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Re: In today's news...

RIP Oculus Rift
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Re: In today's news...

Actually in all likelihood , remarkably little will change. Rebranding is basically a non issue (that my insider sources tell me isn't really happening).

I'd tell you more but I've not read our NDA yet.
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Re: In today's news...

Mostly, what people dislike about Facebook taking the Occulus Rift is the incredible potential for it sucking.
But then there's always other VR kits being made already, a bit of competition doesn't hurt it

And some news, politicians being political
Re: In today's news...

Mostly, what people dislike about Facebook taking the Occulus Rift is the incredible potential for it sucking.
But then there's always other VR kits being made already, a bit of competition doesn't hurt it

And some news, politicians being political

Wow. When I saw that the article came from a Conservative News site, I was skeptical... but the is carrying the article too!

I don't think gun control laws affect anyone but law-abiding citizens, so I'm not a fan. It goes without saying that this story has made me very happy.
Re: In today's news...

Face book historicaly have been very hands off after their aquasitions. they want the money, they trust the company for that and tend not to meddle.
Re: In today's news...

Actually in all likelihood , remarkably little will change. Rebranding is basically a non issue (that my insider sources tell me isn't really happening).

I'd tell you more but I've not read our NDA yet.

Try telling that to the commenters across the various new sites reporting this. Between the multiple sites I've seen and been linked to so far, the general reaction I've been seeing from people seems to be 99% along the lines of...

"Oculus is dead."
"This has to be a bad dream. It's a bad dream right?"
"It's an early April fools joke."
"Sell out scum."
"The thing died before it hit the market."

"Facebook creeps me out."

Personally I've always been sceptical of that, "There's no such thing as bad publicity" line. They may or may not be over reacting, but either way, the previously vocal and enthusiastic Oculus community has received the news with a mix of despair and disgust.

The Oculus' biggest strength has been the excitement and hype surrounding the name. The technology itself can be dissected, copied and improved on by any big company. After this news it's just become one of many VR headsets set to hit the market in the next decade. The strength of the brand was crucial to competing with the inevitable competition that would crop up.

If Microsoft or Sony have any sense at all (which is hardly certain, but we'll see), they are in a prime posistion to steal the market. Valve would be another potential, if they have the resources. Oculus only proved that the market existed, and that the tech was finally viable. In the long run the success of the Oculus was going to be far more down to image and reputation than any early bird advantage.

Can only wait and see though I guess.
Re: In today's news...

My sources i side occulus tell me that the only thing that will change is that they will be better funded. You can trust me on this considering weve met their ceo. think about what face book did with imagr. a bit better facebook integration and thats it.

All this hullabaloo is people getting their panties in a bunch.
Re: In today's news...

My point still stands. Doesn't mater if they're right or wrong in getting scared and angry. People are vocally denouncing Oculus already. The Oculus Rift was born and funded from word of mouth and fan hype, and it can easily sink itself with it too.

If things are as you say, then they need to get their ass in gear and do some active damage control pronto.
Re: In today's news...

If Microsoft or Sony have any sense at all (which is hardly certain, but we'll see), they are in a prime posistion to steal the market.

I'm not sure if you've seen it yet, but Sony is actually trying to get the same market with their PS4 extra "Morpheus"
However, since it's on the PS4, I would highly doubt it can even compete beyond the most simple of applications and games due to the PS4 hardware being literal years behind normal desktop PC hardware, and pretty much a joke for anyone who followed the Occulus Rift closely
Valve also had a VR headset planned but that's closed development and only a few people saw it
And then there's a friend of mine that's really hyped about some other company making a VR headset that I can't remember the name of
There should be plenty of competition

Also, a lot of people are pissed at the Facebook takeover because Facebook is not really known for being privacy friendly. And of course, humans being human, one of the first things many will use VR for is porn that they don't want to share or show to others.
And then there's the whole NSA scare thing, and a whole lot of jaded people who hate all those little facebook games and social media

Lets just say Facebook kind of has a reputation of being the exact opposite of what most people wanted out of the OR

Edit for some more news. Good job USA
Good job
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Re: In today's news...

Something else occurred to me as i pottered around at work is that even if the public and the critics give up on occulus it is already integrated into many existing projects. most notably unteal 4 which is super cheap. Serious i bet puppy could go out and make a game on occulus right now for 20 dollars and two weeks work.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, as it is now, the OR seems to be just like an extra monitor - Support will be easy and things will work on it, because it's just another piece of hardware to attach to your computer

It's really just complaining about the idea of facebook owning it and facebook's bad reputation, the OR and its competition will just keep on being as they were

Also, some more news
People failing to keep work and private life separated

The whole situation appears pretty stupid to me

And new US army regulations on how to wear hair are called racist

I'm pretty sure the army doesn't care about race as long as you can do your job, but I suppose the US army might be different from European armies
Re: In today's news...

Some of you might be amused by this, though it is almost a month old already

Hitler didn't die in WW2, FBI documents claim

Lived out his life in Argentina, apparently
Of course, actually reading it shows that it's possible, but not confirmed. So nobody seems to really know

Edit for a bit older news, from Januari this year

Age reversed in mice, human trials begin soon(tm)
I may have posted this before, but I don't remeber
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Re: In today's news...

Some of you might be amused by this, though it is almost a month old already

Hitler didn't die in WW2, FBI documents claim

Lived out his life in Argentina, apparently
Of course, actually reading it shows that it's possible, but not confirmed. So nobody seems to really know

Edit for a bit older news, from Januari this year

Age reversed in mice, human trials begin soon(tm)
I may have posted this before, but I don't remeber

Interesting. So I might be able to live a bit longer after all. I've always believed that you truly never experience a fulfilled life unless you at least live to see over a century of humanity's actions. I wonder if it'll ever be possible to live for a few hundred years.
Re: In today's news...

Politics: When everyone supports something and lets politicians know, they'll call it harassment!

These idiots quite literally decided that there was too much support for medical marijuana, so they called all the supporters letting them know as harassment and voted against it while completely ignoring pretty much everyone
I'd bet a lot of people are getting voted out next election
Re: In today's news...

Politics: When everyone supports something and lets politicians know, they'll call it harassment!

These idiots quite literally decided that there was too much support for medical marijuana, so they called all the supporters letting them know as harassment and voted against it while completely ignoring pretty much everyone
I'd bet a lot of people are getting voted out next election

Holy shit, are you...you are. You are serious.

I'd like to think that a lot of people remaining of the last two generations have no idea how things work anymore. Reminds of something I read online, but I hardly remember it. It was either about the head of the MPAA or some guy in Congress, and how the person had no real idea how the internet worked nor did he even use it. I THINK it was the congress guy and it had to do with SOPA/PIPA or one of the other similar bullshit ideas.

But the core point of it was how one of the people backing it had no fucking clue how the internet worked in today's age in the first place. I just think the previous generations need to back off and make way in certain areas. Yeah, we're not all gems, but there's a lot of useful people, and there's still older people who actually get how shit works.

It's the old FASHIONED people who are hindering things when they wanna be stubborn.
Re: In today's news...

Not going to sum this up since I don't have the technical knowledge

Just that apparently it's really bad for everyone
Re: In today's news...

Not going to sum this up since I don't have the technical knowledge

Just that apparently it's really bad for everyone

I'm a novice in computers and networking, but I don't think what I'm about to say has to do with any of that.

Judging by the site explaining the heartbleed bug linked in that article, it would appear to be the usual type of thing in the hacker area where the only way you're likely to be targeted is by being super popular, having a super popular website, being well known, or having a large and known enough company. Or just being the unfortunate victim of a random attack.

It also goes into detail about how you could be indirectly affected by using applications that deal with OpenSSL and thus are easily affected by this bug...but I'm not sure if that necessarily means you'll be targeted.

Like usual hacker-ish things this looks more like something that'd affect actually important systems/networks, not average joes like me who sit around playing games, but that's an obvious given. Still, depending on which systems/networks ARE compromised by this, it could indirectly negatively impact a lot of people who rely on some form of service provided by said system.

Then again, this is just my uneducated guess, but I'm willing to bet you'd have to have some skill to actually make use of this exploit.
Re: In today's news...

Good idea: Some sort of penalty for speeding in areas where drivers need to pay more attention
Bad idea: Jumpscares for drivers in such areas
Worse idea: Using a device for this that is capable of producing a loud enough sound to cause permanent hearing damage

“The intent is for a driver to hear it, to capture their attention, not startle.”
At least they're trying not to hurt people, but that doesn't mean some dick can't fuck it up/someone can't hack into it.
These things are incredibly expensive too, so your tax money at work
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Re: In today's news...

Stuff getting bigger in Nevada, as a cattle rancher and the federal government are having a bit of an argument(Complete with federal government bureau trying to take the guy's cattle.)

In short: The guy's family has been grazing on a specific piece of land since 1877, and continues to graze there.
Some federal agency has declared it public land and claims the guy has been illegally using the land for 20 years now without paying for it. Since the guy isn't paying for it they're taking his cows

To the guy, it's about the state vs federal government and freedom, with the federal government taking state property, and protestors being confined to a 'First Amendment area'

Complicated situation, which might end up becoming a bigger thing later
Or it could just be resolved without too much hassle, time will tell

Edit: Also some science

Asteroid sample collector being made for NASA
Asteroids can have a lot of very interesting things on them. If everything goes as planned, expect asteroid samples in 2023
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Re: In today's news...

Stuff getting bigger in Nevada, as a cattle rancher and the federal government are having a bit of an argument(Complete with federal government bureau trying to take the guy's cattle.)

In short: The guy's family has been grazing on a specific piece of land since 1877, and continues to graze there.
Some federal agency has declared it public land and claims the guy has been illegally using the land for 20 years now without paying for it. Since the guy isn't paying for it they're taking his cows

To the guy, it's about the state vs federal government and freedom, with the federal government taking state property, and protestors being confined to a 'First Amendment area'

Complicated situation, which might end up becoming a bigger thing later
Or it could just be resolved without too much hassle, time will tell

Edit: Also some science

Asteroid sample collector being made for NASA
Asteroids can have a lot of very interesting things on them. If everything goes as planned, expect asteroid samples in 2023

His family never owned the land in any capacity. It was always either public or just straight open land, it's just that up until recently no one bothered to regulate it. He was told repeatedly to take his cattle off the land, which wasn't his or his family's at any point in history, and some incompetent ass involved in making the decisions regarding it decided to bring in heavily armed police to do what is essentially move his some cows. They shouldn't be taking his property, to be fair, but the reason they're moving his cattle is for conservancy, since that's apparently the only habitat of a nearly-extinct species of tortoise.

Ignorant rednecks are backing the rancher because they're ignorant rednecks, and ignorant rednecks will always back someone over the federal government, especially when the person they're backing also happens to be an ignorant redneck. The states rights nonsense is the blatant idiocy, as even in that article he goes on about it being a violation of Nevada's sovereignty when Nevada doesn't actually have any sovereignty of its own anyway. Now, we've got militia groups going to join him.

In turn, the agency making the decisions brought in a small but heavily armed group of police so quickly that the Empire from Star Wars would have been jealous of how efficient their storm troopers. Some asshat also decided that "1st Amendment Zones" was a great sounding name for a place to stick the protesters who took just umbridge in the face of their idiocy.

Sooooo, yeah. Basically it's two idiots in a heated slap fight in an area with a lot of glass objects. Whoever wins this, it's going to be bad, and all of it could have been avoided if a rancher would have just kept his god damn cows on his own god damn land.
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