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I ask you to read, share, and believe


Jungle Girl
Mar 4, 2012
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Are you tired how things are going? Are you tired of the violence, the poor, the hurt, the hungry, and the sick? We as a race have potential for so much more. Are we to vain to see it? Are we to lost to find are own way? I say no! We each can change our world for the better, but not if we don't work together. Its time we changed how we live, how we act, and how we evolve. We can be better. We ARE better. Time to set down our weapons, time to set down our differences. Time to help the less fortunate, time to let go of our burdens. We as people, as humans, can do so much. We were at our peak of evolving at the 1940's and 1950's.... then the one out weighed the many. Then the money came more important then those we helped. I say we get back on the right path. Evolve, invent, become better then we are. We see AMAZING things in movies, and read amazing tales in books. Why don't we, as humans make it come true? I have ideas upon ideas to make this world, our world a better place, but what I need is you, and everyone else to wake up from your slumber and come with me. Share ideas, make a change, make a difference. Lets evolve together....

Sincerely yours,

John Jack Zahniser March 29, 2013
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Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

Posted from your iPhone, I suppose...

Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

No lol I am just thinking out loud and trying to act on what I believe:eek:
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

You didn't say anything. You said a lot, but it all was directed nowhere.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

No, I think it's good to espouse a return to our society from the 40s and 50s. It was pretty fucking great... as long as you were a straight, white male like me.

Of course, it was kind of a raw deal for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Eastern Europeans and Homosexuals, not to mention every other minority under the sun. But let's not split hairs here. We were highly evolved back then.

Should we start with a return to segregation? Or maybe we can make it more difficult for women to get divorced and easier to beat one's wife. I know... let's make it a man's workplace again.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

I saw that the one outweighed the many, so I think he's discussing eugenics and ridding ourselves of the weak of society as we are no longer evolving because of them. Now we're spending a bunch of money on programs to help these people, dumbing down our entire society

But then says that money became more important than those we helped and says that's a problem, so maybe we just kill the retarded people, but show that it has nothing to do with the money by throwing piles of the leftover surplus through a woodchipper. Is that what you're saying sir? Cuz if it is, you have my vote.

President Zahniser. I like the sound of that.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

Actually... Jonathan Swift had And there's always the Soylent Green solution.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

Toxic have you ever heard of godwins law?
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

To be fair, Hope was the one talking about Hitler before me.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

eugenics gets a much worse rap than it deserves anyway, and its all hitlers fault. I'm not gonna say that i'd enforce a breeding plan or turning the retarded into cat food, but some passive eugenics here and there wouldn't really be so bad a thing.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

I could post a confession bear here, but yes I do often understand and agree with such arguments.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

I wonder if this guy has ever been outside a first world nation, or to a slum in a first world nation. Of if he's been paying attention to the changes that have been slowly happening these past decades.

Change does not happen at the snap of some fingers, even with bloodshed to try and speed shit along.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

buuut guuuuuys, can't we just be good? Won't the world be better then?
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

That's a lengthy road ahead. Someday mayhaps.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

I wonder if this guy has ever been outside a first world nation, or to a slum in a first world nation. Of if he's been paying attention to the changes that have been slowly happening these past decades.

Change does not happen at the snap of some fingers, even with bloodshed to try and speed shit along.

Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

As a robot, living in the shoes of a human, for 100,000,000,000 years or so, I can conclude that humanity is weird.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

Hell, I'm human and I think humans are weird.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

My first world problem is that the Game of Thrones premiere and the Walking Dead season finale are on at the same time tomorrow.
Re: I ask you to read, share, and believe

Before asking us to read your empty drivel, you should read it yourself first - and fix all the typos. It'd add some credibility if you learned the difference between 'to' and 'too'. It doesn't matter when you screech it off a balcony to the hailing masses, but here in text form it fucking does.