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Re: In today's news...

Been watching some footage of syrian refugees coming into Europe and the only question I can ask is "Where are all the women and children?"

Are we to believe all these males in their 20s and 30s just abandoned their families in supposedly "the most dangerous place on earth"?

Yes. They actually are.
They left their families at home thinking that there's probably some procedure for getting them transferred to a different country if they get asylum.
Of course, what this actually does is prove that the place where they were at is not dangerous and that we should send them back

And, this is what happens when we don't

Journalist stoned while trying to film in no-go zone

They don't want safety. They create the situations that they are supposedly running from. ACTUAL refugees, women who don't want to live under a veil all their life as the man's property, gays, people who convert away from Islam, and so on are put in the same refugee facilities as these people.
These fake refugees are actively making things unsafe for the actual refugees, and the majority are refusing any sort of integration.
Sweden has already been turned into the laughing stock of the world regarding its lax stance on immigrants, and if it was up to politicians all other countries will follow its example
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, refugees rape a bunch of people, like literally six stories published under swedish news outlets as "Swedish men gangrape (x)", etc... And oh look! When I look at the prisoner listing, the convenient lack of names and pictures, suddenly I realize it's yet another group of men, most of whom are mysteriously named Muhammad. Well isn't that a fucking surprise. Yeah, rape-culture exists, and the people who claim it's being caused purely by cis-gendered white men are actively inviting it onto their doorstep with a side order of weapon crates hidden in food stores.

You know, non-denomination christian rape cults exist too, but when people find out about them generally the reaction is "Kill it with fire". A perfectly reasonable response, one that should be adopted against all rape cults in general if you ask me. Including Jihad-tier Muslim beliefs. Peaceful Muslims are pretty cool dudes usually, aside from the whole not denouncing and criticizing extremists thing. If a bunch of asshole extremists are in your group raping or spreading hate, it should be your responsibility as a group to say, "Yeah these guys are cancer we hate them.".
Re: In today's news...

Speaking of muhammads, ISIS stuff

What many have said so far has been confirmed with the arrest of an Isreali colonel, who was leading and training ISIS troops
Captured ISIS warriors have also reported that they were aided by the Mossad

In short, this means Israel is likely the reason for ISIS attrocities and potentially the war in Syria
(Of course, questions on the source's legitimacy can be given seeing as Fars is an Iranian one and they definitely aren't friends of Israel)
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Re: In today's news...

Captured ISIS warriors have also reported that they were aided by the Mossad

In short, this means Israel is likely the reason for ISIS attrocities and potentially the war in Syria

And yet so many countries are bending over their ass backwards to try send help to Israel constantly, despite other countries needing help getting nothing from nobody. No wonder there are so many conspiracy theorists out there saying the stuff they do.
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Re: In today's news...

Speaking of muhammads, ISIS stuff

What many have said so far has been confirmed with the arrest of an Isreali colonel, who was leading and training ISIS troops
Captured ISIS warriors have also reported that they were aided by the Mossad

In short, this means Israel is likely the reason for ISIS attrocities and potentially the war in Syria
(Of course, questions on the source's legitimacy can be given seeing as Fars is an Iranian one and they definitely aren't friends of Israel)

So US is really, REALLY bad about picking their allies in middle-east, huh.
Re: In today's news...

I have to pose the question then, are there GOOD allies to have in the middle east?

I mean, if you side with an underfunded righteous there's little to no benefit as they can't actually help you in any meaningfull way and are likely to incense those with power against you. On the other hand, if you side with the corrupt and powerfull that can aid you, you get damned for, at the very least not condemning their actions, and more reasonably not actively resisting them.
Re: In today's news...

Not to mention the corrupt side literally being an active extremist supremacist group comparable to Nazis.
Re: In today's news...

Haha, yeah, "farsnews" certainly sounds like a legitimate news source. I think I'd prefer a more mainstream news source than that. Israel creating ISIS? Christ.

What created ISIS (or rather, the basis for it) was the political vacuum left in Iraq after the botched occupation of it by coalition forces, and the favoring of Iraq's southern Shi'ite population in the puppet government creating resentment with the Sunni in the North and ex-Baathist officers.

Then you have ultimately the following instability in Syria inadvertently caused by the Assad regime resorting to violence in face of popular protests during the Arab Spring.

Well, that and the steadily weakened status of central Al-Qaeda leadership in the face of anti-terror operations among radical Salafist groups in the Levant.

This isn't a Hollywood movie, shit is complicated geopolitics, economic contexts and ideological power discourses.
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Re: In today's news...

Haha, yeah, "farsnews" certainly sounds like a legitimate news source. I think I'd prefer a more mainstream news source than that. Israel creating ISIS? Christ.

What created ISIS (or rather, the basis for it) was the political vacuum left in Iraq after the botched occupation of it by coalition forces, and the favoring of Iraq's southern Shi'ite population in the puppet government creating resentment with the Sunni in the North and ex-Baathist officers.

Then you have ultimately the following instability in Syria inadvertently caused by the Assad regime resorting to violence in face of popular protests during the Arab Spring.

Well, that and the steadily weakened status of central Al-Qaeda leadership in the face of anti-terror operations among radical Salafist groups in the Levant.

This isn't a Hollywood movie, shit is complicated geopolitics, economic contexts and ideological power discourses.

Pretty much this, but I'll add that Qatar and Saudi Arabia's Arab Spring protests have been put down just as violently, with complete media silence in the west.
And as these are US allies, the US did not call the UN or sanctions or anything. Assad however is a Russian ally, so of course it's absolutely immoral when he does it. And all the political leaders from the west now say he must go.
And then of course the US just happened to be funding rebel groups there which took the violent suppression by Assad as the start sign of them being able to start hitting the gov proper, with ISIS showing up among them.(And ISIS of course also attacks the other rebel groups for not being fanatic enough)

And then there's plenty of behind the scenes shit going on there too. Shit's pretty fucked in the middle east, and it's unlikely to unfuck itself any time soon

In other news
Shit's still fucked with these immigrants
Re: In today's news...

Weeeeell with Russia trying to stir up the whole east vs. west shit again... Yeah.

I would laugh if this wasn't getting people killed. There's no competition, west wins. Go back to drinking vodka and assaulting people for traffic accidents YOU caused Russia.

As far as the migrant situation, I really wanted to blurt out "Don't let the fuckers in" the first time it was brought up, but then I'd have been chastised for being inhumane. At this point I think it's fair to just start executing the ones that pull shit like that (definitely not humane, but I guarantee they'd stop stoning people after the first couple of fucks to pick up rocks got some lead through the dome). But now that they've been let in, it's going to be like clearing out a roach infestation, you'll never get them all out.
Re: In today's news...

To be entirely fair regarding Syria and Russia's involvement

Assad is an ally of Russia
The rebels are funded by foreign powers(With said foreign powers not even hiding it)

So if they would NOT help Assad, they'd just be leaving their ally to fend for themselves. That's definitely not the point of being allies
The only thing I am surprised about is that it took them this long to send in troops, by all reasonable standards they should have been allowed to send them in much sooner

Also, regarding Russia

Russian passenger jet disappears over Sinai desert, found crashed

And in the same place I found that article

ISIS has weaponry capable of taking down passenger jets, according to German intelligence services

While these two imply correlation, nothing on the RT article says it has been shot down. It is possible of course, but at the moment without evidence
Re: In today's news...

So yeah, windows 10 comes with a free keylogger and other spyware features. And you can only disable some of them.
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Re: In today's news...

If you want a good laugh at a failing justice system:

Summary: a 21 year old guy kills a 12 year old girl in traffic, runs from the scene and hides for a week. He doesn't have a driver's licence, he's been banned from driving 7 (seven) times before, vehicle didn't have insurance. He now faces a smashing 8 (eight) years in prison.

I'm all against capital punishment, but this is beyond the other side of the spectrum.
Re: In today's news...

Some new updates on the Jared Fogle situation

Apparently the FBI have been aware that Jared was a pedophile for many years and may have been letting him continue to molest children just to get the evidence on him.

And some news articles that talks about some of the evidence found, one of which mentions him asking a mother up front if he could see her kids naked, the other about him attempting to throw a party to lure children into it, this guy is fucking sick.

Re: In today's news...

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Re: In today's news...

Some new updates on the Jared Fogle situation

Apparently the FBI have been aware that Jared was a pedophile for many years and may have been letting him continue to molest children just to get the evidence on him.

And some news articles that talks about some of the evidence found, one of which mentions him asking a mother up front if he could see her kids naked, the other about him attempting to throw a party to lure children into it, this guy is fucking sick.

Probably the politicians who diddle kids too trying to make it take longer. Taking care of their own and all that.
At least the kids aren't sacrificed though, child sacrifice still happens out there

Article on the UK being tards
Willing to bet that the politicians wanting this law don't even know what the internet is aside from fakebook and twatter
Re: In today's news...

Behold! The TPP documents released!


(News articles)

And it's somehow even worse than everyone has been saying.
Small list:
ISPs forced to take down websites without court orders in case of suspected copyright infringements
Prison sentences mandatory for software piracy (As long as it is "Of sufficient scale", which is left undefined )
Corporations allowed to sue governments for 'not adequately protecting their intellectual property'
Corporations are allowed to choose what court to use for any such lawsuits. (And once selected, no other court will be allowed to go through it and it may not be publicly discussed anywhere)
Makes it illegal to modify a device you bought in any way (Without explicit approval)
Whisleblowers criminalised even further under 'trade secrets'
US copyright law's worst parts taken without any of the fair use protections (Such as satire and commentary)
Allows trademarking of any sound or smell
Unifies sanitary measures for goods
Removes unified sanitary measures
Then says sanitary measures will depend on whoever is being sanitary as long as they claim to be sanitary enough
Bonuses to immigrant workers
"The parties involved may decide to do more. Or less. Maybe." - On the subject of labour laws
Countries no longer allowed to impose limits on any sort of service, including state-sanctioned monopolies(Read: Privatise everything! Possibly even the water supply, will continue reading)
Possibly(?) mandates forming a TPP compliance agency for every state signing it? Also this national agency will be 100% synched up with that of others signing it, somehow.
Allows foreign intervention if nature protection laws are not followed through on (And at the same time allows for companies to sue to make sure said laws are not followed trough on)
(Unrelated note, this shit become messier every paragraph, it disagrees with itself and it's honestly just a mess)
Governments may no longer buy only from domnestic companies for military and other gov procurement, with a massive exception list that pretty much covers everything the gov/military uses

I'm going to just stop bothering reading through this mess, if you want to try - good luck, you'll need it. It's intentionally vague. Seriously, this stuff is more complicated and vague than occultist texts I've read before. Guides to summonning demons are less sanity draining than this
Edit: Went and found a comic that describes this document

Completely opens borders for finance related stuff like banks, thus ensuring the richest can get even richer without this nasty 'tax' thing getting in the way
Also for goods(Thus meaning that any and all production jobs will leave for the lowest wages, without having to worry about any tariffs making sure there are still jobs outside of China and extremely low wage countries)
Doesn't actually do anything for labour rights in 'developing nations'

While it TECHNICALLY does not block measures against global warming, or removes labour rights, it does make it near impossible to take such measures or give new rights(Even raising the min wage) without getting sued out the ass by companies for 'potential lost profits'. Any country is ALLOWED to take such measures, but they'll have to pay for 'lost profits' too.

Parts that are profitable to corporations(Such as being able to sue for profits) are as clear and unavoidable as possible, while environmental protection and labour rights are a mess of undefined terms, contradictions, and very broad wording.

One bright side, it makes unions allowed everywhere. Doesn't say they can't be corrupt or powerless, but at least they can't be banned.
It also (technically) outlaws slavery. Because apparently some countries haven't done that yet.
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Re: In today's news...

Allows trademarking of sounds and smells

One step closer to copyrighting your genes...

This is just fucking astounding. I'm not sure what the hell they're smoking, but it should be outlawed for making meth look like Tylenol. If this doesn't show governments have too much pressure from corporations, I don't know... I hope Trudeau at least reconsiders signing it, half his promises would be blocked by this.

I do like that they outlawed slavery, I've always thought that there wasn't a clear enough stance on it. You know, what with it being rampant throughout developed nations, and so many people endorsing it. Although there is the immigrant/visa serfdom and the sex trade... Doesn't mention that, does it?
Re: In today's news...

Although there is the immigrant/visa serfdom and the sex trade... Doesn't mention that, does it?

Of course not, it's only the 'work or we beat you and/or kill you' type slavery. Anything else, including forcing the growing 'popularity' of forcing the unemployed to work 'work experience' jobs to maintain their social security is perfectly fine for TPP.
And even then the wording is expressly kept vague so sweat shops in Asia are kept perfectly fine and don't need to change
Re: In today's news...

Got this pointed out to me, TPP also forbids governments or corporations from using open-source software only as a policy. To prevent discrimination of software

Government also does not get the right to ask for the source code of things they want to use. Like voting machines.