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Hunter's Season


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Record of thingy I run for Sinfulwolf, also testing DG4.

Log 1 Part 1
Tass: Icy wind bit at Klara and howled around her as she hiked the last miles of her journey, the trail of her quarry having drawn her to this desolate land, far to the North of Therion. Flurries of fresh snow swirled in the biting gusts that lashed against her armored form, the tiny crystals shining in the dim light. The cold was biting and horrid, and she had been forced to leave her horse back in the stable of the last village lest it freeze to death on the trip out here. Trees, either bare or sporting needles instead of leaves, closed in around the narrow path that she walked, the ancient stone tiles lain in ages past now cracked and broken from ice and the motions of the earth. Ahead of her, on a high hill, lay an ancient fortress. >>
Tass: According to the villagers it had been built long ago to hold off orcs, but the numerous slaughters that had taken place there had left it haunted and abandoned. Her quarry, a man named Ardin, had been seen in that village, hurrying alone with Klara trailing along in his wake. He had left only two days prior, or so they had said, despite supposedly being in ill health and exhausted. Klara, who would know those as symptoms of using unnatural magic, had only been a short ways behind. Her order had sent her to end Ardin after he had laid waste to a small village for his foul experiments, and the retaking of the desolate land had cost two of her comrades their lives. Despite its abandonment, the fortress hadn't crumbled much, its walls solid and its towers standing tall even in the face of the elements. The gate was closed, that much was visible from even the two miles between her and it, but the bridge was down. >>
Tass: Night was approaching, but it was yet distant, with the sun still pale as it cast its pale light through a screen of gray clouds. The path would take her to the front gates, but once she was on the plateau on which the fortress had been built she could try and circle around instead, or perhaps break from the path well before then instead and search for another way into the hiding place of her quarry out in the woods.
Tass: (There, done)

Sinful: (lol. Oh, and feel free to post this should ye want to)

Tass: (I probably will, I like having records. Also, I should note that I did make a sheet for Klara, which I can also post if you want. You don't need to worry about it too much if you don't want to, I'm just keeping it for determining success/failure when the fights happen.)

Sinful: ((mmk))
Sinful: Wind whipped at her fur lined cloak, but with one hand she clutched it closed around her chest. Only the trails of it around her legs flapped in the wind, making small snaps that only God could hear. Her eyes locked onto that fortress, her eyes staring out from beneath her hood she pondered the best way to get inside. A step forward made a small sound, the sound of metal sliding against itself. She frowned, not wanting to remove her armour. She was not so naive to think that her faith alone would protect her. She'd seen too many friends fall for that arrogance.

There seemed to be only one real way to get in. And that was through the provided opening. There was either a trap laying in wait, or Ardin was alone and simply could not close it. And it seemed the only place to hide in this desolate frozen hell. For a sick man, it was the only place to go. So Klare took her first steps towards that fortress, removing her shield from its strap across her back as she came closer.

Tass: It would take the better part of an hour for Klara to ascend the broken path leading up to the fortress gate, the howling Crolian wind trying its best to push her back, to turn her aside and send her home as if it could sense the horrors that Ardin might have conjured within that ancient fortress. The treeline broke at the base of the cliff, where a set of stairs ascended up to the top, the fortress's first line of defense. Thankfully, it was abandoned, as no one called upon Klara as she made her approach save for a crow, the croaking caw of the black bird coming from the branch of a lone barren tree on her right hand side. It gazed down at her and tilted its head, beady black eyes focusing on the cloaked woman, but after a moment it took off and flapped its way up to the top of the fortress. Ahead of her, the drawbridge was down, but the main gate remained closed, a heavy wooden door standing between her and the fortress interior.

Sinful: Turning at the sound of the bird, she watched it for a minute before continuing forward. When it flutered upwards to the castle top, she watched it go, narrowing her eyes as she lost track of it. Her thighs burned from the climb upwards, but now she stood on the drawbridge, before the heavy door. She looked around briefly, wondering if there was some alternate entrance nearby, before trying the obvious answer. She pushed on the wood before her.

Tass: Far off on the left, the base of one of the towers had partially crumbled, leaving a hole in the wall that she might be able to enter, but would involve the obvious danger of entering the tower which looked ready to crumble at any moment. Striding across the wooden bridge instead, Klara nearly ended up tumbling into the frigid moat beneath as a section of wood splintered beneath her feet. She kept her balance and quickly recovered, however, and should she continue her trek she would be able to approach the door. Despite its weight, the heavy oaken doors would slowly slide open, their hinges squealing in protest. Behind them was a long corridor, arrow slits set into both walls where defenders could fire at will upon would-be attackers from relative safety. Light revealed the seemingly empty courtyard beyond, but the tunnel itself was dark, and there were two holes smashed into the wall on the left side, one only about twenty feet in and the other near the far entrance roughly a hundred feet from Klara's position.

Sinful: Breathing a little harder from her near death, for falling into that moat in this weather would result in just that, Klara scanned the tunnel. Slowly she pulled her sword free, no longer needing to clutch at her cloak now. The chill still clung within the old stones, but the wind no longer tried to rip the garment off. The steel rasped against the leather as it came free in the darkness, shimmering off the distance light from the courtyard. Her eyes slid along the walls, watching those holes as she stepped forward. Each footsteps sounded like a crash it was so damn still, and an involuntary shiver ran up her spine that had nothing to do with the cold. Carefully, cautiously, she made her way to towards the courtyard, keeping all her senses on full alert for anything.

Tass: With her sword in one hand and her shield strapped to the other, Klara headed down the tunnel, keeping a careful eye on the nearer of the two large holes. The stillness of the dark tunnel was a different sort of frigid from the outside, the dead air settling around her like a frozen blanket. Every footstep echoed across the closed in walls, but as she passed by the first of the two large holes she spotted.... Nothing. A room that archers could fire from via the killholes with a rusty iron door set in the wall leading who knows where on the back wall, though she couldn't see all of it from there. Should she continue past it, Klara would have to pass the other hole as well, but she could stop and try the iron door if she wanted.

Sinful: Stopping for a moment Klara looked towards the other hole, the end of the tunnel, and the iron door. She'd taken quite a few risks so far, she might as well try to mitigate them now. Slipping through the broken wall to the archer's kill room, she settled her hand on the door, and tried to open it.

Tass: As she stepped into the room, a blur of motion to her right alerted her, allowing Klara to turn and face a huge hairless something as it hurled itself at her, long arms ending in long-fingered hands ending in jagged claws reaching for her and red eyes glowing with fury. The surprise of it's sudden assault didn't last long enough to keep her from trying for a swing at it before it closed in, but whether she wanted to try for aggression or a more defensive approach in the face of the thing's fury was up to her.

Sinful: Klara didn't say a word, though her heart was pounding from the scare the creature had given her. She watched it for the briefest of seconds, trying to determine what it was. What kind of monster had Ardin summoned to protect him... or were their older evils in this place? She had to find the vile sorcerer, and this thing was in her way. Planting her feet firmly on the ground and covering her form with her shield, she slashed at one of the creature's arms.

Tass: Taking a moment to get a better look, Klara would see the creature as vaguely humanoid, with yellowish skin and a bloated abdomen. It was naked except for a loincloth, even its feet bare, but it didn't seem bothered by the frigid cold. Its hairless head was too long, its chin dropping down to reveal a slathering maw and an overly long tongue that dripped greenish saliva over the ground as it charged in at her. It raked claws at her as it closed in, but she deflected the blow off of her shield with ease and responded with a swing at one of its arms. Her blade chopped into the meat of the ugly thing, eventually stopping as it met something harder but as she slid the blade against bone the monstrosity barely seemed to notice the blow as it prepared to take another swing.

Sinful: "God, what is this monstrosity?" Klara uttered... almost screamed really as she ducked downwards, shield raised, and chopped towards its belly. Pain would not hamper this beast it seemed; she had felt flesh give way and steel scrape bone, yet it had not even flinched. Was it some kind of undead beast?

Tass: Whether it was undead or not, the monster lunged again, claws raking at her shield ineffectually. Her blade swung into its belly, rending apart its bloated flesh. Hot blood spilled out onto the ground, and the previously silent creature howled with rage as it prepared to lunge again, this time stepping into it and preparing to simply power over her.

Sinful: 'Weak spot' Klara thought to herself as she rolled to the side to avoid the next attack. There was a slight pain in her shoulder when the metal plates crashed into the ground, but she managed to ignore it. It was a small annoyance more than anything. Getting her feet back under her, she aimed for the abdomen again.

Tass: Rolling under the monster's attempted grab, Klara ended up with her back to the hole in the wall while it turned back to her, the knight aiming another slash at its abdomen. This time guts spilled out across the floor in addition to blood, green and red viscera spilling across the ancient stone, but while it did seem to be growing more sluggish it didn't seem quite out of steam just yet. A less defensive assault might drop it now, but if she failed to do so she would be in greater danger.

Sinful: "In God's name, I vanquesh thee, monster," Klara said, a small prayer running through her head as she lunged forward, driving the point of her blade, and the rim of her shield into the creature, all her weight behind the strikes.

Tass: Lunging forward even as the creature tried to bury her under its weight again, Klara drove her blade through the monster's body and slammed into it with the lower rim of her shield. Her weight met that of her foe, both canceling out, but when the monster's claws closed in on her sides they had no strength, the glow already fading from its eyes. It shivered over her for a moment before finally going still, its bulk leaning onto the knight.

Sinful: With a grunt of exertion, Klara twisted to the side, pulling her sword free to spill more gore on the already slick floor, and remove her shield, letting the creature crash to the ground in a sticky mess. Flicking her blade to get most of the viscera off the hard steel, she looked towards the hole in the wall to see if anything had come calling during that fight.

Now though she knew the castle wasn't utterly abandoned. Now though, she had to find Ardin. If he wasn't dead, she could not fully assume these beasts were his. Though, it was a distinct possibility. Turning again, she tried for the door.

Tass: The creature crumbled to the floor at her feet, still leaking, and as she turned to the hole in the wall she would find it empty. Turning to the door, Klara would already detect hints of a foul, rotten smell. The door was stuck, either locked or simply blocked, and as she tried to twist the handle the rusted thing snapped off in her hand.

Sinful: A short humorless laugh slipped free as she looked at the handle, before simply dropping it to the ground. There was something very wrong here. That stench, that reek of death. Rolling her shoulders within her armour she moved back to the hole to continue down the tunnel. Ardin was around here somewhere, but apparently so were plenty of ghoulish monsters.

Tass: Proceeding down the central hall, Klara would be able to pass the second hole without anything happening, though she would see a similar rusted iron door beyond with the area around the lock smashed open and the door hanging a crack open already. Just forty feet ahead was the courtyard, where she could see a large wall of stone, the second wall protecting the keep likely having its door on the opposite side so that the defenders could rain shots on any who breached the first wall for as long as possible. She couldn't see the walls from there, however, and could either try the opened door or go out into the courtyard.

Sinful: Chewing on her lip a moment, she decided to test the second door. If Ardin was waiting, or had minions waiting, she wanted to be as stealthy as a knight in plate mail could get. Moving through the hole, carefully stepping over the debris, she reached out and carefully pulled. Putting more strength if needed to pry it open, her sword aimed at the opening should something decide now was a good time to bash through.

Tass: The next room was empty, thankfully, allowing Klara to try the door. The hinges squeaked briefly and one of them snapped off, but the lower one remained in place, allowing her to simply shove the door open. This one led out into the courtyard, with a door only ten feet away on the left leading into the inner section of the inner wall and likely where she would find other doors into the killhole rooms. There was nothing else besides a large snowpile near the door entrance, partially blocking off the courtyard, but if she stepped out she could get a glimpse of the walls, where humanoid figures seemed to be slowly shambling around.

Sinful: She kept her lips clamped shut, despite a desire to curse. Breathing in deep through her nostrils, she stepped out into the courtyard, torn between wanting to scurry, and step softly to prevent noise, she ended up settling on the later, moving towards the door just across from her. Where the hell had Ardin found all the bodies for this?

Tass: As she tried to creep towards the door, Klara saw the shambling figures up on the wall stop one by one, each of them slowly orienting towards her. The figures were skeletal, clad in rotted and rusted armor and wielding longbows that they raised towards the knight as she headed for the door. Bows twanged as she moved to the door, each one hitting nothing but stone or bouncing off of her shield. As she reached the door, however, she spotted movement from the snow pile. A figure simply stepped out of it, so translucent that they were barely visible against the snow, but as it advanced the figure became more distinct. A woman was gliding across the ground toward her, steadily gaining substance as it drew closer and stretched its hands toward her. Empty eye sockets gazed at her, and a mouth set into a silent scream advanced on Klara as she reached the door, the skeletons on the walls already drawing more arrows to loose another volley while more movement stirred within the courtyard.

Sinful: Now she didn't care. "Shit," she said, and started running towards the door, lowering her shoulder down to simply bash through it. She could find the spectre, but not while being shot with arrows. She needed to get inside, get cover.
Re: Hunter's Season

Log 1 Part 2

Tass: With one crash Klara smashed through the brittle wooden door, breaking into a wide hallway that was almost pitch black. What little light there was came from the door and from a single crack in the ceiling, revealing a number of shattered and rotten wooden tables. The smell of decay filled the room, but no movement display itself in the brief moment in which she could look around. The spectre slid through the wall after her, reaching for the knight, but before she could pull away she saw its mouth widen. An ear-splitting scream suddenly washed over her, sending pain echoing through her head that left her vision spinning and blood dribbling from her ears. The moment in which her head spun too much for her to let her defend herself properly was enough for the spirit to close in on her, and as her eyes cleared she found herself face to face with the dessicated phantom. It had been a woman, probably but its eyes were gone, and its mouth was a ragged hole that seemed to suck the warmth from Klara's breath. >>
Tass: Hands closed upon her arms, passing through her shield, armor, and clothes as if they weren't even there but seemingly finding purchase upon her flesh without any trouble. The ghost's touch was icy cold, but as the figure drew itself in closer she felt it against her chest as well, as if she were naked and the frigid figure was pressing against her bare skin. Its mouth approached her own, desperate and hungry.

Sinful: Klara screamed, in fear. The first time in such a long time. She tried to push against the spectre, tried to scramble away as goosebumps rose all over her flesh. She tried to think clearly, get a prayer and summon a blessing, but the cold was seeping hard into her . It was sluggish, hard.
Tass: With an effort of both strength and will, Klara wrenched herself away from the specter, stumbling several feet away as the horrid monster started toward her again.

Sinful: "By the stars in the sky, by God's gracious light, be gone abomination," Klara shouted, pointing her blade towards the creature and trying to channel God's grace from her soul and through the steel, hoping to banish it. Or at least buy herself enough time to get out of this damned room.

Tass: Power blazed through Klara's sword, crackling with golden light for a moment before lashing against the approaching phantom. A portion of her spirit leashed into the blade, it carved into the spirit's substance and burned away at it, causing it to recoil as if it were a physical creature who had been struck. Even so, it lunged again despite that half of its substance had seemingly been knocked away, glowing energy oozing from the wound, but Klara could step out of its path enough to avoid the second lunge. In the meantime, however, movement caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Another phantom had come through the wall, now on her right, and one of the slavering creatures was at the door. To her left, several somethings were moving in the dark.

Sinful: It was too dark. It was too small. Klara had to get out. She couldn't fight the spectres and the creatures all at once. It would be too draining. Especially since she didn't know what was in the dark. She took another quick breath, and shouted out another prayer, blasting another ray of Godly light towards the wounded spectre, and then tried to run towards any kind of exit she could see when the light flashed.

Tass: Her second blast dispersed the specter entirely, and in the flash she got a view of the room. To the right of the door she had come in from was a set of stairs going up to another door, this one made of rotted wood but with iron bands. On the opposite corner from her was another set of stairs, these leading down. On the left wall, past the half dozen skeletons she had seen in the brief flash who clasped shields and hand weapons, there was yet another door, this one open and made of iron. She would have to pick one quickly, before she ended up surrounded completely.

Sinful: Up. Klara started running for the stairs, not wanting to risk bashing through the skeletons. Her lips moved in whispered prayers as her feet hammered on the steps, once more her shoulder down to bash through the wood. In the back of her mind she pondered how this had happened, Ardin never seemed too powerful. Had he gotten his hands on something then? Or was this place always a dark haven?

Tass: Once more she hammered into an ancient door, and once more it splintered on impact. Klara found herself in a narrow hallway that first ran left for about twenty feet but then turned right and ran far ahead and turned right again some two hundred feet again, following the castle wall. It was lit by pale glowing stones set into the torch sconces, their magics far too bright to be as ancient as the rest of this place, but she had little time to ponder that as she heard the slavering creature rushing up behind her. To her right was a single door made of heavy iron, and if it opened she might be able to keep it shut, at least against her physical foes. If she ran on ahead, there was no guarantee that she could outrun the monster, and if it caught her and brought her to the ground she might never get out from under it. Again, she had only heartbeats to make her choice.

Sinful: The door was her best option. She needed time. She could fight these things, but Ardin was her priority, and she needed time to find the bastard. Moving within heartbeats of seeing it, Klara grasped at the door, trying to wrench it open, whispering prayers again, hoping she'd have the strength for the second spectre, for it would surely come after her.

Tass: The door opened partway as she tried to wrench it open, but something stopped it for a moment before she could push past it. That split second's delay was enough for the monstrous, slavering thing to round the corner and, seeing her momentarily immobile, lung for Klara's side. Fortunately, the interruption in its momentum slowed it enough that Klara could smash the door the rest of the way open with her shoulder, ensuring that its leap missed her completely while she could force the door closed. Something was stuck underneath it, jamming it, but she could still try to close it before the hairless creature got into the small, dark room with her.

Sinful: Stumbling through, Klara would examine whatever had blocked the door afterwords. For now, she rammed into the door, except now pushing it shut, needing to trap that monster outside. Away from her, let her get her bearings back, and possible find another route of here. But first: the door.

Tass: Klara managed to get the door only half closed before a clawed hand shot through, followed shortly after by a massive arm. The slavering monster's head tried to push through next, but Klara managed to keep that out. For a few moments they would push, each trying to force the door against the other, but as the seconds of furious struggle ticked by the monster's arm was forced further and further out of the room until, eventually, she slammed the door on its fingers and pushed it back out with an angry shriek. The door clicked closed, and Klara could put a bar over it that lay nearby to keep it closed.

Sinful: Picking up the bar quickly, Klara snapped it into place and took a few steps back. "God give me strength," she whispered quietly, looking up towards the ceiling that blocked the sky from her sight. Letting out a long breath she looked about this new room, specifically, whatever had been blocking the door she just tried to get through.

Tass: A corpse was lying next to the door, sitting against the wall, and it seemed that she had caught one of the skeletal legs when she'd shunted the door open given the odd angle that it was at. The scent of ancient rot filled the room, but it was so dark that she could barely see, the only light coming from a cracked door on the wall to the left when she came in, allowing her to see a large oak table in the center of the room.

Sinful: Klara looked over the skeleton quickly, looking for any clues of who they had been, why they were here, and anything that may help her through the castle. She then moved over to the oaken table, eyes running over its surface as she tried to discover anything at all to help her in her current predicament. This whole venture was going badly, Klara needed to find some advantages.

Tass: The skeleton offered no clues to its origins, the clothes clinging to its body rotted to naught but scraps. The oak table, on the other hand, was in surprisingly good condition, and though the parchment looked incredibly fragile the map spread across it was still legible. She stumbled across a few chairs as she approached, one collapsing but the other seeming sturdy. The map itself seemed to show Crolia, though there were details that she didn't recognize, marking it as old and out of date. As she looked it over, however, she felt a cold presence suddenly pressed against her back. Frigid hands snaked around her, holding her almost affectionately despite the force behind it, but as she felt a hand grasp her chin and begin to turn it aside Klara could only realize that the second ghost had managed to arrive much faster than she'd expected.

Sinful: The chill seeped down to her bones, and the surprise as much as the utter chill gave her a second's hesitation as her brain struggled to work through the sluggishness that had overtaken her. With gasping breath she tried to push forward, but only hit the table. She had to break free, send another miracle the spectre's way. "Get off!." Klara shouted as her chin was turned to the side, a single elbow driving back against the phantom.

Tass: The ghost holding her ignored the elbow driven against her entirely, though it did seem to find purchase in her flesh. Icy fingers guiding her chin, Klara's head was turned to the side until she could see her attacker's horrid, rotten face. Ice cold lips advanced until they pressed against her own, and despite her resistance a probing tongue forced its way past into her mouth. And then, once her lips were forced apart, it began to feed. Portions of her very soul, at first tiny but starting to grow steadily, were siphoned away from Klara, the sensation at once horrifying but also oddly pleasant, like a welcome caress. The icy cold spread, threatening to steal the strength from her limbs, but as the ghost began to drain her she felt its withered features changing, growing fuller and more solid until it pulled away enough that Klara would see a human face where there had once been nought but undeath. It was now definitely a woman, one who would have been conventionally pretty at the very least, though their ghostly visage obscured their features somewhat. >>
Tass: Their hunger seemingly remained, however, and their grip on Klara strengthened even as her own limbs threatened to turn to lead as its mouth advanced again, soft lips now advancing in an attempt to claim hers once more.

Sinful: A kiss of death. Vile. Yet, some part of her, enjoyed the gentle caress of lips, the slip of tongue. Klara tried to jerk her head away, tried to pull along the side of the table. The creature was an unholy abomination, and she was a knight of the Star God. She would prevail. She reached deep for her faith, her strength, the blessing of God, tried to twist that she may push a hand against the spectre and drive another ray into it's body. The bitch had her from behind though, and she was quickly growing weaker.

Tass: Klara twisted, but the creature let her turn and instead grabbed her wrists, forcing them against the table while the ghost leaned forward, soft breasts now pressing against her own. Cold lips were once more forced against hers in an even hungrier kiss, and the energy that she had been preparing to unleash against the phantom was swallowed instead, fed to the hungry spirit that only seemed to grow more lush with every sliver of essence that it stole from Klara. It would be a while before she became to weak to resist yet, however, but she would need to get out from its grasp if she wished to defeat the ghost now.

Sinful: Klara's brow furrowed in anger, and she shoved as hard as she could against the spectre, tried to throw her head back to break that disgusting kiss and snap as much power as she could into her shove, all while trying to jump back onto the table, hoping it would be able hold her weight with all the armour she almost forgot she was wearing because of this damn spectre.

Tass: With an effort of will, Klara managed to shove the ghost away, ending up on the oak table which miraculously held her weight despite its age, though she tore the map to shreds while doing so.

Sinful: 'Shame' Klara briefly thought about the map, her mind have pulses of lethargy after having so much energy taken. She had wanted to study it further, but she needed to live to do that. Scrambling across the table, she grasped her sword, muttered the prayer, and fired what she hoped would be effective. She wasn't sure how much the phantom had stolen from soul. All the while, she kept moving across the table, paying no attention to where it might end, as she tried to get some distance between her and the ghostly woman.

Tass: Again her power lashed out, leaving Klara increasingly tired after having done so so many times before and after the ghost had sucked out so much of her power. The ray of light flashed, revealing the chairs surrounding the table and the bookshelf in the corner for an instant before it struck the ghost. A portion of it was torn away, but the portions of energy it had taken from her ensured that it survived the hit. It advanced again, and this time Klara was too slow to avoid it, allowing it to float up and again grasp her arms, its lips approaching for a kiss that might leave her completely helpless.
Tass: (Really, really bad Dodge roll.)

Sinful: ((lol, it happens. Kind of kinky in a way))

Tass: (Yup.)

Sinful: Fatigue was setting in already, mostly because of the sheer amount of power she had been forced to use, and that which was already stolen from her. "Please... stop," she tried to plead, knowing it would be useless, especially if Ardin had created this apparition. She pushed against the creature, with arms and knees, trying to get it off her.

Tass: (Wow, high rolls for both. Klara was literally one away from getting an auto-win. Unfortunately.....)

Sinful: (Unfortunate, or fortunate? :p)

Tass: Headless to her pleas, the phantom pressed in, pulling Klara's arms back. Ghostly lips met hers once more, a soft tongue coiling around her own, but more importantly that pull upon her soul returned. Struggle though she might, Klara felt her essence being drained from her by that kiss while the ghost forced itself close against her, and this time it didn't pull back. Soon enough the trickle became a flood, allowing it to feed hard and deep, and Klara's muscles soon lost all strength as cold crept across the knight's body. Pressed down until she was lying on her back, Klara could feel the ghost rubbing against her excitedly as it fed, deep, draining every scrap of essence it could get until only her core remained. Blackness closed in, and as she felt the ghost's hungry intrusion reached even against the deepest depths of her soul it claimed her, leaving the knight to black out.

Sinful: Her struggles grew weaker, slower with each passing second. It might have only been a few minutes, but to Klara it seemed to stretch on, and on. Her eyes were fluttering as the tongue slithered around pleasantly in her mouth. Her first kiss was with a ghost that was robbing her of something infinitly more valuable than gold or gems. It was taking her. Her vision began to swim as she felt the creature rubbing against her bared skin, as if the thick steel armour and the padding beneath wasn't even there. The vile act bordered on sinful lust, and Klara was powerless against it. Darkness soon claimed her, and she faded into the unknown.

Tass: What amount of time passed from then and from when she awakened was hard to tell. All that Klara would know of that when she awoke was that it was pitch black, the dim sunlight gone, leaving only tiny slivers of pale light coming from under the door. She was lying on the table, freezing cold and with a wretched headache, but alive. Her spirit had replenished itself after the ghost had taken its meal, and it seemed that the monster hadn't managed to break down the door and rip her apart.
Tass: (Probably good to stop there, for now. Maybe.)

Sinful: ((for now. Not sure when I gotta go. Think it's fairly soon))

Tass: (Mkay, that's fine.)
Tass: (We can pick up from there next time.)
Re: Hunter's Season

Log 2 Part 1
Tass: (When last we left our heroine...)
Tass: Tass: What amount of time passed from then and from when she awakened was hard to tell. All that Klara would know of that when she awoke was that it was pitch black, the dim sunlight gone, leaving only tiny slivers of pale light coming from under the door. She was lying on the table, freezing cold and with a wretched headache, but alive. Her spirit had replenished itself after the ghost had taken its meal, and it seemed that the monster hadn't managed to break down the door and rip her apart.

Tass: Klara was left with a few options. The door in the back of the room was open a crack, but the whole area was pitch black save for a sliver of moonlight coming in from it and a few shafts of light coming under the door. She had been left on the table after the phantom had departed, its hunger sated, but she hadn't been as protected from the elements as she might be and thus was freezing cold. A bit of warmth might help. Alternatively, the door she had come in through was still barred, protecting her from would-be intruders.

Sin: Slowly, carefully, unable to properly see, Klara got off the table, fingers going to her chilled lips. That... spectre had almost had her. She shivered at the thought, and the cold of her skin. She needed warmth, and some food, before continueing her hunt of Ardin, if he was even still here. Carefully moving, sword once again in hand, she stepped to the back slightly open door, her ears strained as she listened for any sounds... then pulled the door open.

Tass: Moving carefully, if a little stiffly, Klara would get through the room without making too much noise, only lightly nudging a few of the chairs around the table. Beyond that door was another room, this one with a window that looked out over the outer courtyard where the skeletons and the slavering beast had been when she had first arrived. A desk stood in the center, with an ancient looking cot in the right corner and bookshelves on the walls and a few chairs scattered around. Sitting in the chair behind the desk, its back to the window, was a dead body, withered and ancient but not quite skeletal, with a rusted sword thrust through its heart, one withered hand holding the handle while the other was left clenched upon the ancient wood of the desk. The rest of the desk was bare, but it had five drawers, two on each side and one in the center.

Sin: Letting out a deep breath, Klara knew she couldn't start a fire in here. Not without giving herself away. Very carefully, trying not to grunt as her stiff and cold legs moved against their will, she moved close enough to the window to peek out, but still remained in the shadows further back. She looked over the courtyard, trying to spot her enemies. Then, slowly, she moved to the desk, cautious of the corpse, and started to check each drawer, wincing whenever wood scraped softly against wood.

Tass: Looking out into the courtyard and over the walls, Klara would see the figures of the skeletal soldiers on the walls, some holding perfectly still and others shambling about, as well as at least two of the faster, fleshier monsters loping about seemingly without aim. One of them looked up towards the window as she shifted back, its glowing red eyes narrowing briefly as it tilted its head and sniffed the air, but after a few seconds it went back to moving about without any apparent direction. Checking the drawers, Klara would find the one on the bottom right empty save for a lot of rotted paper, with the same on the bottom left. In the top right was a rusted dagger and a few other chunks of seemingly worthless material, but among them was a jeweled locket made of silver and aquamarine on a tarnished silver chain that looked like it might open. On the top right was a bunch more junk, mostly writing material or sealing wax, but in the center she found a rusted iron ring with five keys on it. >>
Tass: Two of them were rusted iron, with a W and a G on their bases respectively, two others were tarnished bronze with a C and a D inscribed on them, and the last was made of silver with an O.

Sin: LIfting the keys out, she was careful not to let them jangle overly much. Pursing her lips, she wondered what secrets she could unlock in this place, and bury eternally that no others would find them again. Gingerly, she set them into one of her pouches, before picking up the locket, and opening that, peering to what lay within

Tass: Inside the locket was a picture, inscribed by magic, of a pair of women, one who looked old but the other no more than 10, both in white and smiling at whatever mage had inscribed their likeness onto the preserved paper behind the glass. There was an inscription on the inside of the cover that read simply;
Tass: "Remember"

Tass: (herp, didn't mean to hit enter there.)
Tass: (You're good to reply though)
Sin: ((oh, shit, sorry))
Tass: (lol, no worries)

Sin: Holding the locket, Klara glanced towards the dead body, and carefully set the piece of jewelery down. Such history did not deserve to be looted. Nor was she a looter. Stepping away from the desk, she tried to find another exit in the darkness, another way out. If not, perhaps she could take some of the wood and books from this room to start a fire in the last. That would certainly help her situation.

Tass: There weren't any other doors in this room. It seemed to be the captain's quarters, the office of the junior office who had control of the gatehouse, but it did have plenty of wood and paper that she could take into the next room to burn.

Sin: Taking the old books, and small pieces of wood, she moved back to the last room with full arms, shivering a bit even as she worked. The lingering sensations of the spectre upon her chest and lips never quite fading from her conciousness.

After making a carefully constructed pyre upon the stone floor of the dark room under the thin beam of moonlight seeping in, she closed the door, and moved to it. Fishing into her pouches, she found the lead and steel, striking them in the dark.

Tass: It would take several minutes for Klara to get a decent fire going, the closed doors keeping the flickering light from showing to any monsters that might intrude on her. She had food and water in her pack, and after another hour or so of resting her strength would be restored, mostly. She was warm again, and her headache had passed. What she would do after that, however, would be up to her.

Sin: One way was a dead end, the other was the only other option. Taking her time in snuffing out the light, Klara sat in the darkness for a moment, letting her eyes adjust. Step by slow step she moved to the barred door, and carefully opened it. It was time to hunt down Ardin once again.

Tass: Putting out her fire, Klara would give a moment for her eyes to adjust before heading for the door. It took a bit of effort to shift the bar, the battering of the monster that had attacked her having bent the door inwards slightly before it had lost interest. The corridor beyond was still lit by the all-too-bright glowing lightstones that had been placed in the sconces, far too new for them to have been as old as the rest of the fortress. To her right was the corridor that she had come from, taking a second right back towards the stairs down into the large room full of undead and rotted tables, as well as the crumbled section of wall that she hadn't noticed in her early flight. To her left was the long corridor, with another opening not too far away and another door past it, both set into the left wall.

Sin: Forward she decided. Push forward, deeper, find Ardin, then get out. She turned to the left, flexing her figners to enfirm her grip upon the sword and shield she held as she started moving, ears and eyes on full alert for the undead, or signs of Ardin's presence.

Tass: Moving forward, Klara edged toward the open area and found a large open room with hatches in the floor. The nearest one let her look down through a black mesh that had seemingly blocked out the light of the glowing stones, as she looked down into the corridor past the drawbridge, at the entrance of the courtyard. Stones were stacked along the walls, as well as several black kegs, but there were scorch marks all over the back wall near another group of destroyed kegs. Several skeletal corpses were lying around motionless in the back of the room, rotted armor clinging to their forms and weapons and shields so badly rusted that they might crumble at a touch lying beside them... Save one, in the far back, that held a silvery blade that was seemingly in perfect condition.

Sin: Klara raised an eyebrow as she spotted the blade. There wasn't any enemies around, so, cautious as ever, she started for the shimmering sword at the far back of the room. Questions upon questions were upon her about this strange place. Why had Ardin come here? Stepping forward,she wondered when next she might be able to speak to another human. It'd been days so far, nearly a week.

Tass: Striding forward cautiously towards the corpse with the strange sword, Klara's musings on why her quarry might have come here and when she might see another human being were forcibly put on hold. As she drew near her target, the other three skeletons around it stirred, and one by one each of them rose. Motes of red glowed in empty eye sockets as they silently rose to their feet and started shambling toward her, but this time the knight had the advantage. The holes in the floor were large enough for the undead to fall into, and while they might be smart enough to walk around them, Klara could make use of them to ensure that she fought only one of them at a time at the very least.

Sin: Lifting her shield upwards, she manouvred herself to stand between two such holes, watching all three. The skeletons were old, rotted, a good crack with shield or sword might well dispatch them. "Come then, and feel the wrath of God," she said, eyes flicking between them, watching to make sure they didn't flank her as she readied her sword arm to strike when the first came into reach. It was good to hear a voice again.

Tass: Taking up position between two of the holes, Klara would find the creatures approaching her two on one side and the third trailing along on the opposite. The first two would have to fight her single file, but if she didn't dispatch them quickly she would have to move or end up fighting one from each direction. Raising her sword, she swung as soon as the first was in range, but even though her weapon clacked against bone she felt the already shredded chainmail beneath deflect some of the blow, and while she shattered the collarbone and caused its shield armor to clatter to the ground, the skeletal figure advancing into her reach and swung an overhanded swing with speed defiant of its sluggish gait. It got past her shield before she could raise it, returning the shoulder hit, but her armor stopped the jagged, rusty metal from biting into her flesh. It pulled, particles of rust splashing against her skin and scraping her armor, and her sword came away with a notch bitten into it after it had gone through so much bone and metal, but the skeleton only seemed slightly slowed from her hit.

Sin: She took only the slightest of steps back, ready to move further should that third skeleton move beside her faster than it was going. This time, she bashed outwards with her shield using it as a weapon to try and shatter the unholy fiend, or knock it into the hole.

Tass: Smashing her shield into the skeletal figure, Klara not only sent it tumbling into the hole, but crushed its ribcage beneath its rotted chain. The whole thing fell through the rotted mesh and into the corridor below, where it shattered into chunks and powder, never to rise again. The second advanced on her, however, and the third was almost blocking a clean retreat. If she didn't either deal with the one in front of her quickly or move, she would be facing two at once. In the meantime, another extremely aggressive attack on behalf of the skeleton in front of her almost got through her guard, but this time she just barely managed to position her shield to catch the blow just in time.

Sin: She felt the impact vibrating up her forearm, and she grimaced. She'd been playing it so cautiously since she got here, and it'd nearly gotten her killed. Gritting her teeth and stealing herself, she smashed ahead forward like a raging bull, swinging shield aiming for the chest and head, while her sword slashed at the hips, both to the undead abomination before her.

Tass: Her savagely aggressive attack, either by misfortune or bad design, almost backfired catastrophically on Klara. Her sword again clacked against bone, breaking it, but she only managed to crack through this time, leaving her sword trapped in its ribcage. A quick smash with her shield left the skeleton stumbling backwards, ruining its return strike, but the other one suddenly lunged at her from behind, and only a quick twist and a deflection with her newly freed sword kept it from stabbing her and then from slashing into her side. The other closed in, its ribs broken and its shield arm hanging limply, but it was still coming on, leaving Klara facing two at once as the other retracted for another strike. The one before her was badly damaged, possibly enough that she could destroy it quickly, but there was simply no guarantee of that. Either might be shunted aside to join its brother down the pit, but that would leave her briefly exposed to the other. Forcing her way past one or jumping over the hole could see her out of that precarious situation, but would serve their own dangers.

Sin: With a growl of anger, Klara bashed forward, praying to God her armour would protect her as she smashed and hacked at the skeleton before her, her back tensed up, waiting for the blow to fall as she tried to run, through, the opponent before her.

Tass: Though Klara smacked into the skeleton before her once more with sword and shield, crumbling its skull and leaving it hanging at an odd angle as she crushed through rib and spine, still it stood before her, swinging its rusted sword. Once more it scraped harmlessly against her armor, however, and its companion's blade hit only air as she pushed past it, leaving her easily able to turn and finish off the badly damaged skeleton if she wished, or to find herself a new position.

Sin: She pushed at it again, righteous fury filling her heart, determined to beat down this minion of darkness in God's name. A roar fled her lips as she struck out, again.

Tass: And down it would go, Klara smashing it to the ground, causing it to finally crumble with one last shiver. That left her facing only one, which lugned in again, drawing another scrape on the distracted knight's armor but causing her no harm. It was down to one on one, however, giving Klara the ability to dispatch it with relative ease in the manner of her choosing.

Sin: Turning to face her last enemy, she gripped her sword tightly, staring into those red glowing orbs that served as eyes. "Back into the abyss abomination," she growled lowly, keeping her shield up as she swung at its shoulder.

Tass: Klara's blow sent the skeleton spinning, and without further adieu it stumbled into a literal pit, albeit not an abyss, and ended up joining the first of them on the ground below, in a pile of shattered bones and broken metal. She was victorious, and unharmed, though her gear had taken a bit of abuse from the lesser undead. What mark she would make of their resilience, they weren't impossible to destroy, and she could do as she wished now, either to move on or to investigate the mysterious blade that had earlier earned her attention.

Sin: Shrugging her shoulders, and ignoring the ache there, it would fade in time, she moved towards the sword. After this effort, she would not abandon its mystery so lightly. Especially since it may be a clue to what this place was. Moving up to it, she sheathed her sword in the scabbard at her hip, and grasped the hilt.

Tass: Reaching down, Klara was able to pry the blade from the hand of the skeleton. It was light, if slightly front-heavy compared to her own longsword, and despite having lain there for who knew how long was untarnished and showed neither rust nor scarring upon its surface. Even the hilt and guard were in good condition. As she held it up, the lion's crest on it began to glow slightly, a golden light that turned white as it spread up the blade, as if it were reacting to her in some way. As she held it, motion caught her eye, and she saw the outline of a figure appearing within the skeleton from which she had taken the blade.

Sin: She shuffled back, grasping the sword firmly, having no time to draw her own to prepare for this thread. Another spectre?

Tass: It was indeed another spectre, this time a man in soldier's garb that slowly rose from the corpse. This one did not attack Klara, however, and after rising simply hovered in place over the body, presumably its own, and gazed at the sword in her hand somberly.

Sin: Klara watched him, ready to attack, maybe the sword could strike the etheral. "Who are you?" she asked, hoping it could speak.

Tass: The spirit turned to look at Klara's face as she addressed it, but when it opened its mouth to speak no sound came forth. After a moment the spirit frowned in frustration and pointed at the sword, and then at his body, and then shook his head. Another frustrated moment later and it began to slowly draw symbols in the air, forming letters of mist that hung for a moment before dissolving as Klara once more felt the unpleasant chill of a ghost being nearby. "I. Am. Was. Klenith."

Sin: "Klenith... this was, not your sword?" she said with a raised eyebrow, relaxing slightly. Disapointed though she was that she could not hear another speaking, at least she was able to communicate.

Tass: The ghost shook his head, and then nodded, and then seemed frustrated. Again, he took to tracing in the air; "Yes. My. Father's. My. Family's." He paused, frowning, and then looked back at his own body briefly before looking back to Klara. "Return. It. To. Them."

Sin: Klara looked to the sword, and nodded. "I am Lady Klara, I serve the Star God, and I will return this blade to your family. Be at peace, knowing that."

Tass: The ghost of Klenith appeared relieved at that, and he signed in the air; "DeLeo. Albrian." And then, he began to fade, gradually, until he had vanished entirely, leaving Klara once more alone. Albrian had been the name of the village she had passed to get here, though the name DeLeo wasn't familiar to her.

Sin: It might be a very old family. They may not be there anymore, but with a sword like this, they would have money, power. Someone would know about them, or least they should. Holding the sword gently in her hands, Klara began to search for a way to secure it, if she could not, she would have to wield it. Then it was time to press onwards.

Tass: The blade's scabbard sadly hadn't lasted as well as the blade itself, meaning that she would have to take the time to improvise something or carry it. Moving on from there, the only routes were back or further down the hall, where she would find another door on the left wall, and another bend directly ahead that would take her down a much longer corridor than the first, as well as past several windows that overlooked the plateau that the fortress sat on, all angled to allow one to look or shoot from them but to protect the one behind them from arrows.
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 2 Part 2

Sin: Klara held on to the sword. She did not want to lose it, returning it to the family would be one good thing to come out of this venture at least. She could turn around, but it was time to find a way deeper into the castle. Deeper into this God forsaken pit. SHe began to move down the longer corridor, searching for a way that would lead inwards, deeper.

Tass: Moving down the long corridor, Klara would go a long ways, able to see naught but the dark through the narrow angled windows into the courtyard or out onto the plateau. She would reach the end of the corridor and find herself in a circular tower, with another corridor leading to the left, no doubt along the wall, which like the rest was lit by pale glowing stones. Two sets of stairs, one leading down and the other leading up, spiraled along the outer wall of the tower as well.

Sin: Stopping, her eyes flicking back and forth between the two directions, Klara decided on upwards, to get a view of the area, to try and get her bearings.

Tass: Making her way up the stairs, Klara would find a landing after climbing for about a minute, with a collapsed table, a pair of rickety wooden chairs, a number of blood stains covering the floor, and a ladder leading up to a trap door that was hanging by a single rusted hinge with a shattered skeletal corpse at its base. The ladder was rusty, but still looked sturdy enough to support her weight.
Sin: Moving towards the ladder, Klara paused first at the skeleton, crashing her boot into its had, then its shoulders, in case it decided to get up after all. Then, slinging her shield, and carefully holding the DeLeo sword in her grasp, she began to climb, praying that it would hold. It would be nice to see the stars tonight.

Tass: The skeleton offered no resistance to being smashed, and Klara would be able to ascend into a perfectly clear night. The stars were out in force, blinking high above, and the mostly-full moon smiled down upon the fortress that had been abandoned by all but the horrors with which she had been faced. She came face to face with a crow, which offered its baleful caw with a tilted head. The lands around were shrouded in snow, but looking into the fortress she would see more slivers of white light coming from the windows of both the inner keep and the main tower. Movement was visible on the walls and in the outer courtyard, though from up here it was hard to tell what was what.

Sin: More undead horrors. How was Ardin so powerful? The question swirled through Klara's mind, again, and again. She gripped her sword tightly, trying to find a way into the centre of the fortress from way up here. Find a way to get to Ardin and end this nightmare.

Tass: Looking down, there seemed to be no ingress from the walls to the inner fortress, at least not from what she could see. What might lie below or beyond her line of sight might be different, but as far as Klara could tell from up in the tower, the only way into the main fortress would be through the courtyard. That was normally a deliberate design features of such defensive structures, with the inner wall forming a second line of defense, but there were usually ways to circumvent it, escape routes that might be taken in case the defenders were overrun, but Klara wouldn't be able to see them from up there.

Sin: She had to go down. Deep down, perhaps under the surface. "Damn," she muttered, turning from the view and the crow, and starting her voyage down the ladder, and back down the stairs. It was time to try the other direction, and continue further down.

Tass: Heading further down the tower, Klara would find her pass by the first landing she'd seen, and then down further. She would pass by another landing with two corridors branching off, also following the walls but pitch black and much narrower, but more stairs would lead downward. Assuming she continued down, she would find herself at another landing, this room with a different orientation to the rest, a diamond in comparison to a square, and a door was set into the center, heavy wood covered in rusted iron.

Sin: It was oppressive down here, furthering from the stars, and God's light. Klara frowned, though knew that God was still with her. She must have been heading in the right direction, and stepped forward to open the door, hidden beneath the rock and ice above.

Tass: The door, when she tested it, was locked.

Sin: The iron was rusted, the wood was heavy but old. Perhaps... With a grunt, Klara kicked at the latch.

Tass: Kicking at the door, Klara would create an echoing, ringing racket with only the first blow, and it would take four more before it would even seem like she was making any progress on cracking the surprisingly sturdy lock. She could force it, but doing so would cause a lot of noise, and there was no telling what might lie in wait down here.

Sin: She bit her lip, looking back up the stairwell. She paused a moment, to listen for any sounds, but the undead knew she was here. She decided it was worth the risk, and lashed out once again.

Tass: (Forgot you had keys eh? :p) Kicking the door in, Klara would eventually manage to bash it down, leaving her looking down a short set of stairs that gradually widened into a small chamber. A set of bars divided the room in half, with a half-open gate in the center that would let her into the other side. The chamber ran a long way, and there were only a pair of glowing stones, set right next to the door that she had come from and from a door on the left side of the room, going in the direction of the main gate.

Sin: ((mother..... too late for a retcon eh? cause I did))
Tass: (Heh, sure. I had wondered if you'd just forgotten or thought they wouldn't work.)
Sin: ((Utterly forgot))
Tass: (It happens.)
Tass: (So, retcon!) Klara would not smash down the door, instead remembering that she had keys.
Sin: ((alright, want me to post that I used keys, or just act like I unlocked it and use your post as is otherwise?))

Tass: Klara would find that the key labeled D would open the door, after which not much would change.

Sin: Staring down at the key, thankful for finding them in that office, the knight slid them back into her pouch, and descended these new stars until she came to the grate. It certainly seemed like an escape route, luckily the gate was open. Pulling it the rest of the way, Klara moved through, and to the oppostie side.

Tass: (It's a whole wall of iron bars, not just a grate. The room is big, and cut basically in half as far as she can tell by the bars, though it vanishes into darkness which Klara can't see into a little ways past the door.) Moving through the iron gates, Klara would find the sword in her hand glowing softly again, shedding thin light by which she could just barely see. The room seemed larger than it had seemed, and as she passed the first line of iron bars she would find herself flanked on either side by more of them. Cells lined the walls, with narrows corridors spaced every thirty or so feet moving from the main corridor to the wall, creating alcoves of cells that seemed to have three cells each on either side.

Sin: ((I know, but I went through the grate/gate thinger))
Tass: (Mkay.)
Tass: (myyyy bad, I think I misread something.)

Sin: A dungeon. Klara shivered, partially from the chill, partially from the thoughts of what evil occured down here. She tried not to peer into any of the cells, afraid of what she might see in there. Of what might be lurking and waiting. Clutching the new sword to her, and taking comfort in its glow, the knight kept pushing onwards.

Tass: As she proceeded through the cells, holding her glowing blade high, Klara would get the uncomfortable sensation that she was being watched.

Sin: Biting her lip, she knew she couldn't avoid it. Slowly, she let her eyes start to roam the cells, looking for the watching. She wasn't alive this long by ignoring those feelings.

Tass: As she turned to gaze out into the darkness, Klara would begin to catch hints of movement in the shadows. That movement would grow more distinct, however, as she would notice not one, but two of the large, hairless monsters creeping forth from the shadows, one on her immediate left and the other in the corridor behind her, leaving them coming in a cross pattern toward her in a low crouch.

Sin: "Fiends," she said, already starting to whisper a prayer as she moved to keep them both before her, her shield up once again, her sword at her side, she readied herself for their attacks, watching for any openening.

Tass: When it became obvious that Klara had spotted them, the two beasts broke from their stealthy approach and rushed at her, first one coming and then the next as they unleashed hungry howls. The one in the corridor near to her reached Klara first, claws scraping at her shield, but the other was on her before she could line up a good swing, slamming bodily against her shield but again rebounding away before she could gut it. Some sixth sense warned her of danger, and she turned her attention to her left just as a third abomination lunged at her from another corridor, having tried to take advantage of the distraction created by its comrades to bowl her over. A step back let her dodge the lunge entirely, putting all three of them in front of her as each recovered and prepared for another attempt at bowling her over. They seemed warier of her glowing blade than the earlier one had been of her normal one, but that didn't seem like enough to stop them from attacking.

Sin: Why were they wary? Had they come across it before, heard of it? Some kind of monster sense? Or had it been blessed by God? Gripping it tight, Klara tried the offensive, slashing at the monsters before her.

Tass: Lashing out with her blade at each of the three, Klara cut in wide swaths, her blade finding purchase at least once in each of the monsters and opening up bloody wounds in their flesh. None of them fell, but they did indeed seem intent on falling back from the glowing sword, and their attacks in return were more cautious. They still forced Klara back, however, and she was forced back toward a section of barred wall until her back was almost to it. The rest of the passage was to her side, still dark but with no threats apparent in it yet. The creatures began to slowly fan out, one trying to get around around her side while the other two prepared to harry her.

Sin: Her lips moved in prayer the entire time she was fighting, before shooting out her sword arm, and letting the same beam of holy light Klara had used against the spectres flared outwards towards the one on the right.

Tass: Speaking her prayer under her breath, light flared from Klara's blade as she aimed it at one of the creatures and lunged, the blade landing a solid it. The attack needed to land a physical hit against a solid foe, but that was hardly a difficult thing even with the other two trying to slash at her. The glowing blade, flaring with both the essence of her faith and with its own enchantment, tore through the fiend's flesh like so much paper, rending through bone like dry twigs, and slaughtering the monster which gave a feeble howl and flopped to the ground in a twitching heap. The other two lashed at her fruitlessly as she pulled back, but as one did it darted to the side, getting to her other side and leaving Klara flanked, with her back to a wall. Whether she wanted to try and bring down one quickly or attempt to fend off both at once while whittling them down, the monsters seemed intent on fighting to the last despite their apparent disadvantage.

Sin: She started the prayer again, lips moving soundlessly as she begged for God's aid in this place of horror. This hell beneath the ground, and she lashed out at the one on her flank, depending upon armour and shield to defend her flesh.

Tass: Klara's blade would again find purchase, cutting down a second monster, but this time the third would finally show some hint of a greater intelligence. As his comrade fell like a slaughtered goat, it's eyes widened, and it turned and started loping away.

Sin: Klara turned to it, the prayer finished upon her lips, the aimed the blast of holy light towards its retreating back. She could have let it run, but it knew where she was, could bring more of its ilk down into the dark to hunt her. She couldn't let it.

Tass: One more flesh, one more cut, and the last creature flopped lifelessly to the ground, leaving Klara's energies briefly almost spent, though they would quickly restore themselves. Silence rained, aside from her own heavy breathing and the pitter patter of falling blood.

Sin: Breathing heavily, chest rising and falling within the confines of her armour, Klara turned her attention back down the hall. It wouldn't be long before more undead fiends found her, she needed to get inside the fortress and find Ardin fast. Before her own strength failed her. Sword of DeLeo in hand, she struck off down the corridor once more.

Tass: Striding down the dungeon corridor, Klara would pass seemingly endless rows of cells, thankfully not getting the sense that she was being watched again. She would, however, see that, in the last rows of cells, a number of dead bodies had been left to rot, most of them skeletal but a few with a few links of flesh left. None of them were moving or even standing, and all of them were bound in chains.

Sin: Klara stopped to stare a moment, mouth agape in acute horror. Was this ARdin's doing? Amassing bodies for his uses, his needs. Some of these had far too much flesh to be amongst those dead and forgotten in these halls. She had to move quicker. Tearing her gaze from the grizzly sight, she continued onward.

Tass: Moving beyond the corpse occupied cells, Klara came upon a chamber similar to the one she had come from, albeit this one with three doors instead of just two. This time there was a table and a few chairs over on the right, still sturdy enough to stand on their own, and the gate was closed and, when she tested it, locked.

Sin: "Shit," she muttered quietly to herself, once again simply to hear the voice of something that wasn't actively trying to tear her throat out. She fished once more for the keys, trying each of them upon the locked gate of the bars.

Tass: None of the keys on her line would work on this door, unfortunately. She would see a set of keys sitting on the table, but it was too far away to reach with her arm or her sword, being some ten feet away from the wall of bars.

Sin: "Damn, damn," Klara said, smashing her fist on the bars, trying to think of some way to get those keys, wishing she'd brought rope with her. Or a long stick.

Tass: Smashing her fist against those bars would only serve to make noise and hurt her hand, the old iron proving quite sturdy. They wouldn't give, but she could try looking through the cells for something longer, or something she could use to make something that could grab the keys. Smashing through the lock would be both extremely difficult and no doubt extremely noisy, but it wasn't necessarily impossible. Finding something in the earlier rooms back in the fort might also be possible, but would involve a great deal more backtracking than looking through the cells even if it was more likely that she'd find something.

Sin: Letting out a long sigh of mounting frustration, Klara turned around, and went back to the corridor of cells, stopping by the one of corpses first, peering and searching for a sign of any tools that would help her get through the gate or bars.

Tass: (We'll have to leave it there for now, getting tired and need to finish a thing.)
Sin: (heh, fair nough)
Tass: (I'll be busy tomorrow, not sure when I'll be free next, but we can pick it up from there.)
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 3 Part 1

Tass: Turning back to look through the cells for something long enough to used to reach the keyring that might unlocked the gate up ahead, Klara would begin looking among the corridors of cells. Looking first among the nearest cells containing the dead, Klara would see that some of them for some reason were armed, the bound corpses left with weapons close to hand. Before her very eyes, as she drew near to one with a greataxe that was long enough for her purposes, a greenish glow would begin to spread around the body. It was soft, barely visible, but even that feeble aura revealed the form of an orc warrior. Clad only in a loincloth, the ghostly muscle of the figure tensed as the body itself moved, wrenching away the ancient chains and taking up the weapon left by its side. Eyes bulged with fury, it stepped forward, but not before Klara would note a second figure rising in the next cell over, similarly built but with a rusted greatsword instead of an axe. Even their weapons seemed restored, phantom energies making them seem whole and well-cared for rather than the ancient ruined objects that they were.

Sin: More spectres. "Stop, I am not your enemy," Klara said firmly, holding her shield up, but sword by her side. She had used her miracles too often of late, she was not all powerful. She needed time to recharge before striking at ghosts again. But... if she had to, she could try.

Tass: Her words would seemingly be ineffective at first, as the two phantoms proceeded to the exits of their respective cells, weapons held at the ready in a way that suggested that they would be far more skilled than the skeletons that she had fought earlier. When they emerged into the corridor, however, they would slow and then stop, the one with the greatsword trailing a few feet back. Though she could see the skull beneath its ghostly flesh more than the flesh itself, Klara would see a frown form upon its face as the first stood squarely, glaring at her with its weapon held at the ready. It wasn't attacking, but neither was it able to speak, as she saw its jaw move, forming words that were too much a whisper for her to understand.

Sin: "My name is Lady Klara, a knight of the Star God," she said, going through the same song and dance of introduction, feeling the same pride as she always did when announcing she was a holy knight of God. "This... is an evil place. I've been chasing a necromancer, a warlock, into these halls... I need to borrow your axe to get through the gate in the next room. I, can't hear you," she said with sympathy for these souls trapped against their wishes in these halls, but at least she was able to talk to them, and they would listen.

Tass: Her words would broaden the orc's scowl, and the one with the axe would take a step forward. The other, however, would speak, prompting them to stop again, and while she still couldn't hear them the other ghostly orc seemed to. After a moment the orc's axe would lower again, and it would speak again, this time beating its chest with one hand. Suddenly, motion would catch the corner of her eye, and another ghostly orc would walk around her placidly. This one was a woman with two swords, taller by a head than Klara and, like the others, naked except for a loincloth, leaving a pair of full breasts on display that contrasted eerily with the corpse visible beneath the ghostly flesh. The female orc spoke as well, stopping beside Klara, and the male orc would give her a suspiciously flat look before she turned to Klara. She turned to the Star Knight, speaking, but again she would be impossible to understand.

Sin: ((more comin?))

Tass: The female ghost would display her swords and then sheath them, holding up both hands and stepping towards Klara.
Tass: (Nope.)

Sin: Klara didn't know if this was some kind of greeting, or ritual amongst the Orcs, but... not fighting them was a better chance of getting out alive at the moment. Carefully, she slid her new blade under the belt around her waist, and carefully slung her shield across her back. Sucking in a breath, she whispered a quiet prayer to got, and held up both hands.
Sin: ((God*... not got))

Tass: (lol, to got) As Klara put aside her weapon and slung her shield, the other two ghostly orcs would also lower their weapons. When she held up her hands, however, the female would stride up, lacing cold fingers through hers, and suddenly press up against her. Cold lips, thought thankfully not those of the skeletal corpse, suddenly pressed against hers, and again she felt a portion of her soul being siphoned away, though now it was a much more measured drain than the mindless hunger of the other ghost. The ghostly green flesh of the orc began to become more defined as it drained her, but whether she wanted to try and pull away from the ghost or not would be up to her.

Sin: Klara's eyes snapped open as those cold lips graced her own. She was startled, a little confused, but as the flesh became more defined, Klara seemed to understand what it was doing... even if she didn't like the way it had to be done. She needed to communicate with these phantoms, perhaps giving just a bit of herself to them would help.

Tass: The ghostly orc woman would siphon energy from Klara for a few moments, a surprisingly warm tongue sliding past her lips to glance against that of the human knight at one point while her form gradually became more and more defined until the corpse within was barely visible. Eventually, however, she would pull away, releasing Klara's hands and grinning at her. "You taste good," she grunted, her grasp of language apparently crude but her demeanor purely confident. The ghost's voice was still more like an echo than someone speaking to her from close enough to kiss, but Klara could understand her. "What are you doing down here, humey?"

Sin: Klara blinked, surprised at the tongue that had slipped in. Had that been for more than mere neccesity. It felt odd, strange, and improper for a woman of her station. Yet she had some difficulty denying that it did not feel unpleasant. She ignored the taste comment though, to keep her dignity after such a display. "Looking for a way into the fortress. This tunnel leads under the main defensive walls and the courtyard. I am hunting a necromancer, Ardin, who will doubtlessly use you, and your companions, for his magics," Klara explained carefully, trying to make sure her only apparant ally in this place could understand.

Tass: "Past tense, maybe inaccurate," the grinning orc said. The male with the axe grunted something, inaudible to Klara but apparently intelligible to the orc woman, who rolled her eyes and briefly glared at him. "I don't know about this.... Ardin.... But there are sorcerer's here. We're trapped because of 'em. Can't move on... I guess we're supposed to guard here or something? I don't really know, they don't seem very smart." Turning back to Klara lazily, the undead continued; "So... You need the key, eh? And you're gonna kill 'em?

Sin: "That's my plan. His vile ways must be ended, and then I can work on freeing all the souls trapped in here. If there are others, then I will deliver them as well," Klara stated firmly, only glancing at the male Orc when he spoke. The kiss perhaps was a good idea after all. And more than Ardin. It would explain the power in this place, Ardin had never been that strong.

Tass: "Good looks. We can't go far from down here, but Golguth can get the key for you. Having a big stick is about all he's ever been good for anyway," the orc woman muttered, earning a dark looking from the axe-wielder before he started past Klara, towards the bars. "Damn filthy sorcerers," the orc continued as he retrieved the keys, though then she would smirk at Klara. "I miss the taste already. I can tell you a secret if you wanna spare a little more, though I'm not sure if it'll help yah."

Sin: "My name is Klara," the knight said as she paused, considering the offer. It was unseemly for a knight of the Star God, but... she was on her own, and any advantage would help her deliver his justice. She chewed her lip as she pondered while Golguth moved to retrieve the keys, and finally nodded. A little bit of peace for this soul, in exchange for information. It was not a horrible trade. "Very well."

Tass: The orc across from Klara grinned, while she would note a distinctly jealous look on the face of the male orc. This time her advance was slower, one arm coming between them and the other snaking around the knight's waist, and with her head tilted to the side the ghostly orc once again brought her lips upon
Tass: Klara's (whoops)
Tass: >.
Tass: (aaaaaahhhh wrong buttons) >>
Tass: (Not done yet)
Sin: ((lol. Figured. I'll wait))

Tass: Her lips were warmer, fuller this time, and as she began to take slivers of her essence they were drawn away from Klara's soul slower, bit by bit being surrendered and replaced by an oddly pleasant situation. The orc's tongue again passed her lips, lightly flicking against her own, but elsewhere Klara felt hands roaming, one gently cupping her ass and kneading her flesh while the other found one of her breasts, doing the same. Her touch was cool at first but steadily grew warmer, and her lips glanced hungrily over Klara's in a way that was distinctly different from the way that the first specter to feed from her had.

Sin: Her heart began to beat faster within her chest as the ghost's kiss continued. For a moment, Klara let it simply happen, tasting the Orc's tongue upon her own, feeling the spirit of this long dead woman. But when hands found her ass, her breast, she broke away gasping, wondering if she had given too much of herself to let that continue as it did. Shaking her head slightly, she looked at the woman, whose name she never got. "And your secret?"

Tass: Disappointment briefly crossed the orc's features, but she allowed the knight to pull away regardless. "The sorcerer in charge is a coward. He broke and ran from us as soon as he saw us, but before his minions killed us we saw where he went. There's a passage behind the book case with the blue paint, with some kind of hideout or maybe a way out of the castle behind it. There are way too many for you to fight on your own, but if you can chase him down maybe the rest will break. Killing five mages one at a time will probably be a lot easier than killing all of them at once.... Though it's probably six now if whoever you're after joined up as well."

Sin: Six. Much more difficult than she thought. But, cowardice. That would work in her favour. "Thank you," Klara said, bowing slightly. "I hope you will be free soon," she said, before moving to follow the other Orc, and get those keys.

Tass: When she turned, Klara found a keyring being held out by much more skeletal hands, the other orc already returning. "Come back and lemme know if ye want some company," the female said while the other two orcs already started back towards their respective cells, "if I were alive..... Mmmm~" Letting out a frustrated grunt, she shook her head and started past Klara, towards another line of previously fully occupied cells, one of which was now empty. "The name's Sargoth," she said, and before Klara could pull away the orc woman's hand clapped against her backside, her clothes and armor offering no more protection than the air from the ghost's palm, "I should be able to watch over you if you need a rest, after all you gave me. If you bite off more than you can chew, just come back down here. And keep a look out, not all of us are dead."

Sin: Despite the clap to her rear, Klara knew that Sargoth would be true to her word. She nodded to the woman, and slid back to the room that had caused such frustration earlier. With the keys in hand from Gulgoth, she slid them into the gate, hoping they would unlock her passage.

Tass: One of the keys did indeed work, leaving the second gate open. The room beyond had three doors, one on each side on a level with her and one directly ahead, up a short set of stairs that started wide but gradually thinned into a single raised platform just before the door.

Sin: She should have been within the walls now, and didn't desire to test the limits of her luck with finding friendly... sometimes too friendly... spectres in this place. It had a history of violence she could clearly see, and the violently slain were not usually the best tempered.

Grasping her new blade, she pulled it free once more, and decided to move upwards, even as she unslung her shield. May as well get a look at the area. Get her bearings again.

Tass: Heading up to the central door, Klara would find the door locked and seemingly barred on the other side.

Sin: Making a face, Klara went back downwards. It seemed she would be remaining below ground. For the moment. There was doubtlessly other exits from here. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the left and right doors, and finally decided on the left. The right had been bad luck mostly so far.

Tass: The left door proved to be unlocked, and beyond it was a long corridor heading more or less straight until she found herself in a slightly familiar room with spiraling stairs leading up. She was within another tower, this one in the back of the fortress.

Sin: Was the back seperated from the main fortress? No... there were no grates in the tunnel. Taking a deep breath, and hoping that the six sorcerers did not know where she was at the moment, started upwards. She had gone from hunting one, to six. The quest had grown more dangerous and complicated, but it had to be done. Honour demanded it. God demanded it. She ascended.

Tass: Going up, and up, and up, Klara would first find herself at a landing with a pair of doors, one of which was open and revealed the walls beyond, on the back of the fortress, as well as a set of stairs leading up.

Sin: Klara looked upwards, towards the top of the tower. She needed something to conceal the glow of her sword for the moment, and removed the cape that hung from her shoulders, somewhat tattered now after her last few bouts. Keeping a hand on the grip, she wrapped the garment around the blade, and slipped out onto the walls, looking for a door, an entrance, anything that would lead to the interior.

Tass: Stepping out onto the wall, Klara would emerge into darkness, the moon having moved since last she'd tasted the clean night air. Wind howled, buffeted her with gusts of frigid air, but nothing worse assailed her thanks to her thoughtful concealment. She was on the rear outer wall, but down below she could see a small building set against the wall inside, its roof no more than twenty feet below her and its front door no more than twenty feet from a door leading into the fortress. On the outside of the wall, seemingly coming from the building below, was a small wooden plank that spanned across the moat. Far opposite her along the wall was another tower, probably leading down to the right passage back into the dungeon, with nothing between her and it. Behind her stood the tower she'd just exited, and on the parapet was a humanoid figure standing stock still, possibly another skeleton archer like the others. Down in the much narrower courtyard, there was very little, though she could see along the alley between the outer walls and inner fortress to the entrance courtyard where numerous monster still wandered aimlessly.

Sin: That figure would have to be dealt with before she could go further. Praying to God silently, she moved forward, carefully, inching to push the creature off the ledge of the parapet to smash on the rocks below.

Tass: (The tower is the one that she just left. The stairs up will take her to the parapet though.) Returning to the tower, Klara headed up, finding a room just like she'd found at the top of the other tower at the front of the fortress except without the ancient corpse. The trapdoor was open, allowing her to ascend the ladder only to find herself facing a skeleton that was slowly turning toward her, a longbow falling from its grasp as it drew a sword. That wouldn't stop Klara from rushing it, however, its sword scraping her shield before she bashed into it, smashing it against the stone parapet hard enough to throw the fleshless body from the wall entirely. It fell over the wall, into the moat, and crashed into the rocky muck below in near-silence. Whether or not that was noticed was hard to say, however.

Sin: It had been risky, but it was better to remove that single threat before it spotted her. Keeping low, Klara let out a breath, part of her wishing she'd stayed with the Orcs. It had been nice to converse with someone other than herself. Yet, duty demanded she press on. So, after a quick search of the tower of anything of value, she moved once more to the wall, and glanced over. If she carefully dangled off the edge, she'd be able to make the fall without injury. But there was that plank coming from the wall, it might hold her, and might lead downwards. She decided to investigate.

Tass: (The plank is on the opposite side of the wall, at ground level, derp. I didn't make that clear, did I? Basically it could take her out of the fortress, out onto the plateau. It's seemingly coming out of the building inside the fottress, as if there was an exit from that building.) Returning to the wall, Klara had the choice between how she wanted to get down. If she dangled down, she would be able to make the fifteen or so foot drop without much risk of injury, though whether the slanted roof would both hold her weight and allow her to find solid purchase on it was impossible to tell from up here.

Sin: ((not overly much, but it be cool. I wasn't sure, hence 'investigat' :p )) The drop seemed the best option. Another silent prayer, now beneath the stars of her God. She felt her faith harden, her resolve grow firmer, and she climbed over the edge, carefully and slowly lowering herself, before letting herself fall, ready to roll on impact so to not break her ankles.

Tass: Falling down, it seemed that luck was not with Klara that day, as the icy shingles of the roof collapsed beneath her despite how effectively she couched her weight and let it take the hit gradually. She slammed through the roof, tumbling as she went, hit a beam that half collapsed and knocked the wind from her lungs, and then flopped off of it by her momentum and was left falling another twenty feet until her back collided into a hard wooden floor.
Sin: As her back crashed onto the floor, the air was blasted from her lungs, the sword of DeLeo rolling across the floor still in her cloak. She gulped for air, gasping as she tried to focus her thoughts.

Tass: A few seconds would allow Klara to reorient herself, the ache fading already even if it wasn't gone entirely. She found herself in a darkened room, the fall leaving a hole in the ceiling that allowed a sliver of moonlight to fall upon her. There was a well just beside her in the center of the room, which she thankfully hadn't fallen into, but other than that the room seemed to have only a handful of empty buckets in the corner and a door on either side, one leading into the wall made of heavy iron and the other leading out into the yard. Outside, she heard a grumbling roar in the distance.

Sin: With a quiet groan she picked herself up, grasping the hidden sword. The growl in the distance was enough to get the adrenaline pumping, to push just a bit further. She didn't really want to meet the owner of that sound. With six sorcerers, who knew what else was in this place. Without peaking, due to need for haste, she ran towards the small door that led into the fortress that she had seen from the wall.

Tass: Grabbing the sword that was wrapped in her cape, Klara burst out into the courtyard, near where she'd been looking down before. Up and to the right, skeletons were moving along the wall, bows in hand, but she was mostly out of their line of sight. Figures moved, loping in the moonlight, over in the other courtyard. They were moving quickly, but were still far away. Directly ahead of her was an iron door, closed, and possibly locked. To her left was a graveyard, sectioned off by a short iron fence but thankfully empty, at least for now.

Sin: She wouldn't have time to fumble with keys. She'd tried the door once, and if it didn't budge, she'd have to make the sprint to the graveyard.

Tass: The door was indeed locked, with the lock showing tarnished silver, but Klara would be quick to turn and sprint towards the small graveyard. The ground was covered in snow, the light frosting coating the weathered stones. Only half of the modestly sized yard was occupied by that point, but most of the graves had already been ruptured, and nothing was moving within. If she turned, Klara would have a moment to prepare herself before three of the monstrous creatures hurled themselves around the corner, including one that was even bigger than the others. She could hear something else moving behind them, like booted feet, but what it was she would have to wait and find out.

Sin: Klara manouvred around tombstones and ruptured pits, trying to use the ground to garner whatever advantage she could. She let her cloak fall, vowing to retrieve it later. The glow of her sword came up, and she shouted out her prayer, praying to God beneath his very own stars above her, and held out her sword to blast holy light at the first of the creatures.

Tass: The lead creature took her ray of light despite trying to get out of its way, an eruption of blood exploding from its stomach as her attack tore it open. That didn't stop it, however, merely allowing its uninjured companion to overtake her as they vaulted over the fence. The largest was last, not because it was slowest but because it was moving more cautiously, and while the rest closed in on her two more came around the corner. Her blast left Klara tired, and she would know that she had at most two lesser boons or one full one before she would be spent where her endowments were concerned. The first two would be upon her shortly, the injured one and the larger one both moving cautiously while the unharmed smaller one charged on with a two foot tongue writhing hungrily from its gaping maw.

Sin: She might be able to take the two smaller ones. She gripped her sword, trying to fight the fatigue as she watched these beasts. Were they really undead? Shouldn't the blast have done more if it was? Summoning up a fulll endowment, she shouted the prayer one last time, aiming it at the largest of the creatures.

Tass: Summoning as much power as she could, Klara sent another lance towards the largest of the creature. Unfortunately, her tactic had seemingly been noted, as the monster dropped into a crouch too low for any human to replicate just as her blade was leveled at it. Her blast soared over its head, never even touching its flesh, and splashed harmlessly against the stone of the wall. Her supernatural power was spent now, meaning that she would need to rely purely on her physical prowess to face these creatures. In the meantime, the nearest of the creatures lunged for her, vaulting over an open grave. It slammed bodily into Klara, bowling her over onto her back and leaving her trapped beneath its weight, its hungry maw snapping as drool rained upon her face. Behind it the other two were coming on, and in the eyes of all three was an unnatural hunger that was horribly similar to that of the specters. (This round went catastrophically for you. Klara had better get out from under the thing, after which you can pick a target.)
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 3 Part 2

Tass: (Lets hope your luck improves, since other than the damage vs that first one your rolls have been.... Unimpressive.)
Tass: (Ever since you got off the wall.)
Sin: ((lol, we'll see what happens))

Sin: With a pained grunt Klara was knocked to the ground, the beast atop her. She recognized the unholy glint in its eyes, in all their eyes, and she let out a furious scream. With her shield arm she began to punch the creature atop her, aiming for the head and midsection, the edges of her shield crashing into it with each strike.

Tass: Klara only managed one blow against the creature before it had grabbed both arms midway between elbow and shoulder and pinned them against the ground. It's jaws lunged, closing over her throat while she was helpless to try and stop it, but rather than an agonizing death she found that once its mouth was upon her that it was actually fairly ginger. The only thing that that meant in the moment was that the explosion of agony as teeth sunk into her neck was not enough to make her black out, however, allowing her to feel long, sharp fangs sinking into select points, opening up blood vessels that spewed blood into the monster's mouth. And then, it began to suck, drawing on her opened veins ravenously and swallowing down every drop of her vital fluid, its unnaturally long tongue lashing against the wounds and ensuring that not a drop was wasted. The monster gorged itself, but through the pain she felt a more insidious euphoric sensation spreading from where its tongue touched her skin, poison in its saliva flowing through what blood made it past the beast's relentless hunger. The other two came on faster now, but her choice of arena gave her one last chance to push the one on top of her off before the other two dog piled onto her.

Tass: (That..... Was not good.)
Sin: (uh oh)
Tass: (Still got one more try.)
Tass: (Klara might wanna try and get back to her feet though.)
Sin: (I know)

Sin: She was starting to feel light headed, whoozy. And... something else entirely. She had to be carefuly she knew, trying to think through everything the beast was doing to her. If she wasn't carefuly, her neck could be torn open. Bunching her feet between her and the monster, boots firm against its gut, she tried to shove upwards, with arms and feet at once.
Sin: ((aiming for the open grave))

Tass: With a lunging push, Klara managed to hurl the creature off of her, throwing it a foot or so into the air. It pulled away from her neck, its fangs receding thankfully without doing any more damage, and her blood clotting quickly thanks to its venom on her skin. As she got to her feet, however, Klara found the other two lunging at her. The one that she'd nearly gutted was first, and came at her as she was just getting to her feet, but she managed to just barely dodge past it. That left the last, and the largest, as the other two lunged over the fence and moved to join. The larger one moved around the grave that Klara had thrown the one she'd shunted off of her into, its motions slow and deliberate as its eyes glowing with hunger.

Sin: Klara carefully picked her steps, careful not to fall into any of the pits. But this game was getting dangerous now. She was light headed from the blood loss, and flushed from the venom, whatever it was doing to her. Gripping her sword, she readied herself for the next attack, staying on the defensive for now.

Tass: With two more creatures joining in the fight and the scent of her blood in the air, Klara's choice to go on the defensive was probably a good one, as was her choice to move as the creature she had knocked into a pit reached out and swept at her legs with a claw, its tongue swirling over its mouth and gathering up what little blood it hadn't yet drunk down. Despite that the largest one was closest, however, it kept just out of range of Klara's blade, feinting and snarling at her as the others moved around her. Two feinting in at once, and the badly wounded one ended up slashing at her side as she fended off the other. Its claws didn't quite pierce her armor, but they did more than scratch her breastplate, but it would scratch her hips, adding more blood into the air. She managed to fend the rest off without further harm, but even moving constantly she could only barely keep their claws from her flesh, and only when the rest were all recovering did the large one that had been hounding her finally lunged at her, aiming to bury her under its weight. She caught him on her shield, and just barely deflected his momentum, but then it simply fell back and prepared to do the same. >>
Tass: The one that had bitten her had to climb out of the pit, giving her a brief moment in which she'd be taking fewer attacks, but that break would be brief. The most wounded one clutched at its belly and glared at her, fury mixed in with its hunger, but the rest were merely ravenous as they constantly moved to try and corner Klara, to get on either side of her, and to force her to divide her attention between them and the big one.

Sin: The injured one was the weakest. She should be able to take it. But with the flaring pain in her hip where the claws had managed to rend through her armour. She winced, and saw her opening: She rushed hard and fast at the creature crawling out of the pit, swiping at its body with her new sword, not screaming to give away her sudden charge in the rush of combat.

Tass: (Going for the one in the pit? It isn't injured.)
Sin: ((no. She's ignoring the injured one))
Tass: (Mkay. Well, lets see.)

Sin: ((Going for the one in the pit because she think's she can easily take the injured one, but the one climbing is distracted slightly. We'll see :p ))

Tass: Suddenly reversing direction and breaking through the circle that had slowly been forming around her, Klara lunged upon the monster that had been climbing out of the grave and caught it completely by surprise. Her glowing sword lunged down and jabbed into its collar once, twice, and then with a quick slash she took off its head save for a thin flap of skin and muscle. It tumbled back into the looted grave, dead, and that left her facing only four. Those four were quick on her heels, however, and she was very nearly bowled over into the grave by the injured one as it tried to tackle her. It lashed at her, but quick footwork and her shield protected her and got her back to the tombstone, allowing her to fend off the other two. The largest of them lunged as she did so, however, and Klara's shoulder was nicked, the light mail and leather beneath her breastplate rent asunder as its claws tore into her flesh. The larger monster brought its bloodied claws up to its mouth and licked them clean, watching her all the while as it again moved to stand by, menacing her as she was forced to mostly deal with its lesser brethren.

Sin: She shouted in pain as the claws tore into her shoulder. The pauldron fell off her shoulder, landing on the ground, the leather straps holding it in place torn. Stumbling back two steps, Klara then lunged forward again, going for the injured beast, keeping her shield aimed towards the others.

Tass: Wounded, bleeding, but not yet down, Klara lunged for the wounded one, trying to defend herself with her shield. It tried to leap back, out of her reach, but only ended up getting skewered a little bit less for its efforts, and fell into a twisting heap at her feet. The remaining three let out piercing roars and all lunged at once, the first two trying to claw her while the largest prepared to simply bowl Klara over, but as they came upon her Klara saw one out. She ducked down, tucked, and rolled between the large one and a tombstone, causing the creature to sweep a claw at her that just barely missed, and when she came to her feet all three were on one side of her. The other two charged, but neither ever touched her flesh, drawing snarls of frustration, but then they fell back, the growling while the larger one returned to its patient stance.

Sin: Panting heavily, feeling blood run down her shoulder and arm, her thigh. Her lips moved as she prayed to herself for the strength to see this through. She was almost done. But she was feeling the fatigue. She would need to rest after this. She started slowly moving forward, shield firmly before her, sword ready to cut.

Tass: (Going for?)
Sin: (one of the two smaller ones, more looking for opportunity then actually attacking)
Tass: (Mkay.(

Tass: Advancing, Klara found the creatures trying to circle her, but as she concentrated on her footwork and defense she could keep them from succeeding at that. They came at her simultaneously again, but one was fended off with her sword and the other bounced off her shield without ever even touching her. The larger one came upon her, slashing, but she stepped away and warded it off as well, the creature hesitant to face that glowing blade that seemed to rend through them more easily than her own sword. Her movements put one of the smaller ones stumbling on the edge of a grave, threatening to fall into the hole at the slightest provocation but also vulnerable if she wanted to try and kill it instead. The other had to leap back over an open grave to get away from her, but if left to its own devices would get behind her, leaving her sandwiched between it and the larger one between two open graves unless she opted to try and either move back or jump over one of the graves as well.

Sin: Klara tried for something radical instead. With a quick lunge of her shield towards the creature teetering on the grave to push it in, she switched directions, using the impact of her shield to push her momentum towards the other smaller one, slashing hard with her sword. She had to get the large one by itself.

Tass: Her shield slamming into the one hanging over the grave, Klara felt bone crunch, felt it stumble, but somehow at the last moment it jumped, almost falling but just barely keeping its feet on the other side of the grave. The other she lunged at with her glowing blade, slashing at it, but it sucked in its gut at the last moment and leaned inward, ending up with nothing more than a scratch on its abdomen. As she recovered to face the larger one, both came at her at once, and in a desperate scramble to defend herself Klara just barely managed to keep both from clawing at her as one lunged low and the other leaping high from the opposite direction. Her hasty recovery left her off-balance for the attack of the big one, which she leaped away from and seemed to have evaded... Until she felt a powerful hand clamp upon her arm, and was yanked back, colliding into a heavy chest as her shield arm was trapped against her side and her sword arm was kept out wide, the larger one lowering it's hungry maw almost tauntingly slow towards the tiring knight's throat.

Sin: Panic seized her, her heart pounding as her eyes went wide, seeing that maw coming towards her. She was running out of strength. Blood was dripping from her gauntlets as it ran down from the cuts on her shoulder. "God give me strength," she said, trying to ram her knee up into the beast.

Tass: Bringing her knee up into the monster only seemed to make it angry, and its grip tightened as it lunged. Fangs once more found her throat, opening the wounds anew as it began to suck, draining her blood. The euphoric sensation was stronger now, leaving her limbs feeling weak and flimsy, but even as the venom spread Klara wasn't helpless. When the other two closed in, however, that might very quickly change, and she had very little time to try and get the larger, stronger monster away from her.

Sin: She tried to use the same trick as before, quickly loosing strength. She had so little time, even as agony started to turn to pleasure from the venom. Her eyes rolling in the back of her head as she lifted up her feet, putting them hard against the beast, and trying to push herself away.

Tass: Lifting her feet, Klara tried to push only for her limbs to fail, to glance against its sides and flop again as it continued to suck on her opened throat, draining her blood. The venom spread, her head growing light and her vision blurry as more of her strength left her limbs. The other two closed in, and Klara felt more claws upon her, and then more fangs. One bit into the other side of her neck, and the other crouch low and bite into the meat of her thigh, and with three sources of venom and blood loss at once Klara felt what little strength she had remaining fading as the three monsters gorged themselves on her fresh blood.
Tass: (Well, that was unlucky when the big one grabbed her. It literally got exactly what it needed to grab her.)

Sin: She felt it pumping out of her. Gasping for strength, for help, from anyone. Anything. Darkness began to cloud her vision as she lost the ability to fight back against the creatures.

Tass: Blackness closed in, even the pain fading as the venom left every part of her tingling, For a few moments the monsters fed, but then they stopped, leaving her woozy and barely conscious, but alive and lingering on the edge of consciousness. Her sword had tumbled from her grip, but her shield was still strapped on, and with it and the rest of her gear Klara was lifted over the big one's shoulder and carried limply away, to the front of the fortress. On the left wall from her perspective but the right from the entrance was a large building, a stable, and it proved to be the monster's lair. She was taken there, into an unlit den, and dropped limply onto a pile of debris by the large one, the two smaller ones joining a group of three others that were sniffing at her and licking their lips. (This is where the rape starts, if you'd rather it get skipped.)

Sin: ((I'm down))
Tass: (Mkay.)
Sin: ((Part of her corruption and fall))
Tass: (Yup.)
Tass: (Figured I'd make the offer, knowing your preferences as semi-shakily as I do.)

Sin: Laying there, weak, scarcely able to move, the sword she had vowed to deliver left behind in the graveyard, Klara stared with hazy vision at the creatures, feeling slick under her armour from the wounds on her shoulder and thigh. She couldn't bring a word to her lips, just... watched, waiting for them to finish her.

Tass: Unfortunately for Klara, that wasn't their plan. The large one crouched beside her, and for the next several minutes clawed hands started ripping away cloth and armor, piece by piece. When her shoulder was left bare it licked her wound, lapping up every drop of blood it could get and causing that wound too to partially close, just like the ones on her neck. All too soon her breastplate was torn away and tossed aside, leaving her lying on the back portion, but when it turned to her pants those were gone much quicker. It took maybe five minutes for the crude beast to both strip her down to her boots, leaving her body frigid in the night air but too weak to gain any warmth, but in that time she would see a telltale growth occurirng beneath the monster's loin cloth, until she was faced with what might be her first sight of the male sex in the form that was one that was nearly a foot long, pre already dribbling from it. Helpless to stop it, she was wrenched up so that her legs and hips were in the air, and now its mouth approached her sex instead of her throat, tongue snaking out to lap at her virgin petals.

Sin: She tried to scream, tried to fight, kick, shout 'no'. But she was too weak, too tired. And so she lay with her hips up, her virgin womanhood on full presentation, her face in the hay and slush of the stable's ground, hands meekly trying to keep herself from flopping.

Tass: Barely able to move, Klara felt that tongue glancing over her sex, and despite that it seemed to numb everything else the poison seemingly allowed her to feel stimulation even stronger than ever. Any time she had touched herself was lesser compared to the sensation of that horrid monster's tongue lightly lapping at her outer lips, squirming like a trapped snake and prompting her body to betray her further as her back and head were left in a pile of old hay and cloth scraps. For a few seconds it simply squirmed against her outer lips, but slowly it began to squirm past her petals and into her, spreading more of its warming poison as it began to spread her inner walls for the first time.

Sin: "Noooo," she managed to croak out, not even loud enough to be considered a whisper as the venom surged through her, pulsing deeper with the tongue that slithered inside her, deeper until it found her hymen. The flesh of her maidenhood, a sign of her betrothal to God until her time to join him in the stars. She couldn't even squirm she was so weak.

Tass: The beasts that had caught her didn't care about what oaths she had made, about her faith, or about the tennets of her order. When the beast's tongue found her hymen it simply pressed on, adding pressure second by second and stretching the fleshy barrier until it finally broke, the symbol of her devotion shattered as it slid deeper and deeper, the monster lapping up what blood the broken barrier released as it slid against her taught folds, the pain numbed but the pleasure and shame undiminished by the venom pumping through her spent system. For several minutes it lapped away at her, drinking the honey that her body was forced to release as readily as her blood, but eventually it stopped, dropping her hips and grabbing her by one leg, pulling it up high and spreading her petals. It slipped between her legs, its length approaching her violated folds, precum dribbling from the tip as it pressed against her entrance.

Sin: Klara groaned in distress, unable to defend herself, or do anything against the creature as it drank the sacred blood of her virginity. Drank it deep, and removed the pain with its venom, not even letting her have that physical mark of shame on her mind. Only what burrowed into her conciousness, as her body continued to betray her.

Tass: Holding the helpless knight on her side, the beast pressed into her, its massive girth stretching her and its venom doing nothing for the discomfort even if it numbed the pain. Deeper and deeper its cock slid, hitting points that she could never have touched on her own until it finally pressed against the gate to her womb. It gave a low groan as it touched that inner barrier, its breath coming forth in low panting that misted the air, and after holding still for a moment it began to thrust into Klara, rutting her without care for her pleasure or any technique worth speaking of.

Sin: Her face and breasts slid along slush, hay, and torn cloth as the beast violated her, and tears streamed down her face as she was disgraced beneath the twinkling eyes of God. She couldn't fight it, she tried so hard, but only laid limp beneath its hard thrusts, pain and disgrace not quite managing to drown out the betrayal of pleasure that her body fed her.

Tass: Her taught folds were stretched around the thrusting beasts' massive tool as it rutted her, unable to fit the whole of its length in her slim form but trying anyway, resulting in an uncomfortable pounding of her cervix. That wasn't enough to distract her from her traitorous body's enjoyment of the rod thrusting into her, claiming her from her God. The disgraced knight was made to endure the beast's thrusting for five minutes, and then ten, and then twenty, and finally a full half hour before its thrusts began to grow desperate, her body offering ample lubrication all the while. The massive tool inside of her began to throb, growing harder and thicker as it prepared to dirty her insides with its seed.

Sin: Klara sobbed into the ground, face cold and wet, as she felt the hot blast of its seed inside her, filling her instantly with it. She sobbed because of the disgrace, and because she had taken something from it all. Something she vowed not to take, something forbidden to her. A sin. And yet it was there, and it had happened beneath God's gaze.

Tass: Heedless of her helpless weeping, and of her pain, the monstrous creature pounded away into Klara before releasing a low growl of satisfaction, the first burst of its release pumped deep inside and soon joined by wave after wave of its filthy seed. Warmth spread through her as the thick liquid filled her, clinging to her inner walls but also leaking out of her. The toxin hadn't passed from her system, but she could feel it fading slightly, leaving her entire body with a dull throbbing pain. After filling her with its cum, the monster released her leg and pulled out, but she wasn't done. With the alpha finished, Klara found the two who had helped bring her down approaching, grabbing her and sliding out of her even as it's leader's seed leaked in a thick dribble from her abused petals. Another cock, still large but at least smaller than the last, slid into her sex and began to piston into her, but why it had left her on top was made plain when the other climbed on top of her, aiming for her ass.

Sin: "No... no," she tried, unable to summon the strength for any other word, and unable to even scream as the creature pushed itself into her ass, taking that next level of virginity from her, leaving her sex no better than a whore's.

Tass: All too soon Klara had two beasts thrusting into her at once, the one in her ass moving much more slowly by sheer necessity of how tight she was, but even if it hurt more than before it would still leave bursts of traitorous pleasure rolling through her as well, their sheer size and their rapid pace ensuring that no pleasure center was left untouched. The leader wasn't finished with her either it seemed, as all too soon he had grabbed her by the hair and tilted her head back, his slick length pressing against her lips insistently.

Sin: Her mouth went slack and it slid into her mouth, over her lips, across her tongue. She wanted to gag, to bite down on it, but couldn't summon the strength for even that. so she sat, abused in both lower holes, taken roughly, and in her mouth. Like a whore. Her eyes closed with the shame.

Tass: And then Klara had three, one monstrous cock in every hole as the three creatures thrust into her, none of their rhythm in any kind of sync as they fucked the helpless knight, leaving her body seizing in mixed pain and pleasure and her mouth filled with the mixture of her taste and it's seed. This time it was only about twenty minutes before the monster beneath her began to throb inside of her, all too soon adding its seed to the mess churning in her depths. Her jaw ached as badly as her ass and pussy by that point, but after another minute it was her ass that was violated by the monster's cum, leaving her leaking from both holes as the alpha continued to use her. Unfortunately for Klara, another two replaced them all too soon, leaving her trapped between three of the monsters again, and this time a strange pressure was building in her stomach as the two monsters used the lubrication provided by the seed of their brethren to fuck her even more furiously than the last group.

Sin: There was more... pleasure. Klara was disgusted with herself to admit it as the two cocks rammed into her without concern for her. But, she couldn't hide it. Not from herself. From God she hoped, from her order should she return. But not herself. And soon enough God would know. She cried as foul meat thrust into her mouth, across her moist tongue, her jaw craving relief as her heat built within her loins, so close to her first, real orgasm.
Sin: (I gotta get to sleep rather shortly)

Tass: No place to hide, no place to run. Not even into herself. Klara was helpless as the second pair began rutting her, the pleasure rising and rising as they just kept hitting a sensitive spot that left her vision flashing white in each hole in turn. Seconds turned to minutes, but no more than that would the knight's resolve hold against the siren call of her body's reactions. When her resistance finally failed, Klara's first peak would hit like a rampaging troll, the limp form trapped between the monster's left shuddering as ecstasy pierced through her. In the midst of her peak she felt the two inside of her suddenly start cumming as well, pouring more vile fluid into her depths, and shortly thereafter it started pouring down her throat as well, leaving every portion of her dirtied by the beasts. (Mkay.)

Sin: Filthy, tainted, disgraced. All beneath the stars. If she could makes noises it'd be something between a moan and a wracking sob. Worn out, drained, unable to fight, unable to resist or deny anymore, pleasure cascaded through the violated knight. And she was unable to stop it. As her orgasm slowly passed, the first of her life, Klara fell into eveloping blackness.
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 4 Part 1
Tass: When Klara awoke, she found herself covered in a collection of rags and shredded cloth, enough to keep her warm against the chill air. Every part of her ached in some fashion. The bites that the creatures had inflicted to drink her blood throbbed and burned as if they were in the early stage of an infection, the claw marks they'd inflicted before capturing her doing much the same. Her sex was immensely sore, her jaw ached, and her ass was by far the worst, the further signs of her stolen purity reminding the knight of what they had done with her after taking her as a prize. Her head throbbed painfully as she looked into the pale morning light as well, and nausea threatened her further. She wasn't alone, one of the creatures from before was sitting on the other side of the room, staring at her with its dark red eyes, slowly nursing an erection while gazing at her. The remains of her armor and the rest of her gear had been gathered and shunted into the corner of a stall next to the one watching her, the hilt of her sword poking out almost within arm's reach of it. Where the rest had gone, she could not tell.

Sin: Maybe. Just maybe. Pushing a groan of throbbing pain down into her grunt she shifted ever so slowly, hoping not to arouse the creature's suspicion. It was watching, so she'd have to move fast when she went for the sword. She did her best to ignore the ache that seemed to permeate her entire form, before bolting for the sword and lunging at the creature's neck.

Tass: Rushing for her blade, Klara's legs seem to barely work, but the masturbating monster was caught completely by surprise. She made it just as it was getting to its feet, and drew her sword which felt heavier than normal in her leaden limbs. Lunging for its throat in the hopes for an easy kill, the beast raised an arm and caught it, her sword impaling the limb and causing the beast to shriek with pain. It recoiled, nearly tearing her sword out of her grasp, but Klara managed to keep her grip just barely. Undaunted by its wound, the beast lunged for the battered knight, trying to grab her and pin her, but she just barely managed to sidestep out of the way and towards the open area in the center of the room.

Sin: Two choices, kill or flee naked from the stables and make a break for the fortress itself. There was no way she was getting past the courtyard in her state. Her eyes flicked to the stable entrance to make sure it was clear, ready to sprint if it was, and attacking her foe if it was wasn't.

Tass: The stable entrance was, for the moment, seemingly clear, but she could see two more of the creatures moving toward her from out in the yard, and who knows how many more that were out of her line of sight. She could try to make a run for it if she liked, but where she would go from there was important, the gatehouse on the left and the path to the graveyard along an alley and the fortress itself on the right.

Sin: The fortress was her best bet. The graveyard was where the DeLeo sword lay still, but it was also where she had been beaten. The fortress would be it then. Without any further hesitation, Klara bolted for the entrance to the interior.

Tass: Rushing for the fort gate, which lay closed but only possibly locked, Klara moved as fast as her legs could carry her. Unfortunately, that wasn't very fast, and the creature that she had wounded was fast on her heels. It lunged once, but a quick change in direction left it at her side, and it had to spring after her to catch up again. The other two broke into a run as well, and out of the corner of her eye she briefly spotted another one in the alley leading to the graveyard before the corner of the inner keep's walls blocked it from her line of sight. Just as she was about to reach the entrance, Klara felt a heavy weight slam into her back, and she was dropped to her front on the ground with the monster she'd wounded on her back, her chest pressed into the cold, hard, snow-covered earth while it sought to pin her arms and sink it's fangs into her neck.

Sin: Klara screamed, bare flesh now pressing into the snow as the beast's fangs sank into her, already the venom working. "God have mercy!" she cried out as she tried to thrash and resist.

Tass: (It didn't bite her yet :p Unless ye just want to call the fight.)
Sin: ((oh, sought to... misread that))

Sin: Klara screamed, bare flesh now pressing into the snow as the beast pushed down upon her. She struggled and thrashed, despite leaden limbs, doing all she could to get it off of her, to get her blade to its flesh.

Tass: The thrashing knight's struggles proved fruitless. The monster was stronger, had a better position, and wasn't crippled by exhaustion. Pain and euphoria lashed through her again as it bit her, her arms locked to the ground, and once again she felt the beast sucking at her freshly wounded neck, gorging itself on her blood. It's venom flooded her system again, leaving her already heavy limbs feeling even weaker. The blood trickling from the wound she'd inflicted slowed and stopped as it drank her blood, its flesh knitting together. As it settled over her, she felt its cock grinding against the cheeks of her ass, pre already leaking from the tip and dirtying her skin, telling of it's foul intent if she didn't shove it off of her quickly, which would be even harder now that it's poison was rushing through her veins.

Sin: "No, no," Klara said weakly, trying to find a way to buck it off, using her hips, making the cock slide across her skin as she used every ounce of strength she could muster. "God, help me now."

Tass: The beast growled against Klara's neck as she squirmed beneath it, her blood still flowing into it's hungry maw. Her squirming only seemed to arouse it further, her soft skin rubbing over it's rod prompting it to rear back and then slam back down, it's length forcing itself into her pussy just a bit more than halfway to the hilt. It started humping her without further preamble, pain and pleasure mixing again as it pistoned into her, and as the last bits of strength once more threatened to leave Klara's limbs she heard the lock of the door she'd been running for click. It opened with a rusty creaking noise, and a figure stepped out and looked over the pinned knight and the beast raping her with mild amusement. "I thought I'd heard the dogs with a new toy," the figure rhasped, and Aldin lifted his hood slightly to look at Klara as the beast ravaged her, "tried to run eh?" he continued conversationally, while the other two beasts who had been waiting their turn shifted away from the sorcerer.

Sin: On the ground, trying to fight back, Klara glared at the sorcerer. "God will strike you down for this... vile sin," the knight growled, her face twisted in pain, and a hint of pleasure she tried so hard to deny.

Tass: Aldin grinned as the beast continued pounding down into the knight, Klara's pain fading in favor of the pleasure that she tried so hard to deny. "God eh? Guess I ought to leave them to it for a few more hours. Which one, if I may ask?" he asked idly, though after a moment his eyes narrowed. "Hey.... Don't I know you?"

Sin: Klara grimaced, he didn't even know her, and she wasn't about to give him the pleasure. She looked away, as the creature continued to ravage her, all while she did what little she could to try and escape its clutches.

Tass: The beast, having drunk her blood to the point that Klara was once more feeling woozy and light headed, pulled it's fangs away and started panting against her neck, it's tongue rubbing over the wounds that it had reopened. Her limbs were locked by the venom, leaving her struggles able to accomplish little more than exciting the beast further, and as it kept plowing into her from above it started hitting a point along her inner walls that sent bursts of white hot pleasure running through her. The frigid ground was the only source of pain now, the cold against her bare chest agonizing, but even that was fading as the poison took hold. Aldin glared at her for a moment as she looked away, but then his eyes widened in recognition. "You're one of those Star God nutters!" he exclaimed, and then laughed uproariously for a few moments. "Hah! Not all high and mighty when some mutant's fucking your whore cunt into the ground, are you? I ought to leave you out here for them to enjoy until you're just a withered corpse!"

Sin: Klara bared her teeth, partially to show defiance, partially to stop the moan threatening to burst out from the intense pleasure that was starting to take over. Starting to consume. Her rock hard nipples dragged through slush and snow as she was ravaged, and still she glared at Ardin. "Foul sorcerer," she growled.

Tass: "Bahahahaha! Me? Foul? I'm not the one covered in filth!" Aldin grunted in amusement, "maybe I oughta watch a round or two? See how long it takes yah to cum?" The constant grinding against the sensitive spot was making that occurrence fairly innevitable, and threatened to make it happen far far more quickly than it had the night before. "Or maybe you'd rather I take a round, eh? I bet you'd make a good loyal fucktoy after a bit of training. Would you rather that, or die out here?" he asked every question snidely, and as the beast rutted Klara it began to pant against her neck, it's thrusts coming faster and harder and making the foul pleasure rise even faster.

Sin: Klara grasped at the slush, unable to fight back, unable to win... and so her second orgasm of her life ripped through her, forcing the moan of pleasure from her lips, reverberating off the walls of the fortress as she came hard. "I'd rather die," she said, trying to sound determined in her post-orgasmic fugue. And why were thoughts of Sargoth's tongue shimmering in her mind?

Tass: Aldin laughed again as Klara came under the beast, and only laughed harder as she remained defiant even after cumming on the monster's cock. The rolling waves of pleasure only grew more intense as it kept pounding into her, though it would suddenly pause for a moment. Klara was dragged up onto her knees, her face held into the snow and her ass forced into the air, and while it gripped her by the scalp the beast started slamming into her from behind so hard that it sent ripples through the soft portions of her flesh. "Heh, fine by me~" the sorcerer grunted, and contented himself to watch Klara get fucked more. "Aldin, what's going on out here?" another male voice called, this one higher and more nasal than Aldin's rhasp, and a second robed figure stepped out of the door, their eyebrows rising as they spotted Klara. "Ahhhh..... An intruder. Is she broken, or can she still talk?"

Sin: "I, will not break," Klara said in response, even as her breasts bounced with each thrust into her from behind, her face pressing hard into the cold ground, but the venom flowing through her veins was too strong to even feel the discomfort. She was pretending at this point, to try and maintain her dignity.

Tass: "Ahhh, excellent!" the newcomer said excitedly, though Aldin was frowning now, and said; "She's one of the loonies that tried to kill me! One of the Star God fanatics!" That mollified the newcomer a little bit, but he then shrugged, "it just means we'll have to give her to Aysar for a few hours. She'd like that." The beast, in the meantime, was driving Klara steadily towards another orgasm, it's rod growing harder and starting to throb within her in a way that warned that her pussy was about to be filled with a fresh dose of it's seed. "When that one's finished, have her brought inside. And have her things collected too! At the very least we'll be able to pawn them at some point, if they're worth anything." And then he turned away and walked back inside, leaving Aldin scowling darkly down at Klara while the beast that was rutting her prepared to fill her up.

Sin: "Seems your not top of the food chain either," Klara said with a grin despite herself... before her body shuddered as another orgasm tore through her, the moan managing to escape into the open before she could clamp it down.

Tass: "Says the slut cumming on a mutant's dick," Aldin grunted in reply as Klara suffered yet another orgasm, this one coinciding with that of her rapist. The beast let out a low growl as it's warm cream exploded into her deepest depths, filling her quivering sex to the brim and beyond. Once it was finished, it pulled out, but Aldin grunted something at it in a language that she didn't recognize, and instead of wandering off it lifted the helpless knight over it's shoulder. He barked something else at the others that had been waiting for their turn with her, and one carefully picked up her sword while the other loped off towards the stable. >>
Tass: Taken inside, the fortress was at least a bit warmer, which spared her from hypothermia, but the limp knight was carried along through the main entrance and into the hall, the door left open until the beast hauling her other goods brought them in and shut it, which was lit by more fresh lightstones. Another corridor brought her through another large door, into the castle's inner courtyard, and then it was only a short walk over to the keep. A door that looked newer than the rest had been left open, and Aldin strolled in, leading the beast's carrying Klara and her gear, and in the large circular tower the knight found herself among a dark gathering. Four more sorcerer's waited, each eying her naked form with various forms of nefarious interest, as well as the one who had come upon her while Aldin was watching. That one's hood was now down, revealing surprisingly feminine features and a long scar across their throat that revealed the source of their strange voice.
Tass: The others were a man in brighter robes and with much darker skin than was normal for Crolians, his gaze falling upon Klara with decidedly lewd intent as he stroked an equally dark goatee, the only hair upon his head. Next was another woman, this one with red hair and eyes that were entirely pitch black, the empty voids ruining otherwise stunning features, and she alone seemed almost uninterested in the helpless knight. On the far side of the room, idly eating a sandwich, was a taller man with blond hair and blue eyes, his frame broader and more muscular than the rest, and he only seemed curious while eating his meal. Finally, nearest to the door was a man who looked like he'd been burned long ago, his flesh covered in old scars and a pair of dark beedy eyes glaring at her. "New meat?" he asked, his harsh voice like metal scraping against jagged stone and filled with sadistic excitement. "Looks that way, yeah," Aldin replied in a grunt, and Klara was given the distinct impression that he found the other sorcerer uncomfortable to be around.

Tass: (Can do a reaction there if you want, or I can go on.)
Sin: Klara glanced between each and everyone of them, feeling a shiver of fear crawling up her spine as she took them in. These were old sorcerers. She wasn't even sure all of them were human. She bit her lip, biting down a retort, not wanting to draw more ire than she already had.

Tass: "Unbroken.... But afraid~" the black eyed witch said, her voice at first speculative but then dropping into a sensual purr as she examined Klara more closely. "I claim this one!" she said, but there was a chorus of protests starting with Aldin; "Like hell you are!" The burned man hissed, "greedy! Greedy!" The dark skinned man diplomatically said; "Now now, no reason that we can't share! There's plenty of her to go around, I'm sure~" The short haired woman who had ensured that Klara was brought in nodded in agreement, "yes, yes, some for all of us!" The black eyed one didn't seem to like that, but recognized when she'd been overruled and fell silent. The beast dropped Klara onto the table in the middle of the room, and the others deposited her gear in the corner before going back towards the door. >>
Tass: The dark eyed sorceress approached the one who had dropped Klara, however, and hugged the creature's oversized head to her bosom and cooed; "Good boy~ Good boy~ Bringing mommy a new toy~" She reached down and grabbed it's still exposed length, feeling Klara's slickness on it, and it shivered and slid it's tongue over the skin of the woman's collar. "Ahuehuehue~ Claimed her first, hrm? Good~" she siad delightedly, and again Klara would see Aldin shiver with distaste, a gesture repeated by the dark skinned sorcerer while the blond man looked slightly ill and the short haired woman looked away. Gazing at the cum still leaking from Klara's sex, the redhead grinned maniacally, "mmmm... And filled her up too! Maybe I'll get a few new packmembers out of her~" That inspired a general shiver that even the scarred magus was not immune to, and the blond man grunted; "Briga... Please stop. Just.... Go and see to your pets outside or something, yeah? I'm trying to eat here!" >>
Tass: The witch pouted at him, but soon enough six would become five as she led the last beast out, closing the door behind her. "So, my dear.... It seems that you've been caught breaking in," the dark skinned man said jovially once the redhead was gone. "What might you have been doing here, I wonder?" he asked aloud, but Aldin grunted; "She was followin' me. I recognize her, she's a Star God paladin. Was with the group that chased me out of my last abode." That brought a few quirked eyebrows, but then the blond asked; "What's your name, love?"

Sin: Klara glared at Aldin, but turned her attention to the blonde, sitting up to try and hide the cum drooling from her stuffed cunt. "Klara," she said simply, not feeling like she deserved her title at this exact moment.

Tass: "Klara. Pretty," he said, to which the dark skinned sorcerer nodded in agreement. "What are you really doing here? Just following Aldin?" the woman with the scar across her throat asked.

Sin: Now she decided to come clean. "I am a paladin of the Star God. I'm here to cleanse the world, of his filth," she said, throwing a glance towards Aldin.

Tass: "Just him? You can have him!" the blond man quipped, to which Aldin glared angrily. "No, no she may not," the scarred woman said. "Not like she can at this point anyway," Aldin remarked dryly, "cunt's fullah more poison than cum at this point. Can you even stand?" He asked dryly, and if Klara tried to test that she would find her legs crumpling under her, having barely been able to even sit up. "Briga's pet's poison doesn't last forever though," the burned man continued with narrowed eyes, "we ought to deal with her now!" The scarred woman shook her head though, "she's no threat to us unarmed and exhausted. Those bites will get infected if they aren't seen to, Robert, why don't you tend to those and put her with Aysar? She'll make sure our new guest is compliant after she cleans her up." Robert, shrugging, tossed down the rest of his sandwich and stood up, "sure."

Sin: "Who is Aysar?" Klara dared to ask as Robert, his sandwich forgotten, which only reminded the paladin of her own hunger and thirst, came forward to do as he was bidden.

Tass: "You'll see," he replied with a slight grin. (Aaaaaand just had someone explode in my face over something that wasn't my fault, gotta call it here for now.)
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 5 Part 1

Tass: With a flourish of his hand, Robert caused a spirit to appear. It was the orc with the axe, the one who had gotten her the keys, but now with a dull expression on his face, a drunken blankness that was amplified. His spirit had more substance than before, but he was still silent as Robert said; "Lift her and follow me. If she tries to escape, break one of her ankles and both of her arms." His tone was entirely casual, as if he was asking for a cup of tea rather than her crippling should she attempt to make a run for it. The nude knight was lifted by the bound ghost in a bridal carry, his form fleshier than any of the ghosts she'd dealt with before, and he turned to follow Robert as the blond mage went for the door opposite the one she'd been carried through. Climbing up a set of stairs, Klara was brought into a set of chambers that apparently served as the mage's quarters, as when he pushed a door open it was into a sparse bedroom. >>
Tass: The bed was the only major piece of furniture, and on it was a woman, a woman who might just send shivers up Klara's spine. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=170&pictureid=10815 She had a metal collar around her neck with a chain tied to it, connecting to an iron bar driven into the floor, and while she initially cast Robert a curious gaze her eyes quickly settled onto Klara as the battered knight was carried in, her face turning into a lascivious grin. "Well, hello there~ Robert, I had no idea you'd be bringing me a present today!" the demoness purred, her gaze full of hunger with little difference from that she'd seen in the monsters who had claimed her. "Oh, I do like to offer my colleague's pet the occasional treat!" the mage replied dryly, rolling his eyes. "Put her on the bed," he said, and the orc ghost moved to do just that, dropping Klara onto the soft mattress, after which Robert motioned and a second collar suddenly wrapped itself around Klara's throat, a chain tying itself to the same peg that the demon was bound to. "I don't think I need to tell you what to do here.... Try not to exhausted her too much. Briga's pets had her for a night before she got brought in." >>
Tass: The mage motioned again, causing the orc's ghost to vanish, and then strolled for the door. The demoness watched him leave with a smirk until the door closed behind him, and then her gaze settled hungrily onto Klara again as she rose from her prone position to one akin to a cat stalking a mouse. "Hello lovely~"

Sin: The sight of the demoness did indeed send a shiver rolling up Klara's spine, and while she tried her best to ignore it, it was nigh impossible. Dropped on the bed and locked into place, she groaned as she tried to shift away from the beautiful creature now stalking here in a place she had no where to run. Her muscles, all of them, protested each movement. Cum still slowly slid from her cunt as she shifted away from the monster, until the chains clanked against the pole in the ground, reaching its full length, preventing her from moving further. Klara's eyes went wide with fear, even as her cunt quivered with arousal she didn't want. Reaching up, she tried to pull the collar from her neck.

Tass: The demon's eyes mostly remained on Klara's face as she crawled after the retreating knight, though her gaze did flicker briefly over the cum drooling from her abused pussy. Not pausing or even slowing, the demon's head lowered in her pursuit to lick up the seed that would otherwise have been left to stain the bedding, her tongue as long as Klara's forearm and more agile than a snake. All too soon Klara was out of room to retreat, not even at the edge of the bed given her placement in relation to the pole to which she was tied, and as exhausted as she was her tugging at the chain didn't even budge the metal. The collar, likewise, proved impossible to move, locked as it was around her throat, and even seemed to tighten to the point that it choked her when she tried to get it off. "You won't be going anywhere dear thing~" the succubus purred, her head rising again as she closed the last few inches, "that collar won't come off without a key... And when I'm done with you, you won't even want to leave." >>
Tass: A hand rose and graced over Klara's calf, slowly tracing her leg up to her knee before descending along her thigh, closer and closer to her cleft. "Poor thing... So tired... So weak..... Don't worry~" she purred, and more than sheer weakness kept Klara from being able to kick at her. Something stirred within her, something awakened by the demon's voice. It had her legs wanting to drift apart, had her eyes tempted towards those of the predator that was slowly drawing nearer to her, it's helpless prey.

Sin: Her breasts were rising and falling heavily with each panicked breath, her fingers continued to pry at the collar until the tips were numb and the iron was making her choke. But the demoness's approach was reaching into her, past all her defenses like wind. Klara was too tired to properly fight back, all her miracles used in desperate battle, she was utterly helpless before this fiend. And her eyes, locked to the crawling predator, her legs ever so slowly drifting further apart, against Klara's drained wil.

Tass: Every passing second made that sensation stronger, made her desire rise in time with her terror, and as the demoness drew in Klara's gaze was finally brought to meet the golden orbs that had settled upon her. Something rushed past her scattered will through that tiny ingress, something that twisted the unwanted ember of arousal and stoked it into a crackling flame, something that coiled around the very core of her soul and took root. "I won't hurt you, sweet little thing~" she purred as she drew in, Klara's eyes unable to leave those of the demon, unable to even blink. "Do you know what I am?" she asked as her advance finally paused, the two now so close that the tips of their noses were touching. Black wings unfurled suddenly, spreading a shadow over Klara, but on a more tactile level she felt the demon's fingers complete their journey up her thigh, a lone digit left extended as the rest of her fingers curled, leaving her index finger resting over Klara's clitoral hood.

Sin: Terror was slowly deflating, burning away from the heat of her unwanted arousal. The heavy breathing was starting to change to something more intense, her heart pounding with need as she felt the finger hovering over hr clit. "Succubus," Klara breathed, the word slipping from her lips, breath washing over the demoness's own while her fingers slowly stopped trying to pull at the collar as she felt every defense utterly shattered.

Tass: "Yes." And then those soft lips had claimed her own, the kiss just as dominant as the last few she'd suffered from the hungry ghosts but many times more intense. Her tongue was held prisoner for the better part of a minute by the twisting appendage that wormed its way into her mouth. The familiar sensation of her soul being fed upon returned, what little of her essence that had been restored by time stripped away more delicately and more pleasurably than either phantom had managed. When she broke the kiss, the demoness left Klara's arousal as an unquenchable inferno, the inexperienced knight barely able to contain herself for an entirely new reason. "And no.... I am Aysar, my sweet.... But as you are now my pet, you will call me Mistress. What were you called before you became mine?"

Sin: Her mind swirled, lost in the inferno of lust that the succubus had pushed upon her... or had stoked within her. She wasn't sure, she couldn't think properly, not with the soft moist heat lingering upon her lips so soon after that kiss that had robbed her of another sliver of her soul. "Klara... mistress," the knight said, tasting the word upon her tongue as it slipped out into reality, the last vestiges of fear utterly burned away as she laid bared before this seductress. Her own tongue slid over her lips.

Tass: "Mmmm..." The demoness leaned forward again, claiming Klara's lips and this time dragging the human's tongue into her mouth. Aysar tasted of peppermint and burning pine, cinnamon and rosemary, and as she let the inexperienced woman's tongue loose Klara felt the finger over her clit start drawing slow circles, rubbing the sensitive nub through it's protective hood.

Sin: Klara moaned, not willing to fight her arousal anymore. Her hips pushed upwards slightly against the finger that only stoked her lusts to impossible heights, while her tongue clumsily explored within the mouth of the succubus. Aysar, her mistress. The thought slid so easily though her mind, crawling across her soul with the lust that had rooted itself there, her eyes fluttering as pleasure she'd never imagined began to creep through her flesh.

Tass: For the next few minutes Klara was left in exactly that state, her limbs too feeble to allow her to do anything more than buck against the finger that seemed to anticipate her every move, denying her any greater stimulation no matter how badly she might beg. After a time, however, the kiss broke, and the demoness nudged her head up so that she could trail kisses down Klara's jaw. "Poor thing.... Don't worry," she repeated as she kissed Klara's neck, touching the wounds that she'd been inflicted with by the beasts that had caught her. Her tongue lashed across the leftover holes just like theirs had, but unlike theirs it healed the wounds completely, leaving not even a single scar to mark their presence. The dull throbbing pain that had been left vanished with it, the infection cleared from her system as well, and even the paralytic venom seemed to weaken significantly. "When I devour you... It'll feel so much better~" she purred, and then began to trail kisses downwards while her finger danced faster and faster.

Sin: Some manner of strength began to flow back into her limbs, and slowly, Klara let her own fingertips glide up the back of her... mistress, feeling the impossibly smooth skin of the succubus as she fell deeper into the lust that Aysar stoked in her. She moaned to the ceiling, not holding them back anymore, letting them flow freely as poisons were drawn out from her... but her soul did not return.

Tass: First, the demoness came upon Klara's chest, a treasure unclaimed by the monsters but not seemingly by her. Aysar's tongue coiled around one of the nubs that marked the peaks of those soft mounds, drawing it to her lips which sealed over it, replacing one pressure with another as the coils receded and the tip began to flick over Klara's nipple. Her other breast was claimed by the demon's hand, her fingers closing over it and kneading the soft flesh as she rested on her knees, her other hand still mercilessly teasing the helpless knight's clitoris. A single tendril of power began to sink into the core of her soul, drawing off the lightest portions of her deepest soul but it's true purpose, to let those foul controlling hooks take deeper and deeper, was coming closer and closer to fruition.

Sin: Klara was blinded by her own thick arousal, unable to determine what the succubus was doing to her. She simply took each pleasure greedily, sounding out her need with loud hungry moans of pleasure. Her nails raked up Aysar's back with greater intensity as more strength flowed into her limbs, her body unsure of how to move in such situations. She felt like a novice again, trying desperately to learn that she might garner more of the delicious sensations coursing through her flesh.

Tass: After a moment or two Aysar moved to Klara's other breast, shifting her other hand to rest on the bed as her weight pushed Klara down onto the bed, and once the knight was on her back she finally got a taste of real pleasure. Two fingers suddenly pushed into her soaking flower, Aysar's thumb replacing the digit that had been teasing her clit while the demon's fingers started pumping into her folds faster than any of the beasts had been able to fuck her, again hitting the patch that sent white hot spirals of sensation rolling up her spine as the stimulation instantly overwhelmed any remaining hesitation on her part, and the very core of her being began to shift at her mistress's command...

Sin: Klara's head tilted back, her hair pooling around her as she moaned in bliss, those intense sensations swirling through her mind, making it impossible to think. Her hands ran down her mistress's back, finding the firm, succulent flesh of her ass, and grasping hard with renewed strength, her legs opened invitingly to the succubus as she thrust her hips against the thrusting fingers lewdly.

Tass: A light moan purred out around her breast as Klara gripped the demon's ass, her tail curling around the knight's wrist and encouraging her touch. Her acceptance of the other woman's touch only made Aysar move faster and harder, driving Klara to an orgasm that seemed to last for years as pleasure ripped through her body like it never had before.

Sin: The moan that ripped its way from Klara's lips was nearly a scream, and she let it flow outwards, eyes clamped shut as she fondled and groped the succubus's ass, pulling her mistress closer, wanting more of the delicious flesh that had so easily pushed aside her prude defenses and stoked a lust Klara had never imagined could exist. Her world was slipping away as she writhed in pleasure, losing all track of time as her orgasm battered into her soul.

Tass: Her soul, already coiled around the tendrils that had slipped into her, was reshaped by the demon's power as Klara was left shattered and defenseless by her orgasm. Her faith, her adoration for her God, her sense of honor, all of it was shifted just a tiny bit. Klara's world was made to revolve around her mistress, around Aysar, and while that enthrallment wasn't beyond fighting yet, it took root deep and strong, and every peak she suffered would make it stronger. "Delicious~" she purred, and as Klara unwound she slowly drew her fingers out of the knight's folds and brought them up to her mouth, sucking them clean of the mixture coating them. "Mmmm.... Briga's pets. Ahh well, it won't spoil my meal~" she purred, and Klara found the demon's hands hooked under her knees, forcing her to roll back so that her ass was high and her legs far apart, Aysar's mouth slowly dropping towards her sex with her unnaturally long tongue extended.

Sin: No thoughts could solidify, not now. Not with such heat coursing in her veins. Klara's feet cocked inwards, interlocking behind the back of her mistress. Her mind was hazy, and she couldn't stop now. Couldn't bring herself to see the consequences, as her heels ran over the skin of Aysar's back, and the leather membrane of her wings. More moans from the falling knight's lips, as she reached upwards, fingers sliding through thick demonic locks, pulling Aysar closer to her needy, cum filled, cunt.

Tass: A moan of joy, lust, and hunger passed through Aysar's parted lips as Klara's fingers laced through her hair, and then that tongue was sliding past Klara's lips and into her depths like the world's most agile cock. It squirmed inside of her, gathering up the juices and semen filling her and lapping them up into her mouth, her lips quickly sealing over Klara's nether ones. Every spike of pleasure drove the nails of control deeper into Klara's mind and soul, and with the ecstasy flooding through from that squirming appendage as it explored Klara's cunt like none ever had before those spikes were countless and constant. Her grip on the knight's still weak legs was like iron, preventing them from doing more than holding the demoness in as her worming tongue sought out ever sweet spot within the knight's folds even as it cleaned them of everything but the juices that they were ever excreting.
Tass: (Get my last one?)
Sin: ((Yep))

Sin: Her hips bucked wildly, another orgasm already threatening to explode within her loins. Raking her nails across Aysar's scalp, Klara screamed in pleasure, her legs bending downwards to pull the demoness closer, all thoughts of how wrong this was disapated. There was nothing holding her back from bliss now.

Tass: Another moan, leaving Aysar's lips vibrating against her clit, passed through her domme's mouth as Klara felt the quickly building orgasm ripping through her, pulse after pulse of wild pleasure boiling through her body as the demoness lapped up every drop of spilled honey. This time Klara's peak would be extended for minute by the continued writhing of the appendage buried inside of her, Aysar's tongue keeping the ecstasy coming while her spirit shaped Klara's further and further towards the ideal pet. And then, when it was finally over, she slid back, releasing Klara from the pleasure hell and rising up to sit on her legs. "Such a tasty little thing~ I'll give you a bit of time to rest now, methinks. And then, you will learn to give the gift that I just offered you.... Won't you like that, little kitten?"

Sin: Her limbs untangling from the succubus, her body coated in a sheen of sweat that glistened in the soft light of the chamber, Klara breathed heavily in post-orgasmic bliss, her eyes staring at the ceiling as she tried and failed to collect her thoughts. "Yes," she whispered softly without even truly thinking about the word slipping past her lips.

Tass: "Mmmmm~" Aysar purred softly with pleasure as Klara affirmed her, and with a few careful motions ripped away what little covered the knight's body, mostly her boots but including a few scraps of cloth. Then her tongue went to work, treating every injury and lapping up the grime that coated Klara's body, before the exhausted knight was dragged up to a more comfortable position, her head falling upon a pillow and the demoness curling up against her side, lips sliding over her neck and jaw and fingers ever so gently rubbing over her petals.

Sin: The embers of lust began to flicker to life all over again. Klara groaned softly at each press of skin to skin, of tongue to flesh. Shivers ran up and down her spine as she tilted her head into the pillow, exhausted and aroused, her fingertips idly running over Aysar's sides.

Tass: "Good..... But not tonight. Your endurance will be tested tomorrow~" Aysar purred into Klara's ear, though her actions wouldn't cease or slow, leaving the knight to try and sleep with her arousal still lightly flaring or attempt to get more pleasure from her mistress.

Sin: Her fatigue fought with her needs. Her fingers drifting down between her legs, head tilting to look at her mistress. "What are you doing to me?" Klara said, as rogue trails of memory flittered through her mind.

Tass: "Teaching," her mistress replied softly.

Sin: Klara's fingers gently toyed with the slick petals between her legs, drawing another moan from her lips as she stared into Aysar's eyes, getting lost in them, trying to remember why she had come here.

Tass: As Klara's fingers joined those of her demon mistress, one of Aysar's pushed past her outer lips and began to circle her inner ones slowly. Lost in the eyes of the demon, Klara could only recall that she had come to her to have her pain relieved, that her mistress had done just that and shown her such pleasure in the process. Aldin and the other sorcerers, the monsters and horrors they had created, and even the source of her mission were all suppressed in her mind, like scraps of memory lost to time.

Sin: Klara leaned forward, searching for Aysar's delicious lips upon her own, as she let her fingers slowly drift push in those of her mistress.

Tass: The demoness issued a light laugh just before she acquiesced, allowing Klara's lips to find her own after just a tiny retreat via a tilt of her head brought them initially out of reach. Aysar's finger began to slowly push deeper into her, swirling constantly as it glanced against her inner walls.

Sin: Finally finding her mistress's lips, Klara groaned softly, kissing her softly as she fought the fatigue threatening to overwhelm her. Thre was something about sleep that frightened her, something about what lay outside this room that terrified her, but Klara couldn't think of it, couldn't imagine it.

Tass: The fear's she held, however rightly, were drowned like everything else as Aysar slipped a second digit into Klara's depths, the two twirling for a moment before they began to slowly work in and out. Pleasure burned away all other sensations, all other thoughts, all other feelings when it came from the succubus. It burned them and replaced them with want, with desperate need, and finally with primal but ultimately fleeting pleasure as one last orgasm began to build within Klara. It built and built as her mistress's tongue danced with her own, guiding her along the steps and letting her taste her own honey and the monster's cum, and when it struck her it was as strong as the rest and took with it Klara's conscious mind, blackness descending to claim her where her imagination, free of the demon's charms still, could try to give substance to the fears that had tried to keep her awake.

Sin: The last physical sensation was the taste of herself and the beasts that had ravaged her, stealing her virginity. As Klara fell into the darkness of sleep, dream like images of the beasts swirled across her brain. Memories and fantasy began to melt together, and within her head she struggled to keep them parted, holding them at bay as they so desperately tried to wrap their tendrils around her, and her soul. Bent over, upon her knees, lustful sinful images spun through her imagination.
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 6 Part 1

Tass: Her aches faded by the demon's touch and her spirit slowly rebuilding itself, even the desperate struggle to keep her memories and fantasies separate did not keep Klara from resting well after her ordeal. The ensnarement of her soul was unshaken by her subconscious's efforts to break it, leaving her sinful dreams to imagine what her demonic mistress would show her next when she awoke again. After time unknown, the fallen knight finally returned from the land of dreams to the land of the living, her awareness returning to find the room in which she'd been bound pitch black, the collar around her throat still secure but a comforting pile of blankets beneath her. The warm weight of the demoness beside her filled her head with almost sickening joy that was not entirely her own, the warmth of her breath against Klara's neck a unique sort of pleasure all its own, even though she seemed to be asleep as well.

Sin: Her eyes open, struggling to adapt to the utter darkness, the demoness's breath sent a shiver down Klara's spine. She dared not move, lest she woke the succubus, but knew she had to find a way to escape, somehow. Lest she lose who she was entirely. Was that such a bad thing though? She clenched her eyes, trying to stifle that thought, but it was growing stronger. Biting her lip, she listened for any sounds, besides the soft breath of the inviting, sensual creature laying next to her, naked flesh against naked flesh.

Tass: Listening, Klara heard nothing, no movement or sound suggesting that anyone else was even nearby.... At first. Straining her ears revealed muffled voices from far off, too low and coming through too much stone to be even remotely intelligible beyond telling her that both voices belonged to men. Shuffling footsteps passed by the door, coming and going without touching it. The palm over her breast suddenly gave a soft squeeze, and as Klara listened she felt the lips close to her neck close in and seal over her skin, kissing her throat just beneath the curve leading up to her jaw.

Sin: She couldn't help herself, a soft groan of pleasure spilling from her lips, her own hand, draped gently over the demon's hip, curled to run her nails over the curve of soft skin. The part of her not wanting escape became louder in her head.

Tass: "Good morning, my pet~" the succubus purred softly before kissing Klara's neck again, her palm kneading Klara's breast. She slowly trailed up Klara's jaw to claim the knight's mouth, her tongue sliding past Klara's lips to glide against her own.

Sin: The word sliding into her ear, as much as the press of lips and the kneading of her breast, cause a thrill to shoot down her back, and a groan to escape her lips. As their lips met in a moist caress, Klara's mouth opening to hungrily accept the tongue as some small part of her cried out "No! Chastity is virtue! Virtue is strength!". In response to that cry, her hand slid over the demoness's hip, squeezing her soft rump.

Tass: As if in mockery of her mental outcry, the demon's knee rose until it pressed between Klara's legs, soft skin rubbing over her sex while the appealing softness of the demon's rear pressed into her palm. The demon's tongue explored her mouth hungrily and her hand worked over her breast for a few moments before she slowly broke the kiss and slid that hand down to Klara's hip. "Are you ready to learn to please your mistress, my pet?"

Sin: Only one word came through strong enough for Klara to actually speak it in that moment of sensuality, so close to debauchery, the lingering scents of the betrayal she had commited still wafting through the room. "Yes," she said, not in a whisper, not hiding the desire growing inside her. Inside she felt something whimper, but it was growing weaker.

Tass: "Mmmmm~" the demoness kissed her again, but then the blankets were slowly pulled aside, leaving Klara swamped in the cold air of the room rather than the comfortable warmth of their shared heat beneath the heavy blankets. A snap of her fingers caused light to flood the room, and then the succubus rose to a kneeling position. With deliberate slowness she slipped out of her clothes, first her top revealing the hardened rosy tips of her breasts and then her bottoms, displaying a hairless pink flower. She smiled at Klara all the while, her flawless form finally revealed in all its glory.

Sin: Klara's jaw dropped ever so slightly at the sight. She herself was still naked from last night, the tuft of hair between her legs feeling inadequate near the smooth sex of the demon. Her tongue slowly rolled over her lips, as she stared, wondering what to do.

Tass: The demoness smirked briefly at her gaping expression, but her more sultry smile quickly returned. "Appropriate, considering the first skill you'll have to learn~" she said, and then reached down to her crotch as a slight glow appeared over her sex. A lump of flesh began to extend from her body, growing until it was about eight inches long and expanding, growing thick and hard. Within a few seconds the formerly feminine demoness was sporting a fully formed cock, smaller than the ones sported by the mutants who had raped her but still impressive enough. "Such a pure little thing... Are you ready to taste what you have so long been denied?" the demon purred softly, caressing the side of Klara's face.

Sin: A furious blush turned Klara's cheeks a furious red, as she stared at the cock. 'Turn away in the name of God. Turn away and save your soul' something whispered in her head, but the word that came from her lips was. "Yes." Soft, gentle, nervous, excited.

Tass: "You've never done this before of your own free will, have you little kitten?" the demoness purred as she gently nudged Klara's mouth closer to the cock she had sprouted. "You have given worship before... I can taste it in your soul. That is a good enough starting point.... Pray to me, little pet. Pray with your lips, and your tongue, upon my flesh~"

Sin: Pray, with her lips, her tongue. She... could do that. She shouldn't, but she would. Moving forward with some guidance, she parted her lips, mouth watering with anticipation. God had abandoned her... now here she was. Her lips wrapped around the cock of the succubus. Yes, she had been abandoned, perhaps there should be something else to worship.

Tass: The demoness gave a soft sigh of pleasure as the head of her cock entered the wet warmth of Klara's mouth, that simple sound a more real sign of appreciation for her efforts than any she had ever seen from her God. The sweet, heady scent that the demon released filled her nose and mouth, intensifying the flare of her arousal. "Mmmmm, good girl... So willing.... Learn... Experiment... Find what makes me shudder with pleasure~"

Sin: Experiment, learn. Those had never been strong points of the church. She wasn't entire sure what to do, so, she just took more of the cock into her mouth. Her tongue felt a little trapped, so began to slide across the bottom of the shaft slipping further inwards.

Tass: "Good.... Move your tongue more," the demoness gasped softly, before her hand began to gently nudge Klara to move back and forth, "move like this... Suck on it, let your lips tighten. You can use your hands too, put one on the base."

Sin: Klara groaned slightly, and began to do as instructed. Her soft lips pressed more firmly on the hard flesh, her head began to bob up and down the length of the cock. The flesh glistened as it left her mouth before gently being taken in once again. Her tongue began to move a little more, curling up the side's of the succubus's cock, her mistress's cock. And use her hands? With one callused hand, she wrapped her fingers around the base, and began to gently stroke.

Tass: "Oooooh, yes~ Just like that," the demoness gasped as Klara followed her instructions, pleasure clouding her features as the knight's mouth bobbed back and forth on her cock. "Keep going.... Try to make me cum~" she purred, and just then a sudden influx of a sweet taste would briefly color her experience, the tiny smudge of something from the tip dissolving into her mouth and making her arousal burn a tiny bit brighter.

Sin: What had that been? Whatever it was, Klara wanted more. Much more. She began to go faster, her tongue now curling all the way around her mistress's cock as it slid into her mouth, just the tiniest bit deeper with each bob. Her fingers slid over slickened flesh as she hungrily swallowed the hard shaft.

Tass: Klara's efforts earned her a stream of encouraging moans and grunts from the demoness that she was pleasuring, the cock in her mouth growing firmer as she bobbed on more and more of it. Her tongue, somehow longer than it had been when she had fallen asleep, was able to coil almost entirely around the demon's thick rod, and more and more she got little tastes of whatever substance had been leaked into her mouth. "Mmmm... Yes.... More," her mistress gasped as her hand urged the knight to take it deeper still, "don't stop.... Don't stop!"

Sin: The fallen knight went further down the cock, until her lips were brushing her fingers. She should have been frightened at her tongue, but... she was curious, excited, using it to slather and wrap around the meat between her moist lips. She groaned again, encouraged by this demonic mistress who was showing more love than God did.

Tass: "Ohh... Ooohhh.... Yes~ Don't stop!" the demoness repeated as Klara slathered her cock with her tongue, the thick rod going deeper and deeper into her mouth until her lips met her fingers. "Harder... Suck it harder...." she grunted softly, the alluring taste growing stronger. "Faster! Keep going!"

Sin: Klara went faster, those voices speaing out against her actions were silent in the face of such utter lust. She felt like she was doing well, this new skill that the harlots in large cities were paid so much for. She had to start pushing her fingers tighter against the base of the, delicious, cock, letting more of it in until it was nearly in her throat, making her gag ever so slightly. But she didn't stop, trying to go as fast as she could, her lips firmly wrapped.

Tass: Her mistress began to pant heavily between moans as Klara obeyed her every command, her hips thrusting ever so slightly in perfect time with the night's steady bobbing. After a few moments her cock began to throb in Klara's mouth, the demon's moans adopting a desperate tinge as her tip prodded down Klara's throat. "D.. Don't stop," she whimpered, her fingers running through Klara's hair as she gripped the top of the knight's head, urging her to continue, to go faster still as ecstasy slowly came over the woman's expression.

Sin: The pleasure on her mistress's face made Klara feel, proud. A shiver ran up her spine at the sensation of this new sin to come creeping into her soul as she continued with lust, going faster. Her fingertips slid softly downwards, toying with the folds of her cunt, slick and moist, slowly pushing inwards as she bobbed up and down the cock.

Tass: After only a few moments more, the demoness threw her head back, unleashing a loud, deep moan as the cock in Klara's mouth jumped. A wave of hot, thick, sticky liquid poured down her throat, but then she slid back to let only the head rest in Klara's mouth while her hand stopped her from bobbing. "Stroke," she grunted, whether or not Klara truly needed the instruction as her mouth was flooded with wave after wave of that sweet fluid, the spurt that had gone into her stomach making her body flush with arousal and leaving her fingers glancing against her folds sending even more intense bursts of pleasure rolling up Klara's spine.

Sin: Her lips still wrapped around the very tip of her mistress, tongue still flicking over the head, she let out a muffled groan as the sweet, succulent flavour filled her mouth, rolling down her elongated tongue. Her finger gingerly wrapped around the cock, and started to stroke, coaxing more of the fluid, wanting it, craving it.

Tass: Burst after burst flooded Klara's mouth, every powerful throb of her mistress's cock giving her another taste of the demon's seed that only made her crave it even more. By the time the spurts stopped coming there was a pool of the thick goo in her mouth, but her strokes would draw out several more dribbles that landed right on her tongue as it rolled over the tip, making her mistress groan loudly with pleasure.

Sin: Klara was on her belly, legs curled upwards, as she lay there, cock in her mouth, crool slowly sliding down her throat. She wondered what to do with it, some spilling out over her lips, down her chin. Her eyes looked upwards to her mistress, mouth full of delicious cum. Overwhelmingly delicious cum.

Tass: "Don't waste it~" the succubus gasped softly as she watched some of her liquid gift spill from between Klara's lips. "Show me what you did... Show me how much you earned... And then swallow it~"

Sin: Opening her mouth, Klara backed up slightly, letting her mistress see past her lips, into a pool of slick, hot, white cum within her mouth. For a moment the fallen knight laid like that, then closed her lips, and swallowed, her eyes fluttering for a moment, before she opened her mouth again, showing it empty, before scooping up that small trail, and sucking sucking her finger clean.

Tass: "Mmmmm~" giving a pleased murmur as she gazed into the pool of her seed in Klara's mouth, the demoness smiled and watched her swallow, the seed warming her all the way down until it spread tendrils of boiling arousal through her upon hitting her stomach, the need growing with every second. "Perfect~" she purred as Klara cleaned up the cum she'd let spill out, "you'll be getting lots of practice... And not just from me. For now, however.... Would you like a reward for your good work, my pet? Other than the treat I just gave you of course~"

Sin: Other than the treat. Klara licked her lips without really thinking as she savoured the lingering flavour. It was a treat, it'd be foolish to think otherwise. That part of her that was growing ever more distant tried to scream in frustration, but Klara couldn't hear it over her own needy lust. "Yes mistress," she purred instead.

Tass: Giggling briefly, her mistress caressed Klara's face affectionately and said; "Because you've been such a good little kitten.... I'll let you choose. Show me how you want to take my cock." The tool she'd sucked off was still fully erect and rock hard, showing no signs of diminished stamina despite her recent orgasm.

Sin: It glistened from Klara's tongue and lips and mouth, but it was so hard, ready to give. More than Klara had ever gotten from God. "My vagina," she said, wanting to feel her mistress inside of her no longer virgin pussy.

Tass: "Mmmhhmm.... So wonderfully shameless now," the demoness purred, "on your back~"

Sin: Shame... the word drifted slowly though Klara's mind as she moved to lay upon her back, breasts presented, legs spread. The soft tufts of hair showing her womanhood slick with juices. SHe felt no shame, she should. But she didn't.

Tass: Her mistress only paused long enough to admire the pose for a moment before she was on top of Klara, pressing her mouth to the fallen knight's as her cock slid against Klara's slick opening. She gave a few teasing passes, rubbing her tip over Klara's petals, before smothly sliding in, claiming Klara's pussy an inch at a time as she released a sigh into Klara's mouth, her breasts pressing against the knight's.

Sin: The knight's hard nipples grazed over the succubus's breasts as she moaned into the kiss, her back arching as the cock slid into her slick, hot folds, pressing her breasts tighter against the demoness who was claiming her. Her legs wrapped around the woman, pulling her deeper, needing that cock inside her.

Tass: Deeper and deeper she went, until Klara's lower lips were wrapped around the base of her demon lover's rod and the tip of it kissed her inner gate. Needing to time to acclimate to being filled, Klara felt her mistress pull back with no hesitation only to slam back in, sending a burst of glorious pleasure rolling up her spine, a burst iintensified as the succubus once again began to slake her neverending hunger by feasting upon Klara's vulnerable, newly restored soul. She set up a steady rhythm, her hips rising only to slam back into Klara, filling her with wondrous sensation. Their breasts pressed together as her mistress fucked her, the demon's motions causing their nipples to rub against one another and over the softness of one another's bosoms.

Sin: Klara felt the oddness of her soul being taken once again, but struggled to find any will to resist the lustful pull. Instead, she let her mistress take, let it slide outwards, as her hips pushed back against each thrust, moaning into the kiss, letting her tongue slither between the lips of the succubus. Her hands began to softly explore the woman's back, down to her ass.

Tass: Down her back, over the demon's wings, over the base of her tail and up the soft swell of her ass as it rose and fell while she pounding into her pussy and gave her pleasure unlike any she'd ever felt before, even with her tongue; Klara felt nothing that wasn't appealing as her hands explored the demon's body. Their hips smacked together again and again and again, her mistress' cock filling every inch of her, the colliding of their bodies sending a special shock from pressure applied against her cervix and clitoris, letting the demoness take bite after bite from her soul and fill every portion of her being with raw sensation.

Sin: Her tongue explored inside the mouth of the succubus, her hips responding, losing track of how much of her soul her mistress had taken. But, Klara didn't care, she wanted more. Needed more. Whatever the succubus had done to her last night, she had done it well, and Klara did not once stop letting her hands explore every inch of perfect skin. She felt such an envy for that skin, wishing hers was so... excuisite.
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 6 Part 2

Tass: The demon's tongue whirled around hers teasingly, guiding it to explore every inch of her lover's mouth as she flooded Klara's mind, body and soul with exquisite ecstasy. Soon every thrust felt like an explosion of pleasure in and of itself, but at the same time they would build up to something that promised much, much more as Aysar plowed into Klara, letting her hands and tongue explore as she willed while the demoness took her meal.

Sin: It came welling up from deep in her loins, and her soul. A wash of pleasure unlike any she'd imagined much less experienced. Her orgasm washed through her, making her moan loudly, muffled, into her mistress's mouth, her fingernails clenching at the base of Aysar's beautiful wings as juices flowed without check from her cunt, gushing out around the cock pistoning into her.

Tass: Aysar was tireless, moaning as Klara's cunt clenched around her but not yet releasing her seed, thrusting through the knight's peak as she gushed around the cock pistoning into her. She did break the kiss midway through, lowering her mouth to Klara's neck and letting her impassioned moan fill the room unmuffled as the succubus drank from the very core of her soul and achored the hook's she'd planted all the harder. She continued unabated even after Klara had come down from her climax, the pleasure dropping but never ending as she started thrusting faster, harder, deeper into the knight's pussy.

Sin: Klara couldn't stop if she wanted to now. And she didn't want to, the hooks far too deep. Her heels ran down the back of Aysar's thighs, toying with her flesh as their hips met with a wet slap, her moans filling the room as her eyes clamped shut, unable to speak through her lust.

Tass: Clap clap clap clap, every meeting of their bodies sent a spike of pleasure rolling through Klara, another peak rising higher and higher as the minutes passed by. Klara felt the demon's cock grow harder, felt it begin to throb, felt her thrusts speeding up even further, growing desperate and needy as the succubus prepared to cum again, this time undoubtedly inside of her.

Sin: "Fill me mistress, please. Give me another treat," she moaned, wanting more of that cum inside her. How far she had fallen, and couldn't even properly think about it. Only... crave it.

Tass: The demoness moaned wordlessly, and mere seconds after Klara's moaned request she got exactly what she wished. Giving a few final thrusts and then slamming in to the hilt only to grind into Klara throughout her peak, Aysar's cock exploded inside of her, hot, thick cum pouring deep inside of Klara's pussy as she unleashed a second load that was, if anything, even larger than the first.

Sin: It filled her, flowed into her, a hot sticky mess of pleasure that had Klara moaning through a second orgasm, her fingers once against clutching at her seductress and mistress.

Tass: Klara was filled to the brim, the succubus quickly claiming her mouth again and kissing her hungrily as she fed even deeper and harder upon the knight's soul while flooding her deepest depths with wave after wave of hot cream. After a few moments she slowly pulled out, leaving a trail of cum from her cock and Klara's pussy as the excess seed was left to dribble out of her. "Such a good pet," Aysar purred before claiming Klara's mouth once again. Then, suddenly, the door to their chamber opened, and the scarred mage who had ensured that Klara was brought up to the main tower rather than left to the ghouls walked in.

Sin: And there she was, basking in the afterglow of orgasm, demonic cum spilling from her cunt, naked, sweaty. And... she tried to search for the shame she should feel, the embarassment, but, she couldn't find it. She tried, and realized how far she had fallen. She lay there, exposed, and looked at the scarred mage, trying to remember his name through her jumbled thoughts.

Tass: (her name) The androgynous, scarred woman strolled in as if nothing was amiss, sliding out of her robe to reveal a lithe, feminine form beneath. "Got her broken in already I see," she said in her slightly rhaspy voice, the source of the oddity in her voice quite possibly the long scar drawn across her throat. As if in response, the demoness pulled Klara with her as she rolled over, leaving the knight on top. "Ride me," her mistress commanded simply, a call that the bindings on her spirit could not allow her to disobey even if she'd wanted to, and as Aysar grasped her hips and guided her into place she felt the demon's cock rubbing over her pussy even as her last load was still leaking out past her petals.

Sin: (whoops) Klara did as commanded, straddling her mistress and taking her cock inside her twat. She moaned hungrily, starting to ride the demoness, cum slowly flowing over Aysar's thighs and onto already wet sheets. Her breasts bounced as she did as bid, following instincts she didn't really know she had. Her head turned to the side, watching the scarred woman, even as she debased herself before the mage. But... was it really debasing?

Tass: (Is fine, she was introduced without saying either way on purpose and its been a while.) The mage smirked at the lewd display, lying on the opposite side of the bed naked as Klara rode Aysar without any apparent shame. "Efficient as ever I see," the mage rhasped, "the boys will enjoy their new toy... Once you're done with her of course." The demoness watched the mage as well, though her hands would roam over the knight's backside, squeezing it and giving it a soft smack as Klara bounced on her cock. "She's very obedient," Aysar said evenly, and then gave a crooning moan and arched her back upwards, pushing her cock deeper into Klara so that she could ride the demon's tool all the harder.

Sin: Klara's back arched, and she let out a loud moan as the cock pushed deeper into her cum stuffed cunt, her hands raking downwards over Aysar's breasts as the conversation continued beside her. She felt so lustful, bouncing up and down as the words slid through her mind, registering, but, she was not being talked to.

Tass: Aysar began to buck up into Klara in time with her motions, their bodies meeting harder as her hands remained on Klara's hips and ass. "And vigorous, apparently," the mage said approvingly. She was displaying signs of arousal herself, but she made no effort to join in while Klara rode the demoness, not yet at least. "How's she taste? Think she'll be able to provide enough to get the gateway orb working?" she asked, but Aysar had begun to pant and took a moment to reply, "she will when.... I'm done with her," she began, and after giving a low moan and gripping Klara's hips harder and urging her to move faster she added; "And she's absolutely... Delicious~"

Sin: The gateway orb? The old, struggling to remain, part of her that was still a firm knight of God caught on to that sentence firmly. The rest of her said, that it wasn't her business yet. Not while this cock was between her thighs. So she kept riding her mistress, moaning, looking down at the mage, admiring her beauty as she never imagined she could before, lips moist and parted to let the stream of moans free.

Tass: "Taught her to please the fairer sex yet, or have you only had time to train her for her more common callers so far?" the mage asked, open interest playing with her amusement as she watched Klara ride Aysar. The demoness simply grunted at first, but then said; "Not yet....." A grin crossed her features, "would you like to try, my pet? Think you can copy what I did to you last night?"

Sin: Her hips did not stop. She was too lost in the pleasure, wanting more of it. "I can try mistress," she told the succubus, and pinched the demoness's nipples firmly. She had liked it earlier.
Sin signed on at 6:23 PM.
Sin: (( ))

Tass: The mage chuckled when Klara called the succubus by her title, but Aysar planted both hands on her ass and lifted her until her cock slipped free of Klara's cunt. "Good girl~ Show your host how much you appreciate her hospitality~" she demanded as she pulled herself out from under the knight, her cock bobbing and slick with Klara's honey and her own seed. "But keep that ass in the air, I'm not finished yet," she continued, patting Klara on the ass.
Tass: (Nice.)

Sin: "Yes mistress," Klara said, the title feeling more natural upon her tongue the more she used it. She obeyed once again, crawling with her ass in the air, inviting, swaying gently, as she moved gently between the mage's legs, upwards between her thighs. She tried to remember the movment's of Aysar's tongue the night before as she let her own slide out, gliding between the scarred woman's petals.

Tass: The scarred mage's legs slid apart as Klara crawled toward her, Aysar following and giving her ass an encouraging smack every few seconds. The amused expression on the mage's face turned into a looked of flushed amazement and arousal, and when Klara's tongue first brushed over her petals the mage gave a low moan. She gently reached out, thin delicate fingers lacing through Klara's hair much like Aysar's had when she'd been sucking the demon's cock, and encouraged the knight to continue while Aysar crawled up behind her. Klara soon felt the demon's cock slide right back into her pussy, thrusting several times and once more flooding her senses with pleasure, but then she slowed and eventually pulled out, rubbing the knight's outer lips and then sliding higher, rubbing the tight star of her ass testingly awhile the demoness observed Klara's reaction.

Sin: She'd been robbed of that virginity as well. But now... her mistress should be able to bring pleasure to soothe that painful memory. Her legs spread invitingly out of instinct, and her hips pushed back slightly, as she slid her tongue into the mage's cunt, deeper and deeper until her lips were caressing her outer folds.

Tass: Moans filled the bedchamber as the chained knight made her lewd choices, her push backwards caused Aysar to push forward an instant later, her tight ring opening slowly, yielding to permit the demon's cock to slide deep into her ass. Her tonguework earned a loud, high pitched moan of surprise from the mage, who exclaimed; "She's... Definitely... Enthusiastic!" The succubus' cock in her ass felt much better than the one from the beast who had claimed that particular aspect of her virginity, and when she began to thrust it proved a different but more or less equal source of pleasure.

Sin: klara moaned into the cunt of the mage, her hips bucking back as the juices of her own twat made the thrusts into her rear so much slicker, and smoother. There wouldn't be any more nightmares from what had happened before, the fear of it being erased more firmly with each thrust Aysar made into her, making juices slide down her thighs.

Tass: Fully lubricated by Klara's honey and her own cum, Aysar's thrusts were smooth and easy, no pain and only the slightest discomfort that was easily overwhelmed by the pleasure they caused. Her thrusts were slower than they might have been, gentler, but the tightness of her ass made the demon moan anyway.

Sin: Experiement, Aysar had told her. So, Klara tried to clench down with her ass, see if the succubus liked it. Experiment. So she let her new tongue push deeper into the mage, her upper lip sliding gently over the scarred woman's clitoris. My nipples slid over the wet sheets beneath them, her chain rattling on its post as she moved.

Tass: Both demon and mortal mage moaned louder as a result of Klara's experiments, each enjoying the knight's efforts to experiment. Aysar began to thrust harder and faster, her hips smacking into Klara's backside, and the mage's fingers dug intgo her scalp as Klara's tongue dove deeper into her sex, her head tilting back as she began to grind her hips, pushing her clit into Klara's lips and her pussy against Klara's tongue.

Sin: Klara felt a surge of pride at the reactions she'd just earned, and groaned softly. Knowing the succubus could take take of her own cock, using her ass, Klara focused on the mage, letting her tongue curl and thrust into her slick depths, savouring her taste. It, wasn't as euphoric as the succubus, but it sang across her tastebuds regardless. Her pressed a little more firmly with her lips, eventually baring her front teeth, rubbing the hard edges against the button of pleasure.

Tass: Her shift in tactics earned Klara a louder moan and a change in reaction, the mage's hips going still save for subtle shudders, her thighs twitching as the closed around the knight's head, her fingers gripping Klara's scalp tighter as she tilted her head back. Aysar plowed into her ass at a steady pace in the meantime, and after a particularly vigorous bout of thrusts started going shallower and deeper while her tail slid between her own legs, flicking back and forth over Klara's clitoris. The demon's moans were growing louder, her cock starting to throb in her ass.

Sin: The sensations were starting to draw out another orgasm, another wash of pleasure that Klara was starting to crave as much as the succubus cum. Her hips continued their rearward thrusts as her tongue toyed and played with the magus beneath her, her now loose and wild hair rubbing against the woman's thighs as she feasted, pulling out her tongue to flick it over the woman's clit before letting it dive back inwards, her hands grasping at the mage's ass.

Tass: The mage's bottom quivered in Klara's grip, her moans rhaspy spiking into a much higher pitch again when she flicked her tongue over the other woman's clit, her hips grinding into Klara's face again more intensely when the knight started licking in her folds again, her body starting to shudder. Klara was the first of them to cum, Aysar's thrusts driving her inevitably to an orgasm, but the demoness was only a short ways behind, her cum quickly pumping into the knight's ass as she continued thrusting unabated. The mage, though last, entered her peak in short order, her back arching as she gripped the sheets and Klara's hair for dear life and her honey squirted into the knight's mouth.

Sin: Klara hungriy lapped it up, every drop that gushed from the mage's cunt, though it smeared across her chin and upper lip. She could feel Aysar's cum running from her ass, over her cunt, mingling with the older load still within her. Sticky, thick, hot. She wanted to taste it, to lick it up.

Tass: "She's such a good little slut," Aysar remarked as she gathered up some of the cum leaking down Klara's legs. The mage gave only a murmur of agreement, obviously satisfied for the moment, while Aysar slid in front of Klara and offered the broken knight her cum coated fingers to suck on, her cock still hard and bobbing as she moved.

Sin: The word slut burned across her brain like a searing light, and she parted her lips, drawing those digits inwards and tasting the cum upon them, falling deeper into the depravity that the succubus continued to feed. That voice, the God fearing knight, was only a whisper anymore.

Tass: Aysar left her fingers in Klara's grasp until she had licked them clean and then some, drawing them away and smacking her softly on the ass with the other. "She certainly is.... Eager," the mage muttered foggily, rubbing her petals while she watched Klara suck on Aysar's fingers, and the succubus giggled softly and replied; "I take pride in my good works, milady~" She leaned down and kissed the mage on the lips, leaving Klara briefly ignored, before pulling back and requesting; "May I give her a bath? Even my tongue can only do so much~" The mage nodded numbly, already pulling herself under the blankets of the lavish bed. She muttered something that caused the chain to vanish, forming into a second collar around both her and Aysar's neck, and the demoness smirked and stepped off of the bed. "Come along, dear pet... You can crawl if you cannot walk~"

Sin: As she stepped off the bed, it was indeed difficult to stand, much less walk, and she soon fell to her hands and knees. Was it actually the sex, or what the succubus said that soon had her crawling, tongue still tingling from the taste of Aysar's cum. Even with the sudden freedom from the post, she made no move to escape.

Tass: "Mmmm, if only the chain was still on... All you need is a leash~" Aysar remarked dryly, but unlike Klara she opted to leave the room in a state of decency, shrinking her cock back into herself and dressing again while she led Klara out of the room, closing the door once the knight had crawled out. (Gonna call it there for now.)
Re: Hunter's Season

Logs 7

Tass: With Klara crawling on hands and knees with cum leaking from both her ass and pussy, Aysar led the fallen knight from the bedroom in which they'd been restrained, her perfectly formed ass swaying in front of Klara's gaze as she led her along. The demoness began to hum lightly as she led Klara forward, letting her remain on her knees on the cold stone floor, but before they reached wherever they were going a door to their side opened in the curving passageway and the man who had originally led her upstairs to Aysar, the somewhat jovial mage Robert, stepped out of another room. He turned to Aysar, and then to Klara, and then back to Aysar with a completely blank expression and then stared at the demoness for a moment. "Problem?" she asked lightly, but Robert adopted a grin that was obviously far too wide to be real and replied; "Nope! None at all!" He then walked past a chuckling Aysar and away. >>
Tass: Soon enough after that brief encounter the demoness led Klara into a room with a number of empty stone basins, each with a small blue crystal hanging from the ceiling in addition to the light stones that illuminated the room. "Here we are! That baths! Such a wonder of engineering~" the demoness said dryly before turning to Klara, "I would say strip, but... You've already done that. So, instead...." The demon's sparse clothes started coming off as she spoke, tossed aside into a corner and revealing her figure piece by piece. The moment after she trailed off her cock began to reform, and in moments Klara was once more faced with a long, thick rod hanging right over her face. "I'm going to get you dirtier before I let you clean up~ You may start with your mouth."

Sin: When Robert appeared, Klara did not meet his eyes, the tiniest bit of shame creeping up into her face as she kept her eyes straight ahead, until she was crawling on the hard stone again, knees starting to hurt until they were aching as she knelt on the tiles of the bathing chamber. She felt her mouth water, and cunt slicken, as Aysar stripped, baring each inch of succulent flesh to her convert.

Klara's tongue slid across her own lips almost without thought before she was told to start, with her mouth. She crawled forward the few paces between her, and her mistress, and eagerly wrapped her lips around the demoness's thick cock.

Tass: "Mmmmm, good kitten~" she purred with a sigh as Klara's lips sealed over the tip of her erect shaft, "remember what I taught you..... Experiment~" It was as hard as stone in her mouth, and the first drop of pre on her tongue reignited her newfound addiction to the substance that it released. Aysar did little just then beyond place a hand on top of Klara's head, offering no further direction while her new toy went to work.

Sin: Experiment. The word was like a chant in her brain as she let her long tongue slip out past her lips, and down the shaft before her lips quickly followed. That same length tongue was soon sliding across Aysar's folds, the very tip pushing between them as Klara hungrily bobbed her head, up and down. Back and forth.

Tass: "Mmmm! Bold, good~" Aysar said in surprise when Klara's newly elongated tongue first slid past her own lips to glance against the lower ones of her demonic master, sampling her sweet honey for the first time and finding it not less delectable than the fluids that issued from the demon's cock. Aysar's hand gripped into her hair, urging her to go faster, and for a few minutes Klara would be permitted to go at more or less her own pace before that hand suddenly tightened, digging into her scalp, and Aysar gave a slow thrust forward that buried her cock in Klara's throat and held. And then she waited, smiling down at Klara as her cock pulsed lightly, not cumming but simply... Waiting, waiting to see how she would respond to being forced to gag, to having her air choked off by the massive thing as her mouth and throat were both filled by it.

Sin: Klara hungrily bobbed up and down, tongue and lips working in concert to bring pleasure to her mistress, to shame her old God and bring pleasure to this new one. She kept going faster, wanting more cum, before suddenly being pulled down the shaft of the succubus's cock. She gagged, choking as she felt the head sliding into her throat. She struggled to breath but... did not fight. She merely looked up at Aysar, tears starting to gather as she fought for air.

Tass: Aysar did not speak, did not offer any reassurance or warning at what was to come next. After a few seconds she slid backwards, letting Klara have perhaps a second in which to draw breath before her hips and her grip on the knight's hair choked off Klara's breath once more. The demon's thrusts started slow, but quickly began to pick up as she fucked Klara's face, Aysar starting to groan softly as she used the knight for her own pleasure without any apparent thought for Klara's comfort.

Sin: ((brb, gotta grab somethin from the car))

Sin: Klara gagged with each thrust, saliva running over her lips, coating the cock ramming into her mouth. And slowly, with each thrust a little more, she came to like it. It shamed that small part of her that was nearly dead but, she couldn't hide it. Was it because of the depravity, or because Aysar was enjoying it so much? Klara didn't know, all she did know, was that juices were dripping from her cunt and pattering on the floor, despite her utter discomfort.

Tass: "You love it don't you?" the demoness grunted as she pumped into Klara's mouth, into her throat, going progressively faster and harder. "You love choking on cock? You love having it in your slutty mouth already, don't you? You can't wait to taste my cum~" Aysar's cock began to throb in her mouth, preparing to deliver just that.

Sin: Klara's cheeks flushed red at the accusations that rang with truth in her mind, all while struggling to breath, to keep her lips tight around the cock of the beautiful succubus. She couldn't respond properly, jjust let Aysar fuck her mouth.

Tass: Her lack of response merely caused Aysar to chuckle, and to fuck her mouth all the harder for the next few moments before, just as she seemed ready to explode in Klara's mouth, she slid back and stopped as only the tip remained in the broken knight's mouth. "Make your mistress cum," she commanded coldly as she released Klara's hair, putting that hand on her hip instead.

Sin: Sucking in breath greedily, as quickly as she could, Klara kept her lips tight, her tongue curling around the cock of her mistress, and started to bob her head, fast, up and down. Even taking so much that she gagged again. Mistress liked it, mistress wanted to cum.

Tass: Despite her stern tone, Klara's lewd efforts quickly caused Aysar to let out a loud moan, her body shuddering as her pulsating cock began to spew rope after rope of hot, think, sticky cum that seemed to fill her senses with its sweet taste and caused her body to flare with arousal. Her load was undiminished in size despite having poured multiple loads into Klara by that point, easily enough to fill her mouth up, but before it did Aysar suddenly pulled back and spewed Klara's face and hair with a few extra ropes of her hot cum.

Sin: Klara groaned in ecstasy, drinking down the delicious cum, letting it fill her mouth, flow across her tongue, slide down her abused through. And her eyes fluttered with the pleasure despite the utter depravity. Her lust only flared more, when hot splots of cum splattered on her skin. It run down her face, over her breasts.

Tass: "You look better covered in cum," the succubus remarked dryly, and then simply turned and walked over to one of the stone basics. She touched the blue stone, which began to leak water into the pool, and then the demoness gestured Klara towards it. "Too bad it's time to get cleaned up, little pet!"

Sin: Klara blushed again, but didn't look away, taking the compliment, before crawling towards the basin, staring in wonder at the crystal.

Tass: "Get in," she said, as Klara stared at the crystal which simply seemed to exude water that poured down into the stone stone, slowly pooling. The water was chilly, unpleasantly so, but when she got in her mistress went in with her, sliding up behind Klara and gently bending her over as two fingers began to rub slowly over her petals.

Sin: The water made the fallen, broken knight shiver, goosebumps rising on her flesh as cum slowly seeped away in trails from her skin. Then, she felt the succubus behind her, felt herself being bent, and her moment of sorrow was taken by a lunge of lust spiralling upwards from her loins. She bent, grasping the edge of the basic, and moaned softly as her nether lips were teased and toyed, her hips pushing back out of pure need.

Tass: Her push earned two things from her mistress, first a lewd chuckle and then a far more likeable reward, as the demon's two fingers simply pushed into her depths and started rapidly pumping into her pussy, twirling slowly but driving in and out quick enough to produce lewd squelching noises as pleasure spiked through her, Aysar finding her g-spot and grinding the pads of her fingers against it relentlessly.

Sin: Her fingers curled firmly over the edge of the basin, her moans getting louder, her cunt sending bolts of pleasure up her spine. Her hips started to buck, water splashing over her glistening form, her tits bouncing with each thrust back she did.

Tass: After a few moments Aysar's other hand grabbed a handful of Klara's ass, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh of her rump. Then, while she continued rapidly pumping her digits into the knight's tight cunt, her hand suddenly rose only to fall again, her palm smacking against Klara's backside. "Naughty little slut~"

Sin: The sting carried through her flesh, and she moaned hungrily. "Yes mistress!" she screamed in pleasure, bucking against those fingers needily, forgetting more and more as her tits rubbed against the edge of the basin, hard nipples gliding over the forged metal.

Tass: Aysar's hand smacked several more times against Klara's ass, her fingers ceaseless in their assault upon the broken knight's inner walls, before she suddenly pulled them out only to rapidly shift, and then it was the demon's cock that was roughly hammering into Klara's pussy while her hand continued to rhythmically smack against Klara's rear.

Sin: The sudden invasion of the thick cock driving into her cunt drove Klara deeper. Ever deeper. She couldn't climb out now, she knew it. She howled in pleasure and the release of dogmatic cruelty that had chained her, while the ever shrinking dismal part of her sobbed, so quiet she couldn't even hear it. It didn't show at all in her face twisted in pleasure.

Tass: For a few moments Aysar simply plowed into Klara with little technique or variation, filling her and then giving her an almost painful emptiness only to fill her again as their bodies collided with a rhythmic clapping noise that undercut Klara's loud, lewd moans. Then, however, she reached out with the hand that wasn't abusing the formerly virgin knight's backside and grabbed a fistful of Klara's hair, using it as a leash to fuck her even harder.

Sin: Pain flared through her skull. But, it was good. The mistress was giving it to her, and the mistress only gave pleasure. It had to be good. Klara convinced herself over and over until it started to become truth, her back arched as her hair was yanked back harder.

Tass: With her head dragged back and her back arched, the demon's cock seemed to fill her more than ever, slamming into her depths again and again as the succubus once again began to feast upon her soul through the conduit produced by the sensations that she inspired. The spanking came less often then, but from then on Aysar was utterly merciless, forcing Klara to cum again and again and again on her cock as it plowed into her pussy, until the knight was once more an exhausted, drooling wreck.

Sin: Drool spilled from her lips. She lost track of how many orgasm's she'd had. Juices were drifting through the waters she was being fucked in. If not for the crystal pouring in fresh waters, the bath wouldn't even be cleaning her anymore, as every muscle in her body grew tired, lax, her body simply running, not wanting to stop the pleasure, or displease her mistress.

Tass: Only when Klara was utterly spent would Aysar finally release whatever hold she had kept on her own peak, once more filling the helpless knight's pussy to the brim with cum before sliding out of her, letting her load drool out of Klara's abused cunny. For a few seconds she simply watched, but then she gave her victim's stinging backside one last harsh smack and said; "Good kitten... Did you enjoy your reward?"

Sin: After the last spank, Klara sank down into the bath, leaning heavily against the edge of the basin, breathing heavily, tits pushing firmly into the metal as cum seeped out of her twat. "Yes, mistress," she panted heavily, her mind dazed.

Tass: Giggling, Aysar climbed out of the water, leaving Klara to soak for a few minutes before beckoning her out of it and shutting off the water with a touch. The fluid seemed to seep into the stone of the bath, and she simply handed Klara a towel and said; "There, all cleaned up. How do you feel now, my pet?"

Sin: Brushing the towel over her skin, through her hair. As she stood, knees shaking, she looked to her mistress. She tried to think of how she felt, despite still recovering from the hard fuck. "Horny," she eventually said, without shame for the first time.

Tass: Letting out a brief burst of laughter, Aysar pulled Klara into a hungry kiss, the demon's mouth claiming hers for a few moments before she slowly pulled away. "Even after all that? You'll make an excellent succubus when I'm finished with you~"

Sin: Despite herself, Klara shivered. A... succubus. Was that what was happening to her? She, couldn't deny the thrill it gave her, and her knees shook a little more, her thighs already starting to glisten.

Tass: "Mmmhhhmm.... I'm going to twist you... In every way imaginable~ But only after I've had all kinds of fun! I can't go too quickly though, you wouldn't like that. You should start feeling the first portions of it soon... And when you're ready, you'll be just like me~"

Sin: Klara blinked, and slowly nodded, wondering why none of her was resisting this at all. How much of her soul had been taken? How weak was it right now... was it even properly human anymore. "Yes mistress," Klara said calmly.

Tass: "Good kitten~" Aysar purred, stroking Klara's face. The demoness had fed deep, had drained her heavily, but she still felt like herself, still felt mostly whole, as if a bit of rest would let her be fine. How long that might remain the case, however... (I think that's enough for now.)

Sin: ((otays))
Re: Hunter's Season

Log 8
Tass: Exhausted and spent, Klara was once more made to crawl through the halls at Aysar's feet, following after the beautiful demoness who had so thoroughly captivated her. She was returned to bed, where the scarred mage was sleeping, and left to rest. Her sleep would be troubled, almost pained, and when she awoke again she would be sporting some new features courtesy of her mistress's corruption. The mage was standing dressed again, and Aysar was looking somewhat disappointed at her as the knight blearily roused herself.

Sin: A low groan slid out from Klara's lips as she stretched in the bed, still utterly naked save the collar around her throat. Almost catlike, exposing each inch of herself, though she was surprised when something caught on the sheets. With a start the falling Paladin looked downwards, startled to see two sharp points of bone protruding from her heels, like the scandelous boots and shoes the whores of larger cities enjoyed wearing. She blushed despite herself as she stared wide eyed, now fully away, as a tongue much longer than it should be moved around behind her lips.

Tass: Aysar noted her waking, and smiled at Klara. "Ahhh, awake at last~ Notice anything new yet?"

Sin: "My... feet, what have you done?" Klara said, blushing furiously as she continued to stare, her words a bit muffled with the tongue while she learned to talk around it. Worst of all, this... sign of corruption was so final. So true... she couldn't go back now.

Tass: "Me? Why, nothing dear~ Except give you a little gift! It was your body that grew them, I only provided the means."

Sin: Klara hung her head slightly, before she slowly looked back up at Aysar, feeling her lust rising to unbelievable heights again, the succubus had her firmly wrapped around her finger, and now... now the falling Paladin just wanted her. Badly.

Tass: Aysar beamed gleefully back at Klara's needy look, and the demoness let out a soft purr and beckoned her forward, "come to your mistress~"

Sin: Unable to deny it, her needs, Klara began to crawl forward, across the bed. Towards her mistress. She was ashamed at how much she liked the word rolling across her brain.

Tass: Standing on the edge of the bed, Aysar stepped back as Klara drew near, directing her to come off of it, to test her newly grown heels.

Sin: Klara did as silently commanded, and swung her feet around, and settled them on the floor with a pair of clicks as her new bones connected with the floor. She bit her lip, somewhat nervously, and stood, feeling a new strain in her calves, though the muscles seemed to have... shifted slightly. She wobbled a bit, but soon regained her balance, and took a careful step forward.

Tass: Despite how awkward it seemed in practice, Klara's mutated limbs proved no less agile than they ever were. In fact, after a moment of wobbling she actually felt as if they were more stable than ever, and when she finally began to walk she found herself able to do so with newfound grace. Aysar watched approvingly, and when Klara managed to walk up to her engaged the knight in a deep, hungry kiss, an embrace that promised so much more as her tongue explored the fallen paladin's newly enhanced lingual muscle. Before they could progress any further, however, the mage softly rasped; "That's enough of that." Klara's collar flared, and she and Aysar were gently repelled apart, prompting the demoness to look towards the mage with a frown, albeit an obedient one.

Sin: Klara felt so beautiful, graceful, upon her heels moving with an agility she never dreamed to be able to have. When her lips met with the demoness's own, her tongue stretching out, she groaned hungrily, breasts pushed tightly against her mistress... before she was pulled away with a flare around her neck. She blinked in confusion a moment as she pulled her tongue back behind her lips, and turned to regard the mage.

Tass: "It's unhealthy to progress too quickly," the mage said calmly, "you don't want your new pet to grow ill, do you? Fret not, she will be... Entertained. Or perhaps more appropriately entertainment. You will come to the lab once you have secured her in the hobby hall." Then she turned and walked away, leaving Aysar grinning again. "Come along my pet. You will not need your clothes for this~"

Sin: Klara frowned, wondering what was about to happen, but her infatuation with Aysar prevented her from questioning it further as she followed behind, her hips swaying as a result of her new... enhancements. Each step had a click beneath her as she moved gracefully behind the succubus.

Tass: Moving through the halls with her new bone heals, the nude knight passed a pair of the mages who also inhabited the tower, the redhead and apparent owner of the creatures who had captured her offering Klara a bemused look and smacking her on the ass as she passed and the man she had come to catch, Aldin, caught sight of her and grinned.
Tass: and followed after them.*
Tass: The pair would end their brief journey in a small room with a number of odd instruments scattered around the center of the room, with shelves with books and more strange objects on the walls.
Tass: (god dammit enter key)
Tass: (You are not shift)
Tass: Aysar led her toward a set of padded stocks, directing her to step up to them and then commanding; "Bend over and get in. Make yourself comfortable, you'll be here for a while~"

Sin: A short yelp escaped Klara's lips as the hand connected with the firm flesh of her ass, but she kept moving, focused on Aysar. She tried not to focus on Aldin following, her prey that she had utterly failed in getting.

She looked around the room the demoness had led her into, not sure how she felt about it. Torn, if she was truthful with herself, despair and excitement battling in her soul. As she was commanded though, she bent over with no hesitation, settling into the stocks, and got as comfortable as she could.

Tass: The stocks closed on her, leaving Klara's hands and neck wrapped in padded material that prevented her from pulling out of them, leaving her ass on display. Aysar gave her bottom a soft clap, and then explained; "Comfy? Good! You're for public use today. Any of the boys can come to enjoy you, and you're to make sure they have fun whatever hole of yours they pick~"

Sin: Klara blinked, a little surprised, dismayed, and aroused all at once. "Very well mistress," she said in reponse, fully aware that she was powerless to deny anyone at the moment. Slipping deeper and deeper, further from God. He had doubtlessly turned his eyes from her utterly by now.

Tass: "I'll be peeking in from time to time. I might even take a turn~" she continued, running her fingers over the knight's petals teasingly, "but not now." She then wrapped a band of silk around Klara's waist, tying it and leaving two strips hanging on either side of her, and then her mistress was gone, and Aldin was standing in front of her and grinning at her maniacally.

Sin: The fallen knight looked up at Aldin, her former prey. An ally now? She wasn't sure anymore. That grin made her angry, shoved into her face how hard she had fallen, how seemingly easy. "What do you want?" she said.

Tass: "What'dyou think I want, cunt?" he grunted, already undoing his belt and then his trousers, quickly exposing his half erect length, "first turn. You're one of the lot that chased me outta my last lair. Cost me a lot of resources, made me kill that village to tie you up so I could get away, made me come running here. I think you owe me an apology for that." Then he grabbed her hair, not harshly but still rougher than Aysar, and pushed his length against Klara's face.

Sin: She didn't want to... not him. But... Aysar had commanded. So as the head of his cock slid across her skin, her lips parted. And she let him into the hot wetness of her mouth.

Tass: Aldin only rubbed his length on her face at first, rubbing across her lips, but as he grew harder he pushed into her willingly opened mouth. "Ahhhh," he grunted in relief as her lips enveloped his flesh, "that's all yer mouth oughta do! None of that preachy, morality bullshit! It's only cuzza you that I had to kill all them people, I was fine just going for the graves afore I needed a lot more muscle fast." He began to thrust into her mouth, holding her by her hair despite the fact that the stocks were holding her in place already, and after a few moments his length was fully erect whether or not she had gone the extra mile and started using her tongue. That put his manhood prodding down her throat, forcing Klara to gag slightly unless she suppressed that particular reflex.

Sin: She gagged a little as shame settled over her. Not for what she was doing, or the way her tongue was curling around his cock almost of its own will, but for what he said. That she had been the cause of all those deaths. Her own zeal had pushed a villain to the next level. She had fallen far enough, she began to see it.

Sin: ((you get my post?))
Tass: (Herp, sorry was distracted)
Sin: (tis all good))

Tass: Ignorant and uncaring for the sting of his words, Aldin continued to hump Klara's face remorselessly, his cock steadily growing stiffer in her mouth as he let out the occasional grunt to go along with his steady pumps, using her mouth like any other orifice. "Heh, that the best ye can do?" he grunted, "figured a little church slut like you woulda been better at sucking cock."
Tass: Then he felt her tongue coiling around him and groaned, "at's better." (I need a new keyboard)

Sin: Klara blushed furiously, aware that her mouth was watering even as he rammed himself between her lips, her tongue moving almost serpent like. Hot and wet around his cock, not even fully aware of the juices starting to drip down her legs.

Tass: Panting like a dog, Aldin humped Klara's face energetically for another few moments before slowly pulling out, his thick tool jumping repeatedly against her tongue and lips before it slid fully free, covered in her saliva. "Lets see if that demon taught ye how to take a cock proper," he grunted, releasing her hair and moving around the stocks to take up position behind Klara. Blind to what was going on behind her thanks to her restraints, she felt his rounded tip rubbing up against her petals.

Sin: As he pulled out of her she glared at him with hatred. Partially for what he was, mostly because she was enjoying his cock and she was ashamed of that as well. She followed him with her eyes until he was behind her, and she blushed a deep scarlet as he ran the tip of his cock over her petals. He was already slick from her mouth, but now her juices had coated that flesh between his legs.

Tass: "Soakin already?" he grunted, and then without preamble slammed to the hilt into Klara's pussy, his manhood thicker than the rod possessed by her mistress but not quite as long. "Nnnnn.... Still tight," he added as he began pumping into her, holding the silk straps to forcefully tug her hips back against his thrusts.

Sin: Despite herself, Klara moaned, the sound spilling from her lips and into the room. She couldn't even pretend to deny the pleasure, much to her slowly evaporating shame as her tits bounced beneath her, swaying with each slam into her cunt.

Tass: Knocking away at the bound knight, the sorcerer's hips slapped again and again and again into Klara's as he plowed her sex. His technique was simple and artless, but his sheer size provided for plenty of stimulation and his rapid pace forced a steady build towards her peak, which he would drive her to after a few minutes of thoroughly enjoying violating her cunt. "Fuckin slut," he slurred as he forced her to orgasm, "cummin on my dick already.... Bet you'll do it again too when I nut inside yah!" His thrusts took on a furious pace, their bodies meeting in rhythmic claps.

Sin: The sounds filled her ears long after the hungry moans of climax has disapated. Now, her moans were starting to build again, and she knew he was right. She would cum again soon, on his cock. Her former enemy's. The one she had pursued into this place that cost her everything... and gave her so much in return. Her mind spun at that thought.

Tass: Dragging Klara's hips back into his thrusts by way of the silk band tied around her waist, the knight would be given no indication that Aldin had any plans to do anything other than exactly what he'd threatened over the next few minutes as he vigorously slammed over and over into her tight sheath, not slowing even when she felt him starting to throb and his motions became more uneven and erratic. Only a few more thrusts later and the sorcerer fulfilled his promise and started cumming deep into Klara's tight cunt, pulse after pulse sending his seed deep inside of her in thick streams as he let out a prolonged groan of pleasure.
Re: Hunter's Season

Log 9
Sin: As the slick, sticky heat of his release filled her, already spilling down her lean thighs, pattering across the ground between her feet, and a scream tore through her throat. Had the scream been of fury, shame, or even pain, Klara would not have been so distraught. The scream had been one of ecstatic pleasure as Aldin's prophecy came to pass. The proud knight, servant of God, had cum upon the heretic sorcerer's orgasm inside her. Worse, Klara was still horny, craving more. She panted within the confines of the stocks, body slack. Two words swirled through her mind: 'Fuckin slut.' She didn't even feel insulted. She should have.

Tass: "Nnnn... Fuckin great tight little cunt," Aldin grunted before pulling out. He delivered a harsh smack to the bound knight's ass, the blow stinging but still oddly pleasurable, before lifting his trousers and strolling around. He pried her mouth open and forced her shaft into Klara's mouth, letting her taste her own honey and his salty cum leftover on his rod. "How'd you like to do that a bit more, eh slut? I'mma tell the whole bloody tower 'bout you in here." He slipped out after a few thrusts, letting her taste the dregs of his seed on her tongue before pulling up his pants and walking out of her line of sight, leaving her hanging in the stock with his cum leaking out of her pussy.

Sin: A sentence that once would have offended her caused her to blush and preen a little with sinful pride inside, and that would have given her pause if not for the harsh smack that pulled a small groan of pleasure from her lips. She felt, perverse, twisted. She loved it, and hated it all at once. She glared at him with a mixture of hate, and pure lust when he walked before her, and her tongue swirled around his cock when he pushed it into her mouth. The soft groan was muffled as she tasted him... and herself. The flavour lingered when he pulled out, a spark upon her tongue that made her ache for more. She didn't say a word to answer his question, despite the shiver that ran up her spine at the word 'slut'. She didn't answer because she knew her words would betray her. So instead she held a somewhat defiant silence, glaring at him with fury and need until he left her sight. Leaving her with the delectable sensation of thick cum sliding down her thighs.

Tass: Klara was alone for minutes, minutes that felt longer because of the lust burning inside of her. Fortunately, her next "customer" was quick to show up, the dark skinned Anudorian sorcerer who had looked with lust upon her when she had first arrived. "So... Aldin told the truth! I'm surprised," he said with a deep basseto voice as he strolled around Klara, running a hand over her ass and up her back as he moved to stand in front of her. "I expected the succubus to keep you to herself for at least a week," he continued as he undid his trousers. Even half erect he was bigger than Aldin, and he grabbed her hair, "open your mouth slut!"

Sin: Klara was once again wordless, only watching the man, shivering at his touch, and staring with a watering mouth at his cock. She feared this encounter, knew what it would do to her. Because despite what Anudorian was; heretic, evil, her enemy... or was it, former enemy now. That thought ripped through her, making her bite her lip. Despite it all, Klara did not hate him. There was no hate here to keep her growing lust in check. So at his command, her lips parted hungrily, that word sending a shiver up her spine.

Tass: (Anudor is just a place, though I guess in context that initial opinion isn't unreasonable.) "Bwahahahahah!" the man laughed as she obeyed him so eagerly, "you like being called that, don't you?" He forcefully crammed her mouth full of his thick meat, his cock filling her mouth and pulsing as it grew even thicker and harder. He thrust forward until his thick balls were resting on her chin and his tip was down her throat, grunting audibly before sliding back until a few inches were resting in her mouth. "You like being a slut, eh? Like your new title?"

Sin: Her tongue swirled over his flesh, her lips pressing firmly around his rod as it pushed deeper and deeper into her mouth, growing larger, harder within the wet confines. She gagged a little as he pushed himself into her throat, the muscles stretching out, adapting. Adapting far too quickly for a pure woman... but she was far from pure anymore, she didn't want to be pure anymore. As the sorcerer pulled back, resting upon her tongue, letting her speak, a mixed flush of pride and shame curled through her, though pride was strong. The words slipped out, quiet, but more than loud enough for him to hear clearly. "Yes... yes I do."

Tass: "Hahahahaha.... Then show me, slut!" he grunted, pushing his cock back into her mouth. "Suck on it! Show me what a slut you are!" He began to thrust lightly into her mouth, but Klara was left to do much of the work in pleasing him on her own, with her tongue, lips, and what little she could move in her restraints.

Sin: She looked up at him, trying desperately to find hate to fuel defiance, or to find the faith to find God's voice. All she found instead was the remembered whispers of a succubus, and lust. Thick, all pervading lust. Her lips clamped down once more, tongue swirled, caressing, savouring the cock resting in her mouth. Her shoulders thumped against the wood of the stocks as she did her best to slide up and down his length, her neck rubbing against the edges of the hole entrapping her head. But... she couldn't even fathom stopping now.

Tass: "Mmmmm..... Not bad... Bet you'd like to be doing that without the stocks, huh slut?" he grunted as she got to work, his cock growing to its full length and hardness, easily the biggest she'd ever had in her mouth. "How'd you like to be on your knees, working that mouth on my cock, hrm?" He grabbed her hair and thrust down her throat, cramming her mouth full of his rod and choking Klara on his girth.

Sin: She gagged and sputtered on his cock, thick saliva dribbling past her lips as her throat slowly stretched around his girth. She struggled to breath through her nose as pain flared through her shoulders as they smashed hard against the stocks. She couldn't answer him like this, not choking and sputtering. All that came out was a positive strangled groan when she tried to cry out 'Yes!'.

Tass: Letting Klara choke for a moment, he slid back out of her mouth until the saliva coated tip popped free, "hrm? You say something, slut?"

Sin: The fallen knight, for she couldn't even consider herself falling anymore, just... burrowing deeper, coughed and sputtered as she sucked in gasps of air. Spittle dripped from her mouth, thick and white, spattering on the floor, before she looked up. "Yes! I said yes," she admitted with a flush on her face.

Tass: "Yes?" He gave a half thrust into her mouth before pulling back out, "yes to what, slut?"

Sin: Embarassment and lust swirled through her as she looked up at him, cheeks flushed a deep scarlet. "Yes. I want to be on my knees, working your cock. Sucking you... drinking your cum," she said, still panting, believing he would shove himself inside her mouth again.

Tass: "Bwahahahahah!" the man let out that deep belly laugh again, and then reached for the restraints nad clicked them open, releasing Klara from them. He pulled them up and stepped back, his massive rod bobbing in the air, "then what are you waiting for, slut? Get down and do it!" Her body might hunger for it, but if she thought to try and escape, now might be the only opportunity she might get...

Sin: She slid out from the stocks, knees hitting the floor hard, palms slapping against the stone. Her shoulders ached, there was bruises and scratches around her neck. Her eyes flicked to the door, the exit, freedom and purification. The sensation of cum dripping from her cum, her mouth watering at the thought of wrapping her lips around the dark man's cock made her hesitate. Would she get another chance? Her heart pounded in her chest. She could get away now! She started to move, a fast desperate crawl, pointed heels of bone jutting towards the air. It didn't take her long, she was there within seconds... her mouth wrapping around the sorcerer's cock, pulling him in hungrily until his tip was in her eager throat, balls against her chin. Inside she screamed at herself. 'What are you doing?' before calmly replying 'sucking cock.'

Tass: The sorcerer grinned and groaned with pleasure as Klara's mouth once more found its way onto her cock, her internal protests unnoticed by the man's whose rod was embedded in her mouth. "Ahhhh, yeah.... Show me what Aysar taught you," he grunted under his breath, gazing down at her with a grin. His hips thrust, nudging his cockhead deeper into her eager throat, but she let her continue to do much of the work as someone, the scarred man who had never removed his hood, walked in and stopped. "Ahhh... Taking her out of the stocks already?" he rashped, grinning, "sit down and let her do that... We can share."

Sin: The blush deepened as she was walked in upon. One thing to be forced into the stocks, another to willingly slide her lips forcefully down the thick cock ramming into her mouth. But, she didn't stop, didn't even register the words spoken as her fingers began to gently fondle the sorcerer's balls. Any chance of escape was gone... and she had tossed it away. 'Another chance would come. It just wasn't the perfect time yet,' she told herself, denying the truth of it.

Tass: "Come on," the sorcerer she was sucking on grunted, moving over to a couch and sitting on it while Klara was expected to simply follow. The burned man followed her, and when his pants came down he proved to not be damage below the belt as he grabbed Klar'as ass, "get 'is in the air whore, I'mma see if Aldin was tellin the truth 'bout yer cunt."

Sin: Klara did as she was expected, knees and palms carrying her across the floor, hips waving back and forth as she soon found her mouth sinking over the cock of the dark skinned man. Her hips rose upwards with the grasp to her flesh, the pressing figners sending pulses of desire through her soul, presenting her ass and cum dripping cunt to the burned man. She kept her thighs open, baring all as her head bobbed up, and down, eagerly. Hungrily.

Tass: With one partner watching with a grin as Klara worked her mouth up and down on his turgid rod, taking a passive approach as she felt his massive girth starting to throb, the other took the opportunity offered by Klara's exposed sex and simply rammed into her with an audible grunt. "Ahhh.... S'not bad," he grunted as he simply began pounding into her, his cock filling her cunt.

Sin: Pleasure shot upwards through her as the cock was buried inside her, forcing Aldin's cum out, and in thicked streams down her thighs. Her hips began to work, pushing back against the burned man. Some part of her, the small, so far uncorrupted part of her brain, kept listening, straining to find a way out of this before it was too late. But most of Klara knew it was far too late.

Tass: With her pussy being rammed from behind and her mouth full of cock, Klara was getting it from both ends. Bolts of pleasure shot up her spine as the burned mage fucked her from behind, pounding into her wildly with little technique while letting out rhasping grunts. The darker man grunted and grabbed her head, forcing her to keep working for a moment before pulling her off and dragging her head down to his balls.

Sin: As her lips found the base of the darker man's base, the slight brush of hair against her nose, she let one of Aysar's gifts finally come into play. Her tongue, elongated, demonic, a sign of what she really wanted, slipped outwards after wrapping around his cock, and slithered down over his balls. Her moans remained muffled, quiet, as her hips eagerly slapped back against the harsh, burned man.
Sin: ((had to look up somethin in the logs, took a few minutes))

Tass: (No worries.) "Nnnn, that tongue! Definitely keeping you," the dark sorcerer grunted, while the burned man hammered away at her sex wildly. He was panting harder, throbbing, and then suddenly bucked into her to the hilt. Hot, thick cum started pouring into Klara's pussy, filling her deep as she was left to buck against him as he poured his seed inside. The other man held her head against his balls, his cock pulsing against her face, until Klara had finished being filled with the burned man's cum.

Sin: Klara, the succubus in training, the fallen knight, groaned around the cock in her mouth as a fresh wave of cum flowed into her cunt. Hot, sticky, invigorating. Her tongue massaged the length of the dark man's cock, seeking more spunk to fill her maw, even as her cunt clenched down firmly upon the man behind her.

Tass: The cock before her jumped, throbbing readily, and the man behind her groaned as she clenched around his spurting tool. A few more licks, a few more moments of sweet suction, and Klara had her treat, ropes of hot, thick seed squirting out of the Anudorian mage's immense cock for her to drink down or feel raining onto her face.

Sin: She kept her lips wrapped around him, groaning softly as his cum filled her mouth, the ropes lashing across her tongue, sliding along the insides of her cheeks. Klara pulled off before he was finished, her tongue trailling slowly behind, the last few shots splattering across her face. Hot and sticky, rolling down her cheek bone. She smiled, showing the cum in her mouth before swallowing. Why she said what she said next, she didn't really know, except that she was cementing her place, away from her former faith: "Aysar says I look good in cum."

Tass: Groaning, the sorcerer left Klara splattered in semen, ropes falling across her nose and cheeks. "Nnnn... She's right," the man grunted, before letting out another belly laugh as seed continued to lightly leak from his cock. The burned man pulled out, groaning.