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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Whether there is an official cap or not, many "providers" (why not call them linelords really) already engage in what is called traffic shaping. For instance I have an unlimited 100 MB/s connection without bandwidth cap, but in the past I noticed my downstream obviously being throttled when using Bittorrent, as long as I didn't encrypt my connection via VPN.

However it depended on the time of day, and a few hours later there would be a download speed of 10 Mbyte/sec again. So the providers prefer already do prefer some data packages compared to others that are "less wanted" in order to "improve user experience" - it's somewhere in the fine-print, despite the fact what the FCC or politicians in other countries of the world may still be discussing. Another example would be that there have been many reports of speed tests always giving better results than what would've been expected if you take your usual browsing experience into considerations. But of course it's hard to prove something like that. However it is a technical possibility for any provider to prefer some protocols to others.

There are some ways to test - among other things - if your provider is shaping your traffic on the Glasnost site:

or on m-lab:
Re: In today's news...

NSA puts Israel's safety above the US' safety

This after Israel has already done enough to the US that a US war declaration and invasion would be considered merciful

Enjoy your capped internet, USA

Sure, they're high caps...For our current standards. As technology moves on, files get bigger, and eventually these caps will be too low to properly function with them

The lopsided partnership between the US and Israel intelligence communities is not a departure from the nature of partnerships between the US and the rest of its allies. Defense spending is probably even more uneven, with the US spending 4% of its budget on defense and the majority of NATO Allies spending between 1% and 2%. And yet, under Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty, any attack on one Ally is treated as an attack on all allies.

As far as the internet providers go, I hope to move back to Japan in a few years, hopefully before the giant Comcast/Time-Warner corporation starts collecting blood and souls for its services.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, that's kind of exactly my point

But anyway, more news

Thailand military coup

Pretty much exactly what it says, military took over

And the NSA was monitoring all phone calls in a country..
That country? Kenya

Not a lot of people are expected to care(In the west at least), Kenya and most of Africa have some slightly bigger issues such as food, water, and warlords(Though Kenya itself is apparently not that bad). While the NSA is shit and doing things they shouldn't be doing, it's not exactly the top of the African priority list right now, I wouldn't think
Still really sucks
Re: In today's news...

And the NSA was monitoring all phone calls in a country..
That country? Kenya

Not a lot of people are expected to care(In the west at least), Kenya and most of Africa have some slightly bigger issues such as food, water, and warlords(Though Kenya itself is apparently not that bad). While the NSA is shit and doing things they shouldn't be doing, it's not exactly the top of the African priority list right now, I wouldn't think
Still really sucks

A couple of points on this story:

1) Snowden is a guest of Russia, which is not a country exactly known for releasing unbiased and unfiltered news. Putin controls the vast majority of their media.
2) Kenya is number 17 on the most recent Failed States Index.
3) Terrorist groups regularly exploit failed or failing states as places to operate from without interference.

So this story may be inaccurate, but even if not... it's probably a GOOD thing that the NSA is doing this, in my opinion.
Re: In today's news...

So this story may be inaccurate, but even if not... it's probably a GOOD thing that the NSA is doing this, in my opinion.

Well, sure, spying on terrorists is pretty much their intended purpose
But lets face it, if they're terrorists, they're not going to use phones that can easily be tapped or spied on. Not unless they're really stupid terrorists

Granted, that is possible, seeing who we're dealing with here(Old news)

I'd assume that if they are monitoring terrorist groups there, the Kenyan government would have probably given them permission and asked for help with it or something. They probably don't want terrorists to take over.
Still really sucks for the people there who enjoy their privacy
Re: In today's news...

Well, sure, spying on terrorists is pretty much their intended purpose
But lets face it, if they're terrorists, they're not going to use phones that can easily be tapped or spied on. Not unless they're really stupid terrorists

Granted, that is possible, seeing who we're dealing with here(Old news)

I'd assume that if they are monitoring terrorist groups there, the Kenyan government would have probably given them permission and asked for help with it or something. They probably don't want terrorists to take over.
Still really sucks for the people there who enjoy their privacy

Eh. It's like any other clandestine organization. There are smart ones at the top (or at the tops of their respective cells) and then... the not-so-smart ones can be convinced to blow themselves up for the Cause. Those not-so-smart ones are the ones that use non-secure lines, sometimes.

Like you, I'm a big fan of privacy, but unfortunately the world has changed. Back when a terrorist had to kill with a musket or sword, the stakes were lower. I don't think the government is always right to violate privacy, but I do think it's become something of a gray area--especially when a successful act of terrorism can snuff out thousands of civilian lives in an instant.
Re: In today's news...

A terrorist group could have always killed thousands, in medieval times this was done in a much slower, more painful way through - Just burn the fields and granary so the people would starve to death
A single fire in a mostly wooden city with straw roofing during the night could turn into an inferno claiming large amounts of lives as well

The only thing that changed is that now it looks more impressive and its faster to kill, plus we've developed countermeasures against the more common threats such as fire and famine
If someone really wants to mess up a lot of people, there is always going to be a way

I do agree it is a bit of a gray area, but I personally lean much further to the side of privacy

Also, some more news

Danish woman attacked by 'youths', stones thrown, kicked when she was down, and so on. Rather sad to see.
Cops caught one already and have leads on the other ones
Re: In today's news...

To those that follow the youtube game critic Totalbiscuit,
Re: In today's news...

To those that follow the youtube game critic Totalbiscuit,

I wasn't really a major fan but I enjoyed his Terraria series with Jesse. To be honest, that kind of sucks. I read shit online about him like he was seriously warned to not read too many stupid YouTube comments because they cause him mental stress or something, just sounds like he's sometimes real high strung or takes things real seriously. I hope he gets better though.
Re: In today's news...

This is terrifying. There are people calling thus guy a hero for standing up for all "nice guys" out there who can't get a date. There are men lauding his actions and saying he's done what they all should have done as if they are entitled. Ive seen comments like "well girls, if you didn't friend zone us, this wouldn't happen." And that horrifies me. I shouldn't have to fear for my life if I have no romantic attraction to someone. This is scary shit.
Re: In today's news...

This is terrifying. There are people calling thus guy a hero for standing up for all "nice guys" out there who can't get a date. There are men lauding his actions and saying he's done what they all should have done as if they are entitled. Ive seen comments like "well girls, if you didn't friend zone us, this wouldn't happen." And that horrifies me. I shouldn't have to fear for my life if I have no romantic attraction to someone. This is scary shit.

I agree, why are people cheering for this asshole? Friendzone is the WORSE excuse for murder on this side of 'my cat did it'...
Re: In today's news...

I don't even.......

A humane officer did this.

In front of children.

What kind of twisted piece of soulless garbage pulls out a gun in front of a toddler and fucking shoots a kitten!? Fuck that guy, and fuck the police in general for having no accountability when they decide to bully, maim, and murder.

Also, @ Chibi's link: I watched the kid's "goodbye" video yesterday and he's pretty heavily deranged. There's a degree of sympathy possible in how obviously immature and insane the little shit was, but I cannot fathom why anyone would agree with what he did. Stupid cockheads. Maybe if they want a date, they should try not treating women like dogs they can stick their dicks into if they insert enough "kindness" before they resort to mass murder? Iunno, he is in part a victim of a society directed not to care about his problems, and he didn't get the psychiatric help that he obviously needed, but he's pretty much the farthest thing from a hero. People that call him that are dipshits, and possibly nearly as deranged as he is.
Re: In today's news...

This is terrifying. There are people calling thus guy a hero for standing up for all "nice guys" out there who can't get a date. There are men lauding his actions and saying he's done what they all should have done as if they are entitled. Ive seen comments like "well girls, if you didn't friend zone us, this wouldn't happen." And that horrifies me. I shouldn't have to fear for my life if I have no romantic attraction to someone. This is scary shit.

The feminist reaction is equally as stupid; they're claiming it's all about misogyny when in fact 4 out of the 6 victims were men.

I guess it's easier to blame it on something stupid like that rather than taking into account that he had Asperger's Syndrome which made it hard to communicate and relate on a "normal" level with people already, and was being treated for his psychological issues. In other videos he posted he also wanted to kill men equally as much, talking about how if he could release a virus to kill off all other men, he would.

I don't understand the public reaction with that stupid hashtag bullshit either, especially when it's female-centric. 4 guys who were just minding their own business were murdered in cold blood by a very disturbed young man, but I guess that part of it doesn't matter because MISOGYNY. I got the chance to listen to his 6 minute long speech in his car before Youtube ripped it offline, and he blamed both men and women for his problems. Women a little more than the men, but it was pretty obvious he was going to be going after both.
Re: In today's news...

Guess, too, with regard to the "help he obviously needed," what I heard was that his parents and counselor were pretty much on top of the "You need help" thing and *did* go to the police about the issue and they didn't do anything.

Just what I heard about it anyway. But I agree. Anyone calling this guy a "hero" or "role model" obviously needs help themselves. We were talking about it at dinner and our main topic was "Of course, it's *society's* fault he's the way he is" (in his blaming other people for why he felt unloved.) Couldn't possibly be his own shortcomings that lead him to this. Clearly there was something wrong with everyone else.

*sigh* Don't mind me. Just ranting myself. Things like this just make me want to be more of a hermit than I already am.
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Re: In today's news...

This is terrifying. There are people calling thus guy a hero for standing up for all "nice guys" out there who can't get a date. There are men lauding his actions and saying he's done what they all should have done as if they are entitled. Ive seen comments like "well girls, if you didn't friend zone us, this wouldn't happen." And that horrifies me. I shouldn't have to fear for my life if I have no romantic attraction to someone. This is scary shit.

I agree, why are people cheering for this asshole? Friendzone is the WORSE excuse for murder on this side of 'my cat did it'...

Those are trolls. They post that sort of stuff specifically to annoy and cause reactions. I wouldn't pay much attention to it - People will always say stupid stuff for the sake of saying stupid stuff

Guess, too, with regard to the "help he obviously needed," what I heard was that his parents and counselor were pretty much on top of the "You need help" thing and *did* go to the police about the issue and they didn't do anything.

This is basically the problem, the guy was known to be dangerously insane, and nobody stopped him. Then bad things start happening

Just a 5 minute look through his youtube accounts shows why he couldn't get a girlfriend, and it's pretty clearly through his own behavior and actions(And he decided to start shooting instead of just looking up a guide on how to date too).
No social, racial, gender or class based stuff to blame here, this guy was just plain crazy

As for some news
No link, but EU elections
Majority of people just didn't vote because the EU is considered widely to be illegitimate and a scam/corrupt mess
Which, coincidentally, it is.
Re: In today's news...

USA's pretty corrupt too. They're pretty much shitting all over everything that the country stood for.
Re: In today's news...

See, this is why I'm a 'happy' aspie. I have aspbergers but christ, people like this.

This might sound a bit sad, but I've long since come to form a personal world view that if I don't have a relationship, if I die a virgin, is that really a bad thing? More specifically, I'm not very outgoing socially and I'm fine with that. Maybe you could say I'm a tad screwed up in the head, but even when I stay indoors most of the time I'm a decently happy and content individual.

I dunno. I'm happy with some human contact in my life but I've never really thought of hurting others over my own inabilities. Some people I know have akined me to having a Vulcan-like train of thought and mentality. I look at things from a very less emotionally inclined perspective, even things involving family. f I don't understand something, I ask someone that I think might. If that's not an option at that moment, I look it up on the internet like a true Google bitch.

Then again, there are different tiers of crazy out there. Maybe I just got lucky and ended up in the lower ones.

As for that officer, fuck them. The police in the area I live in would probably threaten to shoot them themselves on principle for what they did.

And corruption in the US, I have a hard time caring. No offense, but it's my hermit mentality. I leave the world alone, it leaves me alone. I've thought about one day leaving the country, but mostly just to check other places out. Get out there and see what other countries are like one day. Except Mexico. Again, vulcan-like mentality. Sort of. I actually have very few personal possessions outside of a few computers and a couple of external hardrives, and anything I download I usually back up(well, not ANYTHING but you get what I mean). Add to that the fact that everything I do is usually digital(ebooks, games, etc), it's not like I'd need a moving company or something similar. If I had the cash I could probably just leave with my 'life' on my back.

Edit: Whoever repped me and mentioned entitlement, that is true. I didn't think of that. That's probably why I'm so calm about things myself, I typically feel no entitlement to anything special beyond just a home and a decent internet connection. I've always held the opinion that people who complain about not getting something instead of trying harder to get it or admitting they can't have it are just being sore losers, mental problems or not. But people like this take it to a whole new level by thinking the world has to suffer just because they can't try to go about something differently in an attempt to keep trying. Instead they have to punish those who succeeded where they failed, which is rather sad and pathetic.

In actual news:

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Re: In today's news...

Behold! SCIENCE!

It's not actual teleportation, but it's the closest word that describes it

Without any cables, wiring, or wireless stuff, scientists manage to move data from one place to another through the use of quantum entanglement

This has the potential for instant communication, no matter the distance

Similar experiments have been done before with success, but for some reason media is only now figuring it out. Similar experiments have been done with time travel(Not as in actually sending someone back in time) as well, but I don't know the results of those
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Re: In today's news...

Behold! SCIENCE!

It's not actual teleportation, but it's the closest word that describes it

Without any cables, wiring, or wireless stuff, scientists manage to move data from one place to another through the use of quantum entanglement

This has the potential for instant communication, no matter the distance

Similar experiments have been done before with success, but for some reason media is only now figuring it out. Similar experiments have been done with time travel(Not as in actually sending someone back in time) as well, but I don't know the results of those

My god...we are entering one hell of an age. AN AGE WHERE DATA IS OMNIPRESENT IN SOCIETY!

*Data whoring*