously at the thought.

Mind probe, Focus Power Test:

20 vs 69 for my test. opponent rolls on willpower and we compare successes each turn. Power ends when he wins one, otherwise i get more and deeper info for five rounds' time.
Table 6-6 on pdf pg 165 shows the progression, first round is Name, Mood, Physical Health, and Insanity score.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Len nodded in understanding, <"Patience, Shao're. We don't have a good understanding of how this human vessel operates, so we are not equipped or educated to work on anything. And I fear stepping out of the ship onto the dock would be a grave misstep, as I suspect the other humans in the port would not be so open or accepting of aliens, and would make things more complicated and difficult for our new crew. Our time to shine and show our usefulness and value to the crew will come in time. There may be simple tasks around the ship that can be done, should our hosts be willing. But it would be wisest to wait till we off port where we will not have to concern ourselves with the scrutiny or suspicion of less trusting humans.">
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Faydra nodded to Ishta and then inclined her head to Siggy.

"Stay with the astropath. Be prepared to defend her if this business with the other psyker goes sour. Anya will remain with me."

Having given Ishta her required backup, the rogue trader engaged the 'scrap dealer' in conversation and moved with him into a dug out building that provided some cover and distance from observing eyes and minds.

She looked down at the seal, verifying it as best she could before he put it back in his pocket. Seals and ciphers didn't interest her much. At this point he was either what he said he was or a very determined impostor.

"I see. I'm sure our House, and the Battlefleet is grateful for your past service. Your message however mentioned a message and a gift? An heirloom perhaps of my ancestor?"
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"That it did, my lady." he says, leaning back and crossing his arms. "Your great grandfather entrusted me with something of great importance. Something he said would make House Undynne rich beyond measure." he says, reaching into his jacket opposite of the seal, and drawing out a small stasis casket. "This is a map, Korlorn told me. The casket is gene-coded to those of your House. Nearly a century ago, Vas Korlorn and our ship, the Emperor's Testament, were caught in a violent warp storm, and blown off course. Once we came to rest, in an uncharted system in the Expanse, our Astropath heard an echo in the warp, millenia old. When examined further.....We discovered it was an Astropathic Marker....From the fabled treasure ship, the Righteous Path." he says, setting the stasis casket on a nearby desk. "When he found that marker, he returned to Port Wander, and entrusted that casket to me. He told me that if his ship did not return, I was to pass it along to the next of the Undynne house that arrived." he says, sitting back down and leaning back in the chair, the casket sitting on the desk, the seal of Undynne on the front.

Meanwhile, the Psyker would begin to notice Ishta's intrusions into her mind, fighting back. Though she was putting up a valiant effort, Ishta gained the upper hand, learning that her name was Lady Ash. Her current mood, however, was one of intrigue, moreso than anything. Physically, she seemed to be in the best health one could expect of a Psyker, and that she was slightly paranoid about....Well, everything.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4597949/ 13 vs 55: 4 Degrees of Success, and since Ishta has a higher characteristic, she wins the first round.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Siggy looked for a split second as if he were about to complain, then shrugged. He was being paid to make sure a warm body stayed a warm body. It didn't particularly matter which. With that thought, he followed the astropath, going back into his slouching walk. As he advanced the carapace complained against his flesh, pinching tightly in places and outright pushing inward and against him in others, as the plates weren't exactly designed for bending. As he drew nearer, he muttered to the astropath, despite her deep concentration "Which direction's the other one in?"

When, or rather if, he was told the direction, he began searching the psyker for signs of an entourage. Anything so simple as individuals hanging nearby could be a sign of compatriots, especially in the case of the more apparent psykers like Ishta over here.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

Anya gave Faydra a nod as she watched the man cautiously. Her eyes watching him and glancing out at the crowd outside of the man's little shop. Her attention was short lived however as he mentioned some lost treasure ship and revealed a sealed casket. She could not hide her excitement about the potential adventure or the possibility of treasure.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"Vas Kolorn discovered such a marker?" Faydra murmured under her breath in awe. Like the navigator beside her, she too had to make an effort to conceal her rising excitement. The prospect of such a find seemed all too good to be true, and yet, the story did have a ring of truth to it. Her great-grandfather had been a pragmatic man, and a dutiful admiral who had married into her dynasty as a means to access the mass wealth of the Undynnes. In turn, his position as vice admiral of the expeditionary Battlefleet Koronus allowed her family the first glimpse of the prospecting potential in the untamed expanse. His whole purpose had been to prepare the way for when the household obtained that elusive Warrant of Trade.

And now, Faydra had the precious document, and a ship that would carry her into the unknown to seek such a destiny. The Righteous Path. Her spine tingled with what treasures of ancient times it might hold. The prestige alone for discovering such a ship would be the stuff of legends. She could write her own name into the history of the Imperium.

"You have completed a great service, if your message is true and the cask contains what you say it does. All this time, though... a century of waiting at this distant port. What was promised to you in exchange for this? What kept your loyalty to my house and to my deceased great-grandfather?"

Her hand crept to the casket and took it up, holding it and inspecting it while she awaited the man's answer.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

"There, bout six metres out. Lady Ash, apparently." Ishta answered, giving Siggy a vague wave in the proper direction. Her focus was elsewhere, continuing to probe the other psyker's mind. She thought of herself as a Lady, interesting. Someone with family ties perhaps, she had to know.

Focus Test:
33 vs 69 this time. 3 or 4 DoS, not sure if normal sucess counts as one.

Info gleaned on success this round is pretty much what they're actively thinking of. Current fears/concerns, recent lies, etc. Also her Corruption Score.
Re: Into the Maw (Game Thread)

When Faydra picks up the casket, it whirrs and opens, responding to her genes and revealing a smooth black rock. Ishta will be able to immediately recognize its presence as an Astropathic Mnemolith.

Unfortunately for her, she was likely too preoccupied with her delving into Lady Ash's mind. Her current thoughts at that instant were to run, and get away from whoever was trying to penetrate her deepest thoughts. No corruption could be detected in her mind or body, though her fear right now was of failing.....Someone. Someone important to her. It was at this point that the Psyker began to move through the crowd as swiftly as possible, attempting to flee from Ishta through the dense crowd.

As Ishta probes deeper, Faydra, Siggy, and herself notice a heavily modified Psyber Raven soaring down from a nearby building, through the open front of the shop, and clutching the Mnemolith in its talons, though it seemed to struggle with lifting it up with its small body.

Normal success doesn't count towards Degrees of success.

16 vs 55. 3 Degrees of Success, Ishta wins by having a higher Characteristic.

Blue, since Faydra passed her Perception roll, give me a regular Weapon Skill test to not let bird-brain make off with the stone.