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Into the Darkness (Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 29/43, EP = 77, Status = Horny, Grappling Laena
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 40/46, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor, Harsh Winds, Grappled by Garrett
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 60/62, Status = Fine

Attack (Garrett) : Normally, Garrett couldn't hit Laena's dodge without buffs, at least not with his Body-based attacks, but Tiff allowed it ooc, so hits!

Laena cannot get close enough to the alraune to the attack.

Grapple (alraune attempting to escape) : Both of the others pull free

Garrett, still naked, bodily slammed into Laena as she hovered towards the alraune that had pulled herself free, keeping her from assaulting the alraune that had yanked herself free of Lily's weeds. Frowning as her two companions pulled themselves free as well, the plant woman looked to Lily who had dropped in between the entangled pair and the three alraune and said; "How were we supposed to know that? We just saw a man wandering through the jungle all alone! It's not like we were going to hurt him, just show him a good time, feed him, and let him be on his way. Unless he felt like staying of course.... That'd be nice...." She was quite noticeably still staring at Garrett as he wrestled with Laena.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Colliding with Leana, he didn't waste any time to satisfy his own needs as he proceeded to tear off at Leana's clothing. Upon finally seeing what he wanted, he pinned her down by the shoulders, moving his groin to line up his hard member to her groin before sliding the head between her vaginal lips. Without any teasing of foreplay, he immediately thrusted inside, the only lubrication being his own pre cum that he had been leaking. His hands assaulted her tits, forcing his mouth to hers and shoving it down her throat without any consent.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on perspective, Laena was abruptly stopped in her effort to kill the alarune by Garrett. She screeched in rage as she was tackled, unable to even form words properly; she was in no mood to be forced into sex right here in front of the alarune. As soon as her mate tried to rip her new clothes off she began to direct her rage at him, taking his upper body in her wings and trying to slam him to the ground, still screeching at him as she stared angrily at him, not even really hearing the alarunes and Lily.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Grimacing as Laena screeches, Lily turns to look behind her. "She really doesn't seem to like you. You wouldn't think a harpy would be so possessive, would you?" Lily frowns as she looks at Garrett. Casting a powerful incantation, the sidhe moves to touch Garrett's back, letting the healing spell purge the aphrodisiac from his body.
Casting Restoration
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 1/62, PP = 29/43, EP = 77, Status = Grappling Laena, in extreme pain
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 40/46, Status = Pregnant, Wind Armor, Harsh Winds, Grappled by Garrett
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 60/62, Status = Fine

Grapple: Laena wins
Damage: 11 + 11 + 39 = 61 damage.

Casting (Lily) : Success.
Garrett's status has been cured.

The alraune flee!

Garrett's assault upon Laena sadly (for him at least) did not go as planned. The enraged harpy grasped him using her seemingly delicate wings and suddenly and violently flipped him over, slamming him savagely onto the ground and knocking the wind out of him. Pain shot up his spine, momentarily burying the arousal caused by the aphrodisiacs, and then Lily suddenly brushed a hand against his shoulder, and the poisons were flushed from his system instantly. Unfortunately (again only for him) that left him with nothing but the pain of having been slammed onto the uneven ground.

The alraune, all freed of the vines and seeing the group momentarily distracted, turned and scampered off into the woods.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Feeling a soft glow on the touch of his back, Garrett's mind started to grow out of the haze. His thinking getting more clear as he calmed down. As his thoughts finally calmed down, Garrett only had a split second of coherent thought until he suddenly had the breath stolen from his lungs. His chest refusing to inhale air, he panted helplessly on the floor as his mind became fully his again. Any arousal that he had though was clearly gone from Leana's vicious assault.

Finally, his lungs started to function as he gasped for air, coughing violently as he tried to make sense of what happened.

*Cough Cough* "Aagh! Ughh.. What the hell? What's going on? Damn that smarts!" *Cough*
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Laena’s defense of herself against the drugged Garrett’s attempt to rape her went… better than she had expected. She easily lifted him up into the air, forcing his groping hands off of her, and then slammed him down into the ground with perhaps a little more force than she should have used, considering the situation. Still, she was in something of rage still, and when Lily had healed the human of his unnatural arousal she looked up to find the alarune. They weren’t there, though. "Where did the weeds go!?" the harpy yelled angrily, hopping one step towards where they had been, shouting after them "cowards!" It was only after a minute or two, when Garrett had begun to speak again, that she started to calm down a little bit. "Dammit… Sorry about that" she said finally, reaching out a hand to help her mate up, "some weeds attacked you and sprayed you with their aphrodisiac pollen. You tried to attack me, so I fought you off. I might have overdone it a bit, but… are you okay?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Lily barely has time to dodge as Laena throws Garrett off of her with surprising strength and she winces a little as the human hits the ground, hard. The sidhe barely has time to cast her spell when Laena is already up, looking ready to charge after the three fairly innocent alraune regardless of the safety of her or anything that gets in the way, and she can't help but stare. Laena had seemed so gentle and shy when they first met!

Garrett's coughing snaps Lily back to present, and she gives Laena an annoyed frown before kneeling down next to Garrett and pressing her hands on his chest. Though she spends perhaps a little longer than necessary in finding the right places for her hands, soon the sidhe flutters her wings and the words of a simple healing spell flow from her lips.

Healing touch: 2d6+14 per casting
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

With a final cough of blood onto the floor, his bodily started to feel relief as a warming aura healed his wounds. Dazed and confused, he didn't bother to stand up, but he did let go of Leana as he sat up, holding his gut.

"Oh.. damn.. what the heck nearly killed me? Was I hit by a... house or something?"
Wiping the blood from his lips, he made the sudden realization of being naked. His clothes had been stripped by the Alurane, though he was unaware of the circumstances. He scooted back with a deep blush.
"What the heck?! Why am I naked? What's going on?!" Leana was there to console and inform him of the situation. His embarrassment turned to shame, then worry.
"Wait... so I tried to rape you?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"Yes, you did. It wasn't your fault, though" Laena replied, sighing heavily as she peered out into the trees. She knew that Lily was healing Garrett of any damage he had sustained when she had thrown him to the ground, though she didn't watch. "And stop being so dramatic about it. Your bones are better than mine even, and I've taken worse falls than that" she continued, perhaps somewhat unjustified. She might have been a little more harsh than she had originally thought.

Deactivate all my spells if they aren't already deactivated.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Giving a nod of thanks to Lily, he scrambled about, trying to find as much as his clothing as he can. Luckily, it seemed like his pants were still in tact, but they must of ripped his shirt a bit as it seemed like the tore it off of him from the collar.

"Well I... well I just don't like to think of myself as some brutish pig ok? I'm better than that... when I'm not under magic or plant toxins." Finally slipping on all his clothes, he stepped out of a nearby bush, brushing his pants off and recombing his hair, trying to make himself somewhat presentable.

"I'll admit, I owe alot to you two ladies. I'm glad that you have decided to come with me. Pretty sure those things would of made me a drugged up slave or something. Shall we continue on?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Lily lets go of Garrett as the man gets up and stands up herself, looking around. "Don't worry about it. We know it wasn't your fault." Even as she's speaking to Garrett, her eyes stop at Laena as she tries to see how the cute harpy is feeling. "Yes, let's get going. No reason to waste time."
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"I already told you I know" Laena said somewhat impatiently. "I don’t blame you, I blame those weeds. Useless, selfish things" she continued, a hateful tone to her voice. When it was suggested that they get going again she nodded, saying "sure, we have to get there eventually. Sitting around here won’t do us any good. Be a little more careful this time, okay?" as she readied herself for flight again.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 29/43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Pregnant, Bound
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, Bound

Perception (Laena) : Failure.
Perception (Lily) : Failure.
Percepton (Garrett) : Failure.

After Garrett had been healed, they had spoken some, and he had redressed himself, the three of them were ready to be on their way once more. Laena and Lily took to the air, leaving Garrett to fend for himself on the ground once more. Dense forest passed beneath the two fliers while Garrett passed through it, the trail proving difficult but not impossible, and they made good progress for about an hour. They reached the edge of a valley that they'd seen on Canderous's maps, and Garrett proceeded down into it, as the only way around would require a detour of several hours.

Then, as Laena and Lily were flitting around to check up on their human companion, both of them were stopped dead in the air, held fast in chords of tense, sticky fiber that worked around their bodies and wings in their brief moment of reflexive flailing. Both of them were bound in silk to the point that they could barely move within seconds, and as their struggles died by way of their sticky bonds, a cold sinister voice called from the shadows of the cliff face; "Two lovely little doves I've caught in a web.... Best remember what I've said! To thrash and tear will get you nowhere! Scream and cry, my eyes stay dry! But listen well, to this tale I tell..."

Out from the darkness came a woman with blue-green skin, brilliant fiery hair cascading down from her head. At first glance she appeared all but completely humanoid, it didn't take long to spot the four inch claws that tipped her fingers or the black and red tattoos adorning most of her nude, feminine torso. For a moment it appeared as if she didn't have any legs, but then a massive, spider-like body followed her out of the shadows, scuttling along a length of nearly-invisible line towards the two of them. "To my nest I'll take you, quick as a flash.... Soon you'll beg and beg and beg, but all you'll get is egg after egg after egg! My prey you are, and you'll not go far.... So best spread your legs, and get ready for my eggs!"

Meanwhile, down on the floor of the valley, Garrett found himself at a small stream, one that he could easily have forded. Fortunately, however, there was a small and perhaps surprisingly well maintained footbridge which would allow him to get across without getting wet. Unfortunately, however, the moment that he stepped in front of it, a man about four times his size simply appeared a step in front of him, naked except for a loincloth and with strange, golden skin. A flat face with an abnormally long, hooked nose was pointed down at him, and a pair of dark green eyes narrowed as the large, heavily muscled figure stared down at him.

"Oi," the troll grunted, "What're you doin 'ere humie? Why you tryin ter cross me bridge? You think yer gettin by wi'hout payin tha toll?"
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

It wasn’t long before the three of them were ready to go again, Garrett healed and dressed again, his concerns addressed. Laena hopped up into the air and flapped her wings, Lily following right along behind her, and soon the two of them were flying through the sky just over the treetops. They made sure to check in on the human below every so often, and for about an hour they made good progress, despite how slow the ground-walker was. They reached the edge of a particularly deep valley the harpy had noted on the maps they had been shown, a little quicker than she had thought they would. It looked like much more of a hassle for Garrett than she had thought it would be originally, but there wasn’t anything she could do to change it besides check up on him more often than they had been.

Of course, the first such checkup went quite badly. Laena was flying at a downward angle, gliding a bit, when she felt her head slam into something soft but very tense and sticky. She flailed her wings a bit to try and get out of whatever was trapping her, which proved to be a mistake, as her limbs were trapped in the sticky strands as well. It was a matter of seconds before the rest of her body fell onto what she recognized suddenly as a web, and she quickly began to panic, her eyes darting from side to side to see the source of it. Soon she heard it instead, a cold voice speaking in rhyme before a blue-green fae-like woman walked out onto the web. Of course, the harpy knew that this was no normal fae. In the shadows of the trees was a large spidery underbody, marking the creature as an arachne, and she knew that she was in trouble. She began to thrash, yelling "you aren’t impressing anyone with your rhyming! They aren’t even good rhymes you childish bitch!" at the top of her lungs, hoping to alert Garrett that something was wrong without alerting the arachne that there was another of them, struggling as much as she could in the sticky webbing.

Struggle, I guess.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

"Oi," the troll grunted, "What're you doin 'ere humie? Why you tryin ter cross me bridge? You think yer gettin by wi'hout payin tha toll?"

Garrett had a mental sigh of release. Sure, somebody was blocking his way, but at least he was somebody he could possibly reason with. Though he regretted the fact that to avoid conflict, he'd have to give money. Sure, he could just teleport behind the troll, but maybe he would be willing to give directions to his destination after he paid.

He raised a hand in polite greeting, trying to maintain a non hostile appearance. "Sorry sir, I had no idea that this was your bridge. Of course, how much will the cost be to able to pass? You see, I am currently headed to some ruins in the jungle here, but I honestly have no idea where they might be. If you know of these ruins, could I perhaps receive some directions from you sir?"
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

The flight goes peacefully for the most part, even if they have to go quite slowly for Garrett's sake. As they start descending towards the valley, Lily feels her wing get caught is something. As she tries to get it free without falling, her body and the other wing hits the web as well, and the fae lets out a surprised cry.

As she sees the arachne appears, Lily quickly forces herself to calm down, despite the voice whispering at the back of her head, urging her to attack. This wasn't the time to listen to Banshee. Instead of continuing to struggle wildly, Lily stays still and makes her wings shrink and disappear, hoping that the change in weight distribution and fewer points stuck in the web would help her get free.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian and Hentaispider)

Garrett: HP = 62, PP = 29/43, EP = 77, Status = Fine
Laena: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 46, Status = Pregnant, Webbed
Lily: HP = 62, PP = 88, EP = 62, Status = Fine, Bound

Perception (Garrett) : Success.

Grapple (Laena) : Success. Laena is free!
Grapple (Lily) : Failure. That was a good plan and I gave you a hefty bonus to escape for it, but you rolled really badly.

Attack (Arachne) : Hit.
Laena has been webbed once.

The troll glared suspiciously down at Garrett for a moment, and then loudly grunted; "Ruins? You ain't with 'em demons is yah?" He bent down and gave Garrett a long sniff and eyed him again, "Nahh! You smell more like harpy cunt than demon.... She in the air, or just took yah fer a one nighter? *Sniff* Mmmm, and a bit o' plant girl too. Had me one o' them last night! Either of 'em still around? Doesn't look like it.... Means you gotta pay the real toll then!" He once more sized Garrett up, and then straightened and grinned, "Two denarii! Gimme two denarii, and you can cross my bridge, safe and sound!" It was as the troll finished and watched him expectantly that Garrett heard a woman shouting from somewhere nearby, the voice somewhat familiar but muffled by the trees and the sounds above. There was a clearing visible a short ways away that might allow him to check the sky for his lover and his friend in order to ascertain whether or not they were alright, and the troll didn't seem to have noticed the sound.


The wicked grin on the arachne's face only spread wider at Laena's response to her rhyming, "Oh what a snappy retort! You're surely you're a spinner of words with ribald report! But avail you it surely will not, for soon in my webs you'll be left to rot!" The harpy's struggling managed to get her out of the spider's web before she could reach the struggling harpy, her talons shredding through the webbing easily, and soon enough Laena was falling free beneath the web in which Lily was still stuck. A single flap of her wings was enough to stabilize her, thus keeping her from falling to her death down below,

"Slick though you are, you'll not get far!" she called, and immediately oriented backside to target the hovering harpy. A stream of webbing stretched out and partially coated Laena, almost gumming up her wings enough that she fell and seriously jeopardizing her ability to remain airborn. Lily, meanwhile, brought her wings back into her body, the limbs slowly vanishing and the weight that had been on them suddenly resting on a number of other portions of the web. Though it wasn't enough to free her immediately, she was only just still stuck by the time her transformation had completed itself, and if she was careful and didn't get herself more tangled up, the faerie might be able to get out of the webbing as well. The arachne was all but ignoring her by that point, and if she could get free without her foe noticing, Lily might be able to get the drop on her.
Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Garrett's eye twitched with slight irritation, but he continued to display a calm demeanor as best as he could. Digging into his pocket, he began to pull two a couple coins out.

"Sound reasonable enough, her you g-" A shout caught his attention, pausing in mid sentence. He wasn't sure who it was, but usually people don't scream unless they're in trouble. Since his friends were currently out of his view, he wasn't going to take any chances. A bit past the troll seemed to be a clearing, so he should be able to get a good view from there.

Teleporting to the clearing he looked upwards.
"Nice meeting you." Tossing back the coins behinds his back to the troll.
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Re: Into the Darkness (Sponge, Tiffanian, and Hentaispider)

Though she notices that Laena gets free, Lily continues to focus on freeing herself. Shouldn't be too hard, now. Just need to get my hands free.

The sidhe focuses on her fingernails, which start to grow and though for the sidhe it seems like it takes a long time, quite soon her nails have turned into claws. Careful not to cut herself, Lily tries to cut her hands free of the web with her new claws, followed by the rest of herself, as much as possible without causing herself to fall.