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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Meanwhile, in Malaysia...
Re: In today's news...

I didn't get that. It's the same 'god,' it's just a different language. They fear they might be converted? Are the people that stupid?
Re: In today's news...

People who try to restrict other people's speech often don't have the mental capacity to understand said speech
So yes, people are stupid

As for more stupid and dangerous stuff: ISIS again

Key oil refinery in Iraq taken over by ISIS

Not exactly the best situation for Iraqis

And those same people claim to have nukes

And plan to use them on Israel to liberate Palestine(And assumed to try to turn the entire region to glass)
Seriously way over the line, nuking people is not a good idea no matter what side you're on and can not in any way lead to something that could be considered a positive result for anyone living in the region
Even if its against Israel

And some slightly older ISIS news

They've got Saddam's old toxins production facilities as well
Re: In today's news...

As someone who's very liberal with a slight touch of libertarian, I don't agree with this move. The U.S. shouldn't be playing the role of world police, and this situation is spiraling too fast to throw such large sums of money at it.

And I'm sure that funding foreign groups simply because they're anti-whatever group is bad totally isn't something that would bite the U.S. in the ass somewhere down the line. *coughContrascoughNoriegacoughBinLadencough*
Re: In today's news...

Got this one linked to me just now:

If you refuse a breath test to see if you're drunk, the cops will strap you down and take your blood so they can test that instead.
At what point did this become a good idea?

The source, of course, is a bit biased to supporting the opposition to this
Re: In today's news...

It was the lobbyists for the pro-vampire agenda. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

...Realistically though, there is that whole 4th Amendment thing that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. While the reasoning of wanting to prevent drunk drivers is there, it's also pretty unreasonable to force a blood extraction off of a normal citizen if they refuse a "voluntary" breathalyzer test for a mandatory police checkpoint.
Re: In today's news...

If you refuse a breathalizer test in Germany, the police will drive you to a hospital to get your blood taken as well. You'll have to pay for said blood test out of your own pocket.
Re: In today's news...

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Re: In today's news...

If you refuse a breathalizer test in Germany, the police will drive you to a hospital to get your blood taken as well. You'll have to pay for said blood test out of your own pocket.

These blood tests are actually a priviledge you are not told about. As you are forced to do undergo a test anyway, you should actually DEMAND a blood test, if your breathalizer result shows that you are (slightly) over what is allowed. Blood tests allow for a narrower error margin, which can make a difference in your favor.

The above counts only for Germany and other countries that have similar rules, so don't take my word for it.

You have at some point come to terms with the fact that we live in times of restoration, to use the term loosely. It shows in so many little things.
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Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Bloody shame this came out after the elections.
Re: In today's news...

Paypal is pretty shitty, really. They apparently have the right to completely lock your account any time they want for whatever reason they want(Including using their service 'too much')
And then its up to you to prove you're the right owner of it and haven't acted illegally

The shits did that to me and it took two weeks to get access back
Would not recommend

Also, some more old news
Israeli teens gone missing
Then found later, dead
Israel bombs the shit out of Gaza again, somehow thinking this will help prevent it from happening again by making everyone hate them more
And they detain a whole lot of 'terror suspects' while terrorizing entire populations

So basically just the same shit as usual
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Got some pedo news linked

In short, pedophiles in government and high places. If you ever wondered why nobody really does anything about pedos, that's because the people in charge are the pedos
I don't often advocate death or violence, but if someone were to kill these pedo-politicians and 'old boys network' types, the world would be a better place. Once someone willingly and knowingly causes harm to children for their own pleasure, then I will consider them to be less than animals
Re: In today's news...

More stuff on ISIS

They took over a weapons depot with chemical weapons

the facility was the main center for chemical weapons production prior to the 1991 Gulf War, and is still home to 2,500 rockets containing the lethal nerve agent sarin.

Nothing good can come from this. But apparently the rockets are not functional at this moment anyway
Still not good
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Re: In today's news...

More stuff on ISIS

They took over a weapons depot with chemical weapons

Nothing good can come from this. But apparently the rockets are not functional at this moment anyway
Still not good

Part of me deep down inside is really fantasizing about this right now. About them messing with these things and somehow screwing it up and dying horribly either completely or in groups of decent numbers and ending with any survivors on site just saying their equivalent of "fuck it" and abandoning the place.

Then again, part of me is xenophobic towards that small corner of the world in general and just wants them to glass themselves to oblivion so my dysfunctional mind can have one less paranoia bugging it.

I just hope that the farthest the contaminants in those facilities go is a bit outside their containers and no further.
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Re: In today's news...

Railguns! Future technology? Nope, it's almost here!

They're much cheaper than conventional cruise missiles, at only $25,000 per shot
It sounds like a lot, but that's a lot cheaper than a missile. And that matters a lot for the military. They'll be rolled out as functional tech at 2017

And one if you enjoy seeing someone who only spouts slogans while bullshitting absolutely devastated by actual arguments when he's not allowed to change the topic

On the Israel stuff, basically
The place is basically a mess, and some parts of the video reflect that mess. It's a bit old by now, but still very recent
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Re: In today's news...

Railguns! Future technology? Nope, it's almost here!

They're much cheaper than conventional cruise missiles, at only $25,000 per shot
It sounds like a lot, but that's a lot cheaper than a missile. And that matters a lot for the military. They'll be rolled out as functional tech at 2017.

I'm not sure how much I trust Russia Times as a source on cutting-edge US Naval tech, so I did a little reading on my own. I found ; I also verified that , the primary source for both third-party articles, would indeed be the right person to ask. Finally, I went to the , which more or less confirms the information in a blurb on the front page.

With that said, I'm not sure how much our supposed or future "adversaries" have to worry about railgun projectiles. The railgun looks like a great asset in littoral fire support and in surface warfare, but the majority of our current threats come from fast attack craft (FAC)/fast inshore attack craft (FIAC), mine, subsurface (think silent diesel submarines with torpedoes), and ballistic missile antagonists. Warship-to-warship combat hasn't happened on a large scale since the Second World War.

In other news, Angela Merkel turned 60 on Thursday. Happy birthday to my favorite politician from East Germany. :3

Finally, . One thing I'll say about Russian cover-ups: they aren't exactly subtle. Putin accuses (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFERL)) but... yeah. To me this is just another link in a long chain of Russian attempts to undermine Ukrainian sovereignty and maintain its hegemony in Eastern Europe.
Re: In today's news...

Well, interesting:
Re: In today's news...

Piracy has effectively been decriminalized in the UK.

4 warning letters will be sent if piracy continues in a household, but no legal action will be carried out and it is no longer a crime to pirate media.