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Re: In today's news...

Sooooo, yeah. Basically it's two idiots in a heated slap fight in an area with a lot of glass objects.
If I could +rep you, I would, but I need to spread it around some more before I can give some to you again it seems

Anyway, more news on that situation

Turns out the guy and the local sheriff have been negotiating this stuff for a while now, and the federal level is stopping the whole thing about taking his cows
As long as nobody does anything incredibly stupid this situation should be pretty much defused

Edit: Found someone doing something incredibly stupid in this situation
Re: In today's news...

If I could +rep you, I would, but I need to spread it around some more before I can give some to you again it seems

Anyway, more news on that situation

Turns out the guy and the local sheriff have been negotiating this stuff for a while now, and the federal level is stopping the whole thing about taking his cows
As long as nobody does anything incredibly stupid this situation should be pretty much defused

Edit: Found someone doing something incredibly stupid in this situation

Have you read the comments? There are people who believe that shit? What the hell is going on?
Re: In today's news...

Have you read the comments? There are people who believe that shit? What the hell is going on?

I generally avoid the comments on infowars(To the point of having my browser filter it so I don't have to read it), it's kind of a site dedicated to finding stuff that's wrong with whatever the status quo is and then making it fit the narrative of "They're all coming to get you!"
And of course that means the people who feel compelled to comment on that site have similar views, often taken to an extreme

I do know a lot of people are really unhappy with the US federal government though, so I'm sure there are plenty of people who believe it to a lesser degree than the more extreme comments
Re: In today's news...

I generally avoid the comments on infowars(To the point of having my browser filter it so I don't have to read it), it's kind of a site dedicated to finding stuff that's wrong with whatever the status quo is and then making it fit the narrative of "They're all coming to get you!"
And of course that means the people who feel compelled to comment on that site have similar views, often taken to an extreme

I do know a lot of people are really unhappy with the US federal government though, so I'm sure there are plenty of people who believe it to a lesser degree than the more extreme comments

Well, yeah, our government's pretty messed up. That's a given, kind of, and something I've come to just accept that I live with as happily as I can until the possible future in which nukes fall.

But some people take it to extremes. I recall some things though..oh god, I NEED to find this. It's old, but it's funny as shit. It was something my dad showed me some year or two ago. A Christian news site that claimed some kind of new tracking device that was being made would be implanted in all of us U.S. citizens, keeping tabs on us and the various things going on in our bodies. I'm not sure if it said these devices came with a kill switch or not, that could just be my memory screwing with me there.

Point is, I looked those things up and they were electronic trackers deemed mandatory for health and safety reasons for the kind of people who carry medical equipment on them like pacemakers, to monitor the equipment and person and make sure there were no problems with their health or their health supporting devices.

I'm a Christian(kind of), but lemme say this: Never let religion try to tell you the news. Sometimes it's as bad as taking advice from someone wearing a tinfoil hat.
Re: In today's news...

I have a concern about Heartbleed and this site:

Does this site rely on OpenSSL? If so, is it a version which is susceptible to Heartbleed?
Re: In today's news...

well for first, the site doesn't even use SSL IMO because no https, other that this the shows connection refused so this site is probably not affected
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Re: In today's news...

well for first, the site doesn't even use SSL IMO because no https, other that this the shows connection refused so this site is probably not affected

Thanks! That's what I needed to know!
Re: In today's news...

Just dropping this link here regarding stupidity in the world

Privatised water supplies is an awful, awful idea, but I'm pretty sure everyone already knew that. Except a few idiots in suits it seems
Re: In today's news...

Just dropping this link here regarding stupidity in the world

Privatised water supplies is an awful, awful idea, but I'm pretty sure everyone already knew that. Except a few idiots in suits it seems

I must ask, is there actually a water crisis in the world? I...I knew nothing about such a topic.

Also, privatizing water sounds fucking crazy, if you ask me. Might as well hold air hostage as well.
Re: In today's news...

I must ask, is there actually a water crisis in the world? I...I knew nothing about such a topic.

Also, privatizing water sounds fucking crazy, if you ask me. Might as well hold air hostage as well.

There actually is
It might not seem that way because most of the western world has lakes and rivers all over, and plenty of good filtration plants and a good water system to support everyone that has been build up and slowly expanded as the population grew to make sure there would always be enough (As long as investment into the system kept coming so that future generations could also have water)

But in Africa, the middle east, and parts of Asia, (safe) water is only available in a limited supply. A problem that is then further expanded on by the lack of infrastructure and the part where they have huge deserts
And privatising the water supply there would be pretty much a complete disaster for anyone who isn't rich
Re: In today's news...

There actually is
It might not seem that way because most of the western world has lakes and rivers all over, and plenty of good filtration plants and a good water system to support everyone that has been build up and slowly expanded as the population grew to make sure there would always be enough (As long as investment into the system kept coming so that future generations could also have water)

But in Africa, the middle east, and parts of Asia, (safe) water is only available in a limited supply. A problem that is then further expanded on by the lack of infrastructure and the part where they have huge deserts
And privatising the water supply there would be pretty much a complete disaster for anyone who isn't rich

Yeah, that does make a whole lot of sense. Now I feel like I should get on my knees and praise fate or something. I kinda feel terrible now, knowing that...
Re: In today's news...

Sweden, no free speech allowed if you disagree with the government:

Pretty shit for the Swedish, really.

And a new campaign for India, basically asking people to please not poop on the streets

..Why is this a problem? Do a lot of Indians just not know basic hygiene? Best of luck to that campaign, seems like a very good idea to support the 'no shitting in public' movement

Edit: Hey! You know what would be a great idea? Lets give anti-aircraft missiles to Al-Qaeda!

Because just giving them anti-tank weaponry wasn't enough.

Edit2: Possible new Ebola strain arrives in Europe(Italy) by infected immigrant workers

Africa was fucked because of this for a while now, but since it's Africa and people dying is normal in Africa, it wasn't interesting to most people and media. Now that Europe has it, we can expect more news articles about it - Assuming it's not quickly contained and eradicated before it becomes a problem
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Re: In today's news...

Sweden, no free speech allowed if you disagree with the government:

Pretty shit for the Swedish, really.

And a new campaign for India, basically asking people to please not poop on the streets

..Why is this a problem? Do a lot of Indians just not know basic hygiene? Best of luck to that campaign, seems like a very good idea to support the 'no shitting in public' movement

Edit: Hey! You know what would be a great idea? Lets give anti-aircraft missiles to Al-Qaeda!

Because just giving them anti-tank weaponry wasn't enough.

Edit2: Possible new Ebola strain arrives in Europe(Italy) by infected immigrant workers

Africa was fucked because of this for a while now, but since it's Africa and people dying is normal in Africa, it wasn't interesting to most people and media. Now that Europe has it, we can expect more news articles about it - Assuming it's not quickly contained and eradicated before it becomes a problem

Well, according to the article on the weapons the missiles will have fingerprint authorization. And there's apparent Swedes commenting on the Sweden article saying that that's just untrue bs, but it's just a couple of them.

Then again, according to Gabriel Logan of the Opala series, their government decided to take her financial assistance or whatever away just because she was doing an offbeatr for her third Opala game. Though, granted, she got dozens of thousands of dollars for it, filled three more slots of 2k each for "small milestones" in the game, and they didn't apparently bother her about her games until she tried to make money off of them.

I'd say that's horrible, but we have something similar here in the U.S. for things like disability and unemployment, to my knowledge at least. If you're mentally disabled, unless you're drooling and in a wheelchair carted around by someone, they usually perform scheduled evaluations on you to test your life skill competency and such, to see whether or not you're capable of holding a job and they may take your disability away if they deem you competent enough to hold even a basic one. I also heard from someone I knew that if you try to do a cash in hand business while receiving benifits/some form of financial aid, that could work, but if you do things like advertise it or turn into any kind of well known unofficial business that makes money, even if it's cash in hand, you can be deemed a working individual.

Completely offtopic, but it interested me I guess. Anyhow, I know little about Sweden really anyway.

Edit: I read that India article. Jesus...I'm gonna remember this type of stuff from now on when I even so much as think badly about my own country...we have it made in comparison.
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Re: In today's news...

Just dropping this link here regarding stupidity in the world

Privatised water supplies is an awful, awful idea, but I'm pretty sure everyone already knew that. Except a few idiots in suits it seems

I might be an idiot, then (minus the suit).

There are pros and cons either way. Many governments and states lack the ability to properly fund their water supply. This is generally a budget issue--though sometimes a government can't afford water because their Supreme Ruler and Glorious All-Father just bought a Lamborghini with a chassis made entirely of gold parts. And the same thing could be said about Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), though I lack the expertise to say which ones.

Then again, privatizing water supplies doesn't seem like a terribly great option, either, for obvious reasons (as you say).

I guess the question is do you prefer to get water from here?
Or from here?
I think people who live in a desert are used to getting fucked, and said fuckings are likely to continue until such unfortunate people find a way to get out of their horrible, horrible locations.
Re: In today's news...

There are pros and cons either way. Many governments and states lack the ability to properly fund their water supply. This is generally a budget issue--though sometimes a government can't afford water because their Supreme Ruler and Glorious All-Father just bought a Lamborghini with a chassis made entirely of gold parts. And the same thing could be said about Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), though I lack the expertise to say which ones.

Then again, privatizing water supplies doesn't seem like a terribly great option, either, for obvious reasons (as you say).

Mostly, yeah. Your mileage may vary on this one, since it all comes down to just having good management to supply all the demand(Especially with something like water), and the free market is not exactly known for long-term thinking, which is important when managing the water supplies of a nation

The problem lays mostly in the for-profit thing, which, as experience shows in Europe, just plain does not work for anything that a consumer is forced to buy in order to survive, such as electricity and water.
Market and for-profit stuff is great, but only if consumers get the option to opt out when all companies are bad and the competition isn't working to make one of them rise above the others. That option just plainly does not exist for water.
And then there's the entire thing about ideology where a lot of people are going to get very, very angry if they do not get water or the cost rises too high, or a fair share of what they consider their part of the resources a country has. It's basically a big mess and there is no real way to privatise water in a way that will not cause a lot of problems, both present and future

Also, some news for America, one of your states fighting against racial discrimination and it going through the court system to uphold the ban on racial discrimination or something

Sounds good to me

And some international amusing stuff, Korea and plastic surgery

They're really, really good at it these days, good enough that patients need to renew their passports
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Re: In today's news...

More on that Bundy case

In short, loads of people showed up to support anti-federal government stuff, Bundy rolled a critfail on communication and said some stupid stuff about black people, and then the people who support his case generally seem to disagree about the stupid shit he said, but still support less power to the federal government
Also, some shit about gun militias coming over
Re: In today's news...

yeah, that will teach people to try and enforce the law.
Re: In today's news...

Excuse the clickbait-ish/slightly inaccurate title

Government with the internet, as great a combination as ever

Basically a system the US government is planning to put in to track everyone who wants to deal with government online for things like food stamps, for 'safety' and to prevent fraud
But as with anything politicians do in regards to the internet or anything IT related - they neither understand what they're trying to do/doing or how much actually needs to be done, while being completely oblivious to the potential drawbacks of such a system
Re: In today's news...

A reminder that even if you use flash, you should either keep it up to date or use an extension similar to NoScript to block unauthorized use.
Re: In today's news...

A completely unknown necropolis was found in the Valley of Kings in Egypt. They discovered 50 new mummies.

What gets me is that they discovered it in one of the valley's most thoroughly-searched corners, meaning that for decades it's been right beneath their feet and nobody knew.