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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

More news, a bit older but only just linked to me.(Article from 10:37 a.m. EDT June 21, 2013 )

...On retards in government using "TERRORISM!" to get rid of complaints which appear to be valid.

Residents said children have become ill from the county's drinking water

"But you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there's no water quality issues, that can be considered under Homeland Security an act of terrorism."

Joycelene Johns, 68, has lived in Mount Pleasant off and on for about 30 years and has put up with cloudy, odd-tasting water for years.

Water quality is one of the most important things to keep yourself healthy, with not nearly enough people paying attention to what's actually in it. If it's terrorism to complain about that, then someone isn't doing their job fixing the actual problems.
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Re: In today's news...

The Bolivian president's flight was denied access to France and Spain's air space after a rumour passed that Snowdon was on board. They had to land in Austria on 'technical difficulties' shortly afterwards.

Aside from it being very illegal to transport fugitives on diplomatic transport, it's also considered a serious insult and sign of bad will to deny access to a diplomatic vehicle. It is almost confirmed that the US used their influence over several European nations to get this done.
To accuse the Bolivian president of this is roughly equivalent to accusing him of terrorism to international law. It's a serious accusation

the US president went out of his way to stress that he would not expend political capital on "wheeling and dealing" just to bring a 29-year-old hacker to justice.
His words say one thing, yet the US government's actions show an other light.

events since have shown the White House is willing to act far tougher with smaller nations who might contemplate rebellion.

Of course, all the drama also has the added benefit of distracting attention from the impact of Snowden's revelations. Obama's top intelligence official, James Clapper, has just over whether the US spies on its own people, but you wouldn't know it from watching US TV right now.

Snowdon was not on the plane.

Portugal's government is having difficulties

Portugal's political problems:

Portugal’s government will fall, even if it limps on for a few days or weeks. The country is rushing towards the edge of the cliff and an abyss.

Fairly normal activity for the markets, still dropping.

Edit: Also, Egypt. Military soon to remove president
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Re: In today's news...

The low tech version of PRISM, somehow more privacy-friendly

Re: In today's news...

Edit: Also, Egypt. Military soon to remove president

And he's gone

Sorry for all the posting, just loads of news happening these last days
Re: In today's news...

Happy fourth of July, Americans

There should be protests popping up all over from these guys. I've yet to see anything about it on the news though

Re: In today's news...

Woman spends night in jail after a group of undercover cops try to stop her from running, including one which pulled a gun, at least one trying to break her car window, and one(Or multiple) trying to climb on top of the car.

Multiple other cases just like this with cops and lawmakers messing up stuff. Includes interactive map to show where it happens
Re: In today's news...


Chinese Hospital Offers Handsfree Sperm Extraction Device
Re: In today's news...

Well that got out of hand fast...

SAO PAULO (AP) — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fist fight, then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Police have arrested one suspect.
Re: In today's news...


Brazil, what the hell are you doing? That's not what sports is about. How does that even happen? What?
...Did they play Blood Bowl?


Other minor news, how the NSA got their power to spy on everyone

In short: Secret courts gave it to them.
Re: In today's news...


Brazil, what the hell are you doing? That's not what sports is about. How does that even happen? What?
...Did they play Blood Bowl?

Not the first time violence and football have mingled in South America. Won't be the last, and perhaps not even the most brutal. Sports be a serious business in some countries, though this particular event seems more revenge.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah unfortunately it's not the first time or the worst, though the Football War was Central America not South America. I guess Latin America would be the better term.
Re: In today's news...

Once again my hope for a overall decent new generation has been mutilated.

"y cant metroid crawl"

Look it up. Observe it. Absorb the stupidity and retardedness of all of this people. Curse and despise those not-supposed-to-exist while feeling superior given the fact you are better than these failures at videogames. Feel the hate flowing through your veins when looking at that article and realise the stupidity of today's "modern" kids.

...Okay, maybe I went a little overboard there. Well, so the whole story started when Nintendo launched Super Metroid for the Wii U, and some people of course downloaded it and decided to play it, but what is this?! 10 minutes in and some of the players got stuck in a part where Samus had to morph into a ball, but the players didn't know what that was and started crying out for help at MiiVerse, creating a huge 'scandal' between fans of the series.

To see the full pic visit Neogaf right here:

Oh and also many of the comments posted there are quite... intriguing.
Re: In today's news...

Once again my hope for a overall decent new generation has been mutilated.

"y cant metroid crawl"

Look it up. Observe it. Absorb the stupidity and retardedness of all of this people. Curse and despise those not-supposed-to-exist while feeling superior given the fact you are better than these failures at videogames. Feel the hate flowing through your veins when looking at that article and realise the stupidity of today's "modern" kids.

...Okay, maybe I went a little overboard there. Well, so the whole story started when Nintendo launched Super Metroid for the Wii U, and some people of course downloaded it and decided to play it, but what is this?! 10 minutes in and some of the players got stuck in a part where Samus had to morph into a ball, but the players didn't know what that was and started crying out for help at MiiVerse, creating a huge 'scandal' between fans of the series.

To see the full pic visit Neogaf right here:

Oh and also many of the comments posted there are quite... intriguing.

Out of that thread...

Originally Posted by neoemonk

This game is a stupid sci-fi Castlevania rip off anyway.

Not sure which is worse...
Re: In today's news...

Ye gods. That's almost as bad as the rants I've heard coming out of the Twihards and the people that said LotR ripped off of Harry Potter...
Re: In today's news...

i would like to read some of those rants, they sound hilarious.

and in some ways similar to how the wolfman movie a year or two ago was an atrocity because real werewolves are pretty like jacob.
Re: In today's news...

Eh, one of my favorites was one I actually overheard in my store, about how the Vampire Diaries series ripped off of Twilight. I stopped, turned around and went "Uh, Vampire Diaries came out *first*." The girl speaking sort of blinked at me and it's "Well, it's still dumb." (or something like that.)

Admittedly, I'd say the *show* may have, since there are no werewolves or witches in the books, but the books came out when *I* was a teenager, many many moons ago (and likely before those two girls were even conceived, heh.)
Re: In today's news...

I still remember the kid that told me he would never watch Aliens because it ripped off Halo. I wanted to tell him he was never allowed to witness any military sci-fi again because he can't gauge years. This was of course right before he told me he was surprised I even knew what Halo was because I was a girl, and video games were the last bastion of masculinity.

*nods* kids these days.

Though. In more amusing story, I remember my mother walking through local video store the one day, and saw these two teenagers looking at the original Hills Have Eyes. She said how she saw that at the Drive-In, and the look of envy of those kids faces was hilarious. They thought she was awesome... so she didn't mention not liking the movie.
Re: In today's news...

Ah, those were the ones I loved to show up at work. Like the guy who didn't like my answer about why there were no family friendly party games for the Xbox that wasn't Trivial Pursuit or Monopoly, so he decides to go ask the guy over there, who's the new hire, who immediately turns around and defers to *me* to answer the guy's question.

Re: In today's news...

Actually... yea! That sounds kind of hilarious hahaha, Please tell me you did something to make the new hire's day better, because he just played wingman against your asshat, and deserves a cookie! As for news on this end, nothing much really, except we just got contracted to have 5 fully armed guards at a gas station in Clive for christ's sake. Apparently, there were 143 cars in the parking lot, and 23 shop lifts within 19 seconds WITH two police officers on site. Not a single fuck was given by the thieves. So now... Now it's our problem -.- Wish the guys luck, they're gonna need it, because I'm tied up with a contract here in my own town.
Re: In today's news...

Once again my hope for a overall decent new generation has been mutilated.

"y cant metroid crawl"

Look it up. Observe it. Absorb the stupidity and retardedness of all of this people. Curse and despise those not-supposed-to-exist while feeling superior given the fact you are better than these failures at videogames. Feel the hate flowing through your veins when looking at that article and realise the stupidity of today's "modern" kids.

...is it wrong that I could slap each one of those kids who simply went to MiiVerse and started bitching instead of at least heading to Gamespot or any other walkthrough site or loading up a YouTube video to see how to do it and not feel a single bit of remorse?

I almost want to see them play through an old-school Ultima game or something. Or hell, let them play a Fallout or some other freeform game and watch the meltdown... Or Little Big Planet, or Spore, or anything.

"wat do i do nao?"

"Whatever you damn well please."

"fuk dis game an gimme my halo bak, or tel me wat 2 do next!"

Kids today just don't know how good they have it with games.