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In Nomine (checking interest)

Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Oh, another note.

Servants of Valefor are unsuitable for the style of game I had in mind. So unless you only want to play for about 3 days before you start taking on automatic dissonance, I suggest looking elsewhere for a demon prince.
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Alright, I have a band and prince, my Force is set, I just have to do that stuff with resources and I think I have a full character. Unfortunately, I haven't had enough quiet time to figure out what that all entails, but I'm thinking of a temporary dl of the book for when I'm at work, lots of quiet time there :)
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)


That's right, I'm bumping the top thread, and double posting at the same time, but I have a couple questions:

1) How do you figure the body, mind, and soul stats? There was a mention of using strength plus agility, times four, but that didn't seem to hold up in any of their examples. There was also something about how many points you invest in the vessel helps determine it as well, but I couldn't even make up a formula for that one :/

2) Where should we pass over character sheets? I think mine is done, other than the aforementioned difficulty.
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

1) How do you figure the body, mind, and soul stats? There was a mention of using strength plus agility, times four, but that didn't seem to hold up in any of their examples. There was also something about how many points you invest in the vessel helps determine it as well, but I couldn't even make up a formula for that one :/

Sorta. Okay, as a celestial, you have 9 forces, which are spent between Corporeal, Ethereal and Celestial. You have to have at least 1 force in each of them.

Then, for each force, in either corporeal, ethereal or celestial, you get 4 points in spend in the two attributes for each. So if you have 3 in corporeal, you have 12 points to spend on strength and agility.

Your body is your vessel level + your corporeal forces, times your strength. If you take your full body worth of hits, you're unconscious. If you then take another vessel level x strength hits, you're dead; or rather, your vessel is.

Your mind is your Ethereal Forces times your Intelligence. If your mind hits 0, you fall unconscious and gain some discord. You cannot be further affected by ethereal attacks until you're healed up to at elast half your mind.

And your soul is your celestial forces times your will. Each time you take your soul worth of celestial hits, you permanently lose a force, randomly determined. (And thus immediately lose 4 levels of characteristics from that force, chosen as you wish.) Yep, celestial combat will mess you up.

2) Where should we pass over character sheets? I think mine is done, other than the aforementioned difficulty.

Hold off on that for now. I'm still looking for one or two more people to express interest before I know if the game will go ahead. I'm not sure if I'll be running it at this point, especially as it appears I'll be running a game of In Nomine tabletop.
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Well, there's four people expressing interest, plus Copper popping in to play peanut gallery, you might convince her to play the occasional NPC or something if you really need that one more occasionally. This looks really interesting, I hope you do run it.
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Well, Incubus says he isn't running this anymore, due to his finding enough people to run a tabletop game. Would anyone else want to take the time and run this? Pretty please?
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Uhh, err... I mean... I would.. but umm..

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Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

A simple 'no', would do...
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Sorry, I'm a bit of an asshole.
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

S'okay dear, I guess I just over-estimated everyone else's interest in this...
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Well I wasn't lying when I said I am working on one myself, but considering I've thrown myself at a bunch of other people's rps right now and I'm never the type to back out of em, everything's taken a backseat til time clears up.
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

I hear ya there, I'm running one game and playing in nine others, or I would consider running this myself. How many are you in?
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Nine? Jesus!

...uhhh, I didn't know this was a competition :p
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

A couple are pretty much dead, but it isn't official yet, so I counted them, but I left out DTT, and yeah, it surprised me too ;)
Re: In Nomine (checking interest)

Well yeah, considering "dead" and style of game, I think it's less "number of" and more "attention required of"

For instance, with me being in both Siphons CoC and Warehouse; Coc is a 1-1 game so it takes a lot less attention on a lot less frequent basis from both the players and the gm, while warehouse almost immediately exploded, and we both saw how there was posting almost 24/7 so we had to play catchup when we got on.

Besides that, I'm in RJ's game, the Pit, Cloud's DoP is promising to start back up, Wallpapers egg and icelus' Nightmares is down for now. Wraust's DoP came back and I threw my hat in that ring, but that died before it even started now. If loli starts the combo system game, I'll probably join that and I've been working on a character part time for RK's erotic arena. I also had a character prepared for PoA but that seems to have hit a snag as well.

Damn... you're right, that is kinda surprising.