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Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

After a little bit of looking, something became apparent to Will... One of the towers seemed to be apartment-style housing. Also, while it was getting later on in the night, there were sounds of someone approaching from the direction of the station he'd arrived at himself. The incoming person spoke up first.

"Ah, I wasn't expecting someone this late... Is there something that I can help you find out?"

Depending on how well Will knows people and events, he might be able to identify the newcomer as none other than Nathan Cross himself.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Will jumped a little at the newcomer's voice. Truth to tell, he'd been too preoccupied with the building to pay much attention to passersby. Turning, he gave the man a smile.

"Maybe; I'm looking for a guy named Nathan Cross - he works here, right? Do you know if he's still in?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate chuckled a little. "No, I stepped out for a bit. But, I do actually live here, so I'm sure I'll be back soon. What is it you need?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Will raised an eyebrow. This was the guy? He didn't look like someone working for a medical tech corporation - at least, not officially. Then again, that might be why someone was interested in him. On an impulse, he stuck out a hand.

"Will Hadley. I move cargo down at the docks - someone asked for me to make a delivery today. He acted a little odd, said his name was Eric Drake and that I should tell you he's around. Does that ring any bells?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate was about to take Will's handshake when the name was dropped and he just froze. After a moment, he cautiously started speaking again. "Did that Drake mention anything else?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

For a moment, Will hesitated. What did he know about Cross, other than that he was high up in some tech company? That didn't mean he was trustworthy - hell, that actually dinged him a bit as far as he was concerned.

Then again, the odds that Drake was up to something shady were pretty good, and he'd involved Will without so much as a please. He doubted very much the man was any better at "thank you".

"He wanted to know about something called Avalon. What's this all about, and why did he need me to tell you?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

When Will mentioned 'Avalon' a very confused look passed over Nate's face, and his hand started to drop back down slowly.

"Why the hell would he be asking about that? It's our public access information server back on Earth."

He paused, then continued. "As for Drake himself... He's probably about the worst thing you could have run into, but I'm afraid that there's little to be done about it right now. He's part, if not the head, of a rogue intel group. I don't know why they'd be here, or what they'd be planning that involves me and my company... But it's not likely to be good, or pretty."

Nate sighed. "And unfortunately for you... That bastard's a little too damn good at keeping tabs on people he's using."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"Oh. Great. Wonderful." Will snorted. "Industrial espionage. I love being a pawn in industrial espionage. Why would he want me to warn you, though? I mean, I'm seeing two options from that. Either he's the kind of guy who never bothered to wrap birthday presents, or he wants that information passed on because he thinks he know how you'll react."

His mouth twisted into a sardonic grin. "Either that, or I'm a double agent trying to gain your confidence. Look how good I am at my job."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate snorted. "No, no... Not industrial espionage. Not his style, too low key. As for the warning... From what I've heard, the man's got arrogance about his abilities like you wouldn't believe. Probably had you warn me just so I'd know, because he figures that no one can do anything about it."

He then grinned. "Of course, all I've told you is things about him, or what anyone with any kind of contacts like an intel agent should have would already have been able to find out."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"I'm lulling you into a false sense of security. See? It's working already. Scary, right?"

Will shook his head. "I don't think I like the idea of being this guy's messenger boy. Any idea on how I can shake him? One that doesn't end with him deciding I'm a loose end?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate paused, thinking. "Well, there's two ways I can think of off of the top of my head. I could bring you on staff here. Not even the staff housing here has had a security breach, yet. Or I could try to put you in touch with someone else I know, someone who probably has way more experience in dealing with intel games that I do."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"You've got an...interesting system for job interviews, Cross." Will shrugged. "I'm not one for getting caught up in spy games. What sort of openings do you have?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate shrugged. "Without going up to my office to check? Well, I know that we still need someone who's at least halfway decent with keeping track of what's being used and what's coming in for our supplies... Might also need someone to help with any new employees moving in. Shifting the furniture and whatnot. As for interviews... I tend only to worry heavily about formal interviews for more skill intensive jobs, like the medical or development staff. No offense meant if you do have training for one of those types of positions, but you haven't struck me so far as having the required training for such a position."
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"Eh, that's fair." Will returned the shrug. "I don't have much in the way of R and D background. I'm not bad at keeping things organized, though, and I'm good with machines. Used to be a freighter pilot, but they grounded me when Hope Shipping got investigated." He grinned. "I don't suppose you need anything flown around by someone not technically allowed to, do you?"
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate chuckled, but shook his head. "No, I don't think so."

He sighed a bit, then added, "If you want to talk more, or handle things in a more formalized fashion, you might want to try coming back in the late morning or early afternoon tomorrow. I'm afraid that it is starting to get rather late, and I've got a meeting in the morning with someone from the tech division." It would be a little obvious now that he'd obviously been out doing some kind of physical activity, and the tiredness was starting to show a little.
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Will gave him a slightly puzzled look. What had he been doing, going for a jog? "All right. I...need some time to think on this anyway. There's a lot to deal with. I'll drop by when I'm done with my shift." He gave Cross a brisk nod and turned, heading back towards home.

What a night it had been.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Nate made his way up to his own apartment in the building once Will left, his mind already on the "meeting" he'd mentioned having in the morning. Of course, that train of thought lasted only long enough for him to leave a note for himself about it, before he crashed out for the night.

Next Morning

When Bell got to the building, she'd find that the elevator would take her straight up to Nate's office/apartment, without her having to argue with anyone, or anything. Once she got to the meeting room she'd been in the previous day, however, it was empty. Of course, it's entirely possible that Nate just wasn't up yet, for some reason.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Bell was a little surprised to have such an easy time getting up to see Cross, since as far as she knew, she had no appointment. At the same time, she wasn't too surprised that the man had seen her coming, so to speak.

Or did he? The drow woman frowned as she looked around the empty meeting room. Sighing, she spoke up, directing a question at the AI she assumed was omnipresent in the facility. "Excuse me. First, I'm not sure what to refer to you as. Second, I'm here to see Cross. I assume he mentioned to expect me, or I would have been stopped at the door, but... Where is he, exactly?"
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Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

Rather than the AI responding, there was a slight groan and some shuffling noises from a side room, then Nate spoke up before even entering the room. From the sounds of it, he might have *just* woken up within the time since Bell reached the Center.

"Yeah, I was expecting you... And I haven't really named the AI yet. Still working on it." He stumbled out into the meeting room, dressed in a t-shirt and a loose pair of sweatpants. His appearance just confirmed that he'd just woken up.
Re: Horizon Research and Treatment Center - Admin Building and Dormitory

"Oh, good! Do you want some coffee, or something? Help to wake you up?" She asked sweetly, looking around the meeting room for a coffee machine. Most human meeting rooms had them somewhere, and she liked the stuff enough to buy one for her house, though she never thought to use it as often as she liked.
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