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Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

After a peaceful night's rest, Rathuris would awake. Except he didn't get the entire night to rest. When he opened his eyes, it wasn't due to the sun, rather the sounds of footsteps nearby and whispers that went with it. It was still dark in fact, and the voices were familiar. "The tracks end here..." a familiar voice announced, one of the bandits earlier. "Keep looking... He had to set up camp somewhere around here..." their leader replied quietly, unaware of how close they were to finding him.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

As he slept, he could not help relive the event with the large mouse in his dreams. The tiny woman easily knocking him to the ground. Her lips teasing at his neck with little nibbles. His body responding eagerly to the mouse, as she happily began to undress the half-breed. The mouse trailing kisses and bites down his neck to his chest, lightly biting a nipple. Gasping at the mouse as she gave it a gentle tug before continuing down his belly.

With the magical venom coursing through his body, he could not resist rolling the mouse onto her back. His lips meeting her's passionately. With a haze of lust clouding his mind, and the help of the eager mouse, both were undressed in short order. Grabbing her hips, he lined himself up with her dripping entrance. With a smile he gently teased himself in, before thrusting fully inside. Giving a loud moan at the pleasure of the mouse clamping down on him as he began to move his hips. He gave a surprise gasp as large hands grabbed and gently massaged his breasts. A small moan escaping his lips as he felt something hard settle between his cheeks and lightly pres......

With a jump he was startled awake as a foot fell a little too heavily just outside of his little hidey hole. Still panting from the erotic dream, he peered out cautiously between the leaves. He gave a worried frown as he saw dark shapes moving about his camp, and guessing from their voices they were after him. Breathing deeply to calm himself and to think of a plan. I hope they didn't hear me while I slept. His thoughts racing as he tried to think of how to handle the bandits. Fire? No might hurt me with the treeds and foliage so close together. Water? No water nearby and I might not have time to draw out any. Earth? Maybe if I were to use some form of restrainst? Or can I use wind to rustle some leaves? Hm.... With a firm nod he decided on restransts.

Closing his eyes, he began to conjure up magical threads. Sending them into the dirt around his little camp. Twirling and forming them as he began to shape them into large slabs made of ropes of magical strands. Creating one slab before focusing on creating one after another. Breathing heavily as he focused, he createed one for each of the five bandits. Using the sounds of their feet and voices when they spoke to place each slab beneath the each of the five bandits. I hope there are only five of them again. Sitting silently in his hideout while working his magic left him venerable for several minutes.

(If they find him before he finishes.)
They would find him defenceless and venerable in his shelter. Giving them ample time to do something to him before he safely stop channeling the spell and react.

(If he remains unmolested for several more minutes)
As he finished, the ground would gently shake. Rope like strands of dirt, mud, and clay would erupt from the ground beneath each of the bandits. The strands of earth flailing and grasping as they sought to bind and wrap around the bandit's arms and legs. The dirt beneath their feet becoming wet and muddy to try and hinder their movement while the earth ropes tried to tie them up.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

With weaving came an art called soul searching. With one's threads, they were capable of sending strands out without making them perform some greater objective, and use them as feelers to collect and send back data depending on the weaver's design. Using the most basic techniques, Aaron would get back imagery of a world of yarn wherever his threads touched, shaping the world for his third eye to see. Once identifying the bandits, he'd be able to cast his magic, but with one issue. They were moving around a great deal. The traps could not be denied their effectiveness, provided they had prey, and their setup time took far too long to ensure prediction of a bandit's position. As Aaron placed one trap, the bandit was moving and searching elsewhere, leaving behind his enchantments before they were finished.

It seemed he still had time yet. The traps would perhaps catch a few if cleverly placed, but ensuring their entire capture wasn't entirely feasible.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

After setting up five of his traps, he waited patiently. I should follow up with some other magic. Hm.......Watching and waiting as the bandits moved around. Once he found that most of the traps would be able to get a bandit, he would release the spell. Letting his magic take form, making sure to maintain focus, lest his lack of concentration let the spell waver and fade.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

As he waited, eventually he'd find two of the five bandits standing on his traps. Their steps eventually spreading out, and some closer to where he was hiding, Aaron would find no better opportunity. His trap sprung, and two female bandits would yell out as they were caught. "He's here!" one would shout, before the rest of the bandits were spurred into action, speeding up and searching wildly, one quickly coming to find the odd setup Aaron had to sleep in, "I think he's here! This way!" another bandit announced.

This left Aaron faced with three separated bandits looking his way, and two bandits held down struggling against what held them.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Now or never. Having sprung his traps, he also moved two of the three empty traps closer to himself. The last one he kept under himself, to defend himself while he continued to channel the spell. Focusing on the empty traps, he elogated the the tendrils of earth. Stretching them out to strike and slap at the bandits that were quickly approaching. I hope this works.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

When two bandits got near, one stepped onto the trap first, causing the tendrils to strike and slap as Aaron so designed. The bandit began shouting, pulling out her blade and slicing at the tendrils while the other seemed to point and shout at what they seemed to be guarding. "He's in there!" she shouted, while the third bandit went to cut free her allies. "Make sure he stays there!" the third one said, causing the initial speaker to pull out a small crossbow. "Come out, you little bastard! Now! Or I'll shoot!" She demanded angrily.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He used the tendrils to attack the bandits. Aiming to get them off balance so he could bind them up. Frowning he used the trap, the bandit was trying to free a friend from, and try to bind up them both together. By this point, he was breathing heavily and sweating from the strain of maintaining the spell.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Ignoring her warning and threat, Aaron continued to cast. The result of which was her firing as promised, but it landed against the tree, above where Aaron was laying, as if trying to hit a sitting person. A tendril ended up hitting her in the back while the bandits began to focus all their efforts in dealing with the tendrils. Despite not winning, they weren't losing either. Aaron could bind them, but once the spell was let go, they'd quickly get free and be right on his tail with a vengeance.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron nearly jumped as the bolt thunked into the tree above his head. Frowning deeply when he realized he need to do something soon. He began to focus his traps on hitting and squeezing them to try and render them unconscious. The tendrils of earth smacking and squeezing the bandits, trying to end the ambush quickly before he tired anymore.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Focusing hard, it became a battle of might versus magic. Luckily Aaron kept himself out of direct line of sight, allowing him to cast undisturbed while the bandit who fired looked confused before getting attacked herself.

The bandits fought, but without being able to stop the magician, they were eventually subdued. Aaron then found himself with many bound bandits, each looking red and bruised from the fight, and fairly limp in the vines that held them.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron began to pant as he continued to channel the spell. Willing a tendril for each of the bandit's he tried to wrap it around each of their throats. Attempting to knock each of them out without killing them. Hoping their strength failed before his did.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Thankfully Aaron wouldn't have to strangle them. They looked completely exhausted and ready to collapse into a heap. Some of them actually looked quite cute as well, if he wanted a little vengeance. Otherwise, he was free to escape.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

He lowered each of the bandits to the ground before using bands of earth to bind them to the ground. Solidifying their bonds, and making them as solid as he could to prevent them from escaping. Making sure to put a loose band of earth over each of their necks. Once they were securely bound to the ground he stopped channeling and retrieved what enegry he could from the rest of the spell. After making sure to keep the bonds secure, he crawled out of his hiding spot with a exhausted sigh.

Looking each of them over as he thought of what to do, his eyes lingering a little bit on the curves of the cuter bandits. Moving slowly over to the leader and giving her a kind look as he spoke. "I..... Uh..... We should make a deal......" He looked a little unsure about what to say next. "You..... Uh..... Want to live.... And have your freedom.... Right?" Looking at the bandit leader curiously. His voice growing a bit stronger as he talked about the skills his master taught him. His voice not wavering as he pretended to be as confident as his master. "As you see I am formidable mage, and am in need of some added protection from some of the more powerful monsters. In exchange for your life, you help me until the next town." He lightly tapped the band wrapped loosely about her throat to make a point. "Sound fair?" The naive half-breed still seeing them as good people despite trying to crossbow him earlier.
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Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The bandit leader at first looked quite disgusted and infuriated at her current position, but when it appeared Aaron was willing to let them go in exchange for a trade, she grinned at him. "Heh, sure! That sounds a lot better than being offed!" she replied. "Count on us, little man!"
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave the bandit leader a smile, standing up and released all of their bonds. Letting his earth spell fade. Looking down at the leader. he offered her a hand up. "My name is Aaron."
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Once they were released, one bandit made a near-perfect bee line for Aaron, before their captain shielded the boy with her arm. "Now, now~ We've an agreement, girls. And he's clearly a powerful mage!" She said in defense of Aaron, before grinning at the boy himself. "Tis late though. We should all rest, yes?" she asked him.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave the leader a grateful look. "Yes, thats a good idea." He took a few steps towards his little hideout before turning back to the leader again. "Could I speak with you in private a moment?" His hands fidgeting as he with his tunic as he spoke. Waiting a moment he crawled into his lean-to and giving the woman enough room to sit in front of him. Waiting to see if she would follow.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

The bandit looked a bit surprised at Aaron. Having just been enemies a moment ago, his request would no doubt be shocking to anyone. "Uh... Sure. Yeah, of course!" the leader agreed, before crawling into Aaron's little hiding place. There, Aaron would get a closer look at the criminal. Her face and dress spoke wonders about her life. Sinful as it was, it was also miserable and rough. She looked as if she only ever bathed in rivers, her clothes always dirty from living on the dirt, and her mature face slightly wrinkled from the stress of living dangerously. Like that, she sat there, wondering what Aaron was wanting with her.
Re: Immoral and Unethical (Aaron;Rathuris)

Aaron gave her a small smile as he sat down and faced the bandit leader. Using small threads and weaving them into a small ball in his upturned hand. A soft glow appearing as he conjured a weak mage light. His eyes looking at her face closely with the light revealing her features fully to him. His eyes and face taking on a soft and kind look. Feeling an urge to try and help her, or to at least make her life better.

He thought about how he had no clue about where he was, or even how far into the wildreness he was. "You must know this area pretty well. Do you know where the closest town is and how many days it will take to reach? And what can you tell me about the area?" Seeking some information about where he was, as his master left him the dark about such matters most of the time. Should I also ask her about the wraps? Or should I wait after a few days of getting to know her? Best to wait.