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In today's news...

Tina Turner has passed away today at the age of 83. May she rest in peace

Haha juicy sommelier 2: queer boogaloo

Wouldn't anyone that angry and anti-trans call her a dyke? It's almost like ellen page couldn't even be bothered to question whether her lie was believable or not.
Haha juicy sommelier 2: queer boogaloo

Wouldn't anyone that angry and anti-trans call her a dyke? It's almost like ellen page couldn't even be bothered to question whether her lie was believable or not.
After going through both, it's better to be bullied than to pandered.
Being bullied makes the bad guy who he is-- being pandered makes the bad guy look good, meanwhile profiting from your problems in one way or another.
Which is wild coming froms someone who turned most of the folks who bullied me over to my side since I gave them porn addiction.
Who the fuck uses the term 'gay bash' anymore?
I feel Ell-O might be embellishing a little
After going through both, it's better to be bullied than to pandered.
Being bullied makes the bad guy who he is-- being pandered makes the bad guy look good, meanwhile profiting from your problems in one way or another.
Which is wild coming froms someone who turned most of the folks who bullied me over to my side since I gave them porn addiction.
To some people, like me, being pandered to makes you the villain.
It's almost like they just released a new book about themselves at the same time this story broke. What a coincidence.
Does not bode well for the quality of lies in the book.
So canada's physical landscape now matches it's moral and political.
Mildly amused by the thought that if we nuked them it'd put out the fires...
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To some people, like me, being pandered to makes you the villain.
I mean shit I just want to get whatever boost I need-- being treated like I can't do anything wrong since I'm in a minority just makes me feel like they don't think I can stand up for myself.
And I've used their blindness to get what I want from time to time because why not
Haha juicy sommelier 2: queer boogaloo

Wouldn't anyone that angry and anti-trans call her a dyke? It's almost like ellen page couldn't even be bothered to question whether her lie was believable or not.

Yeah, let's not use "queer," in a derogatory fashion, yeah?

Also, a D-list celebrity writing a book and then claiming to be a victim in some event nobody else witnessed only days after said book came out? I'm constantly baffled how this is still a thing that any news outlet considers "worthwhile." Even the pearl-clutchers on the Left-leaning side couldn't be bothered to care.

So canada's physical landscape now matches it's moral and political.
View attachment 47842
Mildly amused by the thought that if we nuked them it'd put out the fires...

I mean, Quebec is notoriously nationalist nowadays and wants to separate every election cycle unless we send them $5 more for existing, and Nova Scotia is about as backwoods Alabama as we could manage without changing the name. Honestly, nuke 'em. Our country would be improved. The fallout would probably be somewhat inconvenient, but you can't make an omelette without obliterating two provinces.

I mean shit I just want to get whatever boost I need-- being treated like I can't do anything wrong since I'm in a minority just makes me feel like they don't think I can stand up for myself.
And I've used their blindness to get what I want from time to time because why not

Honestly, I feel like the pandering has cooled except with people still convinced of their own racial guilt and large companies who think endless pandering will help turn a revenue loss over. For the former, I just quote Bo Burnham: "Why do you rich, fucking white people insist on seeing every geopolitical issue through the myopic lens of your own self-actualization? It's not about you. So, either get with it, or get out of the fucking way." For the latter, I just laugh and remember that quote from Tommy Lee Jones in MIB: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." People will rush to support the biggest socio-political thing in any way they can because scoring social points matters more than self-identity nowadays.

Honestly, China's "social credit" thing becoming global almost feels like a given sat this point. Watch Musk introduce it on Twitter and it evolve from there. Elections won not by arbitrary and confusing geographical borders, but by how inoffensive one candidate is compared to the others. Slicer likes to rag on Canadian politics, but buddy, this shit is global and you're just as fucked as the rest of us.
Musk is probably not introducing it on Twitter because he's too busy trying to kill that site
No longer allowed to see any part of Twitter without account, just another step to making it even more irrelevant than it already was

Also it seems France is burning again. And some of that spread to Belgium too
Also it seems France is burning again. And some of that spread to Belgium too
Just some friendly fires of peace as the muzzies and darkies help themselves to free nikes and guccis for Eid, paid for by the blood sacrifice of young drug dealing Algerian lad who got shot in the face by the frog cop he was trying to trying to run over with his stolen car.

In other news, hot on the heels of Roe Vs Wade's overturning, the US Supreme Court has overturned Affirmative Action in Universities (and maybe the workplace?), resulting in much screeching from the usual loonies.

Edit: And getting back to the topic of queers, Kevin Spacey is back in court for being a predatory gay, this time in a London court.
Possibly this was dredged up again by a daytime TV presenter, Philip Schofield, trying to get ahead of the story by 'pulling a Spacey' by coming out as gay when, last year, it had gotten out he'd been bumming a very young male member of staff. Crazy thing is that worked it for a time despite the rumours that he'd known this person since he was 13 and had groomed him. Possibly the only reason why the rumours were confirmed instead of remaining swept under the rug was because Phillip's brother a few months ago was charged and convicted for being a pedophile.
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Honestly, China's "social credit" thing becoming global almost feels like a given sat this point.
I mean social credit in general usually favors the most "You're either with us or against us" in any govt.
My parents were polar opposites yet equally militant about their beliefs, and when I was still a fresh spawn I was caught in adult politics while really just wanting to hang out with my Power Rangers collection.
Usually why I don't get along with most beliefs-- most favor dictatorship in some way or the other. It's best to be independent than lean towards "Peacekeeper" concepts.
My uncle was full of shit most of his life, but he hit home when drunkenly muttured "There's always some fucking Crusade and some poor kid on the chopping block for it."
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More news about the SCrOTUS and bum bandits.
In a case about a web developer being charged with discrimination for refusing to make a gay wedding website, they have declared it is not a crime for a business to refuse a customer for a project that goes against the views of the business as it would impinge on their own constitutional rights of freedom of expression.
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Remember Skullgirls, that fighting game which iirc h-artist Zone was one of the animators on?

So the creative lead on it got into some scandal and was replaced, new project leaders decide to go back and 'correct questionable content'

Questionable content being panties, nazi parody symbols and
  • Toning down depictions of racial violence in ’s story
  • Removing the hair pick from Filia’s afro during her
  • Removing several illustrations from the game’s guest art gallery
  • Removing the
  • Replacing the 18-hit combo fanfare (“Barely Legal” to “Spiffy”)
More news about the SCrOTUS and bum bandits.
In a case about a web developer being charged with discrimination for refusing to make a gay wedding website, they have declared it is not a crime for a business to refuse a customer for a project that goes against the views of the business as it would impinge on their own constitutional rights of freedom of expression.
It's a bad fuckin joke that it took a case making it to the supreme court for businesses to be able deny service. A country that prides itself on liberty yet would compel you to write "I like dick" because someone's throwing you 5$ and you can't be like "Naw, keep your 5$ twink", lol.

Edit: Decided to link the decision, since hearing about it and actually reading the argument laid out by the court are worlds apart
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Remember Skullgirls, that fighting game which iirc h-artist Zone was one of the animators on?

Proving once again Western lewd games are shit when it comes to giving a straightforward product.
I think somewhere after CoC and before MGI I eventually just look at them for gameplay value, which Portals of Phereon still reigns #1 for just being interesting/fun once you get past the "This game makes no fucking sense to me" stage.
I don't think Skullgirls was intended as an H game
It wasn't, but it was still sold on sex appeal like Dead or Alive.

In other news, you can tell Netanyahu's back in power: the IDF have shot up a refugee camp claiming gunmen were there and a Palestinian has today driven a car into a crowd at a shopping mall
My solution to the Palestine/Isreal conflict has gotten me banned in other forums so I'm just going to play innocent here.