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In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Short way into the passage there's a crossroads, with two openings in the left, one to right and one forward. The passage forward seems to be sloping down while the others go up, growing narrower.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Not very deep into the tunnel there was another, larger branching off, this one with four options. Jessica vaguely thought that it might be a little bit dangerous to keep going deeper and deeper into the labyrinth without any means of getting back besides her memory, but she shrugged that aside and began to swim up the path to the right.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Soon enough there is another crossroads, the tunnel splitting into three more, each with the ceiling and the floor growing closer together.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

This was starting to worry Jessica a little, as more and more paths branched out from the original. She had taken the rightmost path last time, so she took the rightmost path again this time, hoping to make it easy to navigate back to the entrance that way.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The tunnel twists and turns causing Jessica to lose track of her direction until finally ending in a small, round chamber with the ceiling small distance over the water. There is a wooden door in the far end, miraculously intact.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

The tunnel Jessica chose twisted and turned, so much so that she lost all sense of direction; for all she knew she could have been going back to the entrance by now. She finally comes out in a small, round room, at the end of which is a strangely intact wooden door. Thinking about it for a moment, Jessica decided to swim up to the surface, where there seemed to be a little bit of air, to refill her oxygen tanks a little and then back down to open the door and press on.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Behind the door there seems to be a large room with several corpses floating in the water. It's hard to tell how many there are, as Jessica's lamp can't reach the far wall.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Once Jessica opens the door, she finds that it opens out into a large room, with corpses floating in the water. With a start she swam backwards a bit, not having expected such a thing. Once she got over the initial shock she began to swim into the room, looking side to side carefully, though she was quite a bit creeped out. Shouldn't they be more decomposed than this? I mean, how recently was this place in use? You would think they would be down to bones... she thought as she explored a bit.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

11 vs 16
Z 3 vs 8

Jessica: 5/5
Zombies ?/?
As Jessica passes within the reach, the zombies spring into movement, the closest grabbing for her but missing by mere inches. Though they're not moving as quickly as she is, it wouldn't take them long to corner her if she didn't do anything...
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica swam only a short distance before one of the corpses grabbed at her, and her heart leapt into her throat. That explained why they hadn't decomposed fully, perhaps, but she wasn't thinking about that as she swam as fast as she could towards the door, scared nearly out of her wits. Once she reached the door, however, she calmed down a little, the initial shock having worn off some. We'll just have to come back to this room eventually... And they don't seem too bad, how slow they're following me... Maybe if I make sure I use this chokepoint... she thought, bracing herself and readying her harpoon, hoping this strategy she had used in the past in various strategy RPGs would come through for her now...
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

J 18 vs 9
Z 3 vs 17
J 12 vs 18
Z 12 vs 9
J 14 vs 17
Z 12 vs 16

Jessica: 4/5
Zombies: 5/6
The doorway stops the zombies from coming after her more than one at a time, but though she skewers one of them, another manages to scratch her and seems to be quite persistent, dodging her attacks clumsily.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica's plan worked somewhat, as the zombies weren't able to surround her this way, and she was able to easily impale the first of them, but the next one came through and scratched her, all while dodging her thrusts with a sort of clumsiness that bothered her. She continued to stab at it, desperate to "kill" it quickly.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

J 7 vs 12
Z 19 vs 18
J 4 vs 18
Z 16 vs 8
J 14 vs 3
Z 6 vs 10

Jessica: 2/5
Zombies: 4/6
The damned undead manages to hit Jessica twice more before her spear pierces its stomach, pulling out guts as she pulls it back to readiness as the next one swings at her clumsily, missing by a mile.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica whimpered slightly as the undead scratched at her, and while she managed to gut the thing messily with her harpoon, she could see that there were more, and that there was no way to close the door. This was probably bad. Even so, she couldn't do anything other than fight, though she could try something a little bit differently... These things aren't that fast, if I'm careful I might be able to catch them before they can hurt me... she thought, taking up a defensive position.

(Full defense/Riposte)
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Z 3 vs 20 counter!
Z 3 vs 11
Z 11 vs 15

Jessica: 2/5
Zombies: 3/6
Not attacking, Jessica easily spots a weak point at the zombie's attack and her spear tears through it's arm, sending it wandering away. Another zombie takes its place and though she easily avoids its blows, there doesn't seem to be another opening to strike.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica's strategy worked, and she managed to defeat another zombie with relative ease, avoiding the next one and continuing her strategy.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Z 9 vs 25 counter!
Z 5 vs 19 counter!
Z 18 vs 12

Jessica: 1/5
Zombies: 1/6
A couple quick stabs follows, leaving only one zombie alive, but it manages tp send Jessica tumbling backwards with the force of its blow, and she can feel herself growing tired.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica managed to stab a few more zombies quickly, leaving only one left... And that one got through her defenses, smacking her hard and knocking her backwards through the water, and she can feel herself growing tired. She can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, and she lashes out at the last zombie, wanting to kill it as quickly as possible...
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

J 12 vs 6
Jessica's stab goes deep into the zombie's leg stopping it on its tracks, and life goes out of it as she pulls her harpoon out, causing it to rapidly decompose until only bones are left.
Re: In the Sunken City of...?(Jessica/Tiffanian)

Jessica would have sighed with relief if she hadn't had the mouthpiece in as she stabbed the zombie to... Death? Was that the right word for it? In any case, she swam back into the room where the zombies had been, exploring it now.