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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I don't know, if it's one of the smaller countries that isn't involved in this whole import/export... scam, then yeah they'll have some trouble but they're almost self-sufficient already, right?

And if it's any of the big players, the whole thing crumbles with any sort of trade sanctions. Just look how freaked out people got over greece's economic collapse, imagine if that were Britain, China, or the U.S. since as far as I'm concerned any real sanctions on them would be pretty much tantamount to an economic collapse.

I do like that this whole thing is a house of cards though, any of the base cards (larger countries) decide not to play ball and the whole thing crumbles.
Re: In today's news...

This is very similar to NAFTA, but on a larger scale.
Re: In today's news...

Speaking of retarded shit big corps do

Windows 10

Don't get it, it's spyware to the highest degree

Collects litterally all inputs - Keyboard, mouse, voice, etc, and sends it to Microsoft every 30 minutes.
As such, anyone under any NDA or handling confidential records like healthcare files is not allowed to use Windows 10
Re: In today's news...

Fucking knew it.

Just this very day, the bastards had the audacity to tell me that I needed to "hurry up and reserve my copy of Windows 10". The actual fuck, it's software, isn't it? What the shit is the point of "reserving" software? Are they making pre-order bonuses?!
Re: In today's news...

Not like I want to defend Windows 10 much on this front, from our end it's because after a set time period, the upgrade is no longer free. Eventually, though after a rather long period, they will start charging for Windows 10, as in the past. Our incentive is saving 100-200 bucks. Their incentive is to get everyone onto Windows 10, for the reasons everyone has already speculated about, and the fact that they'd likely like to spend less resources supporting their older OSes.

So yeah, not saying it's a consumer friendly move, but there *is* indeed a reason that the time limit is emphasized. It's called reserving because you can simply tell them you're interested but you don't have to install it at that very moment I believe.
Re: In today's news...

As seen in 4chan/g/ thread using same source material

"Key points:

-It sends all text you type anywhere (not just into search) every 30 minutes to MS. If you type about a holiday to your blog, next day youll see holiday ads.

- every 30 minutes it sends your geolocation and network info

-if you type a telephone number into Edge it sends it to MS after 5 min

-if you type anywhere in windows a name of some movie, windows will start indexing all your media files after a while and will send it to MS after 30 minutes of your inactivity

-after installing W10, it will send about 35MB of data once

-after turning on your webcam for the first time it sends data to microsoft once. Probably your photo.

-everything you say is transferred to MS, it works even if you disable and remove and uninstall cortana. Parts of Cortana are needed for the core of the OS to run. Confirmed by MS helpdesk. You can be identified by your voice anywhere near a microphone after they get enough data from you.

-Voice to text is transferred instantly

-voice is transferred every 15 min, 80MB of data

-after 15 minutes of your inactivity or when screensaver is on, network activity ramps up and everything else is being sent to MS

-blocking in hosts doesnt work, IPs are hardcoded into their code and DLLs"

note: just managed to see a glimpse of that in the shoutbox 2 days ago when that happened and saved it.

Now theres also comes a problem that i seen that was discussed in other forum.
If the one that you talk with have installed Windows 10, all your conversations are still saved in Microsoft server without your consent.
Yes they have the other guy consent because he/she accepted the TOS but not you, but they don't care.
Re: In today's news...

American corporations, ignoring the law successfully with the help of politicians since practically BC times. Also, are you all ready for the zero privacy nightmarepocalypse that they failed to push onto Xbox users to be forced down the throats of windows users? I know I'm not.
Re: In today's news...

Honestly I don't believe that if simply for the fact that I'm 100% certain the local internet here (and many places like it), would implode if that was the case. Speeds just simply aren't good enough to maintain that kind of data transfer on a regular basis. I know that sounds unbelievable, but yes, some parts of the US really do have that shitty of internet service :p Sure, it can try, but in doing so it would be shooting itself in the foot because not only can the user now not use the internet (thus creating more and more backlash), but they can't even get the data they want because the internet is locked up :p It's the same reason why the xbone scrapped a lot of the online requirements. Not like it's a win, though, because it still means we're screwed being stuck with crappy infrastructure :p

For reference, even on my mid-tier local connection, an 85 MB transfer would jam the internet for about 6 minutes (using steam as a benchmark), on a GOOD day. If that was happening, we'd not need any tools to tell us about it.

Side snark: I'd like to see any piece of software take a picture when the webcam does not physically exist ;)
Re: In today's news...

Luckily, there's people working on ways to block their privacy fucking up

It's going to be a while before Windows 10 is safe though

Worth noting that the stuff Windows 10 does is way past illegal in Europe, but nobody seems to be really trying to stop it.
Re: In today's news...

So, Batman is dead.

I'd seriously hate to be the one who hit him. Because you now carry the albatross around your neck of being the one who killed Batman. The write up about him in the article, though, is very good.
Re: In today's news...

I had never heard about this guy before... but god damn, I wish I had now. He seems to have been a genuinly lovable person, doing something for people who really need an break from real-life's difficulties. Heck, you gotta love a guy who dresses up as a superhero to cheer up sick kids.

“He touched a lot of lives and made a lot of kids smile. That’s all he wanted to do.”

Gotta admit, teared up a bit at that :\
Re: In today's news...

;_;7 Rest in Peace, Batman. You da real MVP.
Re: In today's news...

In case you haven't been aware of the situation, Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle who is famous for losing a lot of weight while maintaining a diet of Subway sandwiches was arrested last month after Police raided his home and found large amounts of child pornography, this is months after a coworker of his (Russell Taylor) was also arrested for child porn.

He is now taking a plea deal where he will plea guilty for not only possessing child pornography but also having sex with minors as part of a child exploitation scheme that has went on for at least five years.

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Re: In today's news...

Sad Copper! First we lose Batman, now we lose Batgirl! I used to love the episodes on the show with her in them!

Re: In today's news...

These are dark times for Batkind. :(

It was a nice writeup, to see how many people she influenced positively through what was admittedly a very silly show - and after as well.
Re: In today's news...

DISCLAIMER: I am biased against Mozilla.

Just in case somebody even care at this point or missed the latest Firefox development progress

Basically Firefox wants to phase out it's "old" add-on infrastructure and replace it with new one that is multiple Firefox processes and chrome add-ons compatible in a year or so, this will make a lot of big and small
add-ons quite impossible to implement and in some cases even require a complete rewrite of said add-on.
Ej: ,Greasemonkey,etc.
Most of the user comments express disappointment and fear for add-ons to stop working again.

You can practically sum the article like this:
"XPCOM and XUL are two of the most fundamental technologies to Firefox. The ability to write much of the browser in JavaScript has been a huge advantage for Mozilla. It also makes Firefox far more customizable than other browsers...
...Consequently, we have decided to deprecate add-ons that depend on XUL, XPCOM, and XBL. We don’t have a specific timeline for deprecation, but most likely it will take place within 12 to 18 months from now."

Mozilla is trying to find a but...
"There are also concerns that restricting people to the WebExtensions API will limit innovation: we can make APIs to support the XUL extensions people have already made, but how will we know what other ones we’re missing out on?"
"Our big fear is that, once we provide a WebExtensions API, there won’t be anything to motivate people to switch over to it."

The big question remain still, is this innovation is necessary (i.e. Australis apocalypse) and did Mozilla even thought about the move before it did it?
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Re: In today's news...

DISCLAIMER: I am biased against Mozilla.

And rightly so, in my opinion. Although I have been using Firefox for quite some time now, I am probably going to switch over to a forked version.

The only reason why I haven't done so yet is that none of those which I have taken into consideration are currently in the software repository of my GNU/Linux distro. But that should be easy to fix.

DISCLAIMER: Tinfoil hat.

Firefox 40 has introduced some features (among which are add-on signatures) which has caused me to look a little deeper into what can ( and in my opinion should) be configured in the about:config section, since it is not accessible via the "hamburger menu".

If you search for the keyword "safebrowsing" for instance you will notice that the browser readily communicates with google in order to check whether what you are downloading contains malware or not. If it (presumably) does, the download will stop. Actually this has been the case since .

Although this might be considered a feature - and I won't hold it against anyone who does - it still undermines any effort people make in order to keep their surfing habits private. Be it addons like Disconnect, NoScript and what have you, or by other means.

There is a more thorough list .

I for one consider many of the things mentioned there an insolence. How many more "hidden features" are there? What will Firefox 41 bring?
Just the other day I read that FF40 manipulated settings in Win10, without the user's knowledge.

Well that's enough for my little rant I guess.
Re: In today's news...

How many more "hidden features" are there? What will Firefox 41 bring?
DISCLAIMER: Tinfoil hat.

Maybe not completely the right angle but...
From Pale Moon developer
"Working on removing telemetry code from the core actually brought to light just to what excruciating detail Mozilla collects data through their telemetry. It's a real mountain - more data than I can really understand a company like that would ever need to collect from their browser users to improve their product. It looks very much like OCD, to be honest."

Also I seen from Australis development video or those surrounding it that the browser even can generate heat zones for all the mouse manipulations.

So we may never know what extra "helpful" features we may have, if we don't even know what browser collects about us

Windows 10 is not that much better (values 0-4) "telemetry data from OS components is sent to Microsoft. Setting a value of 0 is applicable to enterprise and server devices only. Setting a value of 0 for other devices is equivalent to choosing a value of 1." What a joke.
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Re: In today's news...

Windows 10 is not that much better (values 0-4) "telemetry data from OS components is sent to Microsoft. Setting a value of 0 is applicable to enterprise and server devices only. Setting a value of 0 for other devices is equivalent to choosing a value of 1." What a joke.

Telemetry functionality is also being . The corresponding updates are


Sadly, the approach "I'll just stick to Windows 7/8 then" will NOT work.
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Re: In today's news...

Telemetry functionality is also being added to Windows 7 & 8
Yes i know about these, thats just a small piece in the whole picture.
From what i read these are in the "optional" tab, but they may be "recommended" and because of that you can automatically get them.
Edit1: Also
KB2952664 (Windows 10 Upgrade preparation)
KB2976978 (Windows 10 Upgrade preparation)
KB2977759 (Windows 10 Upgrade preparation)
KB2990214 (Windows 10 Upgrade preparation)
KB3021917 (Windows 10 Upgrade preparation + Telemetry)
KB3022345 (Telemetry)
KB3035583 (Windows 10 upgrade preparation)
KB3068708 (Telemetry)
KB3075249 (Telemetry)
KB3080149 (Telemetry)
KB3044374 (Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 8)
KB3050267 (Windows 10 Upgrade preparation for Windows 8)
you can see all them by adding the kb number after *number here*
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