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In today's news...

Turkey hasn't won anything in at least 150 years
Didn't read more than that
Putting aside his history of narcotic usage,
We're not going to do that because doing stupid shit goes hand-in-hand with being a junkie.
it still makes no sense that Hunter would allow something with sensitive documents that can compromise his future to be kept by someone. Either he had faith that the hard-drive was fucked beyond repair, or he would have picked it up. Personally, in the past when I had financial woes, if I had to pawn a laptop, I would make sure payday was within the same period that the shop gives me to reclaim the device, and my worst "secrets" are the h-games I've collected over the years.
Are you a crackhead? If not then your personal experiences aren't relevant.
Also, legally, the store owner would need to wipe the drives before re-selling. He's not even supposed to share any content he finds, unless that content is deemed so dangerous (like child porn, a hit-list, etc) that authorities would need to be alerted immediately. The FBI also wouldn't keep it under wraps for 3+ years.
It did contain pedo-shit and the timeline doesn't go back 3 or more years where are you getting your info?
If you have trouble reading small text, then the guy is probably having a hard time doing his work. I don't doubt that, 20+ years prior he could read you script with ease. Now, he probably has enough difficulty driving.
When I said "at a distance" which you seem to have ignored I should have specified that it's in excess of 10ft. Oh, btw did you know that you can actually adjust the size of the text displayed by a computer if you have trouble reading it? , even when soldering small things on a circuit board there are magnifying glasses that can help . You're reaching here, give it up.
Same with the republican right. Hell, we have a wannabe Trump here in Canada named Jason Kenney who just crippled worker protections after waging war on medical professionals and setting up a propaganda committee for big oil. Whataboutism is a bad argument when "your side" is proven to do more harm than the guys you're comparing yourselves against.
Oh so they're burning down cities in riots over fictitious privilege? As far as my side, the right are just the lesser of two evils at the moment, once the cancer of identity politics has been burnt out I'll go right back to hating them equally as both sides are corrupt globalists. And taking a jab at the left isn't really whataboutism given that you're finding it unbelievable that the president elect has citizens that support him, I know it's probably hard for you to understand but in order to be elected president people have to support and vote for you.
The man is known for
Oh a heavily left biased fact check, guess you got me there. Jesus, you might as well source an NYTimes or Wasington Post article. But you know what? Let's say he's the biggest liar in history, still doesn't discredit evidence.
Okay, I have a bunch of questions that smash the credibility of this story.
They don't but I'll answer them anyway.
1) The FBI didn't even bother checking into what amounts to a potentially-damning piece of evidence that can expose a member of congress as being part of something that harms national security? They weren't even curious for months? Something like that, they would be on that faster than stink on shit. Protecting national interests is their MO. Not always, but still.
Shit happens, it doesn't even have to take malicious intent for them to think there's not enough credibility at first glance, lose a memo about this under a stack of case-work, or just not have enough time to follow up on it immediately ( it does take quite a bit of time to fail at impeaching a president with intelligence you've fabricated after all ).
2) Ghosting the FBI when you have damning evidence is a criminal offence. If you are subpoena'd, a warrant is issued for your arrest and all your assets are frozen if you refuse to comply. That guy also wouldn't be able to get out the front door before he had 50 party vans on his ass. Oh, but he somehow pulled off a miracle and evaded the law, despite having poor eyesight and, if pictures are to be believed, not exactly having the stamina to run long distances?
When speaking about a computer and specifically the data on it ghosting is slang for making a copy of it. You really should look into the situation yourself before arguing about it ya know? I will spell it out clearly though: The FBI served him with a subpoena duces tecum, took the original pieces of evidence and pertaining documents into custody however, rather prudently, he had made a copy.
3) He contacted several members of congress and wasn't taken serious? I can think of at least a few Democrat's who would attempt a meeting just to claim the laptop and destroy it. I can think of double the number of Republican's who would take it just to expose Hunter Biden and potentially destroy Joe's career. And, again, this guy tried to contact elected representatives while being pursued by one of the top law enforcement agencies in the country? A man who the DoJ would release a public statement about as withholding state secrets? You do know the wikileaks guy had to flee to China because there was no safe haven for him in the US, right?
Honestly I'd be surprised if congressmen hadn't ignored him. Unlike the FBI it's not illegal to falsely report crimes to a congressmen so they end up getting all kinds of incredulous claims and accusations. Even the con-man Guiliani ;) verified the FBI had the evidence before doing anything.
4) Leftist media didn't go nuts. Only FOX news went nuts, and only because they were the only ones who found it out, allegedly. Interesting that the most right-wing "news" network are the only ones who break the story, and nobody else is talking about it. It's almost like everyone knows Giuliani is full of shit and a story like this is right down his alley in terms of bullshit.
Fox news isn't really right wing. They've called the election for Biden after all. And the left did all jump on the dogpile alleging the laptop was part of a Russian misinformation op.

When an alleged "controversy" is unable to withstand even the most surface-level scrutiny, it's a conspiracy theory. You're gonna next claim the Earth is flat and a race of subterranean reptiles are constantly keeping tabs on you for all the "truths" you know. Take your meds and get some sleep, grandpa.
But it does, you just aren't in possession of any of the relevant information, actually you don't seem to be in possession of any information at all.

As I recall, it wasn't just you among the mod staff that was believing this bullshit. Nice ego check, bud.
Where are they? I'd like to speak with them.
Also, also, you're less a mod and more a glorified maid for a single section of the forums. I'm insulting maids by giving you that much, though.
Hot damn, you really are butthurt that I've got mod powers.

China isn't exactly known for handling their affairs competently, but even they would know that trusting a junkie with something like this is pants-on-head retarded. You're under the misguided assumption that every country capable of having an intelligence network isn't keeping tabs on each other. Hell, even Iran has an intelligence network that is probably running profiles on all of us. Welcome to the 21st century, where even your VPN will keep tabs on you. Hell, your cell carrier keeps transcripts of everything, phone call or otherwise.
So China IS competent? You're flip-flopping here man, not a good sign.
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We're not going to do that because doing stupid shit goes hand-in-hand with being a junkie.

Spoken from someone who knows jack and shit about junkies. I've known a few in my lifetime (and more than I would be willing to interact with). Depending on the poison, they can range from hyperactive af (but still functional) to neurotic beyond coherence. It depends on how deep they've gone and how functional they are under the influence. If we are to assume that this story is true, then we're measuring Hunter as really fucking capable under the influence, ergo leaving evidence that can compromise you is not within the realm of possibility.

Are you a crackhead? If not then your personal experiences aren't relevant.

Because my experience with junkies, regardless of how involved I personally was, wouldn't work to push your narrative of "they Biden's are evil!" It would surely be a case of humility for you to at once admit you could be wrong.

It did contain pedo-shit and the timeline doesn't go back 3 or more years where are you getting your info?

I generally don't pay attention to the gas-lighting asshats at FOX. If there was an actual story worth telling, it'd be mainstream and my facebook feeds would be exploding with it. Hell, reddit and 4chan would have been making that shit front-page news. Absolute silence, bud.

When I said "at a distance" which you seem to have ignored I should have specified that it's in excess of 10ft. Oh, btw did you know that you can actually adjust the size of the text displayed by a computer if you have trouble reading it? , even when soldering small things on a circuit board there are magnifying glasses that can help . You're reaching here, give it up.

Certainly, certainly. What's your point? He can use tools to assist him with his work. We're going to ignore that, though, as we're ignoring my experience with junkies because, y'know, you're not the guy in question. Your experience is irrelevant. Doesn't matter what articles or studies or whichever you bring up. According to you, second- or third-party perspectives are wholly irrelevant to this disagreement.

Basically, you don't get to dictate what does and doesn't count. My experience counts, or we disregard what tools are available to the "legally blind" and your experience, as well. I can do the "ignorant jackass" bit as well as you. The difference is, I have to pretend.

Oh so they're burning down cities in riots over fictitious privilege? As far as my side, the right are just the lesser of two evils at the moment, once the cancer of identity politics has been burnt out I'll go right back to hating them equally as both sides are corrupt globalists. And taking a jab at the left isn't really whataboutism given that you're finding it unbelievable that the president elect has citizens that support him, I know it's probably hard for you to understand but in order to be elected president people have to support and vote for you.

Where did I say I find it unbelievable that there are people who support either Biden or Trump? I can accept that people support Trump. It's not unlikely. I find it incredibly doubtful that he has the kind of support that would substantiate any claims of voter fraud, though. Until I see evidence of such, I'm erring on the side of Trump speaking out of his ass. Kind of like you, right now.

They're burning down cities because there are real issues in the US that have gone on for far too long, that affect more people than you believe. Just because you haven't been outside in years, doesn't mean there aren't issues. It just means you're too terrified of fresh air to actually go out and witness some of the shit these people are "burning down cities" over. Hell, I don't even need to tell you to go outside and witness it, cause there is a multitude of videos on the net of this shit. You gonna cry "fake news," bud? Pretend the victims are just lying? Gonna call Sandy Hook a hoax again, Alex?

Oh a heavily left biased fact check, guess you got me there. Jesus, you might as well source an NYTimes or Wasington Post article. But you know what? Let's say he's the biggest liar in history, still doesn't discredit evidence.

"Heavily-biased" because it doesn't fit your narrative. Here, have some more sauce:

It's amazing how far the man has allegedly fallen from grace. It also highly discredits the narrative, when the man who presents this "evidence" can no longer be trusted by the general public to tell the truth. There's a story about this, too. It's a diddy called "the boy who cried wolf." You may want to look it up, take it to heart. May tell you something about how the world actually works.

Shit happens, it doesn't even have to take malicious intent for them to think there's not enough credibility at first glance, lose a memo about this under a stack of case-work, or just not have enough time to follow up on it immediately ( it does take quite a bit of time to fail at impeaching a president with intelligence you've fabricated after all ).

You have zero fucking clue how bureaucracy works, bud. I've had to deal with government workers. They are meticulous about keeping copies for important stuff like evidence, reports, etc. Heck, they make copies for the copies of their copies just to making fucking sure they can't lose sight of something. it's a real pain in the ass, but you make fewer mistakes in the long-term. You're now trying to claim a government-run law-enforcement agency forgot basic procedure? C'mon, man!

When speaking about a computer and specifically the data on it ghosting is slang for making a copy of it. You really should look into the situation yourself before arguing about it ya know? I will spell it out clearly though: The FBI served him with a subpoena duces tecum, took the original pieces of evidence and pertaining documents into custody however, rather prudently, he had made a copy.

Nothing about computers. In colloquial terms, it means to "cut all communications with someone." In other words, you're full of shit and now, we have further evidence.

Specifically, it means you create a "soft copy" without going through the process of installation. It's generally done as part of upgrading a system, so you don't lose your work.

However, "ghosting" is in itself generally accepted as the former. Only an idiot would present a term the average bear knows one way without explaining their meaning. Then again, you haven't exactly given us much of a measure for critical thinking, bud. You're also arguing that the FBI sat on this, despite there being plentiful time before the election to examine the contents and then prosecute Biden? Even after Herr Trump appointed a guy to the FBI who would have zero scruples about hitting the Dems hard? Again, really stretching that suspension of disbelief, Clark. Try using a moustache with your disguise.

Honestly I'd be surprised if congressmen hadn't ignored him. Unlike the FBI it's not illegal to falsely report crimes to a congressmen so they end up getting all kinds of incredulous claims and accusations. Even the con-man Guiliani ;) verified the FBI had the evidence before doing anything.

You joking, or just a dumbass? A claim that only stands to benefit your party either way, and every member of congress ignored him? Do you even known what the logistics of something like that is? Someone aggressively seeking an outlet for this supposed "controversy" would have been granted an audience just to shut him up. Once any congressman saw that his claims were legit, this thing would have blown wide open. Hell, it took 3 years of the FBI investigating Trump to get as far they did, and they picked off people along the way. They only took so long because Trump was actively obstructing them at every step.

Having all the evidence in your lap is a far cry from being stone-walled at every step.

Fox news isn't really right wing. They've called the election for Biden after all. And the left did all jump on the dogpile alleging the laptop was part of a Russian misinformation op.

My roommate watches FOX news religiously, so I know you're full of shit. They've run the same bullshit story about election fraud the last week and change.

But it does, you just aren't in possession of any of the relevant information, actually you don't seem to be in possession of any information at all.

That projection, though.

Where are they? I'd like to speak with them.

I would love you name-drop the people who buy this bullshit as you do. Please, present evidence that it's not just you making a joke of yourself as you usually do.

Hot damn, you really are butthurt that I've got mod powers.

Not really. You took a job nobody else wanted, myself included. Being the bitch to another moderator isn't actually something to be proud of, either. You're the crew member at McDonald being shown how to work the grill. That's not a high bar.

So China IS competent? You're flip-flopping here man, not a good sign.

If you were a smarter man, I would accuse you of taking the piss. I can see, though, that you're just an ignorant little narcissist who can't see over his own ego to the reality before him. But, getting to your point, two things can be true at the same time. China can be as competent as Cobra Commander when it comes to taking over the world or keeping its house in order. They can also be competent enough to research potential marks and even carry out assassinations without it tracing back to them. It honestly comes down to who is in charge of what, same as it is elsewhere. Russia is only slightly more competent than they are, and the US is somewhere in the middle. Seriously, go do some research on the Cold War.

In case you were wondering, bud, here's a multiple choice of how rekt you just got:

[ ] Not rekt
[ ] Rekt
[ ] Partially rekt
[ ] Fucking rekt
[X] Obliterated

We're done here. You now have permission from Daddy Bob to go cry to your mommy about how torn apart your ass just got.
I realize that this is a highly emotional topic to most people, but please keep the discussion civil, especially when talking about politics.
Politics brings out the worst in people, hence why a lot of forums and facebook groups will outright ban the topic. ULMF as the one bastion that doesn't ban it is a double-edged sword. You can embrace it and all the bad times it brings, or ban it and have people bitch about how their rights are being tread upon. At this point, though, I'd just pull some paint-fu to attach a covid mask to my profile pic as a means of mocking those people.

I am aware that that would just make me a bigger asshole.

70+ years later and the Germans are up to their old tricks. XD
I think someone who "jokingly" equates an obvious, very last option response to an event that was both horrific and unquestionably evil ought not to be taken seriously. Also,


Something about clowns and circuses.
I'm kind of glad I'm not German
Germany seems to be more fucked than the rest of Europe
I know, right? At least in the past they had the decency to target an ethnicity and wore some neat uniforms...

Meanwhile here in NY Cuomo's been imposing targeted lockdowns. On places that just happen to be predominantly Jewish. Better yet they're trying to push a bill to create concentration camps for people who are " potentially dangerous to the public health " in the opinion of the governor or his delegate's.
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First, don't falsely equate isolation of vectors for communicable diseases to camps specifically designed to eliminate a target population from the general populous for political reasons. It's incredibly disingenuous and offensive that someone thinks calling these "concentration camps" is okay. No, you don't get to say stupid shit like that.

Second, kindly cite a source that verifies your claim that Cuomo is targeting specifically Jewish businesses. It sounds more like a conspiracy theory by right-wingers like Don Bongino, and not a substantiated fact.

Third, Germany is doing a Helluva a lot better than the US on a lot of fronts. I think casting stones on a country whose leaders haven't fucked up as bad in their handling of this pandemic is a touch too close to projection for people who want to live in denial of the rest of the world. Germany isn't doing amazing, but neither is anyone else. It's still not suffering 400k deaths and over 24 million cases. It's not a joke on the global stage from a clown being put in office. The tariffs that were supposed to cripple China? Actually helped them. A pro-nationalism US actually helped China in their push for the top spot.

If you're going to push a right-wing narrative, don't do disgusting shit like false equivalency to one of the most horrific events in history or attempt to insinuate unsubstantiated theories are facts. That's how you get idiots storming the capitol on the misguided belief that people they disagree with are enacting a long-game attempt to erase them from history.
3 percent of the population of Germany has been infected, 7 percent of the population of the US has been infected. That's a measly 4 percent for such treading on human dignity.
for what I know, parts of the Jewish communities are almost as bad as Trumpers regarding lockdown, and not just in the US.
That's actually a big thing in the very religious orthodox jewish communities. "God's law above any mortal law" etc, so they will do whatever they can to avoid man-made laws like masks and keeping some distance from eachother if they in any way contradict with their own scripture.
I don't really know the specific laws they're planning to push onto that community but it fits the very stubborn history that the orthodox jewish people have. Globally at that. Even in Israel they do their best to avoid following manmade laws, that time ones made by their fellow jews. That's why Israel had (Has? I haven't checked in a while) a huge issue with corona.
I'm not going to judge whether it's good or bad to target them for additional law enforcement or rules, but there's definitely good reasons why someone would.

And lets not forget Germany also elects clowns and does stupid shit. They just pretend everything is fine and their media is both more local and largely controlled by the same few people who have the same ideas. Germany is as much a laughing stock as the US is. We just get better coverage of the US when they do something stupid. And they do a lot of stupid shit so it's easy to lose track of other places and how they messed up
Germany is as much a laughing stock as the US is.


By the way, that 'only 4% more' is one of the dumbest things I've heard for a while. Those measly 4% in numbers, assuming a low balled 2% mortality rate from corona and applied to the US population makes a quarter of a million people dead.

No one's a fan of stricter restriction, but I presume there's also not too many fans of dying, or having chronic issues past infection, which is a thing.
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These people don't give a shit about how many die from covid

The pandemic is little more than a convenient excuse. THEY are the state and you unwashed masses will do as told or else they'll do to you what they do to the infected.
That's actually a big thing in the very religious orthodox jewish communities. "God's law above any mortal law" etc, so they will do whatever they can to avoid man-made laws like masks and keeping some distance from eachother if they in any way contradict with their own scripture.
Which is pretty ironic when you consider there is an overhead wire going all around the perimeter of Manhantan so the Jews can cheat God to allow them to turn on a light switch on the sabbath.