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In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 56, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Sealed 60, Charmed

Calaerel though a moment as she snuggled up against him. "They were in chests. Though I am not sure they survived Amy's exploding barrels. We could look I suppose." She gasped and closed her eyes a moment in delight as he found himself still half hard inside of her. A wiggle he could feel she liked. His semi-hardness was likely some sort of trick of her suspected succubus ancestry. After a moment, she blushed as she collected herself. Wiggling out from underneath him, and gasping lightly as he plopped out of her. She quickly took a moment to clean herself up and make herself presentable. He could see that she gave a hesitant but quick taste of a dollop of seed that had landed onto her hand. She gave a little shiver of delight as she tried to hide it from him, though she was not very successful. Whether he let her know or not he saw was up to him.

Once she was clothed and cleaned, she would help him clear out the entrance. After wards she would quickly hurry over to him and cling to him for warmth. Though it was hard to tell if her hard nipples were from his wiggle earlier, or the cold air now entering their cave. As they walked back to the wagon, she asked him a few question. "Think you can remove the seal on me?" Looking up at him curiously as she cling to his side for warmth. "I have a few powers that could help us." With her still under the effects of the charm, she still thought of him as a friend. Though given that she was unaware of it, as well as him burying her friend, it was likely unneeded.

Once they got back to the wagon, there was very little of use left. Half the wagon was blown apart, and any contents it had was likely consumed in the explosions. Though he could still see the partially buried and frozen remains of a couple bodies and the massive bear.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

His mind made note of the location being in chests, considering the damage he had seen covering her cart earlier he wouldn't be that surprised if they were broken. But then again chests did tend to be made strong and rather sturdy, so they had a chance to have been kept mostly intact from the explosion. He then felt her begin to wiggle out from under him, the warmth and gentle squeezes of her innermost self keeping him slightly hard, as if just waiting for a chance to take him again.

He pushed his hands against the ground to aid her in freeing herself and flicked his warm and wet tongue across her cheek as he started to make himself presentable..and that was done by transforming his tail back to the form of legs. Leaving him completely bare once again of clothes and unmindful of the slight chill in the air. The sight of her taking pleasure in the taste of his seed bringing amusement to his lips as they turned upwards. But he kept his thoughts on it unvoiced, just watching her for a moment before he stepped over to the snow covered entrance and started to dig. "We best go and see, even if the chests have been broken their is a chance their demise may of saved the belongings within. They'd likely be cold, covered in snow and maybe even frozen now. But they could still be used if warmed up."

Fingers pressed into the cold surface and dragged back, breaking through the soft element and making it tumble further into the little cave they had used for protection. With the aid of the elf, who mentioned she was a Mer, he managed to quickly get it done. He should really comment on that bit of news at somepoint.

He was suddenly surprised as her body wrapped around him after a small gush of cold air washed over them. Feeling her hardened nipples digging against his skin as she snuggled up against him for the warmth of his body he couldn't help but chuckle. Perhaps her nature was showing more in her body than her skill. And so they began to follow the direction they had come to head towards her cart. "I may be able to...but I'm unsure if it will harm you or not. I'll try to loosen it at first to see how that feels." He debated in his mind if he really should free her or simply feed on her now while she was still vulnerable....But then again, she had her uses for his own survival. A second body with abilities of her own would aid him in his survival. He would just need to keep his bloody nature hidden from her..And maybe take a few snacks while she sleeps and let her 'feed' to hide the act. Yes, that would keep him well fed.

His actions considered he placed a hand on her stomach and tried to weaken the seal by a quarter of its strength and see how much it affected her. And it was at this point that they managed to reach the wagon and he glanced around. Frowning slightly as he saw the remains of charred chests in the wagon. But the bear....Mhmm.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 56, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Sealed 45, Charmed

Calaerel gave a small wiggle as he placed a hand on her stomach. She looked up at him thankfully, clearly appreciative of his wish not to hurt her. She focused out towards the wreckage and shook her head. "No.... Still too strong for me to overcome. I am alright, it did not hurt." Smiling up at him to show she was fine. As they surveyed the damage, other then a good amount of wood, there was nothing of value in the wagon. With the bear being frozen, he would either need to thaw the bear or use powers to get anything useful out of it. "Is there anything we can use?"
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

His smile turned into a smirk as he saw the bear and with a look of inspiration towards the remains of the wagon he began to grin wildly. A look similar of that of a mad scientist as he groped his hand against Calaeral stomach and started to tear the seal away from her fully. "I have a rather..interesting idea. And we may just get a pet from it~"

With that smirk on his lips he moved towards the bear, freeing himself from her suddenly and started to plow it free of the snow. Once thinking he had enough removed he grabbed one of its limbs and groaned as he started to slowly drag it towards the cart. The frozen thing was heavy! "Ugh...could you give me a hand?" He looks towards her as he ask. Soon he would have a beast of a contraption created! One made of blood, flesh, and wood! While he would of preferred something else this would have to do for materials. Ah, crystal would of been wonderful. But the naturally strong hide of this bear would work well as well. The thick wood only helping to strengthen it.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed

Calaerel gave a small shiver as the seal faded away. "I can feel it.... It's gone." She smiled and leaned up to give his cheek a quick kiss in appreciation. She moved over to help him unbury the dead beast. He barely even needed to ask as she was already at his side lending him a hand. She stood back as they got it close to the wagon. Focusing his will to the task, the two began to slowly meld into one. Boards and nails sprang up and embedded themselves into bone and frozen muscle, taking the place of the missing tendons. A rough shell sprouting up along the corpses spine to lend it support and help it stand. After a couple minutes the thing stood tall above them. A mismatched construct of burnt wood, dead flesh, and bone.

After he had finished constructing his wood and bone golem, Calaerel rejoined him. Her small body wrapped in partially frozen furs. A bundle of fur and a pair of very rusty blades on top. She offered them to him. "I found some furs and these on the two bandits." Gesturing to where the pair of bodies remained frozen on the ground. Both bodies still wearing their leather armour, it too frozen to remove without warming it up first or ruining it. "You must be cold." Looking at him with some concern as she still offered him the fur bundle and shoddy weapons.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

With her aide he was quickly able to get the monstrous amount of fear and flesh towards the remains of the wagon, and soon it was time to begin to work his magic to create a body that would help him in the future. Pouring the power from his body out of him he felt it enter body flesh and oak. And watched as both seemed to come to life and forge themselves.

The wheels of the wagon snapped and spread out and seemed to pierce the spine, slowly working along it to make a shell to help it move effectively. Plates of blackened wood and damaged steel melding with flesh, fur and bone and cracking sound-fully into place. Bone of the creature seemed to sprout in some places as the fur and flesh gave way. Only to be replaced by wood melding itself into place.

It was quite the display, grotesque and certainly something a man could fear if found lumbering through a forest like this. And quite huge as well. Not wanting to be wholly responsible for the creatures actions he willed his powers through the creature to give it some semblance of a mind. So it could work on its own to protect him.

+6 Mind. What's the stats of my creation by the way?

Giving one final look over his creation he nods with a smile on his lips. "Well this will certainly do..."

He then heard the shifting of movement at his side and turned to look over at it, finding Calaerel at his side once more, and with a few furs and a rusted weapons carried with her while furs cling over her body as well. Looking down at his naked self he considered that it might be a good idea to put on some of the furs. As he was travelling with company now, instead of just going around nude while he hunted for his next meal. And so with a lean and a peck on the cheek he accepted them and started to wrap the fur bundle around himself. "Not really cold, but seeing as a storm may arrive again after the last one it would be a good idea to prepare, just incase. I think I'll leave the weapons though. I much prefer my dagger, and I don't trust something that rusted not to snap on me."
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Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 43, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed
Bear Wagon Golem: Fine, Body 80, Mind 26

Calaerel gave him a small nod as he accepted the partially frozen furs and donned them. A blush filling her cheeks as he kiss one of them. She put the to weapon in the snow where the wagon had been before it was used to creature the golem. After a few moments to look over the destruction, she turned back to Al curiously. "Now where do we go?" Looking to him as snow continued to fall softly about them.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al pondered that question for a small moment before he glanced at the golem he had created. Lips twitching a little before a smile was shown he reached out and grasped onto its shoulder and started to pull himself onto its back. Legs fumbling a little as they climb before seeming to get a nice firm 'hold' and letting him sit on its back comfortably. Giving the creature a firm little rub on the head he speaks. "We ride Gurr here, to the nearest town or campsite. So in otherwords, we travel." And it would be a perfect chance for him to scoop out the potential enemies and prey in such places as well. He licks his lips before realizing how strange that might look to the elf, and looks down at her with a natural happy smile. "And maybe get a bite to eat while there as well..." Words were never as true as that.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 43, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed
Gurr: Fine, Body 80, Mind 26

Calaerel nodded as she clumsily climbed up after him. Finding a safe spot she hunkered down next to him. Pressing her body against his for warmth. "The closest town is a week away. And I don't know about campsites." Looking at him a moment before snuggling in as she got comfortable. "I was heading north west to drop off my shipment to some Glazbivle fellow. Though we were still a couples week away from that." Looking to see where he decided to go.

He knew that to the north lay several large snowy mountains. To the west a few days away was the coast. To the east was farther from the coast and to more forests. He also estimated it would be a few weeks to a month before he would reach warmer lands if he went south.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

He ponders for a while as he urges on the bear to walk as he feels the warmth of her body on his back, snuggling into his own warmth that seems to stay, not lessening despite the amount of cold in the air. Thinking that her lap will feel more comfortable than the bear he was sat on he wiggles back slightly, sitting his firm behind on her soft lap and wiggling a little as he got comfortable. "Without a shipment there really isn't a need to go there anymore..so I think we should head to the cost. Perhaps take a ship to somewhere with warmer weather." And maybe kill a few pirates and steal their ship on the seas...

The coast would give him a place he got flee to in the water as well. So with a slight shift of the bears head they begin to move. Warmth shared between them and the furs as they slowly get warmer as they get used to their natural temperature. "So, why don't you tell me about yourself?"
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 43, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed
Gurr: Fine, Body 80, Mind 26

Calaerel gave a small little gasp as he settled into her warm soft lap. Feeling him wiggle she gave a small blush as she continued to snuggle into him for warmth. As they sat, Gurr heading west bringing them out of the forest and out onto the frozen tundra that spread out before them for miles. The snow fall however prevented them from seeing anything more then a mile out.

Calaerel gave a small shrug. "Not much to tell really. I grew up by the sea, and heard stories of wonders all around the world. So a few months ago, I gathered up what I could, bought a wagon and decided to become a trader." Glancing down at Gurr a moment. "Which is what brought me here, where I saw snow for the first time." Gazing about at the surrounding tundra a moment before turning back to look at Al. She gave him a hug and a smile. "Then I met you."
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

His warm body was quite pleasant to snuggle up to, with skin that was surprisingly soft and gentle to touch, a scent of the sea rising from him with a bit of something else underneath it. It wouldn't be hard to relax against the presence of his body as they moved. The extra furs curled around them to add warmth certainly did a lot of good as well. Though the amount of distance they couldn't see was a little annoying. Reaching behind him he started to rub his fingers into his new pets stomach as she snuggled into his body.

He couldn't help but chuckle softly at her happyness for finding him, she became thiiis close to becoming food for him. And a creature much like Gurr if she didn't survive, but trapped in the body by her sealed soul. It wouldn't of been as pleasant as her time had been so far. But she didn't know any of that, or really needed to either. Leaning back into her hug he reached a hand up and started to stroke her cheek and brush down her hair. "Happy to have met me?"
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 43, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed
Gurr: Fine, Body 80, Mind 26

Calaerel gave a small sigh as he rubbed her belly. She nodded as she snuggled up against him. "I am. I would have died without your kindness." Wrapping her arms about him and hugging him tightly to her soft bosom. "Thank you." Smiling as she leaned in to kiss his cheek fondly. It would be several hours yet before dawn, though Al, had a suspicion it likely would remain hidden by the snow clouds. Al was free to continue chatting with her or pass the rest of the night in silence.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al decided to deepen the girls bound to him to the point where she was willing to die for him, and with such horrible plans in his head he turned to her, feeling her firm and full bosom pressing tightly against his body and her lips upon his cheek. And stole one back from her lips. Thinking they were going to be a while he turned in her lap, purposely grinding his tush into her lap before his legs curled around her hips and he pulled her against his chest. "Do you have any questions for me dear?"

With arms now around her he started to trace circles across her back, all the while his fingers ran through her hair and softly massaged her scalp. Pressing in and giving her ears a bit of a attention as they grew near before letting her rest and relax.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 43, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed
Gurr: Fine, Body 80, Mind 26

Calaerel blushed as he stole a quick kiss. Gasping as he ground into her lap purposely, and getting a soft pressure against his rump from his grinding. She gasped once more as she was pulled into his embraced and wrapped up by his arms and legs. She gave a small nod a moment and given that he felt her small shaft pressing against him, her thoughts turned to what they had done early. "Was I..... Good for.... You...." Blushing heavily as she asked her question. Her body relaxing against his as he massage her scalp, rubbing her back.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

He could feel her body start to turn aroused as the tiny but firm shaft pressed up against him. Leaning a little to the side his lips pressed against her slim neck and began to suckle as he shifted against the grinds of her hips. Feeling the tiny length of hers wiggle between his firm cheeks and gain the feeling of them squeezing on around her. "You were clumsy at first, but after you got into it your body showed quite a bit of skills~ In fact, from what I felt when you nibbled on my soul I would say that you're actually part succubus." His fingers continued to tease and play with her head with their gentle touch as she relaxed against him.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 43, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed
Gurr: Fine, Body 80, Mind 26

Calaerel blushed as he wiggled against her, teasing her small shaft.A small moan escaping her lips from his teasing. She blushed as he complimented her on skills she didn't know she had. Hearing him mention she might be part succubus. "I am? I didn't hurt you did I?" Sounding surprised and confused about such a revelation, and concern filling her voice at the mention of biting his soul. "What does that mean?" Looking at him for help and answers. It seemed she had very little experience in that area, and was quite naive.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

As she started to question him he slowly stopped his teasing and simply left her wedged and unpleasured between his firm cheeks as his fingers brushed down her hair. Parting his lips to begin to teach her knowledge she should of know, but clearly didn't. "Well, nothing more than draining a bit of my energy. If you had kept feeding while we were doing that act I would of had to put up my own burning soul so it would of stop your instincts from feeding." His fingers run along her chest where the once clean wound had been. Slowly removing the bindings to reveal the clear and unhurt flesh that laid beneath.

Pressing his fingers lightly over the perfectly healed flesh he spoke. "It seems I was correct to assume that you had healed yourself with the energy you had fed upon, so once you had eaten enough of my spirit during the act to heal yourself you ceased." His fingers started to fondle her now as the light falling of snow hit their bodies with a gentle chill. His lips curling slightly.

"As for a succubus, their demons that drain the souls of their victims and feed on them till nothing but a husk remains as far as I know. And they also have the ability to entrall their playmates to their will during the act. I've only seen the feeding part of your power so far, so I don't know what else you may of inherited from your succubus ancestor or parent. Well, apart from perfect control of your sexual muscles. I wonder if your throat and tongue have similar skills...." He begins to muse as his fingers and thumb press down on her nipples and playfully tugs on the soft pinkness. "As for worrying about damaging my soul, you don't need to. My powers are channelled through my spirit, so I usually recover and heal what I had last after a good night of rest."

Thinking of something his lips quirk into a small smirk. "Perhaps we should read up a little on demonkind once we reach the coast...Learn more of your heritage." And it would give him a chance to study, perhaps even gain a few ideas of how to best use her, or gaining more minions to his feed on and play with...Who knows, he may even find a way to increase his strength.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

Al-Laand: HP = 67, PP = 56, EP = 43, Status = Fine
Calaerel: Fine, Charmed
Gurr: Fine, Body 80, Mind 26

Calaerel listened intently to his words. "I'm sorry..." Still thinking she had hurt him through the act of draining him. She looked surprised as he revealed that she was unharmed, and her pale flesh had no traces of a scar. "I did that?" Though any other questions she may have wished to ask were pushed from her mind as he began to fondle her. Her nipples becoming quickly hard from both his hands and the cold air. She blushed heavily as she moaned from his touch, and his words mentioning using her mouth.

Upon that he would help her learn more of herself she gave a small nod. "Thank you." Smiling up at him a moment as she thought of something. "Is it why I can do this?" She closed her eyes a moment. Her could feel her hard little shaft slowly recede from between his cheeks. Small beads of white liquid beginning to bead from her nipples as he teased her hard peaks. Should he venture within her panties he would find a curious thing, she was now all woman. She seemed to have very little knowledge of her own powers on her succubus ancestor's side.
Re: In the Absence of Dawn (Sprig) GMed by Rathuris

A brow of his shoots up as he felt something begin to leak from the hard and lovely nipples he was toying with, and more so as he felt the small length between his cheeks slowly seem to vanish. Intrigued, mightily so he slowly inched back. Looking at the white liquid dripping from her, and without a request to her reaches down and pulls her panties to the side. And slowly, at the sight of her womanly parts he would grin more sharply. "I would think so..perhaps you can be both due to your heritage as well, you need to be able to please both sexes after all as a succubus." Humming a little he leaned forward and flicked his long and warm tongue over her leaking nipples to get a taste. Coming out of her lap and beginning to push her down onto her back on top of the giant bear with a sudden gleam in his eyes.

Lips curling around the hardened nip he would tug and suck, eyes gleaming sinisterly as she would soon feel a hard point pressing against her womanhood. That was, if she didn't resist. If she didn't he would be eagerly pushing himself inside. After all, this might very well be his chance to leave some of his spawn in this woman. Though if he did he would certainly not depose of her...which means he would need to keep her company and try to act like prey for at least a year. But he could handle it, she would feed him well and state him for the year. Willingly or not.