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Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I figured I'd go ahead and submit what I have now to make sure you're ok with the backstory and whatnot.

I do have a couple questions though. I wanted to kind of base this character around the Coil of Thorns "Bitter Fruit" spell thingy, but I didn't quite know how the "kitchen" mechanic was going to work out. I also wasn't 100% sure if "master passions" meant something special in the personality section or not. Also, I wanted to have some sort of alchemy specialization but I'm not really sure what would fit with the character.

EDIT: I filled in most of it now, it's pretty much finished now. Just missing the specialization of Alchemy. I'm not sure if the artifact stuff is going to be ok with you or not, but I tried to have a decent backstory for it.

Here's what I have so far:

Character Sheet:
Name: Elyna Fairfields
Gender: Female
Race: Elf

  • Physical Attributes:
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 4
    Mental Attributes
  • Intuition: 3
  • Logic: 5
    Social Attributes
  • Charisma: 3
  • Willpower: 1
    Magical Attributes:
  • Edge: 3
  • Potency: 1

  • Physical Skills: 21
  • Skill 1: Athletics 6 (Run)
  • Skill 2: Combat 6
  • Skill 3: Perception 6 (Sight)
  • Skill 4: Survival 3
    Social Skills: 11+6
  • Skill 1: Empathy 6
  • Skill 2: Animal Ken 5 (Riding)
  • Skill 3: Persuasion 6
    Technical Skills: 16
  • Skill 1: Medicine 6 (First Aid)
  • Skill 2: Alchemy 6 (Fluids)
  • Skill 3: Research 4 (Archives)

  • Resources:
  • Resource: Rank 3 Artifact "Tenyn Family Sword"
    This longsword has been passed down through the Tenyn line for longer than memory recalls, and it's true name has been forgotten. Supposedly it was awarded to one of their ancestors for an act of military heroism long since forgotten, and was originally passed between great heroes and adventurers for their deeds before the Tenyn family began zealously guarding it as a keepsake. It is said to be unbreakable by normal means and increase the speed of it's bearer. When placed close to the skin, you can feel a slight breeze even in the deadest of air.
  • Resource: Rank 2 Mount War-boar
  • Resource: Rank 1 Wealth

Obligation: Enemies
Lord Kolden, still very interested in the status that the sword would bring to his own ambitions, will certainly try to make some play at claiming it. He has already demonstrated his willingness to send various unsavory types of people in order to claim it from Tenyn, and even worse some of the soldiers in the assault itself march under his house's banner.

Inherent Powers:
  1. Advanced Celerity +4 To Initiative when active
    Quickness, Nimble Feet, Alacrity, Quicken Sight

Inherent Power Points: 9 pp
Beneficial Corruption: Fey (Plant)
Recharge Method: Clocked
CorruptedPower Points: 16

Corruption Levels:
Fey Corruption:
  1. Floral Hair Effect 1 - Elf Inherent
  2. Floral Hair Effect 2, Bitter Fruit

This is a list of stuff your character has accumulated and filled the 'Batcave' with, not what they are carrying.

Biographical Data:
Elyna Fairfields was born to a family of two traveling Elven merchants whose families had both plied their goods wherever there were buyers since the disaster at Mirafar had displaced them. From a young age, she learned to handle the long treks her parents led her on. As she grew older, she began to exhibit a supernatural understanding of medicinal herbs, to the extent that she could identify the healing properties of plants she had never seen before. Her parents exploited this knowledge and had her make poultices and medicine for people they encountered on the road, gouging whatever money the could from them in return.

Eventually, she started to harbor doubts about leaving sick people to their fates just because they could not afford to pay her family, and confronted her parents. The resulting argument ended in her stealing one of the large boars that pulled her families cart and running away. She spent some time afterward wandering from village to village offering her abilities to any who needed it and accepting whatever they offered her in thanks in order to survive. She had found niche for herself and lived comfortably this way for several years.

Word of her healing abilities and inability to let people suffer reached a local noble, Lord Tenyn. Tenyn's son had been poisoned into a coma, and assassins had made an attempt on Tenyn himself. At the same time, a burglar managed to break into his personal quarters but was caught by a guard and slain on the spot. Under normal circumstances, the attempts on his life would appear as an overly audacious attempt on his life by his rival, Lord Kolden. Kolden was a dreadfully ambitious man, who had risen from a minor noble with nothing to his name to a noted warrior and politician and was constantly looking for avenues to expand his own power and influence. Kolden was not, however, a stupid man, and the reward to make him risk his reputation in such a way was great.

The burglary was the missing piece in the puzzle of his motivations, for Tenyn had a great wealth secreted away. Long ago, an ancestor of his won a great battle and slew the enemy general on the field, claiming a mighty sword as his prize. Since that day, the Tenyn line has held the sword in secret as an heirloom, a reminder of their families past glory. How the secret of the sword escaped, Tenyn did not know. Perhaps a servant had learned of it's existence, or perhaps some record remained somewhere of the artifact coming into the Tenyns' possession. Knowing Kolden would not relent and fearing the death of his son, Tenyn developed a plan to make himself no longer a worthy target and preserve his line.

Elyna was contacted to come and heal Tenyn's son, for all the other healers had left the area or refused the task for fear of their own safety. Within a few hours, the boy was saved from his fate and Tenyn brought his family's sword from its secret chamber. In front of his servants, he offered the artifact to Elyna. While not understanding why he would offer it, she understood the value of the sword and accepted it. Wasting no time, Tenyn had his guards usher her out of the city and to her intended fate while he himself took his family into temporary hiding. Perhaps fortunately for Elyna, at that time the Mirafar assault was beginning and she rushed off to aid the many casualties that were sure to come.


Physical Description:
Elyna is tall with bright, unnaturally yellow and white hair and green eyes. Shoots of green vines can be seen in her hair, though she tries to hide it as best she can. She has a thin, agile body fitting of her Elven lineage. She has B-Cup breasts. She wears thick, sturdy clothing stained by dirt and the plants she works with.

Elyna is a hardworking, kind woman who feels more at home grubbing in bushes picking plants than dealing with other people. She is very patient and compassionate, but other people sometimes are put off by her simple mannerisms and blunt conversation. She prefers whenever possible to deal with ordinary townspeople rather than the wealthy.
  • Honours: Patience, Altruism, Honesty, Work Ethic, Simplicity
  • Despises: Aggression, Greed, Deception, Overly Wealthy People
  • Master Passions

Other Bonuses
Just in case I come up with something else.
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Re: Interest and OCC Thread

@ Quarts: It's essentially brewing a potion, so you just need some pots and pan, and a heat source. The camp does have a cafeteria like set-up, so if you don't want your character to lug around a kitchen, they can make a deal with the Food Sergent.

Also, I expanded the Alchemy skill to include specializations: Solids, Fluids, Gears, and Ropes

Solid helps with stuff like fancy metals, colour changing glass, while fluids is for stuff like adhesive pudding, self-heating water, acid. Gears is for making extremely complex clockwork devices, while Ropes is an Alchemy because there isn't a better skill to put it in.

Your Beneficial Corruption is: Fey (Plant)
And the corruptions list should look like this:
Fey Corruption:
  1. Floral Hair Effect 1 - Elf Inherent
  2. Floral Hair Effect 2, Bitter Fruit

(In retrospect, I should have made a spot to list the disciplines gained from selecting powers.)

Is your character a descendant of a Mirafar refugee? Don't see it in the background.

I want you to develop your character's personality a bit further. Specifically, I want a few more things on your character 'Honours' and 'Despises' lists. Don't worry about master passions, those are side effects to gaining lots of corruption.

I would like an elaboration about Elyna's enemies. Specifically why they would fucking chase her into a nightmarish war zone over healing some punk kid. It's probably gonna nave something to do with the magical artifact sword. After all, this isn't like DnD or WoW where random loot is given out for completing dinky little quests. A magical sword exhumes awesomeness, which does wonders for Feng Shui. Any noble in their right mind isn't gonna give it up all wilily nilly. Even knowing where to find a magical sword is a pretty big thing, and owning one is enough to make whole armies shift.

@IndrickBoreale: Your character sheet is good as is. Here are the bonuses from your background: add 2 more ranks in Survival, and a Specilization in Expression (Oratory). Occasionally, even knights must live off the land, and Bellisera has rudimentary knowledge of how. She is also a noble, and speech making is a skill they develop as part of their upbringing. Bellisera's simply got a bit better ordering soldiers around.

Also, Bellisera has one Necromantic Corruption level. It doesn't give her any Np or another Power, it's just the effect of Sion's perverted upgrade. Physical Manifestation: Endowment: Voluptuous+

There should also be a few more things in the 'Honours' and 'Despises' list. Nothing incredible, just more specific things that add depth to Bell's personality.

I'm gonna need a bit more ionformation about Igraine's personality and training level. Squiring means that she'll eventually be a knight, and six years is plenty of time to pick up some swordsmanship. I'm not asking for numbers, just a blurb about how Bellisera perceives Igraine's training, and how they interact.
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Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Taken, I am interested, but my focus is usually divided and time as well. And I cant always get on the net. Who knows, I may still join in but I cant make guarantees.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Taken, I am interested, but my focus is usually divided and time as well. And I cant always get on the net. Who knows, I may still join in but I cant make guarantees.

Your only concern is if two more players join up real fast. Then you'll either have to wait until I can get more time to allocate to this, another player withdraws, I take on an assistant DM, or a character permanently dies.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Made the changes like you said and I'm ready to go.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

On the positive side, I addressed all the areas you pointed it out. On the not so positive side, the artifact stuff eats up half my bio now and the personality is starting to remind me of the dwarf fortress procedurally generated bios (Although all of it makes sense at least to me).

Let me know if there's still stuff that needs to be fixed. :)
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

One last set of updates before I write you guys a game thread.

@ Indrick: You character has 12pp, not 9, because her Potence is 2 instead of 1. That is all.


@ Crystal:
Elyna honours 'Simplicity'? How does that work? Even if it somehow did, plants are not simple at all. How about something that has to do with plants? Like Gardeners. Elyna must have some respect for gardeners, being one herself.

Also, she despises both 'Greed' and 'Overly Wealthy People'? :rolleyes:

Anyway. The Tenyan Family Sword's name wasn't told to Elyna. It's called Loving Gail, and was once an angelic weapon until it was corrupted by a dryad. It has it's own power pool of 8 power points, though it only has 1 at the moment due to the way it recharges, which Elyna hasn't completely figured out yet. She knows that when she masturbates near it, it refills it's first power point, but no additional masturbation ever restores more than the first one.

Elyna has figured out that with the command word 'Gust' it can be swung and use the Howling Winds power, using a single of the sword's PP. Agility + Alchemy or Logic + Operations are rolled when this is done (I'll pick whichever is more beneficial when I do.) Elyna doesn't know that with the command word 'Bolt' it can be swung and use the Lightning Strike power, using a single of the sword's PP. Additionally, with a one hour ritual and a single power point of her own, its full power pool can be depleted to cast Victory of Typhon.

The legend of it making it's bearer faster is false, as only those who have Celerity may unleash it's power.

Elyna's background gives her 1 rank in Artisan, specialization in Gardening. (She really should've had this to begin with...) and 1 rank in Expression, with specialization in Feng Shui.


@ TheWeirdOne:
If you are going to choose enemies as your obligation, they can't be associated with the Black Moon. Everybody has the Black Moon as an enemy, so you can't be their double enemy. Now, if the Dark Moon is something different than the Black Moon, then I can work with that.

Anyway, the Scythe, called Crescent Moon Escalation is gonna follow the same rules as the Great Axe weapon. It also has the Abyss of the Body power on all the time, twice. While the cult sacrificed people by beheading them, killing them instantly, if your actually just injure someone with the Scythe (which may kill them anyway), they contract the Z-Virus and will become a Zombie when they die. Which is gonna happen soon, as the Scyth also inflicts Moon Spiral Heart Attack, a disease that causes the subject's heart to burst from their body, animate and performing a spinning dance after several minutes.

Yes, your Scythe makes Zombies, and no ability to control the zombies is conferred. Be careful with that thing.

The Cloak of Blood, on the other hand, is much more benign. The cloak is literally made of blood, and Blood Bondage can be used on it, restoring it's torn pieces in the process. The cloak currently holds no invested power points, but when it does, pieces can be torn form it and consumed as a blood sample created from Blood Bondage, using up it's invested Dp. Without invested DP, the cloth just tastes like blood, and is not addictive.

I really want to see your characters' 'Honours' and 'Despises' lists. And you need to pick weather those two each benefit from a corruption or have a higher Potence of Edge.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Yay for proofreading!

/sarcasm to myself.

BTW I'm not done with the biography and will have a seperate section for Siehydra that is very short.

and sorry about the mistakes... I knew they were there... but I wrote the biography and decided it was the most important part.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

and sorry about the mistakes... I knew they were there... but I wrote the biography and decided it was the most important part.

Hah, you've gotten off relatively light.

Thanks for putting up with me taken, I've never really had to write a long bio for anything and the alcohol from it being world cup season probably isn't helping. :p

I'll try and finish the last fixes to the sheet and upload it to the other thread this after today's games end.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Hm. So do technical skills track different specializations differently? Like, Alchemy (solids) 4 and Alchemy (liquids) 3?

Also, with the newly defined Alchemy specializations, should I be changing around my stuff, then? Specifically, should I change Artisan (machinery) to Alchemy (Gears)?

How about switching up the specializations in Alchemy? I sorta meant for Enchantment to be Alice pumping magic (pp) into stuff to make it do something (the Lycantis, the wards in the enemies background, the magic chain/anti-yank-out-arm charm in the grappling hook), with various rituals and stuff - magic circles, runes and etchings, occasional grabbing-it-and-making-it-really-shiny... with the specific "solid" and "liquid" I think maybe it's overpowered, as I guess it's less making a whole new item that is also magic and more taking anything and making it magic.

It's been bugging me a bit - with the way technical skills work (-1 if the action you're taking is unrelated to any of your specializations) , does that mean I get the spec bonus when patching a dude up, but -1 if I'm nursing someone in the infirmary?

Uh, I actually haven't figured the dicerolling part out yet. I know how the storyteller system usually does it, but I dunno if aWoD changes anything. It's "roll [attribute + maybe skill], add/subtract difficulty crap , roll that many dice, 10s explode, and see how many hit equal to/above the Target Number", right? What's the average difficulty TN? 7?

Maybe add a link to the aWoD magic page in the information thread? My charsheet was too huge to update after I added the power descriptions to it, so I'll have to go there whenever I wanna review a power.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Hm. So do technical skills track different specializations differently? Like, Alchemy (solids) 4 and Alchemy (liquids) 3?

No. Technical skills are not tracked seperately, they are just

Also, with the newly defined Alchemy specializations, should I be changing around my stuff, then? Specifically, should I change Artisan (machinery) to Alchemy (Gears)?

If you are asking to move the specialization, yes.

How about switching up the specializations in Alchemy? I sorta meant for Enchantment to be Alice pumping magic (pp) into stuff to make it do something (the Lycantis, the wards in the enemies background, the magic chain/anti-yank-out-arm charm in the grappling hook), with various rituals and stuff - magic circles, runes and etchings, occasional grabbing-it-and-making-it-really-shiny... with the specific "solid" and "liquid" I think maybe it's overpowered, as I guess it's less making a whole new item that is also magic and more taking anything and making it magic.

Alchemy is the foundation skill for making magical artifacts, but it can also be used to make arbitrarium materials, like adamantium or soap. But I did forget to put in MacGuyvering as a specilization.

It may appear over powered, but remember, this is a game where Operations is used to fire a catapult and paddle a boat. That's right. Those two actions use the same skill. Your exploding head amuses me.

It's been bugging me a bit - with the way technical skills work (-1 if the action you're taking is unrelated to any of your specializations) , does that mean I get the spec bonus when patching a dude up, but -1 if I'm nursing someone in the infirmary?

That's right. Technical skills require specialization when developing them, so you count as having one less skill rank when you try to use it our of your specialization. The same thing happens if you try to use a social skill but don't have any ranks in it.

Uh, I actually haven't figured the dicerolling part out yet. I know how the storyteller system usually does it, but I dunno if aWoD changes anything. It's "roll [attribute + maybe skill], add/subtract difficulty crap , roll that many dice, 10s explode, and see how many hit equal to/above the Target Number", right? What's the average difficulty TN? 7?

WoD is based off a dice pool system. There is only one TN and that is 5. Whenever you make a test, a number of d6s are rolled equal to Attribute + Skill (+ 2 for a Specialization). Dice that show up as 5 or 6 (equal to or better then the TN) counts as a hit on the test. Tests have a difficulty threshold, which is the minimum number of hits needed to pass the test. In some instances, extra hits net you a better result. Like when attack something, extra hits on the test to attack them results in more damage being dealt.

Whenever I present a challenge, I will often tell you the difficulty threshold. You can expect to pass a challenge if a character in question can muster up 3 times the threshold in dice, and I'll allow them to automatically pass if they have 4 times the threshold.

For example, let's say Ted is walking down a lovely forest path when an ornery Platypusbear jumps out of the bushes and howls menacingly. Now the Platypusbear is big beefy mothafuker, and while normally threatening someone is a Charisma + Intimidation check, the Platypusbear instead adds his formidable 7 Strength to his 3 Intimidation. And platypusbears threaten things that enter their territory as an instinct, so they're actually good at it. This Platypusbear get two more dice to roll from his Intimidation specialization in Fear Mongering. That's 12 dice, which can reasonably be expected to pass a threshold of 4, or auto pass a 3. Ted is just a peasant, and so scaring him is a difficulty 2 challenge. Suffice to say the Platypusbear can either take the auto-win and scare Ted enough to crap his pants (1 extra hit) or take a chance and roll to see if he can cause psychological trauma on top of that.

Maybe add a link to the aWoD magic page in the information thread? My charsheet was too huge to update after I added the power descriptions to it, so I'll have to go there whenever I wanna review a power.

Good idea. Will do.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Okay, so I uploaded the (hopefully) final character sheet to the character sheets thread. I made some fixes to the personality section, updated the artifact page with the info you provided, and replaced the research 4 which didn't really fit with artisan (gardening) 4+the bonus point. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put the bonus points in the actual skills portion or not, if I wasn't supposed to, let me know and I'll fix it. Also, you didn't mention whether or not she had discovered the Victory of the Typhon on the artifact, so I assumed that she hadn't.

Thanks again for being patient with me. :p

PS: Who told you about my stripper name?!
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Okay, so I uploaded the (hopefully) final character sheet to the character sheets thread. I made some fixes to the personality section, updated the artifact page with the info you provided,
Uh huh. Good. Nice.
and replaced the research 4 which didn't really fit with artisan (gardening) 4+the bonus point.
No no no, put those back or you'll throw off all my calculations. If you really want, you can move at most two ranks from Research to Artisan, but removing that skill is gonna throw off a whole bunch of things I had going.
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put the bonus points in the actual skills portion or not, if I wasn't supposed to, let me know and I'll fix it.
It's a whole rank. Go ahead and note the bonuses anyway you want, as long as they go where I put them.
Also, you didn't mention whether or not she had discovered the Victory of the Typhon on the artifact, so I assumed that she hadn't.
You assumed correctly.
Thanks again for being patient with me. :p
PS: Who told you about my stripper name?!
I've been stalking you for some time. I set up this game knowing you'd join. Welcome to my dungeon. :D
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I meant to ask earlier, but what's the proper etiquette to ask for a "status check" in this sort of RP game? I'm curious to see my character's money/XP/supplies/time remaining to dosing and paying mercs, but I don't want to break the flow of the game in order to check. I'd assume these are functions run by the GM, but if I should RP certain aspects myself then that's fine.

Should I just wait until my character has a free moment by her wagon and have her "run inventory" at that point?
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Fixed it back the way it was, with research 4 (Archives) and artisan 1 (gardening)
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I'm curious to where this Great Axe is that the Scythe is supposed to resemble in power. I looked in the char sheets and didn't see it D=
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

I'm curious to where this Great Axe is that the Scythe is supposed to resemble in power. I looked in the char sheets and didn't see it D=


Equipment spoiler, bottom of last post.

the_taken said:
Cool. So then, changing Artisan (machinery) to Alchemy (Gears).

Hm. While I'm at it, renaming the Operations specialization from grappling hook/climbing to just gadgetry, and taking a point from medicine to put into operations. Changes alright?

the_taken said:
Terrifying Platypusbear
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Ah ok, thanks.

I assumed he meant some type of special weapon that I didn't notice <.<
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Should I just wait until my character has a free moment by her wagon and have her "run inventory" at that point?

Yes. That would be perfect. If you neglect to ask, I'll just remind you with some hints. If you ask too often, your paranoia will infect your character and I'll start lying. :D

Fixed it back the way it was, with research 4 (Archives) and artisan 1 (gardening)


You are good to go. You can either wait for TheWeirdOne to be ready and join him, or start in the next game thread with IndrickBoreale. (Assuming Indrick doesn't want to wait.)

I'm curious to where this Great Axe is that the Scythe is supposed to resemble in power. I looked in the char sheets and didn't see it D=


Equipment spoiler, bottom of last post.

What he said.

Cool. So then, changing Artisan (machinery) to Alchemy (Gears).

Hm. While I'm at it, renaming the Operations specialization from grappling hook/climbing to just gadgetry, and taking a point from medicine to put into operations. Changes alright?

Changing the specializations is OK. Moving the point, isn't, as you've already started. There will be no stat swapping once I write your game thread.
Re: Interest and OCC Thread

Well, now that I have a deadline I shall work faster!