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In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The room is mostly filled with coffins, six of which are open. Each of the coffins has items glittering inside it and were she to look, Jessica would find a number of coins and medallions as well as a small golden statue inside each of them.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The room was filled with coffins, some of which were open, and as Jessica peeked inside she saw that they were filled with gold coins, medallions, and a little statue in each. The doctor would probably be interested to see this... Still, she didn't want to disturb it. She also felt like it was probably around noon or so. Long enough to explore one more room and then get back in plenty of time to meet with the rest of the team. She swam back to the little room, closing the door again behind her, and then back to the crossroads, where she would take the middle path this time.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The tunnel grows wider soon after the crossroads, leading her to another choice, with one tunnel going right and one continuing forward.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Seeing another crossroads, Jessica chose the rightward path.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Going right, Jessica passes another opening, but continues forward, soon arriving to a circular chamber with a frozen mermaid in the middle, within a coffin of ice.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica follows the rightmost path in each instance, not wanting to lose her bearings, and eventually arrived in a circular chamber, with a beautiful mermaid frozen in a coffin of ice. It was an amazing sight, and Jessica swam closer, examining the ice and the mermaid inside. She was well-preserved... The nerdy girl wondered if she was still somehow alive, just frozen.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Except for being frozen, the mermaid looks very much alive and still beautiful. As Jessica gets closer, she can feel the coldness of the ice and a strange aura surrounding the coffin.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

As Jessica gets closer to the coffin, she can feel the ice radiating cold, and a strange, almost magical aura. She wanted to find some way to dispel it, but she didn't know where to even begin. Chipping at it with her harpoon seemed somehow... wrong. Still, something inside her couldn't prevent her from reaching out and touching the ice, for whatever reason.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

As Jessica touches the ice, she stops feeling cold as the coffin starts to melt, but ice runs up her arm too quickly for her to do anything about it. For a moment it would seem that she is doomed to be imprisoned by the ice, but then the mermaid opens her eyes and all the ice melts. The mermaid seems confused, blinking her eyes several times, before fainting.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

When Jessica touches the ice, it suddenly loses its coldness, and the coffin quickly begins to melt away. Unfortunately the ice began to race up her own arm, and it seems as if she's about to replace the mermaid in the prison of ice... Just as it reaches her shoulder and she begins to panic the mermaid's eyes flutter open, and all of the ice melts away instantly. She blinks a few times, looking confused, before suddenly fainting. Jessica swam over to her, scooping the beautiful woman up in her arms and holding her for a bit. What do I do with her? Do I just wait for her to wake up? Do I take her elsewhere? I probably shouldn't just swim around with her... I guess I'll wait a little while.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

It takes several minutes for the mermaid to start moving and several more before she opens her eyes and looks around, then at Jessica.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The mermaid woke up after a few minutes, looking around the room for a bit before looking up at Jessica. It was then that the nerdy girl realized she couldn't communicate with the mermaid. She thought for a moment, and then reached down with a hand to lightly grab one of the mermaid's, and then began to swim towards the small room in front of where she had fought the zombies, since there was a pocket of air in that room where she could presumably speak, hoping the mermaid would follow her.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

As their heads break above the water, the mermaid seems to ask a question, but her language is incomprehensible to Jessica.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

When the two poke their heads above the water the mermaid says something that seems like a question based on the upward inflection of her voice, but Jessica can't understand a word. "Ahh, do you speak this language?" she asked, hoping the mermaid could adjust.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The mermaid frowns and tries again, this time in what sounds like Latin.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica listens closely to the mermaid's second try, and it sounds vaguely familiar somehow... She thinks she recognizes a few of the roots, which seem like Latin. "That's closer, but I still can't understand you" she said, frowning a little.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The mermaid shakes her head and tries speaking in a clearer voice.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica frowned, replying "I don't think this is going to work... Maybe one of the other members of the team will be able to speak Latin." She placed her hand on herself and said "Jessica" before pointing at the mermaid, essentially asking her name.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The mermaid places a hand on her breast. "Mierin."
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

"Hello Mierin" Jessica said, smiling as she took the mermaid's hand. "Come on, I have some friends coming who might be able to talk to you" she said, putting in her mouthpiece again and starting to swim towards the exit.