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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Actually... yea! That sounds kind of hilarious hahaha, Please tell me you did something to make the new hire's day better, because he just played wingman against your asshat, and deserves a cookie! As for news on this end, nothing much really, except we just got contracted to have 5 fully armed guards at a gas station in Clive for christ's sake. Apparently, there were 143 cars in the parking lot, and 23 shop lifts within 19 seconds WITH two police officers on site. Not a single fuck was given by the thieves. So now... Now it's our problem -.- Wish the guys luck, they're gonna need it, because I'm tied up with a contract here in my own town.

Well, it was the end of the night and just seeing the guy pull a "Nevermind" and walk away was enough for me. I did explain to the kid why the customer ditched him and he thought it was funny.

That's...kind of extreme.
Re: In today's news...

"fuk dis game an gimme my halo bak, or tel me wat 2 do next!"

Kids today just don't know how good they have it with games.

It's not really their fault. They just never learned to think for themselves in that sort of fasion because everything is given to them pre-planned and ready to play.
Their idea of a game is much closer to the idea of a movie. Not because they want it that way, but because that's all they've had and change is scary at first.

Once they get over the idea that having options and choices for themselves could be scary, they can be incredibly creative and they'll have a lot of fun. And once they realise they don't need to have all their games planned out in advance, guided by the development team, they'll have a lot more fun with other games as well.


Bomb squad sent to US Embassy after car crashes into gates(Australia)

Police say the bomb team’s involvement is just a precaution because the incident is at a diplomatic residence.


After a years-lasting back and forth of muslim-buddhist tensions and 'retaliations', there's now articles on it calling for international attention
Similar tension exists in many other Asian nations, with both muslims and buddhists/others turning to violence.

The site may be a bit biased, but it's an article anyway and the other side(The Myanmar government's) is just as biased if not more so.


Florida Accidentally Banned All Computers, Smart Phones In The State Through Internet Cafe Ban: Lawsuit incoming

The ban defines illegal slot machines as any "system or network of devices" that may be used in a game of chance.
Meaning that all computers(And anything capable of running an application that includes dice or randomness) now qualify as illegal gambling machines

They'll probably fix it soon
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Re: In today's news...

This is one of the biggest reasons I'm glad I'm alive now and not in the past, and one of the biggest reasons I'm pissed off I don't live in a future with causal interstellar travel...

Re: In today's news...

Depending on how far you want to take that it also bans people.
Re: In today's news...

Well Florida does have a knack for screwing things up rather epically.

And that planet sounds like a lovely place to visit, if you were born in Gehenna that is.
Re: In today's news...

Well I wouldn't land on it, but just parking close and staring would be fine too :p
Re: In today's news...

I don't know if I posted this story here before, or if it was discussed, but yeah.

The cookies were to be delivered to a children's hospital. Recently, the ransom has been paid and the cookie was recovered. The cookie monster is still at large.
Re: In today's news...

Dunno if any of you are Gleeks, but...

He and the girl who plays Rachel, Lea, were supposed to be getting married in two weeks....
Re: In today's news...

Same sex marriage just got through the House of Lords in the UK :)
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

According an article on cracked (which are sadly a lot better researched than most mainstream news articles), apparently the Central American country (can't remember which one) that legalized gay marriage actually did so by accident, but now that they have they can't undo it. As long as it sticks a good thing, but still makes me laugh a bit.
Re: In today's news...

Way to catch up with your bastard half-child UK. *waves from Canada*
Re: In today's news...

Don't mind U.S., we're jus playing tennis with the idea here, bouncing back and forth all day.
Re: In today's news...

Don't mind U.S., we're jus playing tennis with the idea here, bouncing back and forth all day.

I read today that one of our middle states wanted to make applying for gay marriage punishable by ridiculous fines and jail time, by way of an old law that punishes lying on government forms. You see, on wedding applications it has a box for a dude and a lady. If you fill it out and both applicants are the same gender, it's obviously an attempt at undermining the government with false information for your own dastardly personal gain.
Re: In today's news...

I read today that one of our middle states wanted to make applying for gay marriage punishable by ridiculous fines and jail time, by way of an old law that punishes lying on government forms. You see, on wedding applications it has a box for a dude and a lady. If you fill it out and both applicants are the same gender, it's obviously an attempt at undermining the government with false information for your own dastardly personal gain.


See, those same 'old laws' include crap like not able to hunt whales in Ohio. One might think some of them may be a tad out of cultural and time for being relevant...

But then again, I'm asking for someone to actually learn to be tolerant and thoughtful of other's needs and wants. And we certainly can't have that in the world.
Re: In today's news...


See, those same 'old laws' include crap like not able to hunt whales in Ohio. One might think some of them may be a tad out of cultural and time for being relevant...

But then again, I'm asking for someone to actually learn to be tolerant and thoughtful of other's needs and wants. And we certainly can't have that in the world.

There's old laws that prohibit atheists from holding office in some areas. It's technically not enforced, but that's mostly because they're unchallenged. You'd think being barred from holding office is the pinnacle of not having the freedom to be represented
Re: In today's news...

Yeah well the bible also says no shaving beards, no tattoos, no eating bacon... so old laws only come up when people feel like being dicks.
Re: In today's news...

People don't like looking into the future or evaluating themselves. Despite the fact you can easily look back on things and go "Well, those were the norm at the time and now we know better" but can't imagine how people in the future might say the same about them.