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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

The guy is not a very popular pope among the clergy

Too much trying to downplay the church, too much meddling in politics, too much ambiguous speeches and implied issues that go against the church's rules and dogma
Still probably not the worst pope, given how bad a few of them apparently were in history
Re: In today's news...

He's been the best pope for the non-christians
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, I like him more than his predecessor.

Also, he's definitely not the *worst* Pope. Some of the men who have been Pope did pretty monstrous things.
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Re: In today's news...

The guy is not a very popular pope among the clergy

Too much trying to downplay the church, too much meddling in politics, too much ambiguous speeches and implied issues that go against the church's rules and dogma
Still probably not the worst pope, given how bad a few of them apparently were in history

He's worked to reform and professionalize the massively corrupt Vatican Bank though, which is a good thing.

Also pointed out that global warming is a real thing no matter what those inflicted with Dunning-Kruger might say.
Re: In today's news...

The legendary founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, has passed away today at 91, may he rest in peace *he probably won't be able to*. :(

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Re: In today's news...

Rest In Peace, you fucking legend.
Re: In today's news...

The legendary founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, has passed away today at 91, may he rest in peace *he probably won't be able to*. :(

last playboy mag I bought physically here was the December 2001 issue...still have it in it's bag dirt and cum free...

R.I.P. Hugh...

although the sanctimonious religious orders would consign your soul to some kind of eternal damnation in their dogmas, I can say that you have lived a great and fulfilled life with NO REGRETS...

good thing you won't be able to see the SJW's, 3rd wave feminism, terrorism, human sufferings anymore...
Re: In today's news...

The legendary founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, has passed away today at 91, may he rest in peace *he probably won't be able to*. :(

And may flights of bunnysuit wearing angels sing he to thy rest.
Re: In today's news...

The legendary founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, has passed away today at 91, may he rest in peace *he probably won't be able to*. :(

A man ahead of his time, and who defined an entire industry. May God provide him with his own playboy mansion so Hugh can party it up with angel bunnies in the afterlife.

Alternatively, just finished MGQ Paradox Pt1 today. Now, eagerly awaiting bunnygirl Ilias fanart.
Re: In today's news...

I don't always trust the "news" coming from the link below...nevertheless, it gave me a laugh...if this was really true, then he proves the age old adage of "too much of a good thing is bad" to be true...

Re: In today's news...

Speaking of Dan Bilzerian...

Re: In today's news...

Mass shooting at a Vegas fairground, at least 50 dead and 500 more casualties. Apparently the dude before this acted normal enough, but two days into his hotel stay he broke the windows and started unloading ten rifles into a fairgrounds a little way away.

Good god. Feel a bit sick imagining the hell that must have been.
Re: In today's news...

Literally just woke up to find one of the great rock musicians of the 20th century died today. , you will be sorely missed. ;_;
Re: In today's news...

Mass shooting at a Vegas fairground, at least 50 dead and 500 more casualties. Apparently the dude before this acted normal enough, but two days into his hotel stay he broke the windows and started unloading ten rifles into a fairgrounds a little way away.

Good god. Feel a bit sick imagining the hell that must have been.

I mean, just the fact that it happened in Vegas and he was in a hotel with a vantage point on a fairgrounds that just happened to be well-populated raises all kinds of flags. Without putting on the ol' tinfoil hat, gambling is a Hell of an addiction.

Literally just woke up to find one of the great rock musicians of the 20th century. , you will be sorely missed. ;_;

RIP Mr Petty. Also, when the fuck did Roger Moore and Bill Paxton bite it?
Re: In today's news...

Full Moon Fever was the first music I ever owned. I feel like a piece of my childhood is gone now. :(
Re: In today's news...

I mean, just the fact that it happened in Vegas and he was in a hotel with a vantage point on a fairgrounds that just happened to be well-populated raises all kinds of flags. Without putting on the ol' tinfoil hat, gambling is a Hell of an addiction.

Exactly my thoughts earlier. Yes he was a regular of Vegas, but this screams premeditated for one reason or another. News has been hush-hush on the reasons he may have had, no suicide notes released to the press or manifestos or w/e, but it'd not surprise me if it was some jaded asshole who went on the town expecting another loss streak and for one reason or another wanted to take it out on some country music fans that weekend. From the reports the rents spoke of, there was such a packed concert he didn't even need a scope to get hits, it was that packed... *Shudders*
Re: In today's news...

The one thing we do know is that it was incredibly premeditated
Re: In today's news...

Exactly my thoughts earlier. Yes he was a regular of Vegas, but this screams premeditated for one reason or another. News has been hush-hush on the reasons he may have had, no suicide notes released to the press or manifestos or w/e, but it'd not surprise me if it was some jaded asshole who went on the town expecting another loss streak and for one reason or another wanted to take it out on some country music fans that weekend. From the reports the rents spoke of, there was such a packed concert he didn't even need a scope to get hits, it was that packed... *Shudders*

The one thing we do know is that it was incredibly premeditated

Apparently, he had liberal leanings, as well. Also, guess who decided to politicize it because he could?

This kind of crocodile tears bullshit, and then whining at the "BIG BAD GUBBMENT" to do something reminds me of a certain someone I butted heads with a couple days ago. Putting that aside, it never fails to impress me when the leftist media decidedly have "very little information" on a tragedy unless it fits their narrative. Don't get me wrong, since both sides are equally guilty of this shit.

But, could you not cry your crocodile tears and whine at the government to do something? Can one be sober and solemn about a tragedy without politicizing it to Hell and back? Or am I just one of those weird people who would like the good nature of Humanity to show through in light of a tragedy?
Re: In today's news...

*Takes deep breath*

There will be tons of people that will bite this.
Funny scam.

Before anyone asks, "I give u 1 day after opening this message(I adjusted a special pixel in it, Ill know when you read it)."
Yes, that is an actual thing, but I doubt someone would bother. It's just a mass spam sent to thousands or more people in hope someone will bite it.
Re: In today's news...

*Takes deep breath*

There will be tons of people that will bite this.
Funny scam.

Before anyone asks, "I give u 1 day after opening this message(I adjusted a special pixel in it, Ill know when you read it)."
Yes, that is an actual thing, but I doubt someone would bother. It's just a mass spam sent to thousands or more people in hope someone will bite it.


Second, not sending proof that what you claim is true is pretty stupid. At the very least, send a video of someone fapping with the picture darkened and make up some bullshit like "I turned up the contrast because fuck you." At the very most, a quarter of your intended victims will think it's legit and send that money. Also, the fact that the email is in broken English and requires someone with a functioning brain (of which there are few nowadays) to decipher means three-quarters of your victims will look at it like it's in another language and then promptly delete it.

And that adjusted pixel isn't really an issue if you get nothing as a result. It's like trying to do the 5 dollar fishing hook trick except nobody is biting and you're still reeling and casting.