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RPG Localization Mod Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story English Mod (RJ131569)

Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story


No problem at all! Didn't realize I was helping making the translation better. Glad to be of help. Here is a screenshot of the wife not being there for me. Right now I am making do with recovery stones/potions.


And not sure if this is intentional or something that was missed. Initially I payed it no heed but what the heck, I might as well report it. Found a string of dialogue that feels like machine translation since it makes little sense. Here is the screenshot of the location and NPC involved.


I keep trying to follow the walkthrough to avoid doing wrong quests but somethings are missing in it. Like the lamp quest where a merchant wants a lamp from the casino. No mention of it affects the game later on or not. Guess I'll have to do a hit and trial on some parts of the game. Probably will wait for your 1.04 patch first before continuing though. Thank you for the hard work you have done btw. Much appreciated.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I keep trying to follow the walkthrough to avoid doing wrong quests but somethings are missing in it. Like the lamp quest where a merchant wants a lamp from the casino. No mention of it affects the game later on or not. Guess I'll have to do a hit and trial on some parts of the game. Probably will wait for your 1.04 patch first before continuing though. Thank you for the hard work you have done btw. Much appreciated.

Thanks for the reports! I did translate the lamp quest. So, I'll take a look at it and verify that it is working. I'll also check that untranslated part.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I did translate the lamp quest. So, I'll take a look at it and verify that it is working.

Apologies, I might have not worded it correctly. For the issue regarding the lamp quest, I was referring to the walkthrough posted by SFrame

For some strange reason, he didn't mention that quest in his guide at all. Maybe he missed it? Still you don't have to worry about that part. The translation for the lamp quest is just fine in-game.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Apologies, I might have not worded it correctly. For the issue regarding the lamp quest, I was referring to the walkthrough posted by SFrame

For some strange reason, he didn't mention that quest in his guide at all. Maybe he missed it? Still you don't have to worry about that part. The translation for the lamp quest is just fine in-game.

Ah, gotcha. Didn't finish the patch tonight. I'm adding the ability to sleep in her bed and recover 80% of her health as well. 80% so that the inn is still worthwhile. I figure I'll put some comment about her cheap bed or something preventing an ideal rest.

I also had a list of minor changes I was holding off until 2.0, but I'll put in what I can fix tomorrow and upload it. Let me know if you've come across anything else. I know someone posted in the main thread about a bunch of grammar errors, text going off the screen and untranslated stuff, but he didn't reply when I asked him for more info. So, if you see any of that, let me know.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Alright time for some reports. Apologies first, I went straight to bed after my last post and had to run some errands after I woke up so it took some time before I could finish the game. Here are my reports regarding issues/bugs[probably?] that I encountered on my way to the good end. Hopefully they are genuine and not a waste of your time.

1) Looky looky, who is back!

Turns out the innkeeper's wife makes an appearance once more in place of her husband the moment the eclipse starts as his cowardly sexually assaulting ass is hiding in the cellar. As you said, whenever he is scripted not be in the inn, the wife spawns properly but she definitely goes missing when the husband shows up.

2) Shady Merchant(s)? So this NPC is sitting in a warehouse right next to the brothel and if your lewdness is low he panics completely if you try to talk with him which abruptly ends the dialogue leading to nowhere. But during the eclipse... he gains the warping ability?
Inside the Warehouse

Outside the Warehouse
If the walkthrough is correct on this, this guy isn't supposed to spawn outside until you have worked in the brothel at least once, which should be impossible in my case since my lewdness level was in the negative(-5). From a RPG point of view, what this guy sells should remain a mystery if you aren't lewd enough. But nothing is perfect so I leave the decision of bug or not to you.

3) Priest's Sexual Training skippable: No screenshots on this one but here are the details. I am a bit of a stickler for role playing so when I decided to aim for the good end, I wanted to avoid any and all sexual content. Obviously the priest was being a dick[literally] by not selling any holy magic before "converting" me so initially i skipped him and went to the castle in the sky without holy skills. Later on though, when the eclipse happened the guy stated that he is distracted because of the events outside and that he has "no time for training Aina today." Though he never screwed Aina, his dialogues indicated that he had. Now nothing game breaking here, but a bit off-puting if the dialogues were intended, as it breaks role playing immersion or at least it did for me. Though the upside of this little issue was that he was now willing to sell holy/earth magic without the fucky fucky. Good stuff because Grecko is a pain in the butt[pun intended] even at level 30 with tricked out equipment. Holy/Wind magic helps.

4) Building access blocked.


So this happens when one of the thug brothers runs off with the demon parts. Since you need to chase him down it is obvious there is no time to go knocking doors... only the access to buildings remain blocked long after you defeat both brothers and put their asses in the jail. So basically everything from inn to blacksmith remains locked. If this is not a bug then players are advised to stock up and buy everything before turning in the demon's head because that is the last opportunity to access merchants before the game ends.


Here is a list of spelling errors/machine translations/missed translations I encountered.

1) Missed translation when you try to access brothel's stairs without working there.

2) Not sure if this is intentional or not but building names that pop up on the doors are all in Japanese. Example:

3) Machine translation if you try to access the hole in the wall instead of the stairs when chasing down the thug who took the demon parts.

4) Carla's spelling misspelled when she is in the infirmary.

5) Untranslated chest contents. Location: Bottom center, in the first room as you enter the Old Devil City.

6) Untranslated old man's lines in the memory room once you finish the game. The rod's lines are translated.


That being said, I am still curious about some things that were left unanswered. I might find the answers to them in my other play through but I might as well leave a mention here in case there are bugs related to them.

1) What is the point of the abandoned house right above Aina's house? I never saw its use from start to end. An event/quest that was scrapped?

2) The prehistoric hobo living in the house on the left bottom of the slum areas. Initially he whines about depleting water and asks you to talk to some rich guy for a solution. Whenever you returned to his hut, before the Zombie extermination, the guy always bitches about the water and asks if you talked to someone to which Aina says "not yet". Is this a quest? Because I never found an rich NPC fitting the criteria to fulfill it.

3) The first floor of the dilapidated house on the right bottom of the slums. I threw a thousand gold on the son's face to take care of the father, but I never really got access to the floor even after the Zombie event. Before that, the son would yell at Aina and block access to the floor and after the Zombie event she herself would stop, saying something which feels weirdly ominous. Leftover quest or some sort addled with mystery?

4) Is there a point to taking Carla out of the container and taking her with you to the HQ? After taking her back I never saw Tucker the crazy[Nice touch for adding reference to Full Metal Alchemist btw]. Does anything change if you don't take her with you?

5) Finally, Crusade Sword vs Sword of Benjamin. Stats wise there isn't much difference but keeping the Benjamin sword felt right as pursuing the good end meant exercising justice and the sword's lore was filled with those words. But is there a good enough reason to trade them? The cat girl felt more like a conniving character to me as she ponders how much she would charge for the sword from the tribe she would "take" it to even though she begs you to trade it for the greater good. After seeing the evil statue of the cat in the HQ, I was kind of wary of cat folks in the game.


Anyways, apologies for the long wall of text. I guess that is about it. I'll report any other issues that I missed in this post while pursuing the other endings. Hopefully this helps for now.


PS: A bit of walkthrough amendment. Nothing to do with translation issues: As per SFrame's guide, the Taoist NPC outside the HQ sells three ornaments. This is incorrect as far as I can tell as per the latest version of the game as he only sold 2 items to me apart from the 2 skills. Though, instead of a cross you get a ring that nullifies all status effects except disable, from the lamp quest. The quest also purifies your corruption so people aiming for other endings apart from good should be wary of doing this quest unless you don't mind losing 5 corruption for the over powered ring.
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Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

so how do i use the english patch? theres 3 downloads a no audio, audio, and hide text popup sowhich ones do i need?
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

so how do i use the english patch? theres 3 downloads a no audio, audio, and hide text popup sowhich ones do i need?

All three will work, they are just options. The default option is "no audio" as it is just the data files. The "audio" version was for people having issues extracting audio files from the original game, so I included them. It's a larger download, so only use if you have issues.

The text-hide version was a request. It has a script to hide the text when viewing H-scenes. Problem is, it doesn't fully hide the messagebox since the dev used the shadow style, not the full message box. Still, some like it better than nothing.

Again, any of the three will work. They are all duplicates with minor differences. Remember, you still need the original game. These are just the translation files to patch into the game. You can find the install instructions on the first page.

@LonerPrime: Awesome! Thanks, I did check this and make note of your report. I'm just busy on my original content game and have not had time to fix them all. But, your work won't go to waste, I'll make the changes when I have time. I do have a plan for a little surprise when the translation hits the 1 year anniversary.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Anyone has a full save file? The fights are so boring and daunting that playing it two more times for the 2 other endings is not gonna happen for me.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Ah, gotcha. Didn't finish the patch tonight. I'm adding the ability to sleep in her bed and recover 80% of her health as well. 80% so that the inn is still worthwhile. I figure I'll put some comment about her cheap bed or something preventing an ideal rest.

I also had a list of minor changes I was holding off until 2.0, but I'll put in what I can fix tomorrow and upload it. Let me know if you've come across anything else. I know someone posted in the main thread about a bunch of grammar errors, text going off the screen and untranslated stuff, but he didn't reply when I asked him for more info. So, if you see any of that, let me know.

So, I know it's been a year, but did you ever finish implementing sleeping in her own bed feature? The download file (From your Patreon) does not seem to include this feature.
If you did implement this feature, could you then give me a download file including said feature?
Sorry for Necroing this Thread!
anybody have full savedata ver. 1.05 eng? can you share with me? i accidentally deleted it.
Is there where you can download the original official translation?
Hmmm, seeing as this resurfaced, and it is high time for me to finally give Aina a spin (among other things *wink*)...
What's the word on the v1.04 of the TL patch, @YummyTiger? I see mentions of it here on the last page (in posts from April, 2017), but did it actually make it somewhere? On your Patreon, there is only mention of v1.0.3., too.
Did I miss something? :)

Anyways, thanks for your hard work, yummy.
Btw, have you tried the official one? How do you feel it compares to yours? (genuinely curious, lol)
@Mihairu: This is the unofficial translation that came out before the developer had any intention to do a translation and put in on the English DLSite. The official translation is available through DLSite and I have no intention of sharing it. This also only contains the necessary translation files, so you will still need the original game to play it.

@zipetya: I never released the update, and when the official translation came out, I totally shelved it. I did have some artwork done, but none of the questlines were fleshed out. Since I'd already purchased Hunter's Quest, I did try the translation. My knowledge of Japanese is about a 2nd-3rd grade level, so it was nice to compare how a professional translator would handle some of the scenes. I was proud at how closely the main storyline stayed and a lot of the major differences were in how we handled the moans and grunts during the h-scenes. If you're familiar with Japanese games, they tend to go a bit overboard sometimes with the sex moaning :p

The only reason to play this one is if you want the additional minor scenes that were added. I think they fit, but I've also seen people who really didn't like a few (primarily the old man's son). All added scenes were to minor NPCs who were not plot relevant. I did edit and add a bit of flavor to a few plot related dialogues (in the introduction), since it seemed the dialogue was a bit stilted and barebones. So, there is that difference as well. If there is any doubt, play the official version as that is the developer's vision.
@Mihairu: This is the unofficial translation that came out before the developer had any intention to do a translation and put in on the English DLSite. The official translation is available through DLSite and I have no intention of sharing it. This also only contains the necessary translation files, so you will still need the original game to play it.

@zipetya: I never released the update, and when the official translation came out, I totally shelved it. I did have some artwork done, but none of the questlines were fleshed out. Since I'd already purchased Hunter's Quest, I did try the translation. My knowledge of Japanese is about a 2nd-3rd grade level, so it was nice to compare how a professional translator would handle some of the scenes. I was proud at how closely the main storyline stayed and a lot of the major differences were in how we handled the moans and grunts during the h-scenes. If you're familiar with Japanese games, they tend to go a bit overboard sometimes with the sex moaning :p

The only reason to play this one is if you want the additional minor scenes that were added. I think they fit, but I've also seen people who really didn't like a few (primarily the old man's son). All added scenes were to minor NPCs who were not plot relevant. I did edit and add a bit of flavor to a few plot related dialogues (in the introduction), since it seemed the dialogue was a bit stilted and barebones. So, there is that difference as well. If there is any doubt, play the official version as that is the developer's vision.

I have a version of the game from Japanese DL.
I need the original files of the English version. I am not so rich to buy the game twice.
I have a version of the game from Japanese DL.
I need the original files of the English version. I am not so rich to buy the game twice.

The translation at the beginning of this post is a patch for the Japanese version. Overwrite the files and the game will be in English. This is not the official translation though. For that, you'll have to buy it or get it from someone else. This version will let you play the entire game in English and is pretty close to the official with extras added to minor NPCs.
The translation at the beginning of this post is a patch for the Japanese version. Overwrite the files and the game will be in English. This is not the official translation though. For that, you'll have to buy it or get it from someone else. This version will let you play the entire game in English and is pretty close to the official with extras added to minor NPCs.
I don't need YOUR translation. I do not need your edits. It’s probably good to translate games, collect money for it, and then force everyone to buy the official version on DL.

I myself am a translator. And I do not collect money from people and do not feed them with empty promises.

If I wanted to throw out the extra $ 10, I would not ask anything here.
Yet you ask for it in the thread for HIS translation, and you're being a condescending dick about it. How does any of what you just wrote add to this thread or your cause? Not to mention that asking for links is cause for bans on the forums nowadays.
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
Yet you ask for it in the thread for HIS translation, and you're being a condescending dick about it. How does any of what you just wrote add to this thread or your cause? Not to mention that asking for links is cause for bans on the forums nowadays.
Specifically, I did not ask him. I asked the question - where can I download the official translation.
Ban links on forums? What kind of nonsense? That is, links to exchangers - you can, but links to something else is impossible?
I don't need YOUR translation. I do not need your edits. It’s probably good to translate games, collect money for it, and then force everyone to buy the official version on DL.

I myself am a translator. And I do not collect money from people and do not feed them with empty promises.

If I wanted to throw out the extra $ 10, I would not ask anything here.

You are not in the official translation forum thread, you are in the thread for MY translation. The translation is done and released. How is that empty promises? I didn't charge for this translation, so what in the fuck are you talking about money for? You can freely download it at the front page. Also, I was only pointing out the edits so you knew what you were getting, not to brag about them.

Anyways, you decided to attack and get rude to someone politely answering your requests. Since you say you are a translator, then you should understand the amount of work that went into doing this. Try to be a little less condescending in the future.
Specifically, I did not ask him. I asked the question - where can I download the official translation.
Ban links on forums? What kind of nonsense? That is, links to exchangers - you can, but links to something else is impossible?

And with that, you've allowed yourself to be banned. Both YummyTiger and HentaiProdigy have told you that links are not being distributed here and that it was against the rules to ask for them. I even turned a blind eye to your initial post because I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were actually asking for the DLSite link. And yet you proceed to blatantly ask, with nearly the same wording as the rules ask you not to. Next time, read the rules before posting.

This particular line of conversation ends here.