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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Alright, I'll bite. I'll give you some attention.

You'll probably figure a lot of this out when you become an adult (because it is clear that you are maybe, maybe 14 years old), but let me give you a head start on some things.

1. Getting people to dislike you isn't hard. Yeah, if you make a bunch of retarded and clearly uneducated remarks, people will dislike you. Myth busted. Nobody is impressed when people accomplish this great feat -- even if they are super cool and rebellious and totally don't even, like, care that they are a loser.

2. If you are trying to convince people that you don't value their perspectives, you generally don't want to take the time to log onto your account, check the thread, and write out a response just to tell them that. By responding, you undo the whole "independent" image you are so concerned with cultivating.

3. No one gives a shit that you don't give a shit that they dislike you. They still dislike you, and it's because you're an idiot.

4. You know what actually IS impressive? Getting people to like you. Being an interesting person. Being funny, or contributing to the discussion by providing thoughtful commentary. Shoot for these goals instead of whatever it is you're trying to do now.

What do you mean by "flat", here? Just a simple environment + some number of enemies (aka a "kill quest")?

Go Home, You're Drunk
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Good AI is hard to program. Whenever you think you've done it well, the user does something that the AI doesn't know how to handle. Of course, it also depends on the complexity of the game. I.e. AI for hearts is easier to implement and takes less time to calculate for than Chess.

3D, yes. 2D sidescroller? Not that difficult. It's actually a fairly simple decision tree. He's probably limited by the engine. What impresses me is the random nature he got right for the flies aerial motion, although at no point do they land on the ground, which in reality they would do occasionally. But hey, it's all a work of fiction.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

1) These are very strong space flies. Also, in the background some of them are seen resting.

2) The Simulation enemy has a simple AI: Aya is in reach: Shoot. When Aya is lying on the floor: Approach. They don't interact with the height anyway, i.e. they don't jump.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Don't respond to this guy, just report him and move on.

First rule of ignoring people. Don't talk about ignoring people.

It's really just obnoxious and adds nothing, we're all adults here (I hope) and this isn't something you'd need to be told at this age.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Is this game going to get more story? Progress?

Or will it just give one new stage and one new enemy every few months?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Is this game going to get more story? Progress?

Or will it just give one new stage and one new enemy every few months?

I'd love to see another pregnancy / birth sequence, other than the flys. Frogs maybe?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

i just wish he finished nano crisis, and the dog lvl was impossible for me (tried 15-20x with a variety of guns and strategies) probably a very good challenge for any1 who did beat/survive it. i hope he makes up for it a good long and updated enough (per update if not once a month or 2, which idt will happen) then all at oncelike 2+ yrs from now its 4+ times as big in story and 8+ times in progress, monsters, fun times, and everything when finished. :) cuz the style and story is 1 of a kind awesome to me and top 3 of my top fave hgames!!! :D ^^ dont remember the other faves off hand, but only out of this world ones like this 1 that r unique and i dont find a 3rd game like it especially if its the only game of its kind, and ofc i love to play this 1 and the others over and over once in a while like every month or few. (also could prolly beat the dog lvl in nano crisis if we couldve used a sword like in this game) :p
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

i just wish he finished nano crisis, and the dog lvl was impossible for me (tried 15-20x with a variety of guns and strategies) probably a very good challenge for any1 who did beat/survive it. i hope he makes up for it a good long and updated enough (per update if not once a month or 2, which idt will happen) then all at oncelike 2+ yrs from now its 4+ times as big in story and 8+ times in progress, monsters, fun times, and everything when finished. :) cuz the style and story is 1 of a kind awesome to me and top 3 of my top fave hgames!!! :D ^^ dont remember the other faves off hand, but only out of this world ones like this 1 that r unique and i dont find a 3rd game like it especially if its the only game of its kind, and ofc i love to play this 1 and the others over and over once in a while like every month or few. (also could prolly beat the dog lvl in nano crisis if we couldve used a sword like in this game) :p

I have no idea how people had hard time with dogs in nanocrisis... they were nothing special if you used the right type of gun.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I have no idea how people had hard time with dogs in nanocrisis... they were nothing special if you used the right type of gun.

Because until you used the right type of gun (with each type of gun costing a considerable sum of money, and nothing clearly delineating that each gun has different hitstun properties anyway), it was almost impossible?

What an asinine statement to make.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Because until you used the right type of gun (with each type of gun costing a considerable sum of money, and nothing clearly delineating that each gun has different hitstun properties anyway), it was almost impossible?

What an asinine statement to make.

actually, any weapon worked in that stage, you had to run to the right limit and shoot towards it then looking backwards only when a dog came, izi pizi with the first gun... (with lv1 armor you were permagrabbed though i'll give you that)
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The only problem with the dog stage was that if you got caught it was perma rape time, because the dogs could cum and continue fucking without limit.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The only problem with the dog stage was that if you got caught it was perma rape time, because the dogs could cum and continue fucking without limit.

The power type armour fixed that.
Each armour type has it's own speciality, defense taking less overall damage, power making it easier to escape from rapes (And was pretty much mandatory on the dog level) and balanced being a combination between the two.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I have no idea how people had hard time with dogs in nanocrisis... they were nothing special if you used the right type of gun.

I had a hard time because my laptop would not allow me to hold three buttons at once (crouch, aim, and fire.) I had to shoot them as the jumped.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Nanocrysis would always crash on me in the first level.
So hounds of the blade is the first game i've been able to play.
And even with this game, I have to start it up without sound enabled so it doesn't crash.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Looks like the purple dude trigger has changed again.

The script file thats called when you exit the stage now his this code block before the normal check:

if global.event_flag[100]==0

I'm not entirely sure what event flag 100 is though...

Edit: Ah. its set when you go to the hole bar and speak to the Master there, he'll tell you about a rapist running amok.
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Oh no!! His website is listed as up for rental. I wonder if he finally threw in the towel.
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