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Interest Check/Idea Development..


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Ok. Right. So, I've seen what's going on over at Both Sides Of The Adventure, and it thrills me right down to my little shrivelled husk of a heart. Because it seems like we're finally getting it right in terms of role-playing style and content. Most of the stuff going down over there is hot, well-written, and has a semblance of plot. Massive cool points to LaughingHyena for being the Big Bad behind this. And Pheonix Alugere, but we already knew he was super-cool. And as always, when I see a good thing, I want to cash in on it.

Sort of. Shameless concept thief that I am, I'd like to look into my own little twist, my own spin-off from this kind of idea. I can already hear the murmurs "Why aren't you in that thread then, silly?" Simple. I don't like rule systems. Real authority issues. Those of you who know me will doubtless know this already, but I like things to be free-form, and based on ingenuity, role-playing ability, and plain old-fashioned cleverness, rather than lucky dice. So, here's my suggestion.

My "World" as such runs fairly parallel to the modern day, with the usual "comic book exceptions". Yes, some people do have superpowers. Yes, the military is probably building secret giant death lasers (HAARP, I'm looking at you.). Yes, there's probably someone plotting to steal one as we speak, and hold the planet to ransom unless he receives one billion dollars and sovereignship of Australia. If you haven't already guessed, I'm taking the "Dungeon" approach from Both Sides, and twisting it into a supervillain-threatening-the-world theme.

Basic system runs as such. Player options are open on both sides, in three main roles. Co-ordination, Point Man, and Support.

For the "Good" guys:
  • Co-Ordination is the person on the radio people always seem to contact for advice and briefing, overseeing and planning.
  • Point Man is the big role, James Bond, Austin Powers, Kim Possible - the one who takes down the big bad, and saves the day. Or gets raped and found by the clean-up squad after the death ray fizzles on its own.
  • Support is our sidekick, the Bond Girl, Ron Stoppable, etc etc.

Considering merging these three in together to avoid limelight-issues. Everyone wants to be a hero! Bad guys, obviously...
  • Co-Ordination is our supervillain, the guy with his finger on the fire button... and the self-destruct button if things go wrong. (As they will.)
  • Point Man is his main Henchman, the nemesis - Janus, Oddjob, Shego, Darth Vader.
  • Support can vary from lots of little henchmen, like stormtroopers, to a slightly junior hench-dude(tte), like Boba Fett.

(Probably just ignore those classes, more like basic outlining of the various roles. Will probably scrap.)

Character Creation is going to be as simple as I can make it. People aren't happy unless they can do -some- stat-buying, and I don't want Captain I-Have-A-Million-Powers to appear. The system I have in mind presently runs as follows.

Ten points to start with. A well-written bio earns you up to five bonus points, and another five are available if you take "Flaws". (I'm sure you know how these work by now.. rather than providing a list, I intend to let players supply, and I'll allocate points based on how serious I feel the Flaws are.)

These points go into three trees - Superpowers, Training, and Equipment. Each tiered from 1-3, I suspect (I haven't done this yet), so that big super-powers like Wolverine-esque healing or elemental control are lvl 3s, something like flying, or enhanced speed/strength (but not both) lvl 2s, and minor powers like glowing, having a really long tongue are more like 1s. Probably 5/3/1 in terms of point cost.

The existence of equipment and training rosters allow for characters who have no superpowers. Batman for instance would definitely be a lvl 3 Training and Equipment, maybe even the doubtful lvl 4 for Equipment, given his ability to produce ridiculous things from his utility belt, whereas say, Spiderman would be lvl 3 Powers, lvl 2/3 training, but equipment lvl 2 at best.

I also intend to factor in your character's background as a twist. If you choose to declare yourself a wealthy heir, for instance, I'd grant your bonus points -only- to be used in Equipment or Training. (Not fair that someone can be super-wealthy AND have all the powers..). Military characters might also get easier access to gear and training, in exchange for less Power-based stuff, and less autonomy on the job.

My plan for a typical "dungeon" runs between 1 and 5 heroes, a similar number of villains to balance things out (Using point cost to buff one side if needed), probably running through Planning/Briefing, Infiltration, Discovery, Combat.

For this I intend to use fairly basic rolls, with definite noticeable bonuses for roleplay, using a "Challenge" system similar to "The Window" for as few stats as possible. Heroes can very easily be captured.. as can Villains. Turn them over to the police.. or don't. I would warn away the player who wants me to direct their every action in this sort of game. I'm just here for the consequences..

Anyway, that's as far as my addled brain has gotten without a pad and a pen, so I'm leaving this here for you lot to peck at and make fun of. Any feedback is welcome, (except SirOni, your opinion means nothing here), and I look forward to hearing from you! (Not you, Oni.)

Re: Interest Check/Idea Development..

Do you have a method for aiming the heroes at the villains?
Re: Interest Check/Idea Development..

Massive cool points to LaughingHyena for being the Big Bad behind this.


Generally I agree this could be nice, but the problem I've always found is that threads requiring too many players fall by the wayside as you wait for everyone to post in them, and likewise, with too little defined stats, it leaves players at a loss for how to deal with some encounters. It's kinda the entire reason I created the BSotA system the way it is, so that encounters are defined enough to have rolls and know what you're doing, but loose enough to not need to really stress it.

Good luck with this idea, and I hope it goes over well. ^^
Re: Interest Check/Idea Development..

Ok, Kathy first....

Yes, I know you created the system, but I'm sorry, Mr Hyena made the thing shine. He's beautiful. (I think you can agree..) As for stats helping people to know how to deal with things, I'm a little meh. As far as I can tell in Both Sides, the GM does the statting anyway, mostly. Same thing here. So my looser system just means I don't have to say there's anything anyone can't do because there's no roll for it... I figure it allows for -more- player choice.

Pheonix, I'm going to presume you mean as in get them together. I don't want to run this loose-world style, with heroes and villains all over the place, but rather, set-piece style. Which means a "dungeon" of sorts - the villain's lair. Thus the heroes only ever come into play when being directed at villains.. If needed, I could dump a "BatCave" type thread in for not-currently-rocking-out Heroes/Villains, but it's fairly superfluous..

Thank you for your feedback, though!

Re: Interest Check/Idea Development..

Mind you, I'm not usually the biggest fan of superheroes and supervillians (I find them to be a bit cliche after a while), but this does pique my curiosity somewhat. Consider me somewhat interested for now, perhaps more so after things are fleshed out more.
Re: Interest Check/Idea Development..

There is actually a universe I've been toying with recently that would work well with this that I could submit, if you want a consistent back story (given that BSOA is pretty much whatever the DM feels like). I'm a big fan of the BSOA system, but the inherently closed nature is a bit of a shame sometimes - some kind of persistent universe with a similar dungeon-based system could have a lot of potential.

Hell, just something a little more open ended in general would be nice. Hunting of the Wolf has gone way off script, and although it's great fun, it's frustrating because I have to rework the dungeon in the background to get all the appropriate checks in.

Consider me interested.