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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Hope the link works, because this is hilarious.
Re: In today's news...

Hope the link works, because this is hilarious.

It doesn't. But I saw a(the?) letter to the other direction earlier today.
Re: In today's news...

Hope the link works, because this is hilarious.

Afraid it doesn't, page not found.
A quick google on the link got a direct link that worked though.(Apparently, the link ends at "chu" instead of the full "church")

The thing is, considering the pure hatred the westboro church is getting(Deserved, at that), this can be pulled off, anonymous has taken down websites and done things for less in the past.

edit: They responded

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Re: In today's news...

Yeah, not the brightest move by anon, there are few people who aren't aware what Wetsboro are like, so it's not like dragging their crimes out such as with Scientology. All it does is give Westboro more publicity; and sure, they might take down the websites for a while, but it's only a matter of time before they're back up.

Meh. This newage anonymous is very different from what anonymous was about.
Re: In today's news...

Not to mention westboro REALLY doesn't care. They're not intelligent in their own right like most fanatics are. Usually a system is built and that is a definition and there can be contradictions that go overlooked, but there really isn't anyone as hypocritical in how they act and what they preach than westboro. They're ridiculously god-fearing traditional yet the people are childlike. I feel like it's the biggest group of real life trolls that honestly don't give a shit about anything but claim they do cuz no one can call them out on it.
Re: In today's news...

All it does is give Westboro more publicity; and sure, they might take down the websites for a while, but it's only a matter of time before they're back up.

Meh. This newage anonymous is very different from what anonymous was about.

Agreed, sure, they might annoy them for a while, take down the websites and yell stuff at them..But then what? Westboro are idiots, and you can't reason with idiots.

Anonymous just stands for the users of /b/, and as many of them say themselves, /b/ sucks now compared to the past. I doubt they will do much of note on this action.
Re: In today's news...



This just in: Westburo staged the letter (who'd have thought they'd do plagerism?!?) in a attempt to farm IPs to sue if there was a DOS attack. Anon has advised no such attack and replied, basicly saying 'nice try, but next time we won't worry bout the preamble anyway'

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Re: In today's news...

Seriously? Oh wow. This just makes this even more funny.
Re: In today's news...

Heh. As soon as I read the first letter that was sent by 'Anonymous', I kinda figured it was fake. Then I read the rest of the article, and, hey, whaddaya know, it WAS fake.

I love it when people try to poke the giant. I do hope they keep poking. This could get interesting.
Re: In today's news...

Heh. As soon as I read the first letter that was sent by 'Anonymous', I kinda figured it was fake. Then I read the rest of the article, and, hey, whaddaya know, it WAS fake.

I love it when people try to poke the giant. I do hope they keep poking. This could get interesting.

I'll admit, there were things in it that seemed a little off. Talking about how freedom of speech is their thing and condemning them in the same message didn't seem right, but I chalked it up to anon being anon.
Re: In today's news...

Fascism wasn't the cause of the holocaust...it was nazism...ignorant fools...:rolleyes:

Anyway, let's switch to something really important.

Re: In today's news...

Fascism wasn't the cause of the holocaust...it was nazism...ignorant fools...:rolleyes:

Anyway, let's switch to something really important.

......Before you call people ignorant, check your facts. Fascism is style of government generally defined by oligarchy or tyrannism, closely associated with authoritarianism, police states, and the taking of power via military coup. It's often a government ruled by a single man, with absolute control. Old-fashioned monarchies can technically be called fascist.

It's more precisely defined by corporatism - organising a country into groups by role and capability, but that's over your head, I suspect. See Wikipedia!

Fascism, also

Nazi-ism, better known as National Socialism, started from a fascist base, then basically nicked everything it liked the look of from across the political spectrum, in an attempt to create something which covered every base. In practice, the implementation required right-wing control methods, and the war which put it into power shifted focus toward the more martial, war-time appropriate right.

tl;dr, Nazism is an offshoot of fascism, don't call other people stupid, stupid.

As for Libya... Well now. Well well welly well well.

First Egypt.. now Libya. Was this all Wikileaks? Did they start the ball rolling on revolutions around the globe? Should we open a pool on which country goes next..?

Re: In today's news...

Oh yeah, Lybia. Reportedly, the Lybian Army attacked the protesters with aircraft. Some democracy.

And again it's a country that the West (i. e. Europe and North America) supported for a long time. Honestly, I couldn't blame the future governments in northern Africa for harboring a grudge against those that supported the oppressive leaders of their history.
Re: In today's news...

......Before you call people ignorant, check your facts. Fascism is style of government generally defined by oligarchy or tyrannism, closely associated with authoritarianism, police states, and the taking of power via military coup. It's often a government ruled by a single man, with absolute control. Old-fashioned monarchies can technically be called fascist.

It's more precisely defined by corporatism - organising a country into groups by role and capability, but that's over your head, I suspect. See Wikipedia!

Fascism, also

Nazi-ism, better known as National Socialism, started from a fascist base, then basically nicked everything it liked the look of from across the political spectrum, in an attempt to create something which covered every base. In practice, the implementation required right-wing control methods, and the war which put it into power shifted focus toward the more martial, war-time appropriate right.

tl;dr, Nazism is an offshoot of fascism, don't call other people stupid, stupid.

Heh, i see your wiki and raise with my history books from back in highschool, being italian and having actually studied recent italian history(unlike many others in my country), i am pretty sure of what i say when i talk about fascism. Now, as much as Nazism "can" be considered a form of fascism, it is not Fascism in the fact that it presents very particular differences from the original concept, since, and i quote from your wiki, "It was a unique variety of fascism that involved biological racism and antisemitism", these two concepts are not born of fascism and are the origin of the holocaust.
If you want to start saying that because nazism and fascism share foundamental traits than we can say that all that nazism does originates from fascism, then the fascism that originates from the ancient roman empire is not the real origin, but it is the ancient roman empire, and why stop there when that same empire originated from something else?

Pretending that fascism is the source of the holocaust because hitler might have been inspired by fascist ideologies is wrong. It's like saying that all forms of democracy are the same and if one takes a wrong decision then all other democracies are responsible for the exact same thing as they all have similar origins, are you ready to say that the destruction of hiroshima and nagasaki was caused by democracy?
Fascism is not the origin of the holocaust, for the foundamental ideology behind fascism did not include genocide and racial persecution.

As for Libya... Well now. Well well welly well well.

First Egypt.. now Libya. Was this all Wikileaks? Did they start the ball rolling on revolutions around the globe? Should we open a pool on which country goes next..?


Actually it started in tunisia(at least the first big one) for economic reasons, if i remember correctly the leader of the country was stealing the money of the taxes, then spread to egypt and since the people there managed to defeat their pseudo-dictator, it was just a matter of time before it would spread through countries in similar situations, and it was just a matter of situation when it would hit a fake democracy resulting in a civil war. It's nothing to be surprised about that people would want to revolt against their torturers, the problem is that Gheddafi is an old-school dictator and is not gonna let go till he has even the silghtest military support, which he seems to be rapidly losing.

Damn, i knew i forgot to type something...
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Re: In today's news...

Heh, they just can't leave well enough alone, can they?

The Escapist article:

Or, if you just prefer the youtube video:
Re: Games Discussion Thread

LG wins PS3 import ban in Europe

Continent's customs officials ordered to seize shipments of Sony's console as part of ongoing patent litigation with Korean electronics company.

LG took the nuclear option earlier this month in its ongoing patent litigation with Sony, petitioning the US International Trade Commission to block PlayStation 3 and Bravia TV imports to the United States. While the result of that petition remains to be determined, LG has claimed victory in a similar complaint put before the US ITC's European counterpart.

The Guardian reports today that LG has won a preliminary injunction in its ongoing patent dispute with Sony, and customs officials have been ordered to seize all PS3 imports into the UK and continental Europe. The ruling, which was reached by a civil court in the Hague, dictates that all PS3 imports must be confiscated as they are imported for a period of at least 10 days.

According to The Guardian, tens of thousands of PS3s have already been seized by customs officials in the Netherlands. Rotterdam and Schiphol, both located in the Netherlands, are the primary import points for PS3s coming into the UK and Europe, and consoles are currently being held in Dutch warehouses.

The report notes that Sony imports approximately 100,000 units into Europe a week. However, PS3s won't immediately begin disappearing from store shelves, as most retailers have between two and three weeks of stock on hand. LG's current options, The Guardian reports, are to extend the 10-day injunction, or to request a court order to have Sony's confiscated consoles destroyed.

Sony's US arm had not responded to a request for comment as of press time. However, speaking to The Guardian, a Sony Europe representative said, "We are currently looking into this matter and cannot make any comments at this point in time."

The patent dispute began late last year, when Sony filed a complaint with international courts over seven alleged patent infringements by LG, which is based in South Korea. At the heart of the complaint were a number of LG's mobile phones, including the new Windows Phone 7-enabled Quantum. Sony also targeted LG's Blu-ray players as part of a civil lawsuit.

However, LG soon struck back with patent-infringement claims of its own. One claim targeted the PS3's Blu-ray technology, specifically as it pertains to how the console's media format works with multiple data streams and data reproduction. Sony's alleged TV infringement deals with high-definition receivers, as well as signal receiving and processing.

Re: In today's news...

the fuck is LG? I may be missing something rather obvious here, but that's piss poor article writing to just throw out an acronym without explaining what it is on the chance (however big or small of one) that someone doesn't know what that means.
Re: In today's news...

LG is an electronics company. I think they where the ones who got into a row with sony about rumble and motion control way back when or something along those lines.
Re: In today's news...

the fuck is LG? I may be missing something rather obvious here, but that's piss poor article writing to just throw out an acronym without explaining what it is on the chance (however big or small of one) that someone doesn't know what that means.

LG is the name of the company.
Re: In today's news...

Hmm, it would appear there it is not an acronym at all.