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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

and i still believe this game will pull a nanocrisis on us (again).

really hope it doesn't. but at this point it's already better than most hentai games out there, free and paid.

if you disagree you're wrong and should consider suicide
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

It's probably been answered before, but there are a hundred some-odd pages, so...

How do you unlock the cockroach level? I've beaten the lizard and orc level, and I'm at the point where you first meet with Gotou.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Well, outside of just throwing the save files out there, I can't really help you. I don't remember the sequence to activate it.

View attachment 19538

Unpack it and replace your save folder with that. Open up the game and load up save #18. It should load you in Ishukun district...and the tunnels should be there. Assuming you don't have the translation, it's the third selection from the bottom.

Re: Hounds Of The Blade

For those who want to know how to unlock the cockroach level, I think it is dependent on buying the mid-grade sake, but not sure as I never tested other options

You have to finish the pub event to get him to show up.

Refresher: Rat Stage -> Apologise at Bar -> Talk to Fio -> Talk to Embassy -> Talk to Swordsman -> Fight Mendes -> Bar -> Swordsman -> Bar -> Night Bar , buy 2000 sake -> Swordsman -> Bar -> Slum, fight Cobolio again.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

If this pulls a nanocrisis the next game will be awesome!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

the only random thing is whether a stage spawns one kind of enemy or the other(of 2 choices... in 2 stages... not a lot), so i don't know what invisble rng you mean.

i mean how many stages are there? like, eight? when you take that into consideration, having two stages that necessitate a tedious and counterintuitive "spam-refresh" ordeal is a pretty back-breaking yoke for a game like this. even more so when you consider that ultimately, people stare at their monitors, decide "i want to watch the HotB girl get railed by some bats.", open HotB, and expect to be able to go to the bat stage and get fucked by bats. you can't do that if you have to spam the bat stage just to get the bats to spawn.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

i mean how many stages are there? like, eight? when you take that into consideration, having two stages that necessitate a tedious and counterintuitive "spam-refresh" ordeal is a pretty back-breaking yoke for a game like this. even more so when you consider that ultimately, people stare at their monitors, decide "i want to watch the HotB girl get railed by some bats.", open HotB, and expect to be able to go to the bat stage and get fucked by bats. you can't do that if you have to spam the bat stage just to get the bats to spawn.

This is why you have a save in the ship. pick your level and go. :p

As for "spamming" the bat stage...I have no idea what you mean. the bats are like on the first screen, maybe second. Just do the dash while jumping.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

This is why you have a save in the ship. pick your level and go. :p

As for "spamming" the bat stage...I have no idea what you mean. the bats are like on the first screen, maybe second. Just do the dash while jumping.

Pretty sure he was just using the bats as an arbitrary example and not talking about them specifically.

And I agree with his point. It's the reason I haven't even bothered with the last couple of updates. Secret/random trigger stages are fine in a mainstream game, but in an H-game, when that stage has the content you are looking for, you're just going to end up thinking it's not worth it and fapping to something else. In an H-game people expect instant (or at least reasonably quick) gratification. And considering the purpose most of us use it for, I don't think that is being terribly unreasonable.

That's not to say the game -or the dev- is bad, just think he should quit with the secret/random stage business.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

you know you can get a refund if you want, right?

oh wait, it's free


You have less then 10 posts and already negative reputation. I can see why with a post like this.
His criticism is valid and isn't even close to coming off as whiney.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

you know you can get a refund if you want, right?

oh wait, it's free


When I am on a limited bandwidth connection, no it is not "free". It still costs a valuable resource (being 100s of MB), one I could be spending on something else.

And I wasn't really complaining anyway, just saying textbook703 had a valid point.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

You mean you guys didn't get the memo? No more criticizing things that are free! Constructive or otherwise!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Though I actually do appreciate that people are stepping up to defend my post, it was just the one retard. I think it goes without saying that any individual dumb enough to see my post as anything but thoughtful and constructive criticism, is dumb enough not to warrant more than a moment's thought. We should try to get back on topic.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

True, and for that I'll engage myself in the discussion at hand.

I've been following this thread and his blog for a while now and really seems like he is losing sight of his original plan for the game.

True that there is some progression but the bigger picture just really isn't there, like he had an idea in mind for some over arching antagonist but then turned Aya into some glorified pest exterminator.

Not to say that I mind him coming out every few months and throwing something new on the table that we can watch fuck Aya senseless; the fly animations rank pretty high in my list of all time favorite H game features and made me realize how much I love insect stuff. Here's hoping Eromancer's insects are the next big contender.

However, I haven't been as interested in the game in a long time. He just seems to be losing interest and I hope that's not the case and I realize that my thinking that might be disheartening to him if he were to ever read this comment. I deleted my game file with full translation and save a while back for some reason and I wish I hadn't, which is where I agree that the game can be a hassle to get back into without Wessex's translations or someone else's save file.
It still feels like it needs a setup and more of a robust beginning with a better direction, not to mention the upgrades and level progression instead of having Aya start out at level 25 or whatever it is. For me, starting out at a higher level makes me feel like I'm thrown into the middle of something already in progress and always makes me feel like I'm missing out on something.
That seems to imply that she's leveled enough to get the experience to know what she's up against or what to expect instead of going out to fight a bunch of horny flies with a thin piece of cloth guarding her asshole from fly cock. But hey, god bless her for her naïveté. (No, I'm not trying to over analyze an H game, I'm here to watch dick/tentacle/appendage ravage a scantily clad woman)

And I'm in full agreement that a lot of animations can go missed or are a complete pain in the ass to see altogether or even replicate because of how it's set up. I still haven't seen some animations because a lot of animations that kick in only during downed states sometimes just never happen and animations continue on eternally.
All in all, I feel for him because he clearly has ideas and is obviously putting forth the effort, but each update makes the game less and less accessible to new players, English only players anyway. (Thank the many cocked tentacle god for Wessex) But any sense of direction seems to be fading fast and I know a lot of players would like a bit more context or story and need more than just a scenario and a scene because even with the translations I still feel like a bystander in the game with a faint idea of what's happening while I watch Aya go from place to place instead of actually seeing the events unfold from her point of view, if that makes any sense.
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Well my opinion on the matter is that i love the game yes but is lacking...something as people say, to see a scene sometimes luck is involved, you kinda can't get what you want at the moment but well i can live with that (Sort of xD)

My most important....problem you could say, is the no consecuencies theme that the game has, you go to a stage, get raped a lot and then everything is well in the galaxy! the same with the cobolo or the mendez you can go to the bar an talk with your rapers! and thats what stops me from playing it a lot, i just play it for the new scene not for the story since as i said it mathers not a virgin run or a full slut run...its the same so i kinda don't bother with it.

But...but! i will say that i love the game, aya is a character with a personality that i can love...the shame is that i can't corrupt her xD.

I'm not saying that the game is bad, just what i would like to see implemented
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

can anybody up the save file which has the alternate monsters like the wingless fly and the other guy in rocky mountain stage.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Is there a torrent for this?. I get failed - network error on large zip files far too often.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Pretty sure he was just using the bats as an arbitrary example and not talking about them specifically.

And I agree with his point. It's the reason I haven't even bothered with the last couple of updates. Secret/random trigger stages are fine in a mainstream game, but in an H-game, when that stage has the content you are looking for, you're just going to end up thinking it's not worth it and fapping to something else. In an H-game people expect instant (or at least reasonably quick) gratification. And considering the purpose most of us use it for, I don't think that is being terribly unreasonable.

That's not to say the game -or the dev- is bad, just think he should quit with the secret/random stage business.

Well as long as we're taking new content into consideration here, then I can agree. One of my favorite H-scenes is the dinosaurs, and that doesn't even take a minute to get to hence my confusion with the post. It's really no trouble at all.

But I DO find it annoying to have to download 800MB files with 1 new scene that has a special way to activate and it turns out to be something I'm not particularly fond of.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Well as long as we're taking new content into consideration here, then I can agree. One of my favorite H-scenes is the dinosaurs, and that doesn't even take a minute to get to hence my confusion with the post. It's really no trouble at all.

But I DO find it annoying to have to download 800MB files with 1 new scene that has a special way to activate and it turns out to be something I'm not particularly fond of.

But what if your favorite is the hunters, or the uh... purple guy outside the cockroach warehouse? Just look at the last like 10 pages of this thread, which have been filled with people saying "wait how do I get to this place again"
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Maybe I'm just lucky, but the only scene I've had any trouble getting at first was the purple guy scene. All of the other stages and whatnot I got just by doing everything and visiting everyone, and eventually unlocking stuff.

When I saw the post about how to get the purple guy scene, I tried it out, and I've never not gotten it, so I have no problems with the secret scenes and stuff, especially given the other content in the game is great as well.

Now, if you asked me how I unlocked half the stuff in the game, I couldn't tell you. The secondary hunter enemies on both stages just kind of showed up for me out of the blue and everything else was just the result of talking to people a lot. I don't remember details, which probably isn't a good thing, but since it's an h-game, I'll cut it a bit of slack.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Purple dude isn't a random encounter though, its a set trigger based on leaving the warehouse with your hp below a certain threshold.

Hunters and goblins aren't that hard to trigger either, I usually only need to leave and re-enter the stage upto three times before they trigger.
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