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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Sorry, what?

[picture of a nurse with an enlarged belly]

I don't get it?

I am especially uncomfortable because I know a (very attractive, blonde, model/dancer) girl who cosplayed as that nurse. I thought it was just a generic sexy nurse costume. Is it a character in a hentai game...?

No way.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I don't get it?

I am especially uncomfortable because I know a (very attractive, blonde, model/dancer) girl who cosplayed as that nurse. I thought it was just a generic sexy nurse costume. Is it a character in a hentai game...?

No way.

Skullgirls fighting game.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I'm gonna say I wish he made it easier to access certain enemies again, once you get past them. Like the flightless fly or the two gangsters. There are save states in the game however via the F keys(which I had forgotten for a while), so I guess that helps a bit.

I think I missed that flightless fly one...

Unless you talking about the hunters? If you mean the Hunters, they show up randomly...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Dude asked us to stop jumping down each other's throats...pic of a vore...ha chachacha cha? I thought it was clever'ish at least...meh.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Where can i find download link to the game. The link on first page is blocked due to violations.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Wow the creator's blog has been blocked! I wonder what happened.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I had to remove the link from the first post since FC2 has had his blog removed due to one of the following 2 reasons.

•There was a violation against the terms of use.
•This user caused other users trouble.

Seeing as how I've never seen him cause other users trouble, I can only imagine that either FC2 updated their rules regarding content, or that they had rules in place that he violated.

Now a lot of game developers would just go out and find a new blog, but from his posts, he seems to be the type who could easily just say, "fuck it" and that'll be that for Hounds.

Time will tell.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I had to remove the link from the first post since FC2 has had his blog removed due to one of the following 2 reasons.

•There was a violation against the terms of use.
•This user caused other users trouble.

Seeing as how I've never seen him cause other users trouble, I can only imagine that either FC2 updated their rules regarding content, or that they had rules in place that he violated.

Now a lot of game developers would just go out and find a new blog, but from his posts, he seems to be the type who could easily just say, "fuck it" and that'll be that for Hounds.

Time will tell.

I doubt it's FC2 changing their rules about content, since they have porn ads there all the time. Also, Fairy Fighting's Eluku's blog is still up, and he posts some wicked images sometimes.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Used the search thread tool, found no fix that worked, so I'll ask here.

I have my game set to Jap locale, but whenever I try to open the .exe it says "Cannot read game file"

I saw a fix saying to rename the file and the .exe to "Blade", but that didn't work. Any suggestions?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

IT seems like FC2 has closed down multiple accounts recently (mostly because of sharing other peoples content it seems)
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

kinda sad i never got to play this game and even sadder now the sites gone..man all that guys hard work gone god damn it fc2
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Damn and I didn't download the latest version. This was one of like the 5 or so reasons I come to ulmf, that sucks.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Does anyone have the latest version that they can upload somewhere? Been out of the loop for awhile.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

there is something on twitter.com/inui20100621
And, by the way, google cache still working
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Yes it is.
So he wrote "Because bestiality expression caught the terms of the FC2, the blog is now frozen. After that, I will continue to update mainly of this website."
And the latest update is there.

ps. Back to lurking ;)
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

His new site htt p://inufactory.sakura.ne.jp/

yep inded.
2014/04/14 ホームページリニューアル
translated: Homepage renewal

So i guess he moved from fc2.
Nice to see that he's still dev the game.
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