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I want to make an RP...



I want to make a freeform RP where anyone, preferrably more than just one person helps Lila or hurts Lila in learning to live with humans. I want it to be like... a whole board of possibilities, so that Lila reacts any way I can. I am very confused about the RP forum though, as I don't know where to put requests or my own RP really.
Re: I want to make an RP...

This is actually the best place for you to start, so kudos for you. I'm a tad busy to participate, but I can give you a few pointers to get more interest. My big suggestion is to give some background on this Lila character, what you have now is kind of vague. Good luck!
Re: I want to make an RP...

Another question: if you were to look at the games currently running on the forum, which one would you say best matches the style of the game you wish to play?
Re: I want to make an RP...

Well, I am mostly an IRC RP'er and it's kind of going to be hard for me on a forum. As for the kind of game, it's... I don't think it's been done.

Think of it as an erotic gigapet or something.

As for Lila, she was once a robot drone. Not even human shaped. Her lab master was corrupted by evil spawned from a black hole near the moon. As a robot drone, she sees to it to take the best course of action in situations. One day, she tried to extract the evil, but during the struggle, she got injected with more evil.

Lila consequently got punished by being magically turned into a human for experiments with jelgirl and jelplantgirl hybrids. She got rescued before anything happened to her though.

Lila's human form is small, since she kept her original size, standing at 3'11" tall. Her frame is that of a 20 year old, and one would think she is a living doll. She wears a white top and blue skirt, underneath are white stockings, classy black shoes, and grey silk bra and panties. Her clothes are strange, as it can regenerate. She has a bowl-like hairdo which is very dark blue, almost black. One could see the blue in the sun.

She is now in a mansion, where anyone can help her take care of herself, and learn more about humanity. Or be evil and pick on her/ravage her. It's basically a freeform freedom RP.

Lila has just escaped from the moon. It has been a week since she resided in this mansion. No one seemed to be there, making her learn human needs the hard way at times. She is now sitting in a couch, her small head over the arm of the couch. "Hnn.... it has been quiet since I escaped the lab, deduction.wav. I wonder where anyone is..."
Re: I want to make an RP...

Well, since I'm not sure what type of game you're hinting at, I'm going to have to hold of for now. However:

As for Lila, she was once a robot drone. Not even human shaped. Her lab master was corrupted by evil spawned from a black hole near the moon (1). As a robot drone, she sees to it to take the best course of action in situations. One day, she tried to extract the evil, but during the struggle, she got injected with more evil(2).

  1. ... A black hole near the moon... Obviously microscopic or it would have swallowed the moon and the earth. Also, Evil seems to be able to move far faster than light if it can escape the black hole. I'm hoping you mean 'wormhole' or something similar. (I tend to like basic astrology, so a physics defying black hole messes with me, no offense to your idea though.)
  2. The mental image I get is of a large syringe filled with glowing green liquid with the label "Evil" on the side... or "Evil Juice", but that also sounds like it might then be the Cum of Darkness.
Re: I want to make an RP...

3'11"? *grins mischieviously*

Well I'm not too sure what you fully want to do but it sounds like most other freeform RP's with the option of choosing what to do with your character Lila. Count me in for now, but we could do with some more info, like what kinds of characters you want and the like. I'm currently GM'ing a freeform RP called SBS (not my creation, just resurrected it from the dead whilst throwing in my own idea's) so check that out if you want.
Re: I want to make an RP...

For every black hole, millions of stars are born. Since outer space is the only area not affected by any mystical influence, (There's no such thing as 'space fairies' in this continuity) it is easy grounds to ride on a born star, one molecule by one, for the darkbugs.

As for the syringe, the darkbugs are so small, it takes an almost liquid form in large numbers. Making it easy to inject darkness into the bloodstream, which passes through the mind.

As for my likes as far as characters go, I am into anyone human or humanoid, but not gross. Wolfmen are okay, and so are well, any anthropomorphic being. Humans included. Just no bathroom stuff, and no permanent damage or modification to her physical form.( ie: no guro or watersports, love Nunu)
Re: I want to make an RP...

Clearly, this takes place in a structured universe that either you've created or that comes from somewhere else. Tell us more about the universe this is taking place in - mainly, anything that's different from the real one.
Re: I want to make an RP...

Not much is different outside of your usual fantasy setting. In this continuity, there are magical beings. Most are still being held as test subjects in Marisa's lab. But the difference in magic is not elemental, but light and dark. Good and evil. Dark magic uses brute force, as light magic makes things heal, and right what is wrong. Fairies keep this continuity's world in balance. Elves do too. Otherwise, it is a world that is just like this one.
Re: I want to make an RP...

Who's Marisa? Where do the anthropomorphic creatures come in? And how evil is dark? Because my characters tend to be champions of evil...
Re: I want to make an RP...

Champions of evil, dimension destroyers.... you'll have them all if the evil is high enough.
Re: I want to make an RP...

Marisa owned Lila when she was a robot, and before she escaped the lab as an intended human experiment. She kept the lab on the moon to work on things that'd actually HELP humankind before infected by the darkbugs.

Dark Power is evil as it has such power, it can corrupt the mind. There is a variant called Shadow Power, but that is just a form of controlled Dark. Only the skilled can posess Shadow.

The mystical creatures just keep the world in balance. Otherwise, they're just in the world for existing. Like people do.
Re: I want to make an RP...

Oooh, shadow power. Sounds kinda like my character for DULMF! Though his is more being possessed by a shadow creature, he does use shadow magic.
Re: I want to make an RP...

As long as he remains in his right mind, it can be used as shadow power in this universe. If it corrupts, and makes the mind think irrationally, and focuses on the destruction of everything, then it is Dark.
Re: I want to make an RP...

Hm.... the magic itself didn't corrupt his mind, the shadow demon was the one that drove him insane.