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I made a game


Demon Girl
May 27, 2014
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Eh, with world peace and humanity in mind...I have created a game in hope to get the some adults onto the right track.

I have completed the English, uncensored version of my game, and have finally setup a Patreon page.

Demo can be found on my Patreon>Creation page. Hope some of you can enjoy it, and perhaps get distracted away from any kind of wars.

Feel free to leave me any comments, some feedback would be nice.

Story Brief

There is a time, a mid-size real estate company is looking for new talented agents. There are plentiful qualified candidates applying for the job. But in the end, it was a young cute girl name, Lily Candy, who without any experience that got hired. Good thing is, all the men in the company, they all like her simply because...she is hot. And her beauty always get her some compliment and special treatment; sushi chef would bring her something special, the boss being extra nice to her etc. Everything pointing towards that she will have a great time in the company.

Except the fact the boss got a plan for her...

Boss: You have no sales for a couple of months.
Lily: I am sorry >_< I will do my best to improve.
Boss: Well that's not enough. I need real scores. Otherwise I can't convince my workers I am treating everybody right.
Lily: Yes...I understand...

Not only Lily would face losing her job, a good paying job, but also her schoolarship. She will also likely have to find a much cheaper place to live, since the place she is living right now is company sponsored. With so much on the shoulder, what would a 19 year old do?

Game instruction

The animation changes according to click speed.
If you click the mouse with a certain combination a heart is unlocked.
The top right number is the click speed(depends on the scene, not shown after first 2 scene).
When the gauge goes fuill the player can cum inside Candy or go to the next scene.
Please collect heart to unlock new scenes.

It says I can't post link without 15 posts, here is my Patreon page:
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Re: I made a game

Why do you want 800 dollars for someone to be able to pick a sexual position for a scene in the expansion?
Re: I made a game

I am curious about it too ^O^. Its mainly something I learned from other crowdfunding projects. Never put a cap on anything just because you don't understand it, if it doesn't sell then its doesn't sell.
Re: I made a game

Your Patreon page needs serious work. You're talking about expansions and future games and random personal/future goals and shit and not even bothering to explain what that game itself even is. From the images it looks like mostly an animation viewer with some half assed hentai story (Ala Meet and Fuck games or something simpler). I don't know if English isn't your first language or not but you really need to focus in the descriptions and goals on that page. It seems like a child with ADD wrote that page.

Some things to consider on the Patreon page:

1: A proper description of the actual gameplay. Nobody reading that page knows what the hell your game is even about. Is it an rpg? Is it a strategy game? Is it a visual novel? What do you do in this game? Core mechanics of the gameplay? How long can people plan to be playing it before completion? What makes it interesting? Who the fuck knows since you haven't said anything about it. There are a dozen questions you should be answering there that you didn't.

2: Clearly listing your plans and goals. Again, nobody reading that will know what the fuck you're doing. What is this expansion for a mysterious game you haven't actually described yet? So is there already a completed game if you're trying to fund an expansion? Where is that?

3: Nobody should have to download the game to find these things out. They also shouldn't have to go to your Patreon page to learn anything about your game when you could have explained most of it here easily. Way to post here without explaining anything as well x.X

4. The first paragraph in the description is completely unnecessary.

Lol I was going to find a good gaming Patreon page to give you an example of what yours should be more like, and I can't even find one on Patreon, hurhur. Patreon too good. Everything in their gaming category is podcasting or something. Should also probably mention that it seems like you're breaking the rules of Patreon.

Pornography is not allowed on Patreon. “Pornography” is defined as material designed with the sole intention of eliciting sexual arousal. Specifically, Patreon does not allow:

-Close up depictions of intercourse, masturbation, or genitalia

-Depictions of sexual bodily fluids

-Any sexual content depicting underage subjects

-Anything we forgot to put on this list but makes our users uncomfortable

Please, use common sense! We don’t want to remove your account, but we also can’t ignore feedback from our users. If we get multiple complaints about your account, we will contact you once with a friendly reminder to make your posts patron only, set your page to private, and remove explicit language from your page. After that friendly reminder, if we hear from our users again, we reserve the right to turn into the Incredible Hulk and remove your account.

You must be at least 18+ years of age to view any adult content or we reserve the right to terminate your account.
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Re: I made a game

does that just mean pictures themselves aren't allowed?
Re: I made a game

It looks more like you're using Patreon as something more like kickstarter or some junk. Like, what, is this patreon, which is a monthly payment, purely just to support this single game? I think you should take this to Kickstarter or something, this really isn't accurate Patreon material. Also, in my opinion, your aspirations for this project is a bit large.
Re: I made a game

As a fellow indie dev myself, you are doing a very bad job and I would probably say a lot of shit to your face if I'm in anyway related to your project. Your artwork is pretty great don't get me wrong, but it's about how you are trying to promote/ sell your game is cringe worthy.

EXPLAIN THE GAME. Yes ok you have said it's a hentai game, and that's it. Talk about the mechanics, the game play! This in an era where games gets made and pumped out everyday where about just only your close friends will download a demo to see what's up without any actual idea the game is about. This is practically just sending out your game to die.

edit: pretty much what FruitSmoothie said.

Secondly, don't set goals if you don't understand it. You are just helping to kill crowd funding.
Re: I made a game

Thank you for these passionate comments, while I do appreciate your input, I hope one can relax a bit.

I agree my lack of experience in marketing can cause some confusion. The rule of 15 posts before allowing to post pics also totally throw me off guard. Without any pics, I feel a wall of text would look pretty dull. Nevertheless since you spent time sending such message to me, I shall put up the description of the story and game play.

Though you say Patreon its not for these kind of material, its actually getting pretty popular among those who make these stuff. The real people porn however is not allowed.

My Patreon is set up to charge per game release, not per month. I have already made the game, I am raising funds for an expansion, provided if enough people enjoy it.
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Re: I made a game

I guess abusing sites like these is the best way of making easy money nowadays. People are especially desperate when it comes to porn, so this is actually pretty damn smart

These "games" used to be free flash-games on the internet you know?

The animation look nice though
Re: I made a game

I guess abusing sites like these is the best way of making easy money nowadays. People are especially desperate when it comes to porn, so this is actually pretty damn smart

These "games" used to be free flash-games on the internet you know?

The animation look nice though

This makes me so sad. I understand that people need money to pay da bills and all, but now everybody and their grandma tries to crowdfund stuff instead of working on their own to create something. People used to manage making flash games for free just fine somehow before crowdfunding :p A lot of people seriously lack the skill to be getting paid for their work as well and think that they are OWED money for their time/work anyways. So many entitled brats (I douchebag check people who try to crowdfund H games here, they almost always are...)

Well with the positives of crowdfunding, there are bound to be negatives.

"I want feedback but am actually just going to ignore it because what you said hurts my ego". Don't pretend to ask/care about feedback then, you clearly just want to be praised, not critiqued. Nothing wrong with that, just don't lie about it :p
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Re: I made a game

This makes me so sad. I understand that people need money to pay da bills and all, but now everybody and their grandma tries to crowdfund stuff instead of working on their own to create something. People used to manage making flash games for free just fine somehow before crowdfunding :p A lot of people seriously lack the skill to be getting paid for their work as well and think that they are OWED money for their time/work anyways. So many entitled brats (I douchebag check people who try to crowdfund H games here, they almost always are...)

Well with the positives of crowdfunding, there are bound to be negatives.

"I want feedback but am actually just going to ignore it because what you said hurts my ego". Don't pretend to ask/care about feedback then, you clearly just want to be praised, not critiqued. Nothing wrong with wanting to be praised, just don't lie about it :p

I only consider it for games that would be better for it... i hope that's okay.
Re: I made a game

This makes me so sad. I understand that people need money to pay da bills and all, but now everybody and their grandma tries to crowdfund stuff instead of working on their own to create something. People used to manage making flash games for free just fine somehow before crowdfunding :p A lot of people seriously lack the skill to be getting paid for their work as well and think that they are OWED money for their time/work anyways. So many entitled brats (I douchebag check people who try to crowdfund H games here, they almost always are...)

Actually, what I see crowdfunding as is a way to see if your project's even worth making; as in, if you DON'T get that amount of money for the project in a month or whatever, you just dodged a bullet instead of spending a year on a game that apparently doesn't interest many people.

And in today's world where the economy is in the gutter, we move extremely fast from one thing to another and things are forgotten quickly, and what people will pay for changes day by day, it's a useful tool (crowdfunding, that is) to see if it's even worth it to make said project, or if you should go back to the drawing board.
Re: I made a game

This makes me so sad. I understand that people need money to pay da bills and all, but now everybody and their grandma tries to crowdfund stuff instead of working on their own to create something. People used to manage making flash games for free just fine somehow before crowdfunding :p A lot of people seriously lack the skill to be getting paid for their work as well and think that they are OWED money for their time/work anyways. So many entitled brats (I douchebag check people who try to crowdfund H games here, they almost always are...)

Well with the positives of crowdfunding, there are bound to be negatives.

"I want feedback but am actually just going to ignore it because what you said hurts my ego". Don't pretend to ask/care about feedback then, you clearly just want to be praised, not critiqued. Nothing wrong with that, just don't lie about it :p

Fruit can you calm the hell down bro? Believe it or not your points are well received and I will be working on the page after work. All those "your ego got hurt", "only want to hear positive", there is no need for them.
Re: I made a game

Fruit can you calm the hell down bro? Believe it or not your points are well received and I will be working on the page after work. All those "your ego got hurt", "only want to hear positive", there is no need for them.

I said that because it's usually what I see, it was a general stab at that usual unprofessional asses I often encounter trying to crowdfund something. Your response to our messages was to say that your page was becoming popular, regardless of how it is currently (Leading me to believe that you didn't plan to change it even with multiple people in here giving feedback for it). The fact that it was and is still the same kind of leads to that conclusion, eh? But please, prove me wrong and fix it, for your sake. That's the goal of my posts after all :p
Re: I made a game

I was going to say just put your game up on sites like dlsite priced at like 400ish yen and you'll get way more money than whatever it is you're trying to do here but you actually already have it on sale at dlsite and dmm so uh.

I guess my advice is for your next work if the quality is going to be the same then just to price it way lower and you'll see much more sales. Also unless you are going to be able to maintain a japanese blog to connect with fans then I would not recommend adding more (free) content to your old stuff because it would not help you get new sales.
Re: I made a game

This makes me so sad. I understand that people need money to pay da bills and all, but now everybody and their grandma tries to crowdfund stuff instead of working on their own to create something. People used to manage making flash games for free just fine somehow before crowdfunding :p

Yes, there were some free games made prior to crowdfunding, but seriously, when has there ever been a real English hgame industry? We have always received subpar products for the most part. The vast majority of those Flash games you speak of were terrible. If the art was decent, then they were probably a simple movie, not a game.

If crowdfunding can lead to better quality games, then I am all for it. What little I have seen so far would already put this game on the top tier of what is produced in English. Now, the description and marketing definitely needs more polish, but this game is already produced. The author did not put up a page with nothing to show for it. Creating a quality game requires a inordinate amount of time. To argue that they should not be compensated, or that it is entitlement if they seek compensation, is silly.

I think people need to choose wisely what to crowdfund, but I firmly like the idea of crowdfunding. Especially for markets like hentai games. Maybe I am just a foolish pervert, but damnit, I want better games! :D